libstemmer1d-2.2.0-8.4e>UA׍ho\c 8?fxeo1bj!iozĥ;ƶ}bc8 2>@? d  7LP`d      D l : (_8h9t:> 0@ ?F NG hH xI X Y \ ] ^ b <c d ae ff kl pu v w 8x Hy Xz l |    Clibstemmer1d2.2.08.4Shared library for libstemmerSnowball is a small string processing language for creating stemming algorithms for use in Information Retrieval, plus a collection of stemming algorithms implemented using it. Snowball was originally designed and built by Martin Porter. Martin retired from development in 2014 and Snowball is now maintained as a community project. Martin originally chose the name Snowball as a tribute to SNOBOL, the excellent string handling language from the 1960s. It now also serves as a metaphor for how the project grows by gathering contributions over time. The Snowball compiler translates a Snowball program into source code in another language - currently ISO C, C#, Go, Java, Javascript, Object Pascal, Python and Rust are supported. This package holds the shared library for libstemmer.fxreproducibleLGNOME:Apps / openSUSE_Factoryobs://큤f|f|f|f|    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/<`qDominique Leuenberger Dominique Leuenberger Dominique Leuenberger - Properly tag patches as PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE.- Update to version 2.2.0: + New code generator: Ada generator. + Javascript: Fix generated code to use integer division rather than floating point division. + Python: - Python 2 is no longer actively supported. - Fix code generated for division. Previously the Python code we generated used integer division but rounded negative fractions towards negative infinity rather than zero under Python 2, and under Python 3 used floating point division. + For more information, see shipped NEWS file. - Rebase build-options.diff and shared-library.diff. - Bump to we have no guarantee that upstreams static-only-library maintains any kind of ABI.- Initial package, version 2.1.0, based on work by darix and dabian/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigreproducible -O2 -Wall -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -Werror=return-type -flto=auto -gobs:// 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3160ef12aef61088a4e5065d8ad2d5dc94cc82eb, strippeddirectoryASCII textPRRRR#']+6,utf-840518947ef10ea45b4160b3f3f6274530ef6f2184127717238be8430ebb6aaeec429eeeac010b1498150950d22703d29014f8e7d5cbef9c55ad4b1f0fcdd12b2?(/he$727]L[xqr؅N!ۋ,j(B+凄?Bsuޞ8)x~c{|=tXһ)y^k[\{}KV_ ū]WqCA+̦s.ѫ@at2J8g‰J13 -`7_@b3b1":4"g?/~ߏceVMXdKmICL 0 _lǓ֭2=dn