Goblin openSUSE's implementation of the MeeGo UX Smeegol is the resulting marriage of openSUSE and MeeGo's great User eXperience. It provides a customised frontend targetted at smaller displays (optimised for 1024x600, but works well on larger) and marries that to openSUSE's great distro. Meego:Netbook:1.1 Smeegol 1.1 openSUSE based on the 1.1 release of MeeGo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Meego:/Netbook:/1.1/openSUSE_Factory/ openSUSE:Factory The next openSUSE distribution Our bleeding edge distribution. This will become the next official openSUSE distribution, Alpha and Beta versions are mastered from this distribution. Have a look at http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Factory for more details. http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Factory/snapshot/ anerley The anerley package The anerley package. augeas The augeas package The augeas package. banshee-1-client-meego The banshee-1-client-meego package The banshee-1-client-meego package. banshee-1-dmp The banshee-1-dmp package The banshee-1-dmp package. banshee-1-dmp-mtp The banshee-1-dmp-mtp package The banshee-1-dmp-mtp package. banshee-1-dmp-apple-devices The banshee-1-dmp-apple-devices package The banshee-1-dmp-apple-devices package. banshee-community-extensions The banshee-community-extensions package The banshee-community-extensions package. banshee-extension-liveradio The banshee-extension-liveradio package The banshee-extension-liveradio package. banshee-extension-magnatune The banshee-extension-magnatune package The banshee-extension-magnatune package. banshee-extension-mirage The banshee-extension-mirage package The banshee-extension-mirage package. banshee-extension-telepathy The banshee-extension-telepathy package The banshee-extension-telepathy package. gnome-settings-daemon Settings daemon for the GNOME desktop gnome-settings-daemon provides a daemon run by all GNOME sessions to provide live access to configuration settings and the changes done to them as well as basic services like a clipboard manager, controlling the startup of the screensaver, etc. This module was previously part of GNOME Control Center, but has been splitted from it for a more general use. bisho The bisho package The bisho package. bognor-regis The bognor-regis package The bognor-regis package. chrome-meego-extension Extension for Chrome Meego integration The extension for Chrome MeeGo integration chromium Google's opens source browser project Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome. We invite you to join us in our effort to help build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web, and to create a powerful platform for developing a new generation of web applications. clutter-gesture Gesture Library for Clutter Description: Gesture Library for Clutter libclutter-glx-1_0-0 The libclutter-glx-1_0-0 package The libclutter-glx-1_0-0 package. libclutter-gst-1_0-0 The libclutter-gst-1_0-0 package The libclutter-gst-1_0-0 package. libclutter-gtk-0_10-0 The libclutter-gtk-0_10-0 package The libclutter-gtk-0_10-0 package. libgnomesu The libgnomesu package The libgnomesu package. clutter-imcontext IMContext Framework Library for Clutter The IMContext Framework Library for Clutter cronie The cronie package The cronie package. empathy The empathy package The empathy package. evolution The Integrated GNOME Mail, Calendar, and Address Book Suite Evolution consists of modular components (at the moment: mailer, calendar, and address book) that should make daily life easier. Because of the modular design, it is possible to plug new components into Evolution or embed the existing ones in other applications. gnome-packagekit The gnome-packagekit package The gnome-packagekit package. gnome-bluetooth-meego MeeGo Bluetooth applet This package contains a bluetooth applet for MeeGo built using gnome-bluetooth widgets gnome-control-center-netbook The GNOME Control Center for netbooks This package contains the control center for the GNOME 2.x Desktop for netbooks. libgupnp-1_0-3 The libgupnp-1_0-3 package The libgupnp-1_0-3 package. libgupnp-av-1_0-2 The libgupnp-av-1_0-2 package The libgupnp-av-1_0-2 package. libsocialweb A social data aggregator A social data aggregator hooking into web services like twitter/facebook/last.fm etc libsocialweb-keys API keys for libsocialweb Last.fm and Twitter API keys for libsocialweb. meego-facebook-plugins The meego-facebook-plugins package The meego-facebook-plugins package. mobile-broadband-provider-info Mobile Service Provider Database This package contains mobile broadband settings for different service providers in different countries. meego-branding-openSUSE The openSUSE background for Meego The openSUSE specific branding package for MeeGo Image created by Jackub Steiner, "Bubbles with Logo" Found on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/forcev/3842096407/in/set-72157618908491290/ meego-cursor-theme MeeGo X cursors icon theme X cursors icon theme for MeeGo. meego-help MeeGo Help MeeGo help documentation meego-menus Configuration and data files for the desktop menus Configuration and data files for the desktop menus in Meego meego-panel-applications Applications panel Meego applications panel meego-panel-datetime Date/Time panel Date and Time panel which features world clock and alarm support meego-panel-devices Devices panel Meego devices panel meego-panel-myzone Myzone panel Meego myzone panel meego-panel-pasteboard Pasteboard panel MeeGo pasteboard panel meego-panel-people People panel Meego people panel meego-panel-status Status panel Meego status panel meego-panel-web Internet panel Meego Internet panel meego-panel-zones Zones panel Meego zones panel meego-sound-theme MeeGo sound theme The sound theme used in the MeeGo UX meego-ux-settings Package to setup the environment and schemas Package to install Netbook schemas and stuff. mutter Mutter Window Manager Mutter is Clutter-based compositing window manager for Gnome. mutter-meego Meego Netbook plugin for Metacity Clutter, aka, Mutter Meego Netbook plugin for Metacity Clutter, aka, Mutter network-manager-netbook The moblin network applet A mutter-moblin plugin/applet for controlling network settings. libtelepathy-farsight0 The libtelepathy-farsight0 package The libtelepathy-farsight0 package. telepathy-gabble The telepathy-gabble package The telepathy-gabble package. telepathy-haze The telepathy-haze package The telepathy-haze package. telepathy-idle The telepathy-idle package The telepathy-idle package. telepathy-mission-control The telepathy-mission-control package The telepathy-mission-control package. telepathy-salut The telepathy-salut package The telepathy-salut package. uxlaunch A hugely cut-down gdm and gnome-session replacement An ultra-lightweight, but non-standard process to log you in, and get your session going in next to no cycles.