libgcab-1_0-0-1.6-37.41e>UA"#?C U#dM*?d {eo1bz?3wќgNKyޝ+L\I3[چ<>@?d  / 04Rq      4<FPhp ((84 9\ :n > @FG0H8I@XD Yp \]^bcdefluvwxyz(,2txClibgcab-1_0-01.637.41Cabinet file librarygcab is a tool and library for manipulating cabinet files. It uses the GObject API and provides GIR bindings. It supports creation of archives with simple MSZIP compression. This package provides a system library to access cab filesd {reproducibleGNOME:Apps / openSUSE_Factoryobs:// d    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/[@b@^,-^!@]z@\ [ZZZBjørn Lie Bjørn Lie Dominique Leuenberger Bjørn Lie Bjørn Lie Update to version 1.6: + New Features: Allow specifying the allowed compression formats at runtime. This would allow us, for example, to disable the slightly scary LZX compression format when parsing unknown files. + Bugfixes: Do not require git when building from a tarball.- Update to version 1.5: + New Features: - New gcab_file_set_bytes() API. - meson: Register the gcab executable with meson. + Bugfixes: - Fixed MSZIP compression when deflate algorithm would expand. Previous versions of gcab can produce "incorrect" archives (when a compressed block is larger than its input). They are however supported by gcab itself, and we will keep support for it for the foreseeble future. - gcab: avoid runtime warnings. - Fix coverity warnings. + Updated translations.- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use- Update to version 1.4: + New Features: - New GDateTime-based APIs. - Allow comping as meson subproject. + Bugfixes: - build-sys fixes. - MacOS/Windows build support.- Update to version 1.3: + New Features: Installed test support. + Bugfixes: - Fix file corruption on LZX extract. - build-sys fixes. + Updated translations.- Update to version 1.2: + build-sys: - Fix installing the includes. - Don't require git to build. + gcab: Fix regression. Apparently, rewinding should reset the CDATA state. + Updated translations. - Drop gcab-fix-installing-the-includes.patch and gcab-revert-git-dep.patch: Fixed upstream.- Add gcab-fix-installing-the-includes.patch: build-sys: fix installing the includes (bgo#793388).- Update description.- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner- Add gcab-revert-git-dep.patch: Revert new dependency on git, having a builddependency on git just to able to show version when using a git checkout is a bit much (bgo#793406). - Following the above patch, drop git BuildRequires./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigreproducible -O2 -Wall -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -Werror=return-type -flto=auto -gobs:// 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d70ecb69743d5a0ee14aae225e43ecdf998af6ff, strippedPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPRRRRRR RR R2iX~xwutf-8ea0225019562eb40d802f4cc5835111076ff1e6c1d065e56c895bf5c9b1427f19e00e85dd30091bf65545c02bfd31c580269fccd57d791aa70cf651f18159553?(/h b4DLT3libgcab-1_0-0-1.6-37.2Ҏ+v lvJ -mj`U,+841 8>( A j ?fP:eo1b@Vjc淡a=#]6vM`׊~/.ԃܘN\1ee026d5baab1982a28f18a8dd04147618c6c9514f9d44184ee92238c0a16349d2da6548c841cac6a44b577948ed5ee41fa6ef<꧂śLQ &]h< "r&@,.X6{UxF|KSNkhp 1 `  %״NU*BZh91AY&SY 3{~o~^ < w[f  4)6&LК1Bd F hѐhAG6bd"4ɠMDO2ɔSA~z'L4d4h4(4 jBLM5=Fjbhz@4C@h F24ɠh#@2h424ѐ d@hh4F#Lh41  hh 4h3&R}f D>+j*Ŋ(*3I;g 1[@McLl^~:4u47/Z4!FPE|Iĩz.IM zfg*G)6;/EaX9Ԧ)`ZKzMo-nK6J`H)!P?"oNSlwk,HP`h]bڐv6R[0 %2CfnگUILUD݂݆T3)sILE,8wK. *"\mU.0*ص*-ꅆE4f^2a!cj1EE˲(U$ޑG,rp=6 hhXݕYbdުlYcɕjFX qz=c0jC6`Mq6S3[L5pU.-b"AlX1buX>6;51V1ù [gsz U,eZ8Oj[+ZbL6;giW 5EЦCS 2fL̐7ɨъ""bbxM$aETE"(,uhI$2II  ˡ:ބ3hCI XBDþ2Q. 6ز̿kF,DqIsN *@ٟ.4A쏰'a Z6E|`! IU  $RId`a @I 7kV&1\5R+*&6>#͇gso:ɷUʥz* ^2:AtSZ7M>;jS ǏhtJg^iڳŏbau.1]CTi^{8RS-j^uќ@$PD!!hca,P4=V8(P Dߞuڻey9!6k8um)ֱg @Y季t| æUF+a g l,䚄V>szte_R/Pz7WİL8rc^nˈ1m,6u{+8y  H=iq?~nk7&aH;T(  κdBA+Lrp$ Z0mNxTۢJ SyIlRQA2l<5HayݼOim˗!lĦ Hj؝]H*+[eeB  -撡\^D %")m̴)=iSaE2b-"y$ ΁m68z|eEә-2 mav809 KS__Mk#WS᥎E5V`ֵR".1Fj|>U`%e-gژ"D9 rVv˳ 0ptrÉ1lt6:;δ+JZª49;ʏRnM 7PpsdI5Z O0"wj+0)%1F1F?]B@1once_init_enter_poig_leave_pointerE(nHCiV0&-n=fXg%."g+Ŕ? gX!q؝*/b\v#|û2/"Y텉Ce62ԉI ca|zvk @ȝI\t