python39-base-32bit-3.9.19-150300.4.46.1<>,hf~p9|}j'# j[<0y2=_+Tm|,oA6ddCDn[c5 K7;@[6KXoyvOdG1Y1$Ӫ%kjy xCך3 ]s9W"y$-u1qcjD4֖Qoęp9F>+Gbg  >CVh)I%>S?Spd + P04@D]~ ?? Z? ? ? S? ???4?0`9D99( B8 L9#:2>4G<?H8?I4?XtY|\?]?^$b$c%d&@e&Ef&Hl&Ju&\?v'X>wJ,?xK(?yL$S S$S*SlCpython39-base-32bit3.9.19150300.4.46.1Python 3 Interpreter and Stdlib CorePython is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language, and is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme, or Java. You can find an overview of Python in the documentation and tutorials included in the python-doc package. This package contains the interpreter core and most commonly used modules from the standard library. This is sufficient for many usecases, but it excludes components that depend on external libraries, most notably XML, database and UI toolkits support.f~h04-ch1dEfSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Python-2.0|TTT${llQ00fIxHX(XH48'V8GHHy HY}8R&݀6h 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Add CVE-2024-4032-private-IP-addrs.patch to fix bsc#1226448 (CVE-2024-4032) rearranging definition of private v global IP addresses.- Add CVE-2024-0397-memrace_ssl.SSLContext_cert_store.patch fixing bsc#1226447 (CVE-2024-0397) by removing memory race condition in ssl.SSLContext certificate store methods.- Add old-libexpat.patch making the test suite work with libexpat < 2.6.0 (gh#python/cpython#117187).- Update to 3.9.19: - Security - gh-115398: Allow controlling Expat >=2.6.0 reparse deferral (CVE-2023-52425, bsc#1219559) by adding five new methods: xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser.flush() xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLPullParser.flush() xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser.GetReparseDeferralEnabled() xml.parsers.expat.xmlparser.SetReparseDeferralEnabled() xml.sax.expatreader.ExpatParser.flush() - gh-115399: Update bundled libexpat to 2.6.0 - gh-113659: Skip .pth files with names starting with a dot or hidden file attribute. - Core and Builtins - gh-102388: Fix a bug where iso2022_jp_3 and iso2022_jp_2004 codecs read out of bounds - Library - gh-115197: urllib.request no longer resolves the hostname before checking it against the system’s proxy bypass list on macOS and Windows. - gh-115133: Fix tests for XMLPullParser with Expat 2.6.0. - gh-81194: Fix a crash in socket.if_indextoname() with specific value (UINT_MAX). Fix an integer overflow in socket.if_indextoname() on 64-bit non-Windows platforms. - gh-109858: Protect zipfile from “quoted-overlap” zipbomb. It now raises BadZipFile when try to read an entry that overlaps with other entry or central directory (CVE-2024-0450, bsc#1221854). - gh-107077: Seems that in some conditions, OpenSSL will return SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL instead of SSL_ERROR_SSL when a certification verification has failed, but the error parameters will still contain ERR_LIB_SSL and SSL_R_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED. We are now detecting this situation and raising the appropiate ssl.SSLCertVerificationError. Patch by Pablo Galindo - gh-91133: Fix a bug in tempfile.TemporaryDirectory cleanup, which now no longer dereferences symlinks when working around file system permission errors (CVE-2023-6597, bsc#1219666). - Documentation - gh-115399: Document CVE-2023-52425 of Expat <2.6.0 under “XML vulnerabilities”. - Tools/Demos - gh-109991: Update GitHub CI workflows to use OpenSSL 3.0.11 and multissltests to use 1.1.1w and 3.0.11. - Remove upstreamed patches: - CVE-2023-6597-TempDir-cleaning-symlink.patch - libexpat260.patch - Refreshed patches: - F00251-change-user-install-location.patch - python-3.3.0b1-localpath.patch- Use the system-wide crypto-policies [bsc#1211301] * Use the system default cipher list instead of hardcoded values * Add the --with-ssl-default-suites=openssl configure option- Update SPEC file to build on SLE-15-SP5 (jsc#PED-7886).- (bsc#1219666, CVE-2023-6597) Add CVE-2023-6597-TempDir-cleaning-symlink.patch (patch from gh#python/cpython!99930) fixing symlink bug in cleanup of tempfile.TemporaryDirectory. - Repurpose skip-failing-tests.patch to increase timeout for test.test_asyncio.test_tasks.TimeoutTests.test_timeout_time, which fails on slow machines in IBS (s390x).- Remove double definition of /usr/bin/idle%%{version} in %%files.- Add upstream patch libexpat260.patch, Fix tests for XMLPullParser with Expat 2.6.0, gh#python/cpython#115289- Refresh CVE-2023-27043-email-parsing-errors.patch to gh#python/cpython!111116, fixing bsc#1210638 (CVE-2023-27043). - Thus we can remove Revert-gh105127-left-tests.patch, which is now useless.- Update to 3.9.18 (bsc#1214692): - (bsc#1215454, gh-108310) Fixed an issue where instances of ssl.SSLSocket were vulnerable to a bypass of the TLS handshake and included protections (like certificate verification) and treating sent unencrypted data as if it were post-handshake TLS encrypted data. Security issue reported as CVE-2023-40217 by Aapo Oksman. Patch by Gregory P. Smith. - gh-107845: tarfile.data_filter() now takes the location of symlinks into account when determining their target, so it will no longer reject some valid tarballs with LinkOutsideDestinationError. - gh-107565: Update multissltests and GitHub CI workflows to use OpenSSL 1.1.1v, 3.0.10, and 3.1.2. - Refresh all patches: - 98437-sphinx.locale._-as-gettext-in-pyspecific.patch - 99366-patch.dict-can-decorate-async.patch - Revert-gh105127-left-tests.patch - bpo-31046_ensurepip_honours_prefix.patch - decimal.patch - distutils-reproducible-compile.patch - gh-78214-marshal_stabilize_FLAG_REF.patch - python-3.3.0b1-localpath.patch - python-3.3.0b1-test-posix_fadvise.patch - python3-imp-returntype.patch - subprocess-raise-timeout.patch - support-expat-CVE-2022-25236-patched.patch - downport-Sphinx-features.patch- IT MEANS THAT bsc#1210638 STILL HAS NOT BEEN FIXED! - Add Revert-gh105127-left-tests.patch (gh#python/cpython!106941) partially reverting CVE-2023-27043-email-parsing-errors.patch, because of the regression in gh#python/cpython#106669. - (bsc#1210638, CVE-2023-27043) Add CVE-2023-27043-email-parsing-errors.patch, which detects email address parsing errors and returns empty tuple to indicate the parsing error (old API). (The patch is faulty, gh#python/cpython#106669, but upstream decided not to just revert it).- Add bpo-37596-make-set-marshalling.patch making marshalling of `set` and `frozenset` deterministic (bsc#1211765).- Add gh-78214-marshal_stabilize_FLAG_REF.patch to marshal.c for stabilizing FLAG_REF usage (required for reproduceability; bsc#1213463).- Revert faulty fix for CVE-2023-27043 (gh#python/cpython#106669)- Add downport-Sphinx-features.patch to make documentation buildable even on SLE-15.- Update to 3.9.17 (bsc#1212015): - gh-103142: The version of OpenSSL used in Windows and Mac installers has been upgraded to 1.1.1u to address CVE-2023-2650, CVE-2023-0465, CVE-2023-0466, CVE-2023-0464, as well as CVE-2023-0286, CVE-2022-4303, and CVE-2022-4303 fixed previously in 1.1.1t (gh-101727). - gh-102153: urllib.parse.urlsplit() now strips leading C0 control and space characters following the specification for URLs defined by WHATWG in response to CVE-2023-24329 (bsc#1208471). - gh-99889: Fixed a security in flaw in uu.decode() that could allow for directory traversal based on the input if no out_file was specified. - gh-104049: Do not expose the local on-disk location in directory indexes produced by http.client.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler. - gh-103935: trace.__main__ now uses io.open_code() for files to be executed instead of raw open(). - gh-102953: The extraction methods in tarfile, and shutil.unpack_archive(), have a new filter argument that allows limiting tar features than may be surprising or dangerous, such as creating files outside the destination directory. See Extraction filters for details (fixing CVE-2007-4559, bsc#1203750). - gh-102126: Fixed a deadlock at shutdown when clearing thread states if any finalizer tries to acquire the runtime head lock. - gh-100892: Fixed a crash due to a race while iterating over thread states in clearing threading.local. - Remove upstreamed patches: - CVE-2023-24329-blank-URL-bypass.patch - CVE-2007-4559-filter-tarfile_extractall.patch- Add 99366-patch.dict-can-decorate-async.patch fixing gh#python/cpython#98086 (backport from Python 3.10 patch in gh#python/cpython!99366), fixing bsc#1211158.- Add CVE-2007-4559-filter-tarfile_extractall.patch to fix CVE-2007-4559 (bsc#1203750) by adding the filter for tarfile.extractall (PEP 706).- Use python3 modules to build the documentation.- Add CVE-2023-24329-blank-URL-bypass.patch (CVE-2023-24329, bsc#1208471) blocklists bypass via the urllib.parse component when supplying a URL that starts with blank characters- Add provides for readline and sqlite3 to the main Python package.- Disable NIS for new products, it's deprecated and gets removed- Suppress warnings for Sphinx 6.0+.- Update to 3.9.16: - python -m http.server no longer allows terminal control characters sent within a garbage request to be printed to the stderr server log. This is done by changing the http.server BaseHTTPRequestHandler .log_message method to replace control characters with a \xHH hex escape before printing. - Avoid publishing list of active per-interpreter audit hooks via the gc module - The IDNA codec decoder used on DNS hostnames by socket or asyncio related name resolution functions no longer involves a quadratic algorithm. This prevents a potential CPU denial of service if an out-of-spec excessive length hostname involving bidirectional characters were decoded. Some protocols such as urllib http 3xx redirects potentially allow for an attacker to supply such a name (CVE-2015-20107). - Update bundled libexpat to 2.5.0 - Port XKCP’s fix for the buffer overflows in SHA-3 (CVE-2022-37454). - On Linux the multiprocessing module returns to using filesystem backed unix domain sockets for communication with the forkserver process instead of the Linux abstract socket namespace. Only code that chooses to use the “forkserver” start method is affected. Abstract sockets have no permissions and could allow any user on the system in the same network namespace (often the whole system) to inject code into the multiprocessing forkserver process. This was a potential privilege escalation. Filesystem based socket permissions restrict this to the forkserver process user as was the default in Python 3.8 and earlier. This prevents Linux CVE-2022-42919. - The deprecated mailcap module now refuses to inject unsafe text (filenames, MIME types, parameters) into shell commands. Instead of using such text, it will warn and act as if a match was not found (or for test commands, as if the test failed). - Removed upstreamed patches: - CVE-2015-20107-mailcap-unsafe-filenames.patch - CVE-2022-42919-loc-priv-mulitproc-forksrv.patch - CVE-2022-45061-DoS-by-IDNA-decode.patch- Add CVE-2022-45061-DoS-by-IDNA-decode.patch to avoid CVE-2022-45061 (bsc#1205244) allowing DoS by IDNA decoding extremely long domain names.- Add CVE-2022-42919-loc-priv-mulitproc-forksrv.patch to avoid CVE-2022-42919 (bsc#1204886) avoiding Linux specific local privilege escalation via the multiprocessing forkserver start method.- Add 98437-sphinx.locale._-as-gettext-in-pyspecific.patch to allow building of documentation with the latest Sphinx 5.3.0 (gh#python/cpython#98366).- Update to 3.9.15: - Fix multiplying a list by an integer (list *= int): detect the integer overflow when the new allocated length is close to the maximum size. - Fix a shell code injection vulnerability in the example script. The script no longer uses a shell to run openssl commands. (originally filed as CVE-2022-37460, later withdrawn) - Fix command line parsing: reject -X int_max_str_digits option with no value (invalid) when the PYTHONINTMAXSTRDIGITS environment variable is set to a valid limit. - When ValueError is raised if an integer is larger than the limit, mention the sys.set_int_max_str_digits() function in the error message. - Update bundled libexpat to 2.4.9- Update to 3.9.14: - (CVE-2020-10735, bsc#1203125). Converting between int and str in bases other than 2 (binary), 4, 8 (octal), 16 (hexadecimal), or 32 such as base 10 (decimal) now raises a ValueError if the number of digits in string form is above a limit to avoid potential denial of service attacks due to the algorithmic complexity. This new limit can be configured or disabled by environment variable, command line flag, or sys APIs. See the integer string conversion length limitation documentation. The default limit is 4300 digits in string form. - Also other bug fixes: - http.server: Fix an open redirection vulnerability in the HTTP server when an URI path starts with //. Vulnerability discovered, and initial fix proposed, by Hamza Avvan. - Fix contextvars HAMT implementation to handle iteration over deep trees. The bug was discovered and fixed by Eli Libman. See MagicStack/immutables#84 for more details. - Fix binding of unix socket to empty address on Linux to use an available address from the abstract namespace, instead of “0”. - Suppress writing an XML declaration in open files in ElementTree.write() with encoding='unicode' and xml_declaration=None. - Fix the formatting for await x and not x in the operator precedence table when using the help() system. - Fix ensurepip environment isolation for subprocess running pip. - Fix problem with test_ssl test_get_ciphers on systems that require perfect forward secrecy (PFS) ciphers. - test_ssl is now checking for supported TLS version and protocols in more tests. - Removed upstreamed patches: - CVE-2021-28861-double-slash-path.patch - Realign patches: - bpo-31046_ensurepip_honours_prefix.patch - sphinx-update-removed-function.patch- Add patch CVE-2021-28861-double-slash-path.patch: * http.server: Fix an open redirection vulnerability in the HTTP server when an URI path starts with //. (bsc#1202624, CVE-2021-28861)- Switch from %primary_interpreter to prjconf-defined %primary_python (gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#127).- Add CVE-2015-20107-mailcap-unsafe-filenames.patch to avoid CVE-2015-20107 (bsc#1198511, gh#python/cpython#68966), the command injection in the mailcap module. - Fix building of documentation and the universal configuration of the %primary_interpreter. - (bsc#1196784, CVE-2022-25236) Rename patch: support-expat-245.patch to support-expat-CVE-2022-25236-patched.patch and update the patch to detect expat >= 2.4.4 instead of >= 2.4.5 as it was fully patched against CVE-2022-25236.- Update to 3.9.13: - Core and Builtins - gh-92311: Fixed a bug where setting frame.f_lineno to jump over a list comprehension could misbehave or crash. - gh-92112: Fix crash triggered by an evil custom mro() on a metaclass. - gh-92036: Fix a crash in subinterpreters related to the garbage collector. When a subinterpreter is deleted, untrack all objects tracked by its GC. To prevent a crash in deallocator functions expecting objects to be tracked by the GC, leak a strong reference to these objects on purpose, so they are never deleted and their deallocator functions are not called. Patch by Victor Stinner. - gh-91421: Fix a potential integer overflow in _Py_DecodeUTF8Ex. - bpo-46775: Some Windows system error codes(>= 10000) are now mapped into the correct errno and may now raise a subclass of OSError. Patch by Dong-hee Na. - bpo-46962: Classes and functions that unconditionally declared their docstrings ignoring the - -without-doc-strings compilation flag no longer do so. - The classes affected are pickle.PickleBuffer, testcapi.RecursingInfinitelyError, and types.GenericAlias. - The functions affected are 24 methods in ctypes. - Patch by Oleg Iarygin. - bpo-36819: Fix crashes in built-in encoders with error handlers that return position less or equal than the starting position of non-encodable characters. - Library - gh-91581: utcfromtimestamp() no longer attempts to resolve fold in the pure Python implementation, since the fold is never 1 in UTC. In addition to being slightly faster in the common case, this also prevents some errors when the timestamp is close to datetime.min. Patch by Paul Ganssle. - gh-92530: Fix an issue that occurred after interrupting threading.Condition.notify(). - gh-92049: Forbid pickling constants re._constants.SUCCESS etc. Previously, pickling did not fail, but the result could not be unpickled. - bpo-47029: Always close the read end of the pipe used by multiprocessing.Queue after the last write of buffered data to the write end of the pipe to avoid BrokenPipeError at garbage collection and at multiprocessing.Queue.close() calls. Patch by Géry Ogam. - gh-91910: Add missing f prefix to f-strings in error messages from the multiprocessing and asyncio modules. - gh-91810: ElementTree method write() and function tostring() now use the text file’s encoding (“UTF-8” if not available) instead of locale encoding in XML declaration when encoding="unicode" is specified. - gh-91832: Add required attribute to argparse.Action repr output. - gh-91734: Fix OSS audio support on Solaris. - gh-91700: Compilation of regular expression containing a conditional expression (?(group)...) now raises an appropriate re.error if the group number refers to not defined group. Previously an internal RuntimeError was raised. - gh-91676: Fix unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase to shutdown the per test event loop executor before returning from its run method so that a not yet stopped or garbage collected executor state does not persist beyond the test. - gh-90568: Parsing \N escapes of Unicode Named Character Sequences in a regular expression raises now re.error instead of TypeError. - gh-91595: Fix the comparison of character and integer inside Tools.gdb.libpython.write_repr(). Patch by Yu Liu. - gh-90622: Worker processes for concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor are no longer spawned on demand (a feature added in 3.9) when the multiprocessing context start method is "fork" as that can lead to deadlocks in the child processes due to a fork happening while threads are running. - gh-91575: Update case-insensitive matching in the re module to the latest Unicode version. - gh-91581: Remove an unhandled error case in the C implementation of calls to datetime.fromtimestamp with no time zone (i.e. getting a local time from an epoch timestamp). This should have no user-facing effect other than giving a possibly more accurate error message when called with timestamps that fall on 10000-01-01 in the local time. Patch by Paul Ganssle. - bpo-34480: Fix a bug where _markupbase raised an UnboundLocalError when an invalid keyword was found in marked section. Patch by Marek Suscak. - bpo-27929: Fix asyncio.loop.sock_connect() to only resolve names for socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6 families. Resolution may not make sense for other families, like socket.AF_BLUETOOTH and socket.AF_UNIX. - bpo-43323: Fix errors in the email module if the charset itself contains undecodable/unencodable characters. - bpo-46787: Fix concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor exception memory leak - bpo-46415: Fix ipaddress.ip_{address,interface,network} raising TypeError instead of ValueError if given invalid tuple as address parameter. - bpo-44911: IsolatedAsyncioTestCase will no longer throw an exception while cancelling leaked tasks. Patch by Bar Harel. - bpo-44493: Add missing terminated NUL in sockaddr_un’s length - This was potentially observable when using non-abstract AF_UNIX datagram sockets to processes written in another programming language. - bpo-42627: Fix incorrect parsing of Windows registry proxy settings - bpo-36073: Raise ProgrammingError instead of segfaulting on recursive usage of cursors in sqlite3 converters. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev. - Documentation - gh-91888: Add a new gh role to the documentation to link to GitHub issues. - gh-91783: Document security issues concerning the use of the function shutil.unpack_archive() - gh-91547: Remove “Undocumented modules” page. - bpo-44347: Clarify the meaning of dirs_exist_ok, a kwarg of shutil.copytree(). - bpo-38668: Update the introduction to documentation for os.path to remove warnings that became irrelevant after the implementations of PEP 383 and PEP 529. - bpo-47138: Pin Jinja to a version compatible with Sphinx version 2.4.4. - bpo-46962: All docstrings in code snippets are now wrapped into PyDoc_STR() to follow the guideline of PEP 7’s Documentation Strings paragraph. Patch by Oleg Iarygin. - bpo-26792: Improve the docstrings of runpy.run_module() and runpy.run_path(). Original patch by Andrew Brezovsky. - bpo-45790: Adjust inaccurate phrasing in Defining Extension Types: Tutorial about the ob_base field and the macros used to access its contents. - bpo-42340: Document that in some circumstances KeyboardInterrupt may cause the code to enter an inconsistent state. Provided a sample workaround to avoid it if needed. - bpo-41233: Link the errnos referenced in Doc/library/exceptions.rst to their respective section in Doc/library/errno.rst, and vice versa. Previously this was only done for EINTR and InterruptedError. Patch by Yan “yyyyyyyan” Orestes. - bpo-38056: Overhaul the Error Handlers documentation in codecs. - bpo-13553: Document tkinter.Tk args. - Tests - gh-91607: Fix test_concurrent_futures to test the correct multiprocessing start method context in several cases where the test logic mixed this up. - bpo-47205: Skip test for sched_getaffinity() and sched_setaffinity() error case on FreeBSD. - bpo-29890: Add tests for ipaddress.IPv4Interface and ipaddress.IPv6Interface construction with tuple arguments. Original patch and tests by louisom. - Build - bpo-47103: Windows PGInstrument builds now copy a required DLL into the output directory, making it easier to run the profile stage of a PGO build. - Windows - bpo-47194: Update zlib to v1.2.12 to resolve CVE-2018-25032. - bpo-46785: Fix race condition between os.stat() and unlinking a file on Windows, by using errors codes returned by FindFirstFileW() when appropriate in win32_xstat_impl. - bpo-40859: Update Windows build to use xz-5.2.5 - Tools/Demos - gh-91583: Fix regression in the code generated by Argument Clinic for functions with the defining_class parameter. - Add patch support-expat-245.patch: * Support Expat >= 2.4.4 (jsc#SLE-21253, CVE-2022-25236)- Update to 3.9.12: - bpo-46968: Check for the existence of the “sys/auxv.h” header in faulthandler to avoid compilation problems in systems where this header doesn’t exist. Patch by Pablo Galindo - bpo-47101: hashlib.algorithms_available now lists only algorithms that are provided by activated crypto providers on OpenSSL 3.0. Legacy algorithms are not listed unless the legacy provider has been loaded into the default OSSL context. - bpo-23691: Protect the re.finditer() iterator from re-entering. - bpo-42369: Fix thread safety of zipfile._SharedFile.tell() to avoid a “zipfile.BadZipFile: Bad CRC-32 for file” exception when reading a ZipFile from multiple threads. - bpo-38256: Fix binascii.crc32() when it is compiled to use zlib’c crc32 to work properly on inputs 4+GiB in length instead of returning the wrong result. The workaround prior to this was to always feed the function data in increments smaller than 4GiB or to just call the zlib module function. - bpo-39394: A warning about inline flags not at the start of the regular expression now contains the position of the flag. - bpo-47061: Deprecate the various modules listed by PEP 594: - aifc, asynchat, asyncore, audioop, cgi, cgitb, chunk, crypt, imghdr, msilib, nntplib, nis, ossaudiodev, pipes, smtpd, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, xdrlib - bpo-2604: Fix bug where doctests using globals would fail when run multiple times. - bpo-45997: Fix asyncio.Semaphore re-aquiring FIFO order. - bpo-47022: The asynchat, asyncore and smtpd modules have been deprecated since at least Python 3.6. Their documentation has now been updated to note they will removed in Python 3.12 (PEP 594). - bpo-46421: Fix a unittest issue where if the command was invoked as python -m unittest and the filename(s) began with a dot (.), a ValueError is returned. - bpo-40296: Fix supporting generic aliases in pydoc. - bpo-14156: argparse.FileType now supports an argument of ‘-’ in binary mode, returning the .buffer attribute of sys.stdin/sys.stdout as appropriate. Modes including ‘x’ and ‘a’ are treated equivalently to ‘w’ when argument is ‘-’. Patch contributed by Josh Rosenberg - Update to 3.9.11: - bpo-46852: Rename the private undocumented float.__set_format__() method to float.__setformat__() to fix a typo introduced in Python 3.7. The method is only used by test_float. Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo-46794: Bump up the libexpat version into 2.4.6 - bpo-46762: Fix an assert failure in debug builds when a ‘<’, ‘>’, or ‘=’ is the last character in an f-string that’s missing a closing right brace. - bpo-46732: Correct the docstring for the __bool__() method. Patch by Jelle Zijlstra. - bpo-40479: Add a missing call to va_end() in Modules/_hashopenssl.c. - bpo-46615: When iterating over sets internally in setobject.c, acquire strong references to the resulting items from the set. This prevents crashes in corner-cases of various set operations where the set gets mutated. - bpo-43721: Fix docstrings of getter, setter, and deleter to clarify that they create a new copy of the property. - bpo-46503: Fix an assert when parsing some invalid N escape sequences in f-strings. - bpo-46417: Fix a race condition on setting a type __bases__ attribute: the internal function add_subclass() now gets the PyTypeObject.tp_subclasses member after calling PyWeakref_NewRef() which can trigger a garbage collection which can indirectly modify PyTypeObject.tp_subclasses. Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo-46383: Fix invalid signature of _zoneinfo’s module_free function to resolve a crash on wasm32-emscripten platform. - bpo-43253: Fix a crash when closing transports where the underlying socket handle is already invalid on the Proactor event loop. - bpo-47004: Apply bugfixes from importlib_metadata 4.11.3, including bugfix for EntryPoint.extras, which was returning match objects and not the extras strings. - bpo-46985: Upgrade pip wheel bundled with ensurepip (pip 22.0.4, bnc#1186819, CVE-2021-3572) - bpo-46968: faulthandler: On Linux 5.14 and newer, dynamically determine size of signal handler stack size CPython allocates using getauxval(AT_MINSIGSTKSZ). This changes allows for Python extension’s request to Linux kernel to use AMX_TILE instruction set on Sapphire Rapids Xeon processor to succeed, unblocking use of the ISA in frameworks. - bpo-46955: Expose asyncio.base_events.Server as asyncio.Server. Patch by Stefan Zabka. - bpo-46932: Update bundled libexpat to 2.4.7 - bpo-25707: Fixed a file leak in xml.etree.ElementTree.iterparse() when the iterator is not exhausted. Patch by Jacob Walls. - bpo-44886: Inherit asyncio proactor datagram transport from asyncio.DatagramTransport. - bpo-46827: Support UDP sockets in asyncio.loop.sock_connect() for selector-based event loops. Patch by Thomas Grainger. - bpo-46811: Make test suite support Expat >=2.4.5 - bpo-46252: Raise TypeError if ssl.SSLSocket is passed to transport-based APIs. - bpo-46784: Fix libexpat symbols collisions with user dynamically loaded or statically linked libexpat in embedded Python. - bpo-39327: shutil.rmtree() can now work with VirtualBox shared folders when running from the guest operating-system. - bpo-46756: Fix a bug in urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgr.find_user_password() and urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth.is_authenticated() which allowed to bypass authorization. For example, access to URI was allowed if the user was authorized for URI - bpo-45863: When the tarfile module creates a pax format archive, it will put an integer representation of timestamps in the ustar header (if possible) for the benefit of older unarchivers, in addition to the existing full-precision timestamps in the pax extended header. - bpo-46672: Fix NameError in asyncio.gather() when initial type check fails. - bpo-45948: Fixed a discrepancy in the C implementation of the xml.etree.ElementTree module. Now, instantiating an xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser with a target=None keyword provides a default xml.etree.ElementTree.TreeBuilder target as the Python implementation does. - bpo-46591: Make the IDLE doc URL on the About IDLE dialog clickable. - bpo-46400: expat: Update libexpat from 2.4.1 to 2.4.4 - bpo-46487: Add the get_write_buffer_limits method to asyncio.transports.WriteTransport and to the SSL transport. - bpo-46539: In typing.get_type_hints(), support evaluating stringified ClassVar and Final annotations inside Annotated. Patch by Gregory Beauregard. - bpo-46491: Allow typing.Annotated to wrap typing.Final and typing.ClassVar. Patch by Gregory Beauregard. - bpo-46436: Fix command-line option -d/--directory in module http.server which is ignored when combined with command-line option --cgi. Patch by Géry Ogam. - bpo-41403: Make mock.patch() raise a TypeError with a relevant error message on invalid arg. Previously it allowed a cryptic AttributeError to escape. - bpo-46474: In importlib.metadata.EntryPoint.pattern, avoid potential REDoS by limiting ambiguity in consecutive whitespace. - bpo-46469: asyncio generic classes now return types.GenericAlias in __class_getitem__ instead of the same class. - bpo-46434: pdb now gracefully handles help when __doc__ is missing, for example when run with pregenerated optimized .pyc files. - bpo-46333: The __eq__() and __hash__() methods of typing.ForwardRef now honor the module parameter of typing.ForwardRef. Forward references from different modules are now differentiated. - bpo-43118: Fix a bug in inspect.signature() that was causing it to fail on some subclasses of classes with a __text_signature__ referencing module globals. Patch by Weipeng Hong. - bpo-21987: Fix an issue with tarfile.TarFile.getmember() getting a directory name with a trailing slash. - bpo-20392: Fix inconsistency with uppercase file extensions in MimeTypes.guess_type(). Patch by Kumar Aditya. - bpo-46080: Fix exception in argparse help text generation if a argparse.BooleanOptionalAction argument’s default is argparse.SUPPRESS and it has help specified. Patch by Felix Fontein. - bpo-44439: Fix .write() method of a member file in ZipFile, when the input data is an object that supports the buffer protocol, the file length may be wrong. - bpo-45703: When a namespace package is imported before another module from the same namespace is created/installed in a different sys.path location while the program is running, calling the importlib.invalidate_caches() function will now also guarantee the new module is noticed. - bpo-24959: Fix bug where unittest sometimes drops frames from tracebacks of exceptions raised in tests. - bpo-46463: Fixes script used when building the CHM documentation file - bpo-46913: Fix test_faulthandler.test_sigfpe() if Python is built with undefined behavior sanitizer (UBSAN): disable UBSAN on the faulthandler_sigfpe() function. Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo-46708: Prevent default asyncio event loop policy modification warning after test_asyncio execution. - bpo-46616: Ensures test_importlib.test_windows cleans up registry keys after completion. - bpo-44359: test_ftplib now silently ignores socket errors to prevent logging unhandled threading exceptions. Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo-46542: Fix a Python crash in test_lib2to3 when using Python built in debug mode: limit the recursion limit. Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo-46576: test_peg_generator now disables compiler optimization when testing compilation of its own C extensions to significantly speed up the testing on non-debug builds of CPython. - bpo-46542: Fix test_json tests checking for RecursionError: modify these tests to use support.infinite_recursion(). Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo-13886: Skip test_builtin PTY tests on non-ASCII characters if the readline module is loaded. The readline module changes input() behavior, but test_builtin is not intented to test the readline module. Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo-38472: Fix GCC detection in when cross-compiling. The C compiler is now run with LC_ALL=C. Previously, the detection failed with a German locale. - bpo-46513: configure no longer uses AC_C_CHAR_UNSIGNED macro and pyconfig.h no longer defines reserved symbol __CHAR_UNSIGNED__. - bpo-45925: Update Windows installer to use SQLite 3.37.2. - bpo-45296: Clarify close, quit, and exit in IDLE. In the File menu, ‘Close’ and ‘Exit’ are now ‘Close Window’ (the current one) and ‘Exit’ is now ‘Exit IDLE’ (by closing all windows). In Shell, ‘quit()’ and ‘exit()’ mean ‘close Shell’. If there are no other windows, this also exits IDLE. - bpo-45447: Apply IDLE syntax highlighting to pyi files. Patch by Alex Waygood and Terry Jan Reedy. - Removed upstreamed patches: - support-expat-245.patch- Add patch support-expat-245.patch: * Support Expat >= 2.4.5- Update to 3.9.10: Bugfix-only release- Remove shebangs from from python-base libraries in _libdir (bsc#1193179, bsc#1192249). - Readjust patches: - bpo-31046_ensurepip_honours_prefix.patch - decimal.patch - python-3.3.0b1-fix_date_time_compiler.patch- Update to 3.9.9: * Core and Builtins + bpo-30570: Fixed a crash in issubclass() from infinite recursion when searching pathological __bases__ tuples. + bpo-45494: Fix parser crash when reporting errors involving invalid continuation characters. Patch by Pablo Galindo. + bpo-45385: Fix reference leak from descr_check. Patch by Dong-hee Na. + bpo-45167: Fix deepcopying of types.GenericAlias objects. + bpo-44219: Release the GIL while performing isatty system calls on arbitrary file descriptors. In particular, this affects os.isatty(), os.device_encoding() and io.TextIOWrapper. By extension, in text mode is also affected. This change solves a deadlock in os.isatty(). Patch by Vincent Michel in bpo-44219. + bpo-44959: Added fallback to extension modules with ‘.sl’ suffix on HP-UX + bpo-44050: Extensions that indicate they use global state (by setting m_size to -1) can again be used in multiple interpreters. This reverts to behavior of Python 3.8. + bpo-45121: Fix issue where Protocol.__init__ raises RecursionError when it’s called directly or via super(). Patch provided by Yurii Karabas. + bpo-45083: When the interpreter renders an exception, its name now has a complete qualname. Previously only the class name was concatenated to the module name, which sometimes resulted in an incorrect full name being displayed. + bpo-45738: Fix computation of error location for invalid continuation characters in the parser. Patch by Pablo Galindo. + Library + bpo-45678: Fix bug in Python 3.9 that meant functools.singledispatchmethod failed to properly wrap the attributes of the target method. Patch by Alex Waygood. + bpo-45679: Fix caching of multi-value typing.Literal. Literal[True, 2] is no longer equal to Literal[1, 2]. + bpo-45438: Fix typing.Signature string representation for generic builtin types. + bpo-45581: sqlite3.connect() now correctly raises MemoryError if the underlying SQLite API signals memory error. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. + bpo-39679: Fix bug in functools.singledispatchmethod that caused it to fail when attempting to register a classmethod() or staticmethod() using type annotations. Patch contributed by Alex Waygood. + bpo-45515: Add references to zoneinfo in the datetime documentation, mostly replacing outdated references to Change by Paul Ganssle. + bpo-45467: Fix incremental decoder and stream reader in the “raw-unicode-escape” codec. Previously they failed if the escape sequence was split. + bpo-45461: Fix incremental decoder and stream reader in the “unicode-escape” codec. Previously they failed if the escape sequence was split. + bpo-45239: Fixed email.utils.parsedate_tz() crashing with UnboundLocalError on certain invalid input instead of returning None. Patch by Ben Hoyt. + bpo-44904: Fix bug in the doctest module that caused it to fail if a docstring included an example with a classmethod property. Patch by Alex Waygood. + bpo-45406: Make inspect.getmodule() catch FileNotFoundError raised by :’func:inspect.getabsfile, and return None to indicate that the module could not be determined. + bpo-45262: Prevent use-after-free in asyncio. Make sure the cached running loop holder gets cleared on dealloc to prevent use-after-free in get_running_loop + bpo-45386: Make xmlrpc.client more robust to C runtimes where the underlying C strftime function results in a ValueError when testing for year formatting options. + bpo-45371: Fix clang rpath issue in distutils. The UnixCCompiler now uses correct clang option to add a runtime library directory (rpath) to a shared library. + bpo-20028: Improve error message of csv.Dialect when initializing. Patch by Vajrasky Kok and Dong-hee Na. + bpo-45343: Update bundled pip to 21.2.4 and setuptools to 58.1.0 + bpo-41710: On Unix, if the sem_clockwait() function is available in the C library (glibc 2.30 and newer), the threading.Lock.acquire() method now uses the monotonic clock (time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC) for the timeout, rather than using the system clock (time.CLOCK_REALTIME), to not be affected by system clock changes. Patch by Victor Stinner. + bpo-45328: Fixed http.client.HTTPConnection to work properly in OSs that don’t support the TCP_NODELAY socket option. + bpo-1596321: Fix the threading._shutdown() function when the threading module was imported first from a thread different than the main thread: no longer log an error at Python exit. + bpo-45274: Fix a race condition in the Thread.join() method of the threading module. If the function is interrupted by a signal and the signal handler raises an exception, make sure that the thread remains in a consistent state to prevent a deadlock. Patch by Victor Stinner. + bpo-45238: Fix unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase.debug(): it runs now asynchronous methods and callbacks. + bpo-36674: unittest.TestCase.debug() raises now a unittest.SkipTest if the class or the test method are decorated with the skipping decorator. + bpo-45235: Fix an issue where argparse would not preserve values in a provided namespace when using a subparser with defaults. + bpo-45234: Fixed a regression in copyfile(), copy(), copy2() raising FileNotFoundError when source is a directory, which should raise IsADirectoryError + bpo-45228: Fix stack buffer overflow in parsing J1939 network address. + bpo-45192: Fix the tempfile._infer_return_type function so that the dir argument of the tempfile functions accepts an object implementing the os.PathLike protocol. + bpo-45160: When tracing a tkinter variable used by a ttk OptionMenu, callbacks are no longer made twice. + bpo-35474: Calling mimetypes.guess_all_extensions() with strict=False no longer affects the result of the following call with strict=True. Also, mutating the returned list no longer affects the global state. + bpo-45166: typing.get_type_hints() now works with Final wrapped in ForwardRef. + bpo-45097: Remove deprecation warnings about the loop argument in asyncio incorrectly emitted in cases when the user does not pass the loop argument. + bpo-45081: Fix issue when dataclasses that inherit from typing.Protocol subclasses have wrong __init__. Patch provided by Yurii Karabas. + bpo-24444: Fixed an error raised in argparse help display when help for an option is set to 1+ blank spaces or when choices arg is an empty container. + bpo-45021: Fix a potential deadlock at shutdown of forked children when using concurrent.futures module + bpo-45030: Fix integer overflow in pickling and copying the range iterator. + bpo-39039: raises ReadError when a zlib error occurs during file extraction. + bpo-44594: Fix an edge case of ExitStack and AsyncExitStack exception chaining. They will now match with block behavior when __context__ is explicitly set to None when the exception is in flight. * Documentation + bpo-45726: Improve documentation for functools.singledispatch() and functools.singledispatchmethod. + bpo-45680: Amend the docs on GenericAlias objects to clarify that non-container classes can also implement __class_getitem__. Patch contributed by Alex Waygood. + bpo-45655: Add a new “relevant PEPs” section to the top of the documentation for the typing module. Patch by Alex Waygood. + bpo-45604: Add level argument to multiprocessing.log_to_stderr function docs. + bpo-45464: Mention in the documentation of Built-in Exceptions that inheriting from multiple exception types in a single subclass is not recommended due to possible memory layout incompatibility. + bpo-45449: Add note about PEP 585 in + bpo-45516: Add protocol description to the documentation. + bpo-20692: Add Programming FAQ entry explaining that int literal attribute access requires either a space after or parentheses around the literal. + bpo-45216: Remove extra documentation listing methods in difflib. It was rendering twice in pydoc and was outdated in some places. + bpo-45772: socket.socket documentation is corrected to a class from a function. + bpo-45392: Update the docstring of the type built-in to remove a redundant line and to mention keyword arguments for the constructor. * Tests + bpo-45578: Add tests for dis.distb() + bpo-45577: Add subtests for all pickle protocols in test_zoneinfo. + bpo-43592: test.libregrtest now raises the soft resource limit for the maximum number of file descriptors when the default is too low for our test suite as was often the case on macOS. + bpo-40173: Fix + bpo-45280: Add a test case for empty typing.NamedTuple. + bpo-45269: Cover case when invalid markers type is supplied to c_make_encoder. + bpo-45209: Fix UserWarning: resource_tracker warning in _test_multiprocessing._TestSharedMemory.test_shared_memory_cleaned_after_process_termination + bpo-45195: Fix test_readline.test_nonascii(): sometimes, the newline character is not written at the end, so don’t expect it in the output. Patch by Victor Stinner. + bpo-45156: Fixes infinite loop on unittest.mock.seal() of mocks created by create_autospec(). + bpo-45042: Fixes that test classes decorated with @hashlib_helper.requires_hashdigest were skipped all the time. + bpo-45235: Reverted an argparse bugfix that caused regression in the handling of default arguments for subparsers. This prevented leaf level arguments from taking precedence over root level arguments. + bpo-45765: In importlib.metadata, fix distribution discovery for an empty path. + bpo-45644: In-place JSON file formatting using python3 -m json.tool infile infile now works correctly, previously it left the file empty. Patch by Chris Wesseling. * Build + bpo-43158: now uses values from configure script to build the _uuid extension module. Configure now detects util-linux’s libuuid, too. + bpo-45571: Modules/Setup now use PY_CFLAGS_NODIST instead of PY_CFLAGS to compile shared modules. + bpo-45532: Update sys.version to use main as fallback information. Patch by Jeong YunWon. + bpo-45405: Prevent internal configure error when running configure with recent versions of non-Apple clang. Patch by David Bohman. + bpo-45220: Avoid building with the Windows 11 SDK previews automatically. This may be overridden by setting the DefaultWindowsSDKVersion environment variable before building. * C API + bpo-44687: BufferedReader.peek() no longer raises ValueError when the entire file has already been buffered. + bpo-44751: Remove crypt.h include from the public Python.h header. - Drop patch incorrect-deprecation-warn-asyncio.patch, fix included.- rpm-build-python dependency is available on the current Factory, not with SLE.- Add incorrect-deprecation-warn-asyncio.patch to fix bpo#45097 (from gh#python/cpython#28153) to remove incorrect deprecation warnings in asyncio.- BuildRequire rpm-build-python: The provider to inject python(abi) has been moved there. rpm-build pulls rpm-build-python automatically in when building anything against python3-base, but this implies that the initial build of python3-base does not trigger the automatic installation.- Update to 3.9.7: - Security - Replaced usage of tempfile.mktemp() with TemporaryDirectory to avoid a potential race condition. - Add auditing events to the marshal module, and stop raising code.__init__ events for every unmarshalled code object. Directly instantiated code objects will continue to raise an event, and audit event handlers should inspect or collect the raw marshal data. This reduces a significant performance overhead when loading from .pyc files. - Made the internal putcmd function in smtplib sanitize input for presence of \r and \n characters to avoid (unlikely) command injection. - Core and Builtins - Fixed pickling of range iterators that iterated for over 2**32 times. - Fix a race in WeakKeyDictionary, WeakValueDictionary and WeakSet when two threads attempt to commit the last pending removal. This fixes asyncio.create_task and fixes a data loss in where shutdown_asyncgens is not run - Fixed a corner case bug where the result of float.fromhex('0x.8p-1074') was rounded the wrong way. - Refine the syntax error for trailing commas in import statements. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - Restore behaviour of complex exponentiation with integer-valued exponent of type float or complex. - Correct the ast locations of f-strings with format specs and repeated expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo - Use new trashcan macros (Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN/END) in frameobject.c instead of the old ones (Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN/END). - Fix segmentation fault with deep recursion when cleaning method objects. Patch by Augusto Goulart and Pablo Galindo. - Fix bug where PyErr_SetObject hangs when the current exception has a cycle in its context chain. - Fix reference leaks in the error paths of update_bases() and __build_class__. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - Fix undefined behaviour in complex object exponentiation. - Remove uses of PyObject_GC_Del() in error path when initializing types.GenericAlias. - Remove the pass-through for hash() of weakref.proxy objects to prevent unintended consequences when the original referred object dies while the proxy is part of a hashable object. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - Fix ltrace functionality when exceptions are raised. Patch by Pablo Galindo - Fix a crash at Python exit when a deallocator function removes the last strong reference to a heap type. Patch by Victor Stinner. - Fix crash when using passing a non-exception to a generator’s throw() method. Patch by Noah Oxer - Library - run() now always return a TestResult instance. Previously it returned None if the test class or method was decorated with a skipping decorator. - Fix bugs in cleaning up classes and modules in unittest: - Functions registered with addModuleCleanup() were not called unless the user defines tearDownModule() in their test module. - Functions registered with addClassCleanup() were not called if tearDownClass is set to None. - Buffering in TestResult did not work with functions registered with addClassCleanup() and addModuleCleanup(). - Errors in functions registered with addClassCleanup() and addModuleCleanup() were not handled correctly in buffered and debug modes. - Errors in setUpModule() and functions registered with addModuleCleanup() were reported in wrong order. - And several lesser bugs. - Made email date parsing more robust against malformed input, namely a whitespace-only Date: header. Patch by Wouter Bolsterlee. - Fix a crash in the signal handler of the faulthandler module: no longer modify the reference count of frame objects. Patch by Victor Stinner. - Method stopTestRun() is now always called in pair with method startTestRun() for TestResult objects implicitly created in run(). Previously it was not called for test methods and classes decorated with a skipping decorator. - argparse.BooleanOptionalAction’s default value is no longer printed twice when used with argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter. - Upgrade bundled pip to 21.2.3 and setuptools to 57.4.0 - Fix the os.set_inheritable() function on FreeBSD 14 for file descriptor opened with the O_PATH flag: ignore the EBADF error on ioctl(), fallback on the fcntl() implementation. Patch by Victor Stinner. - The @functools.total_ordering() decorator now works with metaclasses. - sqlite3 user-defined functions and aggregators returning strings with embedded NUL characters are no longer truncated. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. - Always show loop= arg deprecations in asyncio.gather() and asyncio.sleep() - Non-protocol subclasses of typing.Protocol ignore now the __init__ method inherited from protocol base classes. - The tokenize.tokenize() doesn’t incorrectly generate a NEWLINE token if the source doesn’t end with a new line character but the last line is a comment, as the function is already generating a NL token. Patch by Pablo Galindo - Fix http.client.HTTPSConnection fails to download >2GiB data. - rcompleter does not call getattr() on property objects to avoid the side-effect of evaluating the corresponding method. - weakref.proxy objects referencing non-iterators now raise TypeError rather than dereferencing the null tp_iternext slot and crashing. - The implementation of now matches that of frozenset.__hash__(). - Fixed issue in compileall.compile_file() when sys.stdout is redirected. Patch by Stefan Hölzl. - Give priority to using the current class constructor in inspect.signature(). Patch by Weipeng Hong. - Fix memory leak in _tkinter._flatten() if it is called with a sequence or set, but not list or tuple. - Update shutil.copyfile() to raise FileNotFoundError instead of confusing IsADirectoryError when a path ending with a os.path.sep does not exist; shutil.copy() and shutil.copy2() are also affected. - handle StopIteration subclass raised from @contextlib.contextmanager generator - Make the implementation consistency of indexOf() between C and Python versions. Patch by Dong-hee Na. - Fixes TypedDict to work with typing.get_type_hints() and postponed evaluation of annotations across modules. - Fix bug with pdb’s handling of import error due to a package which does not have a __main__ module - Fixed an exception thrown while parsing a malformed multipart email by email.message.EmailMessage. - pathlib.PureWindowsPath.is_reserved() now identifies a greater range of reserved filenames, including those with trailing spaces or colons. - Handle exceptions from parsing the arg of pdb’s run/restart command. - The sqlite3 context manager now performs a rollback (thus releasing the database lock) if commit failed. Patch by Luca Citi and Erlend E. Aasland. - Improved string handling for sqlite3 user-defined functions and aggregates: - It is now possible to pass strings with embedded null characters to UDFs - Conversion failures now correctly raise MemoryError - Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. - Handle RecursionError in TracebackException’s constructor, so that long exceptions chains are truncated instead of causing traceback formatting to fail. - Fix email.message.EmailMessage.set_content() when called with binary data and 7bit content transfer encoding. - The compresslevel and preset keyword arguments of are now both documented and tested. - Fixed a Y2k38 bug in the compileall module where it would fail to compile files with a modification time after the year 2038. - Fix test___all__ on platforms lacking a shared memory implementation. - Pass multiprocessing BaseProxy argument manager_owned through AutoProxy. - email.utils.getaddresses() now accepts email.header.Header objects along with string values. Patch by Zackery Spytz. - lib2to3 now recognizes async generators everywhere. - Fix TypeError when required subparsers without dest do not receive arguments. Patch by Anthony Sottile. - Documentation - Removed the othergui.rst file, any references to it, and the list of GUI frameworks in the FAQ. In their place I’ve added links to the Python Wiki page on GUI frameworks. - Update the definition of __future__ in the glossary by replacing the confusing word “pseudo-module” with a more accurate description. - Add typical examples to os.path.splitext docs - Clarify that shutil.make_archive() is not thread-safe due to reliance on changing the current working directory. - Update of three expired hyperlinks in Doc/distributing/index.rst: “Project structure”, “Building and packaging the project”, and “Uploading the project to the Python Packaging Index”. - Updated the docstring and docs of filecmp.cmp() to be more accurate and less confusing especially in respect to shallow arg. - Match the docstring and python implementation of countOf() to the behavior of its c implementation. - List all kwargs for textwrap.wrap(), textwrap.fill(), and textwrap.shorten(). Now, there are nav links to attributes of TextWrap, which makes navigation much easier while minimizing duplication in the documentation. - Clarify that atexit uses equality comparisons internally. - Documentation of csv.Dialect is more descriptive. - Fix documentation for the return type of sysconfig.get_path(). - Add a “Security Considerations” index which links to standard library modules that have explicitly documented security considerations. - Remove the unqualified claim that tkinter is threadsafe. It has not been true for several years and likely never was. An explanation of what is true may be added later, after more discussion, and possibly after patching _tkinter.c, - Tests - Add calls of gc.collect() in tests to support PyPy. - Made tests relying on the _asyncio C extension module optional to allow running on alternative Python implementations. Patch by Serhiy Storchaka. - Fix auto history tests of test_readline: sometimes, the newline character is not written at the end, so don’t expect it in the output. - Add ability to wholesale silence DeprecationWarnings while running the regression test suite. - Notify users running test_decimal regression tests on macOS of potential harmless “malloc can’t allocate region” messages spewed by test_decimal. - Fixed floating point precision issue in turtle tests. - Regression tests, when run with -w, are now re-running only the affected test methods instead of re-running the entire test file. - Add test for nested queues when using multiprocessing shared objects AutoProxy[Queue] inside ListProxy and DictProxy- Add decimal.patch to add building with --with-system-libmpdec option (bsc#1189356).- test_faulthandler is still problematic under qemu linux-user emulation, disable it there - Reenable profileopt with qemu emulation, test_faulthandler is no longer run during profiling- Update to 3.9.6: * Security - bpo-44022 (bsc#1189241, CVE-2021-3737): http.client now avoids infinitely reading potential HTTP headers after a 100 Continue status response from the server. * Core and Builtins - bpo-44168: Fix error message in the parser involving keyword arguments with invalid expressions. Patch by Pablo Galindo - bpo-44114: Fix incorrect dictkeys_reversed and dictitems_reversed function signatures in C code, which broke webassembly builds. - bpo-44070: No longer eagerly makes import filenames absolute, except for extension modules, which was introduced in 3.9.5. - bpo-28146: Fix a confusing error message in str.format(). - bpo-11105: When compiling ast.AST objects with recursive references through compile(), the interpreter doesn’t crash anymore instead it raises a RecursionError. * Library - bpo-43972: When http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler sends a 301 (Moved Permanently) for a directory path not ending with /, add a Content-Length: 0 header. This improves the behavior for certain clients. - bpo-43776: When subprocess.Popen args are provided as a string or as pathlib.Path, the Popen instance repr now shows the right thing. - bpo-43318: Fix a bug where pdb does not always echo cleared breakpoints. - bpo-43295: datetime.datetime.strptime() now raises ValueError instead of IndexError when matching 'z' with the %z format specifier. - bpo-37022: pdb now displays exceptions from repr() with its p and pp commands. * IDLE - bpo-33962: Move the indent space setting from the Font tab to the new Windows tab. Patch by Mark Roseman and Terry Jan Reedy. - bpo-40468: Split the settings dialog General tab into Windows and Shell/ED tabs. Move help sources, which extend the Help menu, to the Extensions tab. Make space for new options and shorten the dialog. The latter makes the dialog better fit small screens. - bpo-41611: Avoid uncaught exceptions in AutoCompleteWindow.winconfig_event(). - bpo-41611: Fix IDLE sometimes freezing upon tab-completion on macOS. * Tools/Demos - bpo-44074: Make patchcheck automatically detect the correct base branch name (previously it was hardcoded to ‘master’) - Upstreamed patches were removed: - bpo44426-complex-keyword-sphinx.patch - Refreshed patches: - subprocess-raise-timeout.patch- Use versioned python-Sphinx to avoid dependency on other version of Python (bsc#1183858).- Add bpo44426-complex-keyword-sphinx.patch allowing generating documentation with Sphinx 4 (bpo#44426).- Revert previous skip over test_capi - Add skip-test_pyobject_freed_is_freed.patch to skip failing test on SLE-15.- allow build with Sphinx >= 3.x- Exclude test_capi on Leap (test fails there)- Stop providing "python" symbol (bsc#1185588), which means python2 currently.- Update to 3.9.5: * Security - bpo-43434: Creating a sqlite3.Connection object now also produces a sqlite3.connect auditing event. Previously this event was only produced by sqlite3.connect() calls. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland. - bpo-43882: The presence of newline or tab characters in parts of a URL could allow some forms of attacks. - Following the controlling specification for URLs defined by WHATWG urllib.parse() now removes ASCII newlines and tabs from URLs, preventing such attacks. - bpo-43472: Ensures interpreter-level audit hooks receive the cpython.PyInterpreterState_New event when called through the _xxsubinterpreters module. - bpo-36384 (bsc#1185706, CVE-2021-29921): ipaddress module no longer accepts any leading zeros in IPv4 address strings. Leading zeros are ambiguous and interpreted as octal notation by some libraries. For example the legacy function socket.inet_aton() treats leading zeros as octal notatation. glibc implementation of modern inet_pton() does not accept any leading zeros. For a while the ipaddress module used to accept ambiguous leading zeros. - bpo-43075 (CVE-2021-3733, bsc#1189287): Fix Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerability in urllib.request.AbstractBasicAuthHandler. The ReDoS-vulnerable regex has quadratic worst-case complexity and it allows cause a denial of service when identifying crafted invalid RFCs. This ReDoS issue is on the client side and needs remote attackers to control the HTTP server. - bpo-42800: Audit hooks are now fired for frame.f_code, traceback.tb_frame, and generator code/frame attribute access. * Core and Builtins - bpo-43105: Importlib now resolves relative paths when creating module spec objects from file locations. - bpo-42924: Fix bytearray repetition incorrectly copying data from the start of the buffer, even if the data is offset within the buffer (e.g. after reassigning a slice at the start of the bytearray to a shorter byte string). * Library - bpo-43993: Update bundled pip to 21.1.1. - bpo-43937: Fixed the turtle module working with non-default root window. - bpo-43930: Update bundled pip to 21.1 and setuptools to 56.0.0 - bpo-43920: OpenSSL 3.0.0: load_verify_locations() now returns a consistent error message when cadata contains no valid certificate. - bpo-43607: urllib can now convert Windows paths with \\?\ prefixes into URL paths. - bpo-43284: platform.win32_ver derives the windows version from sys.getwindowsversion().platform_version which in turn derives the version from kernel32.dll (which can be of a different version than Windows itself). Therefore change the platform.win32_ver to determine the version using the platform module’s _syscmd_ver private function to return an accurate version. - bpo-42248: [Enum] ensure exceptions raised in _missing__ are released - bpo-43799: OpenSSL 3.0.0: define OPENSSL_API_COMPAT 1.1.1 to suppress deprecation warnings. Python requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 APIs. - bpo-43794: Add ssl.OP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF constants (OpenSSL 3.0.0) - bpo-43789: OpenSSL 3.0.0: Don’t call the password callback function a second time when first call has signaled an error condition. - bpo-43788: The header files for ssl error codes are now OpenSSL version-specific. Exceptions will now show correct reason and library codes. The script has been rewritten to use OpenSSL’s text file with error codes. - bpo-43655: tkinter dialog windows are now recognized as dialogs by window managers on macOS and X Window. - bpo-43534: turtle.textinput() and turtle.numinput() create now a transient window working on behalf of the canvas window. - bpo-43522: Fix problem with hostname_checks_common_name. OpenSSL does not copy hostflags from struct SSL_CTX to struct SSL. - bpo-42967: Allow bytes separator argument in urllib.parse.parse_qs and urllib.parse.parse_qsl when parsing str query strings. Previously, this raised a TypeError. - bpo-43176: Fixed processing of a dataclass that inherits from a frozen dataclass with no fields. It is now correctly detected as an error. - bpo-41735: Fix thread locks in zlib module may go wrong in rare case. Patch by Ma Lin. - bpo-36470: Fix dataclasses with InitVars and replace(). Patch by Claudiu Popa. - bpo-32745: Fix a regression in the handling of ctypes’ ctypes.c_wchar_p type: embedded null characters would cause a ValueError to be raised. Patch by Zackery Spytz. * Documentation - bpo-43959: The documentation on the PyContextVar C-API was clarified. - bpo-43938: Update dataclasses documentation to express that FrozenInstanceError is derived from AttributeError. - bpo-43755: Update documentation to reflect that unparenthesized lambda expressions can no longer be the expression part in an if clause in comprehensions and generator expressions since Python 3.9. - bpo-43739: Fixing the example code in Doc/extending/extending.rst to declare and initialize the pmodule variable to be of the right type. * Tests - bpo-43961: Fix test_logging.test_namer_rotator_inheritance() on Windows: use os.replace() rather than os.rename(). Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo-43842: Fix a race condition in the SMTP test of test_logging. Don’t close a file descriptor (socket) from a different thread while asyncore.loop() is polling the file descriptor. Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo-43811: Tests multiple OpenSSL versions on GitHub Actions. Use ccache to speed up testing. - bpo-43791: OpenSSL 3.0.0: Disable testing of legacy protocols TLS 1.0 and 1.1. Tests are failing with TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR. - Refreshed patches: - bpo-31046_ensurepip_honours_prefix.patch - python-3.3.0b1-fix_date_time_compiler.patch - Add vendorized files from bluez-devel to enable building support for Bluetooth.- Make sure to close the file after the exception has been raised in order to avoid ResourceWarnings when the failing import is part of a try...except block.- Update to 3.9.4: - bpo#43710: Reverted the fix for as it changed the PyThreadState struct size and broke the 3.9.x ABI in the 3.9.3 release (visible on 32-bit platforms using binaries compiled using an earlier version of Python 3.9.x headers). - bpo#26053: Fixed bug where the pdb interactive run command echoed the args from the shell command line, even if those have been overridden at the pdb prompt. - bpo#42988 (bsc#1183374) CVE-2021-3426: Remove the getfile feature of the pydoc module which could be abused to read arbitrary files on the disk (directory traversal vulnerability). Moreover, even source code of Python modules can contain sensitive data like passwords. Vulnerability reported by David Schwörer. - bpo#43285: ftplib no longer trusts the IP address value returned from the server in response to the PASV command by default. This prevents a malicious FTP server from using the response to probe IPv4 address and port combinations on the client network. Code that requires the former vulnerable behavior may set a trust_server_pasv_ipv4_address attribute on their ftplib.FTP instances to True to re-enable it. - bpo#43439: Add audit hooks for gc.get_objects(), gc.get_referrers() and gc.get_referents(). Patch by Pablo Galindo. - bpo#43660: Fix crash that happens when replacing sys.stderr with a callable that can remove the object while an exception is being printed. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - bpo#43555: Report the column offset for SyntaxError for invalid line continuation characters. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - bpo#43517: Fix misdetection of circular imports when using from pkg.mod import attr, which caused false positives in non-trivial multi-threaded code. - bpo#35883: Python no longer fails at startup with a fatal error if a command line argument contains an invalid Unicode character. The Py_DecodeLocale() function now escapes byte sequences which would be decoded as Unicode characters outside the [U+0000; U+10ffff] range. - bpo#43406: Fix a possible race condition where PyErr_CheckSignals tries to execute a non-Python signal handler. - bpo#42500: Improve handling of exceptions near recursion limit. Converts a number of Fatal Errors in RecursionErrors. - bpo#43433: xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy no longer ignores query and fragment in the URL of the server. - bpo#35930: Raising an exception raised in a “future” instance will create reference cycles. - bpo#43577: Fix deadlock when using ssl.SSLContext debug callback with ssl.SSLContext.sni_callback(). - bpo#43521: ast.unparse can now render NaNs and empty sets. - bpo#43423: subprocess.communicate() no longer raises an IndexError when there is an empty stdout or stderr IO buffer during a timeout on Windows. - bpo#27820: Fixed long-standing bug of smtplib.SMTP where doing AUTH LOGIN with initial_response_ok=False will fail. The cause is that SMTP.auth_login _always_ returns a password if provided with a challenge string, thus non-compliant with the standard for AUTH LOGIN. Also fixes bug with the test for smtpd. - bpo#43332: Improves the networking efficiency of http.client when using a proxy via set_tunnel(). Fewer small send calls are made during connection setup. - bpo#43399: Fix ElementTree.extend not working on iterators when using the Python implementation - bpo#43316: The python -m gzip command line application now properly fails when detecting an unsupported extension. It exits with a non-zero exit code and prints an error message to stderr. - bpo#43260: Fix TextIOWrapper can not flush internal buffer forever after very large text is written. - bpo#42782: Fail fast in shutil.move() to avoid creating destination directories on failure. - bpo#37193: Fixed memory leak in socketserver.ThreadingMixIn introduced in Python 3.7. - bpo#43199: Answer “Why is there no goto?” in the Design and History FAQ. - bpo#43407: Clarified that a result from time.monotonic(), time.perf_counter(), time.process_time(), or time.thread_time() can be compared with the result from any following call to the same function - not just the next immediate call. - bpo#27646: Clarify that ‘yield from ’ works with any iterable, not just iterators. - bpo#36346: Update some deprecated unicode APIs which are documented as “will be removed in 4.0” to “3.12”. See PEP 623 for detail. - bpo#37945: Fix test_getsetlocale_issue1813() of test_locale: skip the test if setlocale() fails. Patch by Victor Stinner. - bpo#41561: Add workaround for Ubuntu’s custom OpenSSL security level policy. - bpo#43288: Fix test_importlib to correctly skip Unicode file tests if the fileystem does not support them. - bpo#43617: Improve Check for presence of autoconf-archive package and remove our copies of M4 macros. - bpo#42225: Document that IDLE can fail on Unix either from misconfigured IP masquerage rules or failure displaying complex colored (non-ascii) characters. - bpo#43283: Document why printing to IDLE’s Shell is often slower than printing to a system terminal and that it can be made faster by pre-formatting a single string before printing.- Update to 3.9.2: - bpo#42938 (bsc#1181126): Avoid static buffers when computing the repr of ctypes.c_double and ctypes.c_longdouble values. This issue was assigned CVE-2021-3177. - bpo#42967 (bsc#1182379): Fix web cache poisoning vulnerability by defaulting the query args separator to &, and allowing the user to choose a custom separator. This issue was assigned CVE-2021-23336. - Upstreamed patches were removed: - CVE-2021-3177-buf_ovrfl_PyCArg_repr.patch - bsc1167501-invalid-alignment.patch - skip_random_failing_tests.patch - CVE-2019-5010-null-defer-x509-cert-DOS.patch- Add Obsoletes for python3-base when primary interpreter is set to properly replace it during upgrades. (bsc#1181324)- Update to 3.9.1: Security bugs: - Prevented potential DoS attack via CPU and RAM exhaustion when processing malformed Apple Property List files in binary format. - The plistlib module no longer accepts entity declarations in XML plist files to avoid XML vulnerabilities. This should not affect users as entity declarations are not used in regular plist files. - Add volatile to the accumulator variable in hmac.compare_digest, making constant-time-defeating optimizations less likely. Core and Builtins - Allow assignment expressions in set literals and set comprehensions as per PEP 572. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - Fix a regression introduced by the new parser, where an unparenthesized walrus operator was not allowed within generator expressions. - types.GenericAlias objects can now be the targets of weakrefs. - Fixed a bug in the PEG parser that was causing crashes in debug mode. Now errors are checked in left-recursive rules to avoid cases where such errors do not get handled in time and appear as long-distance crashes in other places. - Fixed a possible crash in the PEG parser when checking for the ‘!=’ token in the barry_as_flufl rule. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - Fix handling of errors during creation of PyFunctionObject, which resulted in operations on uninitialized memory. Patch by Yonatan Goldschmidt. - Fix a bug in the parser, where a curly brace following a primary didn’t fail immediately. This led to invalid expressions like a {b} to throw a SyntaxError with a wrong offset, or invalid expressions ending with a curly brace like a { to not fail immediately in the REPL. - Fix possible buffer overflow in the new parser when checking for continuation lines. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - Run the parser two times. On the first run, disable all the rules that only generate better error messages to gain performance. If there’s a parse failure, run the parser a second time with those enabled. - Document the default implementation of object.__eq__. - Fix peephole optimizer misoptimize conditional jump + JUMP_IF_NOT_EXC_MATCH pair. - The garbage collector now tracks all user-defined classes. Patch by Brandt Bucher. - Fixed potential issues with removing not completely initialized module from sys.modules when import fails. - Star-unpacking is now allowed for with item’s targets in the PEG parser. - Fixed stack overflow in issubclass() and isinstance() when getting the __bases__ attribute leads to infinite recursion. - When loading a native module and a load failure occurs, prevent a possible UnicodeDecodeError when not running in a UTF-8 locale by decoding the load error message using the current locale’s encoding. - Correctly count control blocks in ‘except’ in compiler. Ensures that a syntax error, rather a fatal error, occurs for deeply nested, named exception handlers. Library - types.GenericAlias will now raise a TypeError when attempting to initialize with a keyword argument. Previously, this would cause the interpreter to crash if the interpreter was compiled with debug symbols. This does not affect interpreters compiled for release. Patch by Ken Jin. - CGIHTTPRequestHandler.run_cgi() HTTP_ACCEPT improperly parsed. Replace the special purpose getallmatchingheaders with generic get_all method and add relevant tests. - inspect.findsource() now raises OSError instead of IndexError when co_lineno of a code object is greater than the file length. This can happen, for example, when a file is edited after it was imported. PR by Irit Katriel. - Fix handling of trailing comments by inspect.getsource(). - ChainMap.__iter__ no longer calls __getitem__ on underlying maps - TracebackException no longer holds a reference to the exception’s traceback object. Consequently, instances of TracebackException for equivalent but non-equal exceptions now compare as equal. - We fixed an issue in pickle.whichmodule in which importing multiprocessing could change the how pickle identifies which module an object belongs to, potentially breaking the unpickling of those objects. - Clarify the error message for asyncio.IncompleteReadError when expected is None. - Extracting a symlink from a tarball should succeed and overwrite the symlink if it already exists. The fix is to remove the existing file or symlink before extraction. Based on patch by Chris AtLee, Jeffrey Kintscher, and Senthil Kumaran. - Fixed The function accepts now the representation of the default state as empty sequence (as returned by The structure of the result is now the same on all platform and does not depend on the value of wantobjects. - Fix various issues with typing.Literal parameter handling (flatten, deduplicate, use type to cache key). Patch provided by Yurii Karabas. - Fix the threading.Thread class at fork: do nothing if the thread is already stopped (ex: fork called at Python exit). Previously, an error was logged in the child process. - The onerror callback from shutil.rmtree now receives correct function when fails. - Fix os.sendfile() on illumos. - Fixed writing binary Plist files larger than 4 GiB. - The repr() of typing types containing Generic Alias Types previously did not show the parameterized types in the GenericAlias. They have now been changed to do so. - webbrowser: Ignore NotADirectoryError when calling xdg-settings. - binhex.binhex() consisently writes macOS 9 line endings. - Fix a stack overflow error for asyncio Task or Future repr(). - The overflow occurs under some circumstances when a Task or Future recursively returns itself. - Fix memory leak in subprocess.Popen() in case an uid (gid) specified in user (group, extra_groups) overflows uid_t (gid_t). - Improve asyncio.wait function to create the futures set just one time. - InvalidFileException and RecursionError are now the only errors caused by loading malformed binary Plist file (previously ValueError and TypeError could be raised in some specific cases). - Pickling heap types implemented in C with protocols 0 and 1 raises now an error instead of producing incorrect data. - plistlib: fix parsing XML plists with hexadecimal integer values - Fix an incorrectly formatted error from _codecs.charmap_decode() when called with a mapped value outside the range of valid Unicode code points. PR by Max Bernstein. - Fix pickling pure Python datetime.time subclasses. Patch by Dean Inwood. - Fixed a bug that was causing ctypes.util.find_library() to return None when triying to locate a library in an environment when gcc>=9 is available and ldconfig is not. Patch by Pablo Galindo - C14N 2.0 serialisation in xml.etree.ElementTree failed for unprefixed attributes when a default namespace was defined. - Fix a bug in the symtable module that was causing module-scope global variables to not be reported as both local and global. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - str() for the type attribute of the tkinter.Event object always returns now the numeric code returned by Tk instead of the name of the event type. - fix tkinter.EventType Enum so all members are strings, and none are tuples - Fix SQLite3 segfault when backing up closed database. Patch contributed by Peter David McCormick. - Fix the tarfile module to write only basename of TAR file to GZIP compression header. - Allow ctypes.wintypes to be imported on non-Windows systems. - shutil.which() now ignores empty entries in PATHEXT instead of treating them as a match. - Fix time-of-check/time-of-action issue in subprocess.Popen.send_signal. - Fix --outfile for cProfile / profile not writing the output file in the original directory when the program being profiled changes the working directory. PR by Anthony Sottile. - ZipFile truncates files to avoid corruption when a shorter comment is provided in append (“a”) mode. Patch by Jan Mazur. - Fixed KeyError exception when flattening an email to a string attempts to replace a non-existent Content-Transfer-Encoding header. Documentation - Fix the URL for the IMAP protocol documents. - Document __format__ functionality for IP addresses. - Clarify that subscription expressions are also valid for certain classes and types in the standard library, and for user-defined classes and types if the classmethod __class_getitem__() is provided. - Documented generic alias type and types.GenericAlias. Also added an entry in glossary for generic types. - In Programming FAQ “Sequences (Tuples/Lists)” section, add “How do you remove multiple items from a list”. - Fix RemovedInSphinx40Warning when building the documentation. Patch by Dong-hee Na. - Update the refcounts info of PyType_FromModuleAndSpec. - Fix tarfile’s extractfile documentation - Document some restrictions on the default string representations of numeric classes. Tests - Reenable test_gdb on gdb 9.2 and newer: bug is fixed in gdb 10.1. - Fix test_asyncio.test_call_later() race condition: don’t measure asyncio performance in the call_later() unit test. The test failed randomly on the CI. - Include _testinternalcapi module in Windows installer for test suite - Fix test_logging.test_race_between_set_target_and_flush(): the test now waits until all threads complete to avoid leaking running threads. - Avoid a test failure in test_lib2to3 if the module has already imported at the time the test executes. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - Tests for CJK codecs no longer call eval() on content received via HTTP. - Fix test_site.test_license_exists_at_url(): call urllib.request.urlcleanup() to reset the global urllib.request._opener. Patch by Victor Stinner. - test_ssl: skip test_min_max_version_mismatch when TLS 1.0 is not available - Add tests for SIGINT handling in the runpy module. - Fixed a failure in test_tk.test_widgets.ScaleTest happening when executing the test with Tk 8.6.10. Build - Fix a race condition in “make regen-all” when make -jN option is used to run jobs in parallel. The script now only use atomic write to write files. Moveover, generated files are now left unchanged if the content does not change, to not change the file modification time. - Update Py_UNREACHABLE to use __builtin_unreachable() if only the compiler is able to use it. Patch by Dong-hee Na. - Addressed three compiler warnings found by undefined behavior sanitizer (ubsan). IDLE - Fix reporting offset of the RE error in searchengine. - Get docstrings for IDLE calltips more often by using inspect.getdoc. - Mostly finish using ttk widgets, mainly for editor, settings, and searches. Some patches by Mark Roseman. - Use ‘IDLE Shell’ as shell title - Rewrite the Calltips doc section. - In calltips, stop reminding that ‘/’ marks the end of positional-only arguments. - Typing opening and closing parentheses inside the parentheses of a function call will no longer cause unnecessary “flashing” off and on of an existing open call-tip, e.g. when typed in a string literal. C API - Fix potential crash in deallocating method objects when dynamically allocated PyMethodDef’s lifetime is managed through the self argument of a PyCFunction. - Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors and Py_UTF8Mode are available again in limited API. - Readjustet and reapplied patches: - CVE-2021-3177-buf_ovrfl_PyCArg_repr.patch - bpo-31046_ensurepip_honours_prefix.patch - python-3.3.0b1-fix_date_time_compiler.patch - skip_random_failing_tests.patch - sphinx-update-removed-function.patch- Add CVE-2021-3177-buf_ovrfl_PyCArg_repr.patch fixing bsc#1181126 (CVE-2021-3177) buffer overflow in PyCArg_repr in _ctypes/callproc.c, which may lead to remote code execution.- (bsc#1180125) We really don't Require python-rpm-macros package. Unnecessary dependency.- Make python39-doc building again - Add no-skipif-doctests.patch, because SLE-15 version of Sphinx doesn't know about skipif directive in doctests.- Update sphinx-update-removed-function.patch patch to the latest version in python36.- Last try before this results in an editwar: * remove importlib_resources and importlib-metadata provides/obsoletes * import importlib_resources is not the same as import importlib.resources, same for metadata * The backport packages from PyPI needed for older flavors are specified as such for setuptools or in pyproject.toml. If a package requires them they typically add them with a python version qualifier and the packages have their own version numbers.- Add patch sphinx-update-removed-function.patch to no longer call a now removed function and to make documentation build independent of the Sphinx version (bsc#1179630, gh#python/cpython#13236).- Don't require packages which break build on SLE-15 although we really don't need them (python3-python-docs-theme and python3-sphinxcontrib-qthelp).- Fix build with RPM 4.16: error: bare words are no longer supported, please use "...": x86 == ppc.- Update to the final version 3.9.0: Complete changelog with all (many) changes from previous version is on Changes from the previous RC versions (not that many) are on Buildrequire timezone only for general flavor. It's used in this flavor for the test suite.- Update to 3.9.0rc1: * Core and Builtins - bpo-38156: Handle interrupts that come after EOF correctly in PyOS_StdioReadline. * Library - bpo-41497: Fix potential UnicodeDecodeError in dis module. - bpo-41490: Update ensurepip to install pip 20.2.1 and setuptools 49.2.1. - bpo-41467: On Windows, fix asyncio recv_into() return value when the socket/pipe is closed (BrokenPipeError): return 0 rather than an empty byte string (b''). - bpo-41425: Make tkinter doc example runnable. - bpo-41384: Raise TclError instead of TypeError when an unknown option is passed to tkinter.OptionMenu. - bpo-38731: Fix NameError in command-line interface of py_compile. - bpo-41317: Use add_done_callback() in asyncio.loop.sock_accept() to unsubscribe reader early on cancellation. - bpo-41364: Reduce import overhead of uuid. - bpo-41341: Recursive evaluation of typing.ForwardRef in get_type_hints. - bpo-41182: selector: use DefaultSelector based upon implementation - bpo-40726: Handle cases where the end_lineno is None on ast.increment_lineno(). * Documentation - bpo-41045: Add documentation for debug feature of f-strings. - bpo-41314: Changed the release when from __future__ import annotations becomes the default from 4.0 to 3.10 (following a change in PEP 563). * Windows - bpo-41492: Fixes the description that appears in UAC prompts. - bpo-40948: Improve post-install message to direct people to the “py” command. - bpo-41412: The installer will now fail to install on Windows 7 and Windows 8. Further, the UCRT dependency is now always downloaded on demand. - bpo-40741: Update Windows release to include SQLite 3.32.3. * IDLE - bpo-41468: Improve IDLE run crash error message (which users should never see). - bpo-41373: Save files loaded with no line ending, as when blank, or different line endings, by setting its line ending to the system default. Fix regression in 3.8.4 and 3.9.0b4.- Synchronize formatting and fixes with python38.- Increase testsuite timeout to account for super long running test_peg_generator- Removed CVE-2019-20907_tarfile-inf-loop.patch: fixed in upstream - Removed recursion.tar: contained in upstream - Update to 3.9.0b5: - bpo-41304: Fixes python3x._pth being ignored on Windows, caused by the fix for bpo-29778 (CVE-2020-15801). - bpo-41162: Audit hooks are now cleared later during finalization to avoid missing events. - bpo-29778: Ensure python3.dll is loaded from correct locations when Python is embedded (CVE-2020-15523). - bpo-39603: Prevent http header injection by rejecting control characters in http.client.putrequest(…). - bpo-41295: Resolve a regression in CPython 3.8.4 where defining “__setattr__” in a multi-inheritance setup and calling up the hierarchy chain could fail if builtins/extension types were involved in the base types. - bpo-41247: Always cache the running loop holder when running asyncio.set_running_loop. - bpo-41252: Fix incorrect refcounting in _ssl.c’s _servername_callback(). - bpo-41215: Use non-NULL default values in the PEG parser keyword list to overcome a bug that was ' preventing Python from being properly compiled when using the XLC compiler. Patch by Pablo Galindo. - bpo-41218: Python 3.8.3 had a regression where compiling with ast.PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT would aggressively mark list comprehension with CO_COROUTINE. Now only list comprehension making use of async/await will tagged as so. - bpo-41175: Guard against a NULL pointer dereference within bytearrayobject triggered by the bytearray() + bytearray() operation. - bpo-39960: The “hackcheck” that prevents sneaking around a type’s __setattr__() by calling the superclass method was rewritten to allow C implemented heap types. - bpo-41288: Unpickling invalid NEWOBJ_EX opcode with the C implementation raises now UnpicklingError instead of crashing. - bpo-39017: Avoid infinite loop when reading specially crafted TAR files using the tarfile module (CVE-2019-20907, bsc#1174091). - bpo-41235: Fix the error handling in ssl.SSLContext.load_dh_params(). - bpo-41207: In distutils.spawn, restore expectation that DistutilsExecError is raised when the command is not found. - bpo-39168: Remove the __new__ method of typing.Generic. - bpo-41194: Fix a crash in the _ast module: it can no longer be loaded more than once. It now uses a global state rather than a module state. - bpo-39384: Fixed email.contentmanager to allow set_content() to set a null string. - bpo-41300: Save files with non-ascii chars. Fix regression released in 3.9.0b4 and 3.8.4. - bpo-37765: Add keywords to module name completion list. Rewrite Completions section of IDLE doc. - bpo-40170: Revert PyType_HasFeature() change: it reads again directly the PyTypeObject.tp_flags member when the limited C API is not used, rather than always calling PyType_GetFlags() which hides implementation details.- Add CVE-2019-20907_tarfile-inf-loop.patch fixing bsc#1174091 (CVE-2019-20907, bpo#39017) avoiding possible infinite loop in specifically crafted tarball. Add recursion.tar as a testing tarball for the patch.- Changed bpo-31046_ensurepip_honours_prefix.patch to include fix from py3.8- Spec file fixes - Re-added subprocess-raise-timeout.patch: now compatible - Removed bpo34022-stop_hash-based_invalidation_w_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.patch: contained in upstream- Fix minor issues found in the staging.- Do not set ourselves as primary interpreter- Update to 3.9.0b4: - PEP 584, Union Operators in dict - PEP 585, Type Hinting Generics In Standard Collections - PEP 593, Flexible function and variable annotations - PEP 602, Python adopts a stable annual release cadence - PEP 615, Support for the IANA Time Zone Database in the Standard Library - PEP 616, String methods to remove prefixes and suffixes - PEP 617, New PEG parser for CPython - bpo#38379, garbage collection does not block on resurrected objects; - bpo#38692, os.pidfd_open added that allows process management without races and signals; - bpo#39926, Unicode support updated to version 13.0.0; - bpo#1635741, when Python is initialized multiple times in the same process, it does not leak memory anymore; - A number of Python builtins (range, tuple, set, frozenset, list, dict) are now sped up using PEP 590 vectorcall; - A number of Python modules (_abc, audioop, _bz2, _codecs, _contextvars, _crypt, _functools, _json, _locale, operator, resource, time, _weakref) now use multiphase initialization as defined by PEP 489; - A number of standard library modules (audioop, ast, grp, _hashlib, pwd, _posixsubprocess, random, select, struct, termios, zlib) are now using the stable ABI defined by PEP 384. - Remove upstreamed patches: - F00102-lib64.patch - SUSE-FEDORA-multilib.patch - OBS_dev-shm.patch - subprocess-raise-timeout.patch - bpo36302-sort-module-sources.patch - bpo40784-Fix-sqlite3-deterministic-test.patch- Update and regenerate- Convert few dependencies to their pkgconfig counterparts- Remove release requirement on libpython, it is not really needed to be equal as the abi changes with versions- Add provides python3-bla on all the subpkgs in case we are primary provider of the functionality- Remove unversioned files from devel subpkg too - Remove main python3 files from -base based whether we are primary interpreter or not - Fix idle to be co-installable - Add condition to be primary to provide/obsolete python3-* - Fix doc to build in versioned folder so the pythons can be installed next to each other- Revert the full versioning of calls on the macros. These are generic so they should really just call python3 X- For the doc package we can build with generic flavor, we don't need the our-interpreter based one- Add provides for pytohn3X-typing/etc to allow BR on those still to work when needed- Change macros.python3 to use full versioned 3.8 instead of just 3 for python interpreter- Reduce some now unused conditionals- Redux the -base dependencies to match up pre-merge layout- Generate baselibs in pre-checkin too- Generate the importlib-failed using pre_checking again - Add back the information about skipped tests on the pre_checkin output- Use %python_pkg_name instead of hardcoding python3 where applicable - Sort out preamble with spec-cleaner- Calculate required variables instead of relying on their continuous manual update- Fix the -base module build again to generate only the deps we need- Replace OBS_dev-shm.patch with the upstream PR#20944- Use the %{python_pkg_name} on more places to allow easier multiversioning - Switch to _multibuild approach for easier maintenance of this package. All is now in one spec file with 3 conditionals: * bcond_with base * bcond_with doc * bcond_with general- add requires python3-base on libpython subpackage (bsc#1167008)- build against Sphinx 2.x until python is compatible with Sphinx 3.x (see gh#python/cpython#19397, bpo#40204)- Fix build with SQLite 3.32 (bpo#40783) add bpo40784-Fix-sqlite3-deterministic-test.patch- Update to version 3.8.3: - Complete list of changes is available at, but most of them are just bugfixes. - Removed patch CVE-2020-8492-urllib-ReDoS.patch: contained in upstream- Add #!BuildIgnore: gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg to python3 SPEC- Add patch bsc1167501-invalid-alignment.patch (bsc#1167501, bpo#40052) to fix alignment in abstract.h header file.- Update list of skipped tests for qemu linux-user build, test_setegid (test.test_os.PosixUidGidTests) is confusing it- Update to 3.8.2: - Complete list of changes is available at, but most of them are just bugfixes. - Updated patches: - F00102-lib64.patch - OBS_dev-shm.patch - SUSE-FEDORA-multilib.patch - subprocess-raise-timeout.patch- Add CVE-2020-8492-urllib-ReDoS.patch fixing the security bug "Python urrlib allowed an HTTP server to conduct Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)" (bsc#1162367)- Add Requires: libpython%{so_version} == %{version}-%{release} to python3-base to keep both packages always synchronized (bsc#1162224).- Do not pull in bluez in base again, explain the cycle, it needs to be solved by bluez maintainer for us by providing just the headers separately- Reame idle icons to idle3 in order to not conflict with python2 variant of the package * renamed the icons * renamed icon load in desktop file- Add importlib_resources provide/obsolete as it is integral part of the lang since 3.7 release- Add -fno-semantic-interposition as it brings speed up: Update to 3.8.1: - This is mainly bugfix release and no significant changes to API are expected. The full changelog is available on - Remove bpo-38688_shutil.copytree_prevent-infinite-recursion.patch, which is included in the upstream tarball.- Add bpo-31046_ensurepip_honours_prefix.patch which makes ensurepip to honour the value of $(prefix). Proposed fix for bpo#31046..- Move bluez-devel dependency to base as it is needed for socket.AF_BLUETOOTH and otherwise does not work- Reintroduce QtHelp with the help of the new BR python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp.- Fix SUSE-FEDORA-multilib.patch, the platform agnostic infix for library installation is "lib", not "dir".- Move idle subpackage build from python3-base to python3. appstream-glib required for packaging introduces considerable extra dependencies and a build loop via rust/librsvg. - Correct installation of idle IDE icons: + idle.png is not the target directory + non-GNOME-specific icons belong into icons/hicolor - Add required Name key to idle3 desktop file- Update to the final release 3.8.0. . - New Features: - Assignment expressions - Positional-only parameters - Parallel filesystem cache for compiled bytecode files - Debug build uses the same ABI as release build - f-strings support = for self-documenting expressions and debugging - PEP 578: Python Runtime Audit Hooks - PEP 587: Python Initialization Configuration - Vectorcall: a fast calling protocol for CPython - Pickle protocol 5 with out-of-band data buffers - New modules: - importlib.metadata - Improved modules: - ast asyncio, builtins, collections, curses, ctypes, datetime, functools, gc, gettext, gzip, idelib and IDLE, inspect, io, json.tool, math, mmap, multiprocessing, os, os.path, pathlib, pickle, plistlib, py_compile, shlex, shutil, socket, ssl, statistics, sys, tarfile, threading, tokenize, tkinter, time, typing, unicodedata, unittest, venv, weakref, xml - C API improvements - bdist_winnst command has been deprecated (use bdist_wheel) - remains rest of changes including documentation on how to port your programs to the current version of Python.- Add idle3.appdata.xml and idle3.desktop (originally from Fedora) to make Idle3 full GUI desktop application. (bsc#1153830)- Drop intltool from BuildRequires. Doesn't appear to be used.- Add folder version to allow tarball downloads even for beta/rc releases- Revert patches from Fedora (F00102-lib64.patch and F00251-change-user-install-location.patch) into their original prisitine Fedora versions, SUSE-FEDORA-multilib.patch refreshed accordingly.- Correct quotation of platsubdir in Lib/distutils/command/ Replace python-3.6.0-multilib.patch with two patches from Fedora (F00102-lib64.patch and F00251-change-user-install-location.patch), and our own SUSE-FEDORA-multilib.patch to allow better cooperation with Fedora and better upstreaming. - Add OBS_dev-shm.patch fixing bpo#38377- Pull in just gettext and let solver to sort out between: gettext-runtime-mini and gettext-runtime- Update to 3.8.0rc1. Overall changes from 3.7: - PEP 572, Assignment expressions - PEP 570, Positional-only arguments - PEP 587, Python Initialization Configuration (improved embedding) - PEP 590, Vectorcall: a fast calling protocol for CPython - PEP 578, Runtime audit hooks - PEP 574, Pickle protocol 5 with out-of-band data - Typing-related: PEP 591 (Final qualifier), PEP 586 (Literal types), and PEP 589 (TypedDict) - Parallel filesystem cache for compiled bytecode - Debug builds share ABI as release builds, also the 'm' ABI tag was removed (irrelevant since 3.4), bpo#36707 - f-strings support a handy = specifier for debugging - continue is now legal in finally: blocks - on Windows, the default asyncio event loop is now ProactorEventLoop - on macOS, the spawn start method is now used by default in multiprocessing - multiprocessing can now use shared memory segments to avoid pickling costs between processes - typed_ast is merged back to CPython - LOAD_GLOBAL is now 40% faster - pickle now uses Protocol 4 by default, improving performance - Refreshed patches: - CVE-2019-5010-null-defer-x509-cert-DOS.patch - python-3.3.0b1-fix_date_time_compiler.patch - python-3.6.0-multilib.patch - subprocess-raise-timeout.patch- Add bpo36302-sort-module-sources.patch (boo#1041090)- Try harder obsoleting importlib-metadata- Update to 3.8.0b4: Many bugfixes, full list on Re-enable test_threading on aarch64- Remove xrpm from subpackage tk description- Update to 3.8.0b3: Many bugfixes, full list on - Patches reapplied: - python-3.3.0b1-fix_date_time_compiler.patch - python-3.3.0b1-test-posix_fadvise.patch - python-3.6.0-multilib.patch - subprocess-raise-timeout.patch- Add Provides: python3-importlib-metadata- Update to 3.8.0b2: Many bugfixes, full list on - Patches included in upstream: - bpo-37169_PyObject_IsFreed.patch - Patches reapplied: - 00251-change-user-install-location.patch - distutils-reproducible-compile.patch - python-3.3.0b1-localpath.patch - python-3.6.0-multilib.patch- Update list of skipped tests for qemu linux-user build - Don't do profiling in qemu linux-user build- Update to 3.8.0b1 (changes since 3.7.*): - PEP 572, Assignment expressions - PEP 570, Positional-only arguments - PEP 587, Python Initialization Configuration (improved embedding) - PEP 590, Vectorcall: a fast calling protocol for CPython - PEP 578, Runtime audit hooks - PEP 574, Pickle protocol 5 with out-of-band data - Typing-related: PEP 591 (Final qualifier), PEP 586 (Literal types), and PEP 589 (TypedDict) - Parallel filesystem cache for compiled bytecode - Debug builds share ABI as release builds - f-strings support a handy = specifier for debugging - continue is now legal in finally: blocks - multiprocessing can now use shared memory segments to avoid pickling costs between processes - typed_ast is merged back to CPython - LOAD_GLOBAL is now 40% faster - pickle now uses Protocol 4 by default, improving performance - Remove patches which were included in the upstream: - 00251-change-user-install-location.patch - 00316-mark-bdist_wininst-unsupported.patch - CVE-2019-9947-no-ctrl-char-http.patch - raise_SIGING_not_handled.patch- Set _lto_cflags to nil as the package is using LTO via --enable-lto. That will prevent to propage LTO for Python modules that are built in a separate package.- Update to 3.8.0.a3: - PEP 572: Assignment Expressions. - Other (mostly small) changes are on bsc#1130840 (CVE-2019-9947): add CVE-2019-9947-no-ctrl-char-http.patch Address the issue by disallowing URL paths with embedded whitespace or control characters through into the underlying http client request. Such potentially malicious header injection URLs now cause a ValueError to be raised.- Fix metadata of patches. - Rename boo1071941-make-install-in-sep-loc.patch to 00251-change-user-install-location.patch which is the original name, so it can be looked up in the Fedora VCS.- Mark distutils bdist_wininst command unsupported with 00316-mark-bdist_wininst-unsupported.patch - Remove Windows bdist_wininst executables from runtime package- Update to 3.7.3, which is the maintenance release without any significant changes in API. - Updated patches: - CVE-2019-5010-null-defer-x509-cert-DOS.patch - distutils-reproducible-compile.patch - python-3.3.0b1-fix_date_time_compiler.patch - python-3.6.0-multilib.patch - raise_SIGING_not_handled.patch- Remove building of Qt Develop help files.- Return distutils-reproducible-compile.patch which is still missing (still unfinished bpo#29708).- Update to 3.8.0a2: * List of all (mostly small) changes are on Build nis module again.- Update to 3.8.0a1: * The most visible change so far is probably the implementation of PEP 572: Assignment Expressions. For a detailed list of changes, see: * Recover building of nis module properly in python3 package - Update patches: * CVE-2019-5010-null-defer-x509-cert-DOS.patch * python-3.3.0b1-fix_date_time_compiler.patch * python-3.3.0b1-test-posix_fadvise.patch * python-3.6.0-multilib.patch * raise_SIGING_not_handled.patch- Put LICENSE file where it belongs (bsc#1121852)- bsc#1122191: add CVE-2019-5010-null-defer-x509-cert-DOS.patch fixing bpo-35746. An exploitable denial-of-service vulnerability exists in the X509 certificate parser of Python 2.7.11 / 3.7.2. A specially crafted X509 certificate can cause a NULL pointer dereference, resulting in a denial of service. An attacker can initiate or accept TLS connections using crafted certificates to trigger this vulnerability.- Do not require full gettext in order to avoid pulling in the glib2 as a dependency- Update to 3.7.2: * bugfix release: Stop applying python-3.6.0-multilib-new.patch (which is still WIP), and apply the old proven python-3.6.0-multilib.patch instead.- Use upstream-recommended %{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d directory for the rpm macros.- Upgrade to 3.7.2rc1: * bugfix release, for the full list of all changes see - Make run of the test suite more verbose- Write summaries without em dashes.- Remove python-3.3.0b1-curses-panel.patch it is unnecessary anymore. - Add boo1071941-make-install-in-sep-loc.patch to make pip and distutils in user environment install into separate location (boo#1071941) Set values of prefix and exec_prefix in distutils install command to /usr/local if executable is /usr/bin/python* and RPM build is not detected to make pip and distutils install into separate location - Remove finally python-3.3.3-skip-distutils-test_sysconfig_module.patch - Remove distutils-reproducible-compile.patch which doesn't make really much difference in reproducibility (see gh#python/cpython#8057 and discussion there).- Rename Stop_hash-based_invalidation_w_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.patch to bpo34022-stop_hash-based_invalidation_w_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.patch- Add dependency on bluez-devel to build support for Bluetooth (boo#1109998)- Add devhelp subpackage and split qthelp into another subpackage.- Remove python-3.0b1-record-rpm.patch and Python-3.0b1-record-rpm.patch, as they are not needed anymore- Switch off test_threading for optimization builds.- Update to python-3.7.1. This is just a brief overview, complete changelog available at Library bpo-34970: Protect tasks weak set manipulation in asyncio.all_tasks() - Patches already accepted upstream are removed: * 00307-allow-to-call-Py_Main-after-Py_Initialize.patch * 00308-tls-1.3.patch - New patches added: * Stop_hash-based_invalidation_w_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.patch * raise_SIGING_not_handled.patch - All other patches refreshed via quilt.- Add raise_SIGING_not_handled.patch to fix bsc#1094814- Add patch to fix importlib return types: * python3-imp-returntype.patch- bpo-34022 still not completely fixed, so we have to keep excluding test_cmd_line_script, test_multiprocessing_main_handling, and test_runpy from the test suite.- Update to python 3.7.1~rc2: Core and Builtins bpo-34879: Fix a possible null pointer dereference in bytesobject.c. Patch by Zackery Spytz. bpo-34854: Fixed a crash in compiling string annotations containing a lambda with a keyword-only argument that doesn’t have a default value. bpo-34320: Fix dict(od) didn’t copy iteration order of OrderedDict. Library bpo-34769: Fix for async generators not finalizing when event loop is in debug mode and garbage collector runs in another thread. bpo-34922: Fixed integer overflow in the digest() and hexdigest() methods for the SHAKE algorithm in the hashlib module. bpo-34900: Fixed unittest.TestCase.debug() when used to call test methods with subtests. Patch by Bruno Oliveira. bpo-34871: Fix inspect module polluted sys.modules when parsing __text_signature__ of callable. bpo-34872: Fix self-cancellation in C implementation of asyncio.Task bpo-34819: Use a monotonic clock to compute timeouts in and as_completed(), in order to prevent timeouts from deviating when the system clock is adjusted. bpo-34334: In QueueHandler, clear exc_text from LogRecord to prevent traceback from being written twice. bpo-6721: Acquire the logging module’s commonly used internal locks while fork()ing to avoid deadlocks in the child process. bpo-34172: Fix a reference issue inside multiprocessing.Pool that caused the pool to remain alive if it was deleted without being closed or terminated explicitly. Documentation bpo-32174: chm document displays non-ASCII charaters properly on some MBCS Windows systems. Tests bpo-32962: Fixed test_gdb when Python is compiled with flags - mcet -fcf-protection -O0. C API bpo-34910: Ensure that PyObject_Print() always returns -1 on error. Patch by Zackery Spytz.- Add Stop_hash-based_invalidation_w_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.patch to fix problems with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH variable (bpo-34022)- Add patch to fix build with tls1.3 supported openssl * 00308-tls-1.3.patch - Add patch to fix Py_Main calls after Py_initialize * 00307-allow-to-call-Py_Main-after-Py_Initialize.patch- Add -fwrapv to OPTS, which is default for python3 anyway See for example for bugs which are caused by avoiding it.- Fix ownership of _contextvars, _queue, and _xxtestfuzz- Switch off LTO for distros with older GCC - Fix %files- Add dependency over libuuid-devel- update to python 3.7.0 Complete overview of changes is available on, these are just highlights: * PEP 563, postponed evaluation of type annotations. * async and await are now reserved keywords. * New library modules: contextvars: PEP 567 – Context Variables dataclasses: PEP 557 – Data Classes importlib.resources * New built-in features: PEP 553, the new breakpoint() function. * Python data model improvements: PEP 562, customization of access to module attributes. PEP 560, core support for typing module and generic types. the insertion-order preservation nature of dict objects has been declared to be an official part of the Python language spec. * Significant improvements in the standard library: The asyncio module has received new features, significant usability and performance improvements. The time module gained support for functions with nanosecond resolution. * CPython implementation improvements: Avoiding the use of ASCII as a default text encoding: PEP 538, legacy C locale coercion PEP 540, forced UTF-8 runtime mode PEP 552, deterministic .pycs the new development runtime mode PEP 565, improved DeprecationWarning handling * C API improvements: PEP 539, new C API for thread-local storage * Documentation improvements: PEP 545, Python documentation translations New documentation translations: Japanese, French, and Korean. - drop python3-sorted_tar.patch - drop 0001-allow-for-reproducible-builds-of-python-packages.patch - refresh python-3.6.0-multilib-new.patch - refresh subprocess-raise-timeout.patch * new C API for thread-local storage * Deterministic pyc files * Built-in breakpoint() * Data Classes * Core support for typing module and generic types * Customization of access to module attributes * Postponed evaluation of annotations * Time functions with nanosecond resolution * Improved DeprecationWarning handling * Context Variables * Avoiding the use of ASCII as a default text encoding (PEP 538, legacy C locale coercion and PEP 540, forced UTF-8 runtime mode) * The insertion-order preservation nature of dict objects is now an official part of the Python language spec. * Notable performance improvements in many areas.- disable lto with gcc versions below 7 (results in link failures)- Use faster find subcommand execution strategies.- Do not mention the testsuite disabling in opts as it was moved to main pkg so base is test-free- As we run in main python package do not generate the pre_checkin from both now- Move the tests from base to generic package wrt bsc#1088573 * We still fail the whole distro if python3 is not build * The other archs than x86_64 took couple of hours to unblock build of other software, this way we work around the issue - Some tests are still run in -base for the LTO tweaking, but at least it is not run twice- update to 3.6.5 * bugfix release * see Misc/NEWS for details - drop ctypes-pass-by-value.patch - drop fix-localeconv-encoding-for-LC_NUMERIC.patch - refresh python-3.6.0-multilib-new.patch- Created %so_major and %so_minor macros - Put Tools/gdb/ script into proper place and ship it with devel subpackage.- ctypes-pass-by-value.patch: Fix pass by value for structs on aarch64- Add python3-sorted_tar.patch (boo#1081750)- Drop python3-tk and python3-idle recommends to reduce python3 always pulling X stack bsc#1081751- Add patch to fix glibc 2.27 fail bsc#1079761: * fix-localeconv-encoding-for-LC_NUMERIC.patch- Update skip_random_failing_tests.patch (for PowerPC) to avoid test_call_later failure- move XML modules and python3-xml provide to python3-base (fixes bsc#1077230) - move ensurepip to base- Add skip_random_failing_tests.patch only for PowerPC- update to 3.6.4 * bugfix release, over a hundred bugs fixed * see Misc/NEWS for details - drop upstreamed python3-ncurses-6.0-accessors.patch - drop PYTHONSTARTUP hooks that cause spurious startup errors * fixes bsc#1070738 * the relevant feature (REPL history) is now built into Python itself- Install 2to3-%{python_version} executable (override defattr of the -tools package). 2to3 (unversioned) is a symlink and does not carry permissions (bsc#1070853).- move 2to3 to python3-tools package- update to 3.6.3 * bugfix release, over a hundred bugs fixed * see Misc/NEWS for details - drop upstreamed 0001-3.6-bpo-30714-ALPN-changes-for-OpenSSL-1.1.0f-3093.patch- drop python-2.7-libffi-aarch64.patch: this patches the intree copy of libffi which is unused/deleted in the line afterwards - fix build against system libffi: include flags weren't set so it actually used the in-tree libffi headers.- Fix test broken with OpenSSL 1.1 (bsc#1042670) * add 0001-3.6-bpo-30714-ALPN-changes-for-OpenSSL-1.1.0f-3093.patch- Update RPM group for python documentation.- fix missing %{?armsuffix}- distutils-reproducible-compile.patch: ensure distutils order files before compiling, which works around bsc#1049186- Add libnsl-devel build requires for glibc obsoleting libnsl- update to 3.6.2 * bugfix release, over a hundred bugs fixed * see Misc/NEWS for details - drop upstreamed test-socket-aead-kernel49.patch - add Provides: python3-typing (fixes bsc#1050653) - drop duplicate Provides: python3- drop db-devel from requirements- Add missing link to python library in config dir (bsc#1040164)- update to 3.6.1 * bugfix release, over a hundred bugs fixed * never add import location's parent directory to sys.path * switch to git for version control, build changes related to that * fix "failed to get random numbers" on old kernels (bsc#1029902) * several crashes and memory leaks corrected * f-string are no longer accepted as docstrings- prevent regenerating AST at build-time more robustly - add "--without profileopt" and "--without testsuite" options to python3-base to allow short circuiting when working on the package- Add 0001-allow-for-reproducible-builds-of-python-packages.patch upstream reenable test_socket with AEAD patch (test-socket-aead-kernel49.patch) - reintroduce %py3_soflags macro (and better named %cpython3_soabi equivalent)- update to 3.6.0 * PEP 498 Formated string literals * PEP 515 Underscores in numeric literals * PEP 526 Syntax for variable annotations * PEP 525 Asynchronous generators * PEP 530 Asynchronous comprehensions * PEP 506 New "secrets" module for safe key generation * less memory consumed by dicts * dtrace and systemtap support * improved asyncio module * better defaults for ssl * new hashing algorithms in hashlib * bytecode format changed to allow more optimizations * "async" and "await" are on track to be reserved words * StopIteration from generators is deprecated * support for openssl < 1.0.2 is deprecated * os.urandom now blocks when getrandom() blocks * huge number of new features, bugfixes and optimizations * see for details - rework multilib patch: drop Python-3.5.0-multilib.patch, implement upstreamable python-3.6.0-multilib-new.patch - refresh python-3.3.0b1-localpath.patch, subprocess-raise-timeout.patch - drop upstreamed Python-3.5.1-fix_lru_cache_copying.patch - finally drop python-2.6b1-canonicalize2.patch that was not applied in source and only kept around in case we needed it in the future. (which we don't, as it seems) - update import_failed map and baselibs - build ctypes against system libffi (buildrequire libffi-devel in python3-base) - add new key to keyring (signed by keys already in keyring) - introduced common configure section between python3 and python3-base - moved pyconfig.h and Makefile to devel subpackage as distutils no longer need it at runtime - added python-rpm-macros dependency, regenerated macros file, drop because it is not used now - improve summaries and descriptions (fixes bsc#917607) - enabled Link-Time Optimization, see what happens - including in run - run specs through spec-cleaner, rearrange sections- move _hashlib and _ssl modules and tests to python3-base - recommend python3- Skip test_asyncio under qemu_user_space_build- Add Python-3.5.1-fix_lru_cache_copying.patch Fix copying the lru_cache() wrapper object. Fixes deep-copying lru_cache regression, which worked on previous versions of python but fails on python 3.5. This fixes a bunch of packages in devel:languages:python3. See: Build the docs in .qch format as well- update to 3.5.1 * bugfix-only release, dozens of bugs fixed - Drop upstreamed Python-3.5.0-_Py_atomic_xxx-symbols.patch - "Python3" to "Python 3" in summary * This seems cleaner and fixes and rpmlint warning- Add Python-3.5.0-_Py_atomic_xxx-symbols.patch This fixes a build error for many packages that use the Python, C-API. This patch is already accepted upstream and is slated to appear in python 3.5.1.- update to 3.5.0 * coroutines with async/await syntax * matrix multiplication operator `@` * unpacking generalizations * new modules `typing` and `zipapp` * type annotations * .pyo files replaced by custom suffixes for optimization levels in __pycache__ * support for memory BIO in ssl module * performance improvements in several modules * and many more - removals and behavior changes * deprecated `__version__` is removed * support for .pyo files was removed * system calls are auto-retried on EINTR * bare generator expressions in function calls now cause SyntaxError (change "f(x for x in i)" to "f((x for x in i))" to fix) * removed undocumented `format` member of private `PyMemoryViewObject` struct * renamed `PyMemAllocator` to `PyMemAllocatorEx` - redefine %dynlib macro to reflect that modules now have arch+os as part of name - module `time` is now built-in - dropped upstreamed patches: python-3.4.1-fix-faulthandler.patch python-3.4.3-test-conditional-ssl.patch python-fix-short-dh.patch (also dropped dh2048.pem required for this patch) - updated patch Python-3.3.0b2-multilib.patch to Python-3.5.0-multilib.patch - python-ncurses-6.0-accessors.patch taken from python 2 to fix build failure with new gcc + ncurses- Add python3-ncurses-6.0-accessors.patch: Fix build with NCurses 6.0 and OPAQUE_WINDOW set to 1.- improve import_failed hook to do the right thing when invoking missing modules with "python3 -m modulename" (boo#942751)- Build with --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions to make it works as geospatial database.- Fix source list for previous change (add dh2048.pem).- dh2048.pem: added generated 2048 dh parameter set to fix ssl test (bsc#935856) - python-fix-short-dh.patch: replace the 512 bits dh parameter set by 2048 bits to fix build with new openssl 1.0.2c (bsc#935856)- ctypes-libffi-aarch64.patch: remove upstreamed patch - python-2.7-libffi-aarch64.patch: Fix argument passing in libffi for aarch64- drop the PDF subpackage (removes the massive texlive dependency, and most likely nobody is using the PDFs anyway)- python-3.4.3-test-conditional-ssl.patch - restore tests failing because test_urllib was unconditionally importing ssl (without really needing it) - restore functionality of multilib patch - drop libffi-ppc64le.diff because upstream completely changed everything yet again (sorry ppc64 folks :| )- Update to version 3.4.3 - Drop upstreamed CVE-2014-4650-CGIHTTPServer-traversal.patch (bpo#21766)- Add python-3.4.1-fix-faulthandler.patch, upstream patch for bogus faulthandler which fails with GCC 5.- asyncio has been merged in python3 main package; provide and obsolete it - Remove obsolete AUTHORS section - Remove redundant %clean section- Only pkgconfig(x11) is required for build, not the whole set of packages provided by xorg-x11-devel metapackage.- add %python3_version rpm macro for Fedora compatibility - add missing argument in import_failed, rename Novell Bugzilla to SUSE Bugzilla/bin/sh  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?3.9.19-150300. -fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=directoryELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=347d51f78f24e3edc882ca10cd608abc6004da31, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=75590b83d385a374c65efe29eeb196e36248970d, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=bf19f8d5084644d93b6eb3dffe2922125a8a8faa, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=77ff15d598d02ad658b0f79cf70a1885d7c7f915, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fa87df65e4c21c623d82225cc9dcf4c438bde54e, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b05312252104d163a064fec9a207030785a25e6e, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fd07c7c1e73ba02efb9d6f900ac98b109459c83d, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=86550a491e2b0207ea9d1a6cfdb1bb70267181ef, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f2d47e0f22213c132f90349840764a2bc64b889b, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=69a323b3a8ba294d6fbe84b03429804d9e6c4c62, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=680e96e24eb28b1df1afa82e93946ab90182cb01, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=708e2fd8f92a7fdb77994f785ecbb6a38723e4c0, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=41bb0bf33679fa781ad81e860221307ac4f6a8cc, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c863b8568fe5b411e8e16bd8be45f74d7847eeb5, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b7187007eef6b454636f7f8e5ae644d5bbcaf815, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d8df3136feda0328428fd36913a80028ed8c4002, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d4a7058b343ee7729fc16b2054d3245143d5547d, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=85cf507ad9e12d6ff348101e2268b81812cf9dcf, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b20e19cba977fabb04dd1102eba2b8bfb700edb7, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9da5f7c5ed8da1604961eb4bc20d6a5811d10ec8, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=dc506ed28e7920a4b10727783fa1fe7a6c139342, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=89bd556b73d4d0e1850fa51f5bc4afbb91227b78, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0a18efcd0d8c22e75f9aeb6c85c799b7db483156, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fa71154e3fe1ca12c8183ebc821d213430ce46d3, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=47e908158b98247396344d92c89b4d5301136c1a, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fd060c9826f19b4a5f7b111da37ddd1ad9b14a30, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ec308f6369c777abdf9ea1ff500776c73bc5c202, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4c0239bbbf87745ccf418cf42d6ca48a15e15d9e, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=85e6d327736a3e3a1948b7fabbdfd54bd59ab0bd, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5499d4806539da049197b3aa27d77bb822d29877, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=87f0c856f80948bc5b1c193d9b0a3d81597b9df0, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0809c1fae9b927e83a6e9e29cdef774dd54822a6, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6721925688641dc2a1d5eac66382185081b49c8c, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=08e2f09a427e887bdf6d3e0b2d38f59134f5eed8, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=52d3bd03f026faae15cc80c4aaa81094d385d32b, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2c9698ea750d896d8ff1f7a6092731dadb65581e, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=46814bbbc2582589f8184f2ed1cc66a16611ca2f, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9a27f564b9ab7268e86387398cef36474e9bb6c6, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=36034c24c062957ae9647652c9a07f66600d889f, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=157bb1927dc051a57f94aff1bdc89bb20d5a00e3, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=60cf39d29dd3e5c9e4fb8642d20512ab8f41905d, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6b4ac409ef39e2261c604e7bc9270dd64ecd3b6d, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6a3e4aa9d0a9e3d75bc652b667bc12fa7d19e3da, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=69052b5b9a05f59497ea85c9d3ca46b1657c0005, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9667640b40707685095f084d28309e401437651c, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=088e9eb4ee5539411b88fc1d51aea7ba41731ff4, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5b7a4fdaa2cdfa6bde60f6388673dbee0c7a750b, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e2bd905e73d138486da36dd9f5a542f2b7256adc, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=15c89f5f617fb7214d21b30d761f497d9cbe283e, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ccbd90e9461c2ba9634242728a9aac5d0e450d4b, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d693551d48a09688b2a6b915a2b5377885d51767, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=10a04d500b0ee068792dde7de4e906018010d333, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4c35aeb582a605e2155b036963ec4545e7374cc7, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=fd9b5e847c9141c20b77d4e31997e0edfb1f02f0, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ee2e9c92ad0a43e6d131603ee37765522f67be00, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=54d16b653bc8102c5019c552f2e9e403cfa3fd9e, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6b6acbc7470a958ba4f12442bd3ab1e6656054ea, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8b0906fa641d3067152adf7b7b33364d810309f4, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a87ddb68f2423918e08fc530ad75d13b4d5a87bb, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b70a47723badeffaf279b748a052033e733ff31f, strippedELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=aad1f9b01afda0f781673d77decde496f53b5081, stripped !'-4:@DKP^gsz #)/6=DOX_jr|        R4RRRR&RR4RRR&RR4R RRRRR&RR4RRRRR&RR4RRRRR&RR4RRRR&RR4RRRR&RR4RRRRR&RR4RRRR&RR4RRRR&RR4RR&RR4RRRRR&RR4RRR&RR4R'RRRRRRRRRRR&RR4RRRRR$R"R&RR4R#R'R R RRRRR"R&RR4RRRRR&RR4RRRRRRR&RR4RR&RR4RRR&RR4RRR&RR4RRRR!R R&RR4RRRR&RR4RRRRR&RR4R'R(R*R)RRRR&RR4RRR&RR4R'RRRRR&RR4R'RRR,R+R&RR4R'RRRR&RR4RRR&RR4RRRR&RR4RRRR&RR4RRRR&RR4RRRRR&RR4RRRR&RR4R'RRRRRRRRR&RR4RRRRRRRR/R.R'R-RR&RR4RR&RR4RRRR&RR4R1RRR0R&RR4RRRRR&RR4RRRR&RR4R RRR&RR4RRRRR&RR4R#RRR"R&RR4RRRR2R&RR4R'RRRR$R%R#R"R&RR4R'R RRRRR&RR4RRRRR&RR4R'RRRR%R#R$R"R&RR4R'RRRRR&RR4R'RR RR RRR&RR4RRRR&RR4RRRRR&RR4R'RRRRRR R&RR4R'RRRR RRR&RR4R'RRRR&RR4RRRR&RR4R'RRRR&RR4RRRRR&RR4R3RRR2R&Rutf-81877065736dc4bc62ca5aac15b0dd9122a7e541610f5bd89cc89cc9f6430ffca? 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