ghostwriter-lang-2.1.6-bp154.2.3.1<>,$cG!M@eeeY8YK4VUAIM|3fapcoRnp3_#-$j, 5wYGTI߀-) xp0q4Ԡ .:)%i 0%K8hqOHzX?ΥBXrB 4;ל3LY:qG85{* !dKR79{19[҄ ..a\ۃD#Pr1}23~yF#Kuj6,mn`>>U ?Td % J $l      hD7(Y8`9: EFOGP HPTIPXPYP\P]Q<^R{bRcSjdTeTfTlTuT4vT|zTTTTTTTTCghostwriter-lang2.1.6bp154.2.3.1Translations for package ghostwriterProvides translations for the "ghostwriter" package.cGarmbuild02rSUSE Linux Enterprise 15openSUSEGPL-3.0-or-laterhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Localization<rOt1tY!qunKAA큤cGcGcGicGicGicGicGicGicGicGicGicGicGicGicGicGicGicGi92d57e447ff0c13ef23dd795b16bf2a8f2fc73af6b0e0242e372edab015c452571037d8278a4f53f5b23c6ec72c8aaf8f6d96cbe6e1f0581c9cfec4fe6c98f4d7c8686aa6a8bfb5119702eb8b01f2d9b44bc8be396cc109c2a14dbc84967cf1994c0e28a19ccb1ebdf2735d5ce1368e6463ce849c948ed9dd6795ea1e54d5ad2315195fc669a401baf69f0c48b5ab8d764e29e8d2d58313ad456fb916bd0b932278b55b3cb4569aae80556d03e9942994b3f822848e4442d72db3bbd77c91c48231401c5cd43e08494f7fe377a72fb3c40ae02246b894d0f34cabbf8666599a2a6ff9aaaf6a6a86252a56487390a075d7bde28230183ad3f49bdb9b9d417be8d2e68c5f8dd02db7a22581592f13190bcc11130bf7c4b5f8ee9e337142b9b526e25729ac6b5f45a46e4030f600224b4ac0938524e1912ce3e0ff7238ae14040d08bb96a3c8ae2af7e0737a2998e5eb495738e383ea17cae7dccfae67ce329cfb8a22fdef075ebc74ba24d47877c342d19e40b2c7f228487592bf9465a133b9ecb929318b9398b8f69c70e8812333f6d893dbcace54538ce14ff250c35bdf5349f3a9c55f4797c5964353d5acedc2340c306654a534496d59ee1826fefac89975bfa7ef51c4558be91bab0850534a36e03a651fa26f73c027390334c906438c34ab63bf8e55839a34433ed393dd17e76e5b1f93553411d3a620ef0d90e46eecc20rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootghostwriter-2.1.6-bp154.2.3.1.src.rpmghostwriter-langghostwriter-lang-all    ghostwriterrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)>@bbb1@aY@a@`#@``~@^@^S\Ɋ@\@[@[`O@[U@[O+ZԐ@ZUZUZ@YZ@Y*Y)j@XWRWW@W+5W$@Olivier Belleux Sebastien CHAVAUX Sebastien CHAVAUX Sebastien CHAVAUX Sebastien CHAVAUX Sebastien CHAVAUX Cor Blom Martin Pluskal Cor Blom Christophe Giboudeaux Sebastien CHAVAUX Sebastien CHAVAUX Sebastien CHAVAUX seb95.scou@gmail.commpluskal@suse.comseb95.scou@gmail.comseb95.scou@gmai New upstream release, update to version 2.1.6. - list of fixes, see New upstream release, update to version 2.1.4. - list of fixes, see New upstream release, update to version 2.1.3. - list of fixes, see New upstream release, update to version 2.1.2. - list of fixes, see New upstream release, update to version 2.1.1. - list of fixes, see Update to 2.1.0. - list of fixes, see Update to 2.0.2: * Unicode characters are properly displayed in the sidebar's Outline. * Chinese and other languages with unicode characters now display properly in the HTML preview.- Fix source url- Update to 2.0.1: Fixed: * Issue #598: Unicode characters no longer shifts syntax highlighting. * Sidebar now properly hides itself after the `Ctrl+J` Outline command if it was previously hidden on initial launch. * New Norwegian translation added. * Spanish and Italian translations updated. - Update to 2.0.0: Added: * cmark-gfm now replaces Sundown as the default Markdown processor for live previews an export. * Syntax highlighting now utilizes cmark-gfm for better accuracy, especially with nested blocks. * HUDs have been replaced with a side bar. * Theming has been revamped to include more color options, but to exclude background images. * CSS for HTML Preview now adaptively changes colors based on the current theme. * Fonts can be customized for the HTML preview in the Preview Options dialog. * Themes are now composed of two color schemes: a light mode and a dark mode. * A new dark mode button in the status bar allows users to switch to the current theme's dark mode. * Find and replace dialog has been revamped into a panel at the bottom of the application. * Find and replace now supports highlighting all matches. * Export dialog now uses native file selector dialog. * Any two spaces at the end of a line are marked with dots by default. * Selected text now reveals tabs and spaces. * Source code has been refactored to follow KDE Frameworks and Qt coding style guides. * ghostwriter now uses React to update only what changed in the live preview since the last keystroke, significantly reducing the live preview rendering time for large documents. Fixed: * Issue #281: Removal of HUD windows will facilitate Alt+Tab switching. * Issue #382, #539: IME selection window/IBUS candidate window should no longer be displaced. * Issue #401: Single column tables are now highlighted. * Issue #439: README file was updated to remove the installation of qt5-default on Debian-based systems. * Issue #480: Menu bar is now accessible on relaunching ghostwriter in full screen mode. * Issue #494: MathJax JavaScript syntax error that was being printed to the terminal and which prevented inline math from being displayed with the `$` sign has been fixed. * Issue #500: Preview Options dialog will now only open once. * Issue #507: Multilevel lists are highlighted correctly in the editor with the switch to cmark-gfm handling the syntax highlighting. * Issue #508: HUD windows have been replaced with a side bar for compatibility with Wayland. * Issue #517: has been updated with correct instructions location for building on MacOS. * Issue #503: MathJax has now been included inside the application rather than fetching it externally. * Issue #532: Insert spaces for tabs now works on startup. * Issue #536: Added missing Markdown file extensions to file dialog filter when opening and saving files. Removed: * Discount support was removed due to its conflicting executable name with MultiMarkdown. - Remove 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch- Add patch to fix build with Qt 5.15: * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch- Update to version 1.8.1: * Issue #443: MathJax 3.0 is now built into the HTML preview. Note that this feature works best with Pandoc and requires an Internet connection. Other Markdown processors are not currently supported. * Issue #447: Cursor is no longer shown when editor is not in focus. * Issue #461: Fixed Cheat Sheet to have correct image example. * Issue #471: HUD window styling is fixed for Qt 5.13. * Issue #472: Fixed typing paused timers for session statistics and for hiding HUD windows. * Discount is not listed as an available Markdown processor if MultiMarkdown is installed. * New application translations are available for the following languages: + Arabic + Dutch- Update to version 1.8.0: * New Features: HTML preview has been ported from QtWebKit to QtWebEngine (Chromium). * Issue #206: ghostwriter now has right-to-left language support. * Issue #391: mathml option for pandoc is now used to render math equations for preview and export. * Issue #411: Fixed crash when adding a new theme with no theme selected. * Issue #412: Fixed export to PDF (wkhtmltopdf) failure with Pandoc. * Issue #430: Fixed issue extra spaces appearing between
tags in the HTML preview. * Removed print support, since it has some odd bugs on some platforms, and most users would want to print their exported content anyway. * Removed graphics fade effect for the bottom of the editor, as it is a risky feature that has caused bugs in the past and does not work on HiDPI screens.- Update to version 1.7.4: * Issue #178: Only use --quiet option for Pandoc version 2 or greater. * Fixed words-per-minute calculations to not be jumpy or overly high. * Fixed issue where creating a new theme resulted in inconsistent selection and display of themes in the Theme Selection dialog. * Fixed broken icon when running under Wayland. * Fixed screenshots in appdata. * Issue #385: Updated resource files license to CC BY-SA 4.0.- Update to version 1.7.3: * Fixed segfault that occurred when changing the theme or interface style after opening the Preview Options dialog.- Update to version 1.7.2: * Fixed issue where the --quiet option was mistakenly used with older Pandoc versions that did not support its use. * Worked around Qt 5.11 qinstall bug where running qmake and make would fail when installing the translation files- Update to version 1.7.1 * Fixed regression in full screen mode where menu bar was not showing on mouse-over. * Fixed regression where wrong theme was shown as selected on opening the Theme Selection dialog. * Fixed issue #366 where warnings from Pandoc that were resulting in error dialogs on successful export. * Fixed issue #292 where saving a document under Windows resulted in end-of-line characters being written as \n instead of \r\n. * Fixed issue #360 where a graphical glitch under MacOS disabled the Theme Selection dialog's remove theme button.- Update to version 1.7.0 * Added light and dark built-in themes based on the community Ulysses III theme Plainstraction. * @sbrl added a new Github Dark built-in stylesheet for use with the live preview. * Live preview has been optimized to show the preview for typed characters immediately on smaller documents. * Added ODT and EPUB 3 as export options for MultiMarkdown 6. * Theme selection dialog now displays a grid instead of a list. * The menu bar is now hidden again in full screen mode when the user presses Alt+Tab to switch to a different application. * Fixed issue #354 to disable hard line breaks for Pandoc's Github-flavored Markdown. * Worked around issue in Qt 5.11 where changing the theme causes the app to crash. * Worked around issue in Qt 5.10 where opening a new document with a document already loaded can cause the app to crash.- Update to version 1.6.2 * Issue #315: Worked around slow load of QPrinter constructor in Fedora 27 by lazy loading the printer settings only when needed for printing or print preview rather than during application startup. * Fixed line break tokenizing to not include paragraph breaks.- New upstream release, update to version 1.6.1 * Worked around an issue with Qt version 5.10 that causes the application to occasionally crash when reloading the currently opened document or when opening a new document due to the text cursor not being set to the beginning of the document before clearing the editor and loading the new document.- Run spec-cleaner - Drop not needed scriplets- Update to version 1.6.0 * HTML live preview is now in a split pane view rather than in a separate window. * New options were added to hide HUD windows while typing, in full screen mode, or in live preview mode. * A new button was added to the status bar and a new shortcut was added to the View menu in the menu bar to toggle hiding/showing the open HUDs. * Github's cmark-gfm can now be detected and used as a Markdown processor. * Block quotes and code blocks now have an inobtrusive background color to differentiate them. * Buttons have been added to the status for existing features. * HUD windows and scrollbars can be stylized to have square or rounded corners in the Settings, and are no longer theme dependent. * New "Typewriter" focus mode was added by @hirschenberger. * The style sheet and Markdown processor to use with the HTML live preview can now be selected in their own dialog box accessible both from the status bar at the bottom of the window and from the menu bar in the Settings menu. * The "Copy HTML" button has been moved to the "status bar" at the bottom of the main window. * The "Copy HTML" button / menu bar option can copy just the selected Markdown text as HTML (using the currently selected Markdown processor). It will still copy the entire Markdown text document and convert it to HTML in the system clipboard if no text is selected. * Themes now support options for emphasis color and block text color. Note that emphasis color will also affect the color of headings, and block text color will affect the color of block quotes and code blocks. * Issue #302: ghostwriter will now look for default Qt translations on the standard Qt translations path (for standard buttons/text). These default Qt translations have been included in the Windows installer translations folder and portable Windows Zip, and will be loaded automatically based on the currently selected application language. * Some tweaks have been made to the parsing/highlighting of emphasized text to handle nested emphasis cases better. As part of this effort, ghostwriter uses a Qt 5-specific regular expression class that is not available in Qt 4. As such, ghostwriter can no longer be built with Qt and must be built with Qt 5. * Issue #272: Fixed issue with Focus mode where inserting matching characters around a selection was causing the application to crash. * Issue #260: Added compatability with Pandoc version 2 and MultiMarkdown version 6. * Fixed issue where HTML preview scrolls to the top if the new HTML from a modified document matches the old HTML, even if the markup used in the source document did change. * Fixed issue where current word is not live spell checked if the user switches the text cursor to a different line. * Fixed issue where prompt to reload a file that has been modified externally was being displayed multiple times per file change. This seems to have been triggered by some editors like Sublime Text that perform multiple file saves for a single file modification. * Issue #228: Selected text can now be dragged and dropped to a different location within the editor. * Fixed issue where if setext heading markup line is selected and deleted with the cursor position beginning at the end of the previous line, the heading is not removed from the Outline HUD. * Fixed issue where Preview HTML menu item and button were not in sync to appear checked or unchecked. * ghostwriter now clears the Outline HUD when loading or reloading a document to prevent a crash in case bad data is in the HUD. * Fixed copy HTML issue to ensure Markdown text has proper formatting (i.e., greater than signs aren't converted to >). * ghostwriter will now search in the mozilla-dicts installation location for dictionaries on OpenBSD.- Update suggested packages and recommend virtual package markdown- Update suggested packages- Update to version 1.5.0 * HUD windows can now be closed using the Esc key when they have focus. * A new option has been added to highlight double spaces at the end of a line. * Github-style task lists can now be made using the * and + bullet point characters, in addition to the - character. * Support for ConTeXt and wkhtmltopdf when exporting to PDF with Pandoc has been added. * Auto-matching characters for selected text now respects the existing preferences for the matching done while typing without text selected. * Typing a single quote (') will no longer result in a second quote being automatically inserted after the cursor if the cursor is positioned in the middle of a word. * Most settings have been moved into a new Preferences dialog to accommodate the ever increasing number of application options. * Font size can now be increased by pressing Ctrl+=or decreased by pressing Ctrl+-. It can also be changed by using Ctrl and the mouse wheel. * When exporting to other file formats, the output file will be opened after export with its default application. * E-books created using Pandoc will now also be generated with a table of contents. * When passing in a file path via the command line, a new file will be created with that path if it does not already exist. * When typing a * character, ghostwriter would auto-insert a second '*' character in anticipation of emphasized text. The auto-inserted second * will now be removed if a space is typed to accommodate a bullet list instead. * Rudimentary support for HiDPI has been added. See notes below. * Various performance enhancements and tweaks have been made under the hood. * Hyphenated words are now considered one word for spell checking * ghostwriter can now be built from its source tarball without needing git to be installed. * Linux desktop file now specifies that ghostwriter can open only one file from the command line rather than multiple files. * Ctrl+M now opens the HTML Preview instead of Ctrl+W. This is to avoid a conflict with closing windows in Linux. * Copy and paste no longer makes the word count jump. * Sundry minor fixes have been added.- Split lang subpackage and generate/install translations - Suggest MultiMarkdown-5 as well- Update to version 1.4.2: * Issue #113: Full screen clock now displays time based on locale. * Issue #119: Null characters, which had been breaking the HTML preview, are no longer inserted when typing over selecting text. * Issue #121: Code fences are now correctly highlighted when they contain blank lines. * Issue #123: Statistics HUDs now have proper padding when alternating row colors is enabled. * Issue #125: The translations folder has been moved up one folder for the portable distribution of ghostwriter. * Sundry minor fixes have been added.- Update to version 1.4.1: * Pressing backspace at the end of a line no longer deletes adjacent line breaks. * Renaming a theme no longer removes its background image. * Main window is now rendered correctly when transitioning between full screen mode and maximized. Main window also remembers its normal size upon being restored from maximized after having been in full screen mode previously.- Update to version 1.4.0: * The time of day optionally displays in full screen mode. * The recent file history size has been increased to 10. * The menu bar will optionally auto-hide in full screen mode when the mouse is not hovering over it. * All new Hemingway mode button will disable backspace and delete keys. * Two new HUDs display statistical information on the current writing session and document. * Auto-matched characters can be customized. * Pandoc PDF export now has better defaults for margins and hyperlinks. * Shortcut keys using Alt now use Ctrl to avoid conflicts with OS shortcut keys and to better accommodate non-USA keyboards. * High DPI scaling has been enabled for Qt 5.6 and above. * Dragging and dropping an image into the editor will now insert the image link at the mouse location. * Classic Light and Classic Dark themes have new color palettes. * Various aesthetics have been added to the main window. * New application translations are available for the following languages: + German + Italian + Japanese + Portuguese (Brazil) + Russian * Sundry other fixes have been added.- Trim description to relevant parts.- Initial package for version 1.3.1armbuild02 1665662233 arcacsdeenesfritjanb_NOnlplpt_BRrusvzh2.1.6-bp154. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs://;Xƪ#ghostwriterutf-8190ad9a01ed9cef4728108c36b598ce1af2c81b5ea43d2d433037e28e65e2121? 7zXZ !t/๻M]"k%kf};AKr @ M@TW-5 n1zC~P$E3o=}+"2)Z:)gc3Ws#Fj-3bַnT gs 9rի ͎( ~F:\,(UT;Km^,K3P8j^6G~~z>Y ӊaHJpyuiMh-ٯrR3G#[0EY`xvڨRR-"'>vWF&ʶ ^$6v—M^ı2uJz+:%i ;S lkO"M,Yx8dJ \fN 轮ՙ$?DxLNuZcK%r !Xk`()#1BJYN 5>ʓd૿32v{z Nw7m| WUyCg0{0dSn\0)t UδVuN%0͘!MfTSԍJ_s4Re%{yZöӏpքs*Ə[Ѻؐ=@JZ rմ|xB$a]R>Sp,5pփeaLe8۽+(AtN.]Wbx:|heWX,ZHIP\L1: ۳؈-z9o7=eŰzZt!wmy ] 9uGbK7-Ci PJ8$6/_sY`wfT;+\4Ŵw05rx'^wҶN^ܥOjo}v۪xT'bN:yڄFF0eҊo$qf)?pEeJwV8;D&BJ+.Q0) 9!_k_ϽsPo RtQWEbƶ^2"K\)U ) &&F(9SAZ!%[{v/1BxLfД:ag҆z̢b(ӑUH;QoxR\!(-M&ׇ c4?̮iH/,NhаإT5/*-3&%3A9}PU 4-</l[S{ !N&n<.PZM979(ukؤ^䰀uy'x 1 uU=_"1ϝt]&kӤ\{;FJr^" fD.IA+@ b SC8V"@m 5ɡAZNG .e=.%{$tbHj5U`*@0\4GXDuTG'"dvAUd'=NHI(|;JL؍vmK*viݵy@f6E FSȇs6 hdZ`PgP+0 "OsZ HAIrbx6D[Rzs35B=7?u}?Zs/w+^=^i;ꎈSg{4!jYu1s~"#_Cs?2خԼ$ ebVcEWJD\H9V4p$D B}/t4Yl/! 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