libndp0-1.6-150000.3.3.1<>,Tf~mp9|oj80I$'_}qm ӎ<^󝖍9jKxv|c*N8e'z:ϲ[UL.. %sl/ѪV;]SR0ǯVAĉbȏ (.lIƤ8y>@ ? d   M /FLTd l t   ,@Tt(89:7> @ F $G @H PI `X dY p\ ] ^ b c d 8e =f @l Bu Xv hw $x 4y Dz P ` d j Clibndp01.6150000.3.3.1Libraries and header files for libndp developmentThis package contains a library which provides a wrapper for IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol.f~mibs-power9-18qSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1+ gA큤    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/}T@WA@T| Add libndp-CVE-2024-5564.patch: add a check on the route information option length field (bsc#1225771 CVE-2024-5564).- Update to version 1.6 (bsc#979645 CVE-2016-3698): * libndp: reject redirect and router advertisements from non-link-local * libndp: validate the IPv6 hop limit - Changes for version 1.5: * ndptool: validate the IPv6 hop limit - Small spec file adjustement: * Used spec-cleaner * Make building more verbose * Update describtion of subpackages * Use correct cathegory for subpackage- Update to version 1.4: + libndp: fix buffer overflow in ndp_msg_opt_dnssl_domain().- Update to version 1.3: + libndp: fix [cppcheck] Undefined behavior: Variable 'buf' is used as parameter and destination in s[n]printf(). - No longer bootstrap: the tarball is complete. - Remove libtool, automake and autoconf BuildRequires: no longer needed.- Minor cleanups for inclusion into Factory: + Shared Library packages must only contain libraries (move binary file and man page to main package). + Adjust RPM Groups: Productivity/Networking/Other for the main package and System/Libraries for the shared library package.- library for neighbour discovery, for later use by NetworkManager/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigibs-power9-18 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c0bf73f2c8586a900fe269be36c4b18658eced35, strippeddirectoryASCII textPRRA7" zȝԥutf-83f263ab63ce71af8fe16c04dcc076ba020c550817284a733c14e53165e9146bc?7zXZ !t/ +]"k%LНd̾^M]I>cj4υᷫr72+4?WtlsvZ@b|МA`KzXy]][˰- R` ^uoEb~Ì^9NUsr,DǬ@:C(eo}v#2עP(V(7"ތ&EGqq&0 ݁Dcq~yǴ|->Po1k*_~Qi]PBtG>=Hی=m֨\Śd{ް%4lXi7: e|e2ԣ_!5OÈ :ݦ8WJ-R#[Q8ɇ9S_+sI>'sjXOUƻ(C{ZN ȝnhr&d5i7ƿ70_`k!'Z3[bK\/*>4ٙ/e|/ Ŧ %5P0֟LFanc8?z#~\}_T#V-Ņ90se ÿ́ ($BA9Gw!R5{B+!FɯF"$@ܺ\5ZTN?o2|ϗ@tu*F֍P0YiΦ;H멖 -||dgpVߠG*^!cJu;_e/6uzys=0hja@%< E0)UEOKzX9մ^_!oY˝Qih,XJ/QWr ګ,G_l{Z@ d^b&wZ̎)Y!r&ZB5"OU6ۛїCX!^?x07IYD؂ ^\=<ڐM.Z!pC\)p cl!0v:GDK/.<}v/2_]t* 4>͙$˖SK" \y`I-+Y2zqe֐ 0=īhHBor5k_5K݋8ͽ"\bnк[R'>g.m{jS& _>T@ܒ1ֶD+*;?I7҇k1w~З;' utP u'U@j~dq][MlcPRr|Hc轷L'tk !tjjz-ثLШ\>wu>+"M*WC)熐 fK&S }hKe;4f. _0dc܈C8p<Bsx ;%2˻m1 t|iTi`!fKM^_?}'P/x٨E+*\xa,&)ug:#y@c19>8ݩ(wxA8 Hf ,"hf|x۴yTƘoOWRlgu: ! Y^N@['_ߓ #telǟX+ [Ti[/dbv,/t7v>F~FrIHL+:N3`z:fu18I6${|%U<9N۟oˎ<ǘO[n Bjv.bDsPe?1vOb3! vs{l#:=t9-*ZK`-dDz>70S9!@@c׿+WJ2},BÑ[75L]tx'"fEƬO+I2U;vy'k,#a)z]RJiD` 8uobJ9޽ɯB'.LҬ`;9huHTuB=h6 U@"&p;C/ĽΛn$H,1(z^ܦ"Hl jc+* v0s.;+hsw w qUkx_<{iDBB3C5C!8[\@ k"W[\J^hwOa1s6y:DF1֋`Ausu EkGX&rMǘ>۳Nz{>vwr_6+Nd/ qjog5/]zFEI2lT*2լJ=aB9jDFWKf8lΦнv+]2R3I\'Ca@ JBR+*#Q3tEFtm vu/rc0 V+CkD@ ۺN(S%iy2)le̴%709uͧO؉2W)lU:^ JhғO'E.'DZh`\Nuc5"x*f1/ToAҰ(^o97rb3eeh?tڱ ,Lᑭgw#c%Tʝ*ȁ {7Î YZ