From: Subject: Starting an Orgone Committee, OC Date: Sat, 4 Sep 93 23:56:39 PDT Starting an Orgone Committee This can be done by any individual who can meet the requirements of the Mentor stage of the Yellow Circle. They must also do the following: 1. Send copies of all oaths and papers to the Archives. 2. Have compiled a Reading List of books to add to the one we sent you to suit your own Committee. 3. Create at least two of the following to ground the activities of your Committee: Computer Bulletin Board, Magazine, Video, Orgone Box, Dream Machine, Pyramid, Hieronomyous Device, Production of psilocybin or other sacrament(s), Float tank, Cloudbuster, Orgone Shooter, Orgone blanket, Art work, Other (please specify). 4. You must officially Open a Room 101, some of the activities in which your Committee trains themselves as a group and as individuals take place here. It acts as the physical command post, laboratory, workout room, armory, temple, and all members of your group are entitled to shelter there in times of distress, the exact parameters of this to be worked out by each Room 101 Custodian on a case by case basis. 5. Please be aware that Committee founders get no special recognition except for whatever prestige they can wring out of the anti-authoritarian types that are able to survive within a Committee environment. There's something wrong with your whole show if you're attracting folks that are too impressed by that sort of thing anyway.