Staff List & Mailing Address Staff List & Mailing Address Staff List & Mailing Address MORNING STAR is produced and published monthly, by a staff of born again believers in Jesus, located across the United States of America. Correspondence to MORNING STAR may be sent via the U.S. Postal Service or one of several computer networks. POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 7755 Nashua NH 03060-7755 ELECTRONIC MAIL LINKS: America Online E-Mail (DOS Files): MStarDOS America Online E-Mail (MAC Files): MStarMAC GENIE Network E-Mail: J.Jones93 COMPUSERVE Network E-Mail: 73710,2524 DELPHI Network E-Mail: Derr1ck (Note on Delphi name: It is a number "1" between the "r" and "c") ========================================================= MORNING STAR STAFF: EDITOR IN CHIEF Toby Trudel - Nashua, NH SENIOR EDITOR - Biblical Department Geoffrey Kragen - Roseville, CA SENIOR EDITOR - Christian Life Department Teresa Giordanengo - Canonsburg, PA SENIOR LITERARY EDITOR Al Murillo III - El Paso, TX WRITING STAFF Jerry Johnson - Modesto, CA Dr. Charles Wooten - Matoaca, VA J.C. Trudel - Naples Park, FL SENIOR PUBLISHER - DOS Version Steve Paulovich - Derry, NH DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION (AMERICA ONLINE Network) Jerry White - Germantown, MD DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION (GENIE and COMPUSERVE Networks) Jeffrey Jones - Bakersfield, CA DIRECTOR OF NETWORK DISTRIBUTION (DELPHI Network) Derrick Shipman - Greenville, SC BBS DISTRIBUTION MANAGERS Danny O. Dennis - Opelika, AL Jack Lavallet III - Alpharetta, GA Walter H Bauer Jr. - Sugar Land, TX Bruce Derouen - Beaumont TX Letters From the Editor's Desk From the Editor's Desk Welcome to the November issue of MORNING STAR. Response to the premiere edition has been fantastic. Christians across the country have downloaded both computer versions of the magazine and passed them along to various electronic bulletin board systems (BBS) making MORNING STAR available to millions. One of our staffers attempted to upload the first issue onto a Christian BBS in Missouri two days after we had released it. Much to his surprise the network already had received it from some other source. Praise the Lord! We hope in a future issue to present a complete list of these BBS for everyone's reference. Computer and hard copy versions of the premiere issue of MORNING STAR have reached Canada, Europe, Israel, Africa and the Philippines. We are anxiously awaiting responses from these locations. Work is now under away to make MORNING STAR available in the Soviet Union and Finland. Please pray for success with this! MORNING STAR is available on the major computer networks as well. Here's how to find it: AMERICA ONLINE 1. Lifestyles and Interests Dept. 2. Ethics and Religion Forum 3. Software Library COMPUSERVE 1. Go Religion 2. Religious Forums 3. Software Libraries 4. Christian Library GENIE 1. Religion and Ethics Round Table 2. Software Library 3. Library (also page 390 in "Genie Talk" - "M390") DELPHI 1. Group 2. Theological 3. Database 4. Sig newsletter 5. Read MSTAR (Or use keywords; "magazine," "Morning Star," or "Christian.") Anyone wishing to help distribute MORNING STAR on Christian BBS, please contact us via any of our computer links found in the staff listing or write to our Post Office box. We have a list of hundreds to choose from. We need more "laborers" in this area! (Matthew 9:37) INSIDE THIS ISSUE In this second issue we are promoting a theme of "healing". Our Feature area, Special Studies and Testimony columns, People Profile story, Bible Quiz and Poetry section all relate to this. Our hope is that these articles will benefit some who face illness or depression in their lives or those of their loved ones. FUTURE ISSUES If you are interested in submitting an original article, story or poem for MORNING STAR, here is a list of our upcoming themes: December - Changed Lives #1 (Special testimony issue) January - Education (Christian schools, home schooling etc.) February - Missions and Ministries (Local and international) March - Relationships (Marriages, friendships, occupational etc.) April - Changed Lives #2 (Another testimony issue) Remember ... we cannot use any copyrighted material without prior written consent from the author or publisher. HELP US OUT We want to hear from you! Every issue of MORNING STAR will have a section for letters from our readers. Please send in your comments, questions and suggestions so we may publish them. Be sure to include your first initial, last name, city and state with your letter. OUR USUAL REMINDER MORNING STAR accepts literary contributions from believers wherever they may live. It is our policy to publish testimonies as they are originally submitted with minimal alteration of the text. Opinions stated in these testimonies do not necessarily reflect those of the MORNING STAR staff. The content of MORNING STAR does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any computer network. In service to Jesus the Messiah, Toby Trudel Editor in Chief MORNING STAR Your Letters Your Letters ENCOURAGEMENT FROM SOME GOOD FOLKS ... "May I say we have read through your publication and are very impressed with it. It is one of the finest computer publications we have read, so full of variety and something for everyone's interest in the Christian field ... We shall do all that we can with folks that come to our Jerusalem office (and they come from all over the world) to make them aware of MORNING STAR and to be sure and get it onto their computer networks. As you know the world comes to Jerusalem and it is a good place to be able to help you. We will begin here to inform folks and put them in direct contact with you ... We are encouraged and excited about how God will use all of this. May it always be to His Glory and His Name be magnified. Thank you for your excellent job ... May God richly bless you." Sharon Saunders Christian Friends of Israel Jerusalem, ISRAEL "Congratulations on your new adventure, and may God use "Morning Star" to His glory around the world." Verlaine Skog Permissions Secretary DECISION Magazine Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Minneapolis, Minnesota "Thanks for the letter introducing "Morning Star" ... Friends of Israel has just launched its own BBS ... leave a comment to the SYSOP and he will upgrade you to a user level ... we look forward to the future ministry of 'Morning Star'." William Varner Dean of Institute of Biblical Studies (A ministry of Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry) Bellmawr, New Jersey "Thank you for sharing your magazine with us. It is wonderful to know that we are able to reach more for Yeshua ... Thank you for giving out our information, address etc., we love many of the ministries you've listed as well." Cynthia A. Gray Zola Levitt Ministries Dallas Texas FROM THE WEST ... "I recently downloaded your hypercard stack "Morning Star" from America Online ... I really enjoyed the first issue and look forward to future ones. I see that the staff which created "Morning Star" is spread out across the country. Please thank them for me as well." Paul Schmidt Jr San Francisco, California "As a Unitarian, I do not find myself in agreement with its basic premise, but it is an excellent piece of work; and there are areas of the program - such as some of the tips on visiting people in the hospital - that would be beneficial to all of us; regardless of our viewpoint. The program is beautiful, easy to read and easy to use. The writing style is extremely good. The people who put it together are as entitled to their point of view as I am to mine. So, I offer my congratulations to those of you who went to a lot of hard work to put it together; and I wish you continued success." Michael McGuire Livingston, California "I echo the opinion that the format of the Morning Star publication was excellent, the program running it was attractive, and the articles well-written. There were indeed many excellent articles that crossed the boundaries of creed. Good job folks, I hope you'll be publishing for a long time yet!" L.E. Jacobson Tempe, Arizona "As a Born Again Christian I have downloaded your disk, read it, and have to say that it was great! You have chosen a valuable media through which to spread the gospel for Our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep up the good work, and I for one will be looking forward to the November issue. PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!" Leroy Blanchard Renton, Washington FROM THE NORTH ... "Thanks for whatever you did to make it possible for me to read "Morning Star". I really got blessed! And I will pray for those prayer requests listed!" Tillman Sells Brentwood, New York "I can't wait to get the disk at my church so others can see it too." D Black Canonsburg, Pennsylvania "I've enjoyed the Morning Star Magazine quite a bit. Thanks for queuing me in on where it is." H.Elston Bloomington, Indiana "I read most of Morning Star and quite impressed with the work that has gone into it. The Vietnam Vet piece was quite a job ... congratulations." B. Templeton Indianapolis, Indiana FROM THE SOUTH ... "Greetings from Rice University! I've just gotten your MORNING STAR electronic Christian newsletter through Keith's Little Software BBS in Houston Texas. It's great! I'm glad there's someone out there doing this! God Bless." Lee Hsig Houston, Texas "I downloaded the remarkable premiere issue of MORNING STAR ... I believe your efforts will succeed for many reasons. However, the opportunity for so many Christians from different groups to communicate and express will, I believe, be one of the prime reasons for success ... May the Lord bless this effort." B.M. Miller Delray Beach, Florida "Thoroughly enjoyed the first issue of Morning Star. This magazine needs to be available wherever magazines are sold." Mona Graham Opelika, Alabama "Enjoyed every article! Publication with real meat for the reader unlike other magazines." David Wise Opelika, Alabama "Well done my good and faithful servant." This is the scripture that came to my mind after reading, "Morning Star." God is indeed working signs, wonders, and miracles in these last days! "Morning Star" is one of them! What a Blessing to All!" Lenora A. Pinalez McAllen, Texas "Its neat. Its a wonderful idea." Jean Milheim Houston, Texas "I believe the news paper is very informative and has something to appeal to all Christians. Keep up the Good Work." Bill Thornton Houston, Texas "What an undertaking! I had no idea that it would be so complete. I am really impressed. I read the articles in great detail and even made a hard copy of the recipes." T. Scott Memphis, Tennessee FROM OUR NORTHERN NEIGHBORS: Just to let you know, I recently downloaded the first copy of MORNING STAR from the FutureTRON BBS in London, Ontario, Canada. I will be uploading it to the local BBS where I live, called Home Base BBS, which is in St. Thomas, Ontario. As I only use Compuserve for E-Mail, I hope that I will be able to upload future issues to our local BBS when I see them on FutureTRON. Thank you for an excellent electronic magazine, and I'll continue to do my best to spread the word. Joe Caverly St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Commentary Commentary - The Power of a Sound Mind "... And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" (From Romans 10:14) "And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle onto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those who oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth." (2 Timothy 2:24-25) Scripture teaches us that believers are not only to go out into the world and share the Gospel with others, but also that we are to do it in a proper way. All too often Christians forget that it is God that saves men and women, not themselves. The accusatory term of "bible banging" is often, sadly, an accurate description of those who preach in an irresponsible, boastful and often hurtful way. Many have been driven further away from a relationship with Christ by those too concerned with winning an argument rather than saving a soul. Others have been made more confused by Christians too interested in teaching them about their particular opinions on matters not directly related to the salvation plan. As believers living in times where knowledge has been greatly increased (Daniel 12:4), with opportunities and means never seen before to spread the Gospel, we have to use discernment in all our efforts. Three methods we have to serve this purpose, which can be extremely effective if used wisely, are printed media, television/film, and computer networks. What used to require a professional printer and an enormous sum of money can now be created using a home computer and photocopy machine. Television, with the expansion of cable and local networks and satellite links, is a tremendous field. Computer networks, the newest medium for spreading the Word, can reach into people's homes across the country and even around the world, in a few moments of time. THE PRINTED MEDIA I have seen examples in all three of these areas where well-meaning Christians have either not made good use of their resources, carelessly offended people or acted in a way that brought shame to the name of Jesus. The first of these was in the area of printed media. As I approached my car in a public parking lot one day after work, I noticed a flyer under my windshield wiper blade. The pamphlet was about eight by fourteen inches, folded in three, and looked very professional in appearance. The title caption read: "Prepare for the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ- October 1992 - RAPTURE - In 1999, Human History Will End." The group responsible for this document listed no address at which to reach them, but went by the name "Mission for the Coming Days". Within the pamphlet was some good information including a final paragraph with a short salvation prayer. Most of it however, was dedicated to explaining this group's view of the rapture and particularly why it will occur at the time they forecast, stating that the October 1992 date was "quite reliable" and that people could also "receive the confident answer directly from the Lord by prayer" that this date was true. The pamphlet claimed that the Lord has given this date to "many different groups of people", including "Pastor, Evangelist, Elder, Deacon, Professor, Student, Young Boys and Girls, Unbelievers, etc.; more than 1000 faithful Christians, through vision, dream, voice and prophecy." I find it sad that a group with resources enough to publish such an attractive brochure should use what God has granted them to go on another date-setting adventure. Back in 1988, a booklet called "88 Reasons the Rapture is in 88" spread like wildfire among many churches in the United States and overseas. This document, which predicted the rapture to be on Rosh Hashana 1988, sold in the neighborhood of four and half million copies. The effect it had on the spiritually weak was devastating. There were reports of people taking out loans they could not afford to pay back to buy Bibles and other book to help with the "last minute evangelizing". Many sold possessions for the same reasons. Some went as far as having their pets put to sleep so they wouldn't suffer after their owners disappearance. Some well-meaning Christians used this document as a type of witnessing tool, leading people to a "belief" based mostly on what this booklet had to say. Rosh Hashana 1988 came and went, and another false prophet was exposed. (I might add that his "evidence" was much more elaborate and convincing than what this new group has to offer.) Perhaps the Lord will come in 1992. Maybe He won't even wait that long. What we should not be doing is wasting resources on such guessing games. They can do no good, only harm. When Paul wrote in Romans 10:14 of getting the message out into the world he was talking about the Gospel of repentance and faith in Jesus. When the Lord said to go out to all nations, he said to make disciples of people, not competition for the psychics and astrologers. ON THE TUBE Recently, an advertisement for a series of children's Christian videos, produced by the Dallas-based Family Entertainment Network, has been airing on various television networks. The videos have been promoted across the country in a series of 30-minute "information commercials". This series of "Animated Stories from the New Testament" has drawn fire from several Jewish organizations, and rightly so. Within all of the stories, the Jews who rejected Jesus are portrayed with long and hooked noses, whining voices and sinister looks about them. They are portrayed as cunning and often inhumane. To enforce the point, these Jews are usually wearing a tallit and yarmulke. Many of these depictions are almost identical to those used in Nazi propaganda from the 1930's and 40's. In the videos, the Jews who follow Jesus, and Jesus Himself, are shown as fair, light skinned, small nosed, all-American types, with soft voices and not wearing the tallits and yarmulkes at any time. The producers of the videos, after hearing protests from more than one Jewish group have agreed to change some of the more offensive parts of the commercial. Although, it can be certain that no malice was meant, it is a real shame that the people behind this project didn't show a bit more sensitivity when they wrote the script and drew the characters. I am reminded by a statement from a Jewish scholar, Dr. Pinchas Lapide, who appeared on the John Ankerberg show a couple of years back, to take part in a discussion of the New Testament. (Dr. Lapide believes Jesus was a "messiah" to the gentiles only.) He made the following accurate statement on that program: "The trouble is that in the back of the minds of many good Christians, Judas and Caiaphas were Jews. Peter, Paul and Jesus ... no. If we don't stop with this vivisection, and ultimately agree that the entire drama of Jesus of Nazareth took place on Jewish soil, and all the actors in the drama, the villains and the heroes ... they were ultimately without exception, circumcised Jews ... before we accept that, dialogue between Jew and Christian is awfully difficult." Lapide also made the point that, "It is a historic fact that many millions of so called Christians over the centuries, have made the cross into a sword and into a crooked cross, and therefore Jews who know very little of Christian theology have a negative view of Christianity." ON THE NETWORKS Lastly, there is the issue of Christian behavior in the new realm of "computer evangelizing". On the network I make use of, people can start discussion "chat rooms" where others with similar interest may join in for simultaneous "on screen" conversation. The Christians on this particular network make use of this feature to hold a Sunday night meeting in a chat room called "Born Again OnLiners". As anyone can "enter" these public rooms and we have on occasion come across hecklers or those who just want to drop in to hurl an insult before going on to a chat room more to their liking. That is something we believers on the network have learned to expect, get used to and ignore. What is truly detrimental to the ministry work being accomplished online is when those calling themselves "Christians" enter the chat rooms of these unbelievers and unwelcomely disrupt their meetings and conversations. These folks must believe that by interrupting the discussions of others with repeated onscreen messages such as "Repent", "You people need Jesus" or 'You're all sinners", and quoting Bible verses over and over, they can win souls. This tactic never accomplishes anything good, and in fact is the cause of much "bad publicity" online for the "Christians" on the network. Too many of these "Christians" have it in their minds that through argument and shouting they can make "Christians" out of these people. They forget that if people are not willing and ready for the Gospel they will react very negatively to such "Bible banging", and that the Lord is perfectly capable of leading people to Christians online, as He does often. Let's use the sound minds that we have as born-again believers (2 Timothy 1:7) and take the time and means given to us to present the Gospel, and not other less important matters, in a way that the Lord would approve of. If the Gospel, presented in a loving, careful way, offends people, that is one thing. If we are the ones who offend, that is another. Features Why this Lord? Why me Lord? Why this Lord? Why me Lord? by J.C. Trudel Then said his wife unto him: "Dost thou still retain thine integrity? Curse God and die" (Job 2:9). It is well understood that no one likes to suffer, to endure trials, or have tragedies in their life any more than Job did, especially if one feels that he or she is living right with God. But life is not meant to be trouble-free, even though some are more blessed than others. Jesus told us that the rain would fall on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45). Much can be said about why God allows suffering and undesirable things on earth. Myer Pearlman, a great Bible teacher said it best when he wrote: "To some the existence of evil and suffering presents an obstacle to belief in the goodness of God. "Why did a God of love create a world with so much suffering?" they ask. The following considerations may cast some light on the problem: (1) God is not responsible for evil. If the careless workman throws sand into a delicate machine, should the manufacturer be held responsible? God made everything good, but man marred His work. Subtract from the suffering of the world all that is due to man's willful sin, and there would not be much left. (2) Since God is almighty, then evil exists by His permission. We cannot in every instance, understand why He permits evil, for "His ways are past finding out" (Romans 11:33). To the over speculative He would say, "What is that to thee? Follow thou me" (John 21:22). Yet, we can understand a part of His ways - sufficiently to know that He makes no mistakes. Wrote Stevenson, the noted author, "If I from my spy-hole, looking with purblind eyes upon a least part of a fraction of the universe, yet perceive in my own destiny some broken evidences of a plan, and some signals of an overruling goodness; shall I then be so mad as to complain that all cannot be deciphered? Shall I not rather wonder with infinite and grateful surprise, that in so vast a scheme I seem to have been able to read, however little, and that little was encouraging to faith?" (3) God is so great that He can overrule evil for good. Remember how He overruled the wickedness of Joseph's brothers, Pharaoh, Herod and those who rejected and crucified Christ? An ancient scholar has well said that "God Almighty would in no way permit evil in His works were He not so omnipotent and good that even out of evil He could work good." Many a Christian has come out of the fires of suffering with character purified and faith strengthened. Suffering has been the coin wherewith they have bought character tried in the fire. (4) God has arranged the universe according to natural laws, and these laws imply the possibilities of accidents. For example, if a person carelessly or deliberately steps off a precipice, he suffers the consequences of violating the law of gravity. Yet we are glad for these laws, for otherwise the world would be in a state of confusion. (5) It should always be remembered that this is not the perfect order of things. God has another life and a future age in which to vindicate all His dealings. Because He works according to "Heavenly Standard Time" we may think that He delays; yet He avenges His elect "speedily" (Luke 18:7,8). God must not be judged until the curtain has fallen on the last scene of the Drama of Ages. Then we shall see that "He hath done all things well."[1] "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18). If you are disappointed, go to Jesus! If you are hurting, Christ also suffered. If you are dying, Christ died for you. No matter what, go to your Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus, the Only Mediator between God and men, our Only Intercessor at the right hand of our Heavenly Father. Love the Lord for all things, thank Him for all things, and trust Him with all things. Praise His Holy Name. [1] Myer Pearlman, Understanding the doctrines of the Bible, pages 67, 68. Gospel Publishing House, 1445 Boonville Ave. Springfield, Mo. 65802 Thy Will be Done Thy Will be Done by J.C. Trudel Since the beginning of the Church, the enemy (Satan) has not ceased to attack it in various ways, mostly through human pride, vanity, fear, rebellion, and a variety of other weapons he has in his infernal arsenal. But he has also used many false doctrines, many of which are known by the name of "Gnosticism." These many erroneous doctrines and heresies were analyzed by Iranaeus, a bishop of the early church. His analyses can be found in the book "Against Heresies." The usual development and propagation of these false doctrines came through the use of scriptural verses that favored the doctrine; the mingling of beliefs of ancient pagan religions with Christian teachings; and the claim of new or ancient knowledge beyond the Word of God. And since Scripture was used, many unlearned in the Word fell into those errors. The result, much too often, was the creation of a god who was more acceptable to man, not knowledge of the God who revealed Himself in His word, the Bible, the God Christians must know. Today, the enemy is working harder than ever, knowing his time is short, and one of his favorite devices is the "Positive Confession" doctrine, also known as Hyperfaith. This is a doctrine of faith blown out of proportion, into sinful presumption. As Christians, living by faith, we must confess Christ as our Lord and Savior; we must confess our sin to God. But to confess desirable things and situations by the use of man-made laws, formulas, including the repetition of verses of Scripture, taken out of their context, as a form of "magic" which will compel God into action, is not only spiritually naive, but also an assured way to disaster in the Christian life. In the Garden of Eden, Satan said: "You shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Today, through the teachers of the positive confession doctrine, he is saying: "You shall be greater than God; He will not sovereign over you, He will be your servant. You will manipulate Him if you use our laws, formulas, and principles. If you negatively confess (admit) an illness or poverty, you will have them. If you positively confess (claim) health, healing, wealth and other desirable things, God will be forced to obey you and give you anything you want." How foolish and totally inconsistent with the TOTAL teaching of Scripture are these teachings. And they are made even more foolish when adherents of this doctrine, admitting that it failed them, are accused of having sin in their life, of having no faith, or are given a variety of other reasons why they did not succeed in getting God to obey them. As a deacon in Assembly of God church for a few years, one of my duties was to visit the sick and dying. I had to escort many to the threshold of eternity. It was hard sometimes, but always rewarding when dealing with people of Scriptural faith as they died victoriously, in the Lord's peace. My saddest experience though was with a sister from the church who was mired in the positive confession doctrine. Her doctor had found her to be with cancer many years before, and stricken with fear, she went from one healing meeting to another to eventually run in the Hyperfaith crowd. For years she went on confessing (claiming) over and over that she was healed, following the "positive confession" doctrine, laws and spiritual gimmicks. She refused to admit that the cancer was just eating her insides away for fear of being accused of lack of faith, of sin in her life or any of the other 39 reasons she could be accused of by the Hyperfaith teachers. She finally made a deal with the Lord; she would go to Bible school in exchange for her healing, or so she thought. At the school, she ran into a couple who told her she was sick because she had no faith. She left soon after as her health was getting seriously worse. She went to the hospital where she was receiving cancer treatments, until she was visited by one of her old Hyperfaith teachers. She stopped the treatments at once and left the hospital to find refuge with her unsaved sister. It was here she stayed until the end of her life. I visited her many times and she admitted getting very angry at God for not healing her. To her unsaved relatives, she was a very poor example of a Christian on her way to see her Savior, and I firmly believe she did not recognize the error of her doctrine before she died. Like so many Christians, she carried her Bible everywhere but never read it ALL to see if what was told her was so. ("Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." Acts 17:11.) She believed according to the verses, taken out of context, which had been selected for her. Augustine explained the problem very well when he wrote: "If you believe what you like in the gospel and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself." My only advice on this matter is for all believers to read all the Bible. Avoid the pitfall of trying to make it say what you want or what suits your plans or doctrines, through quoting verses out of context. And never deify it by putting the Word before the One who gave it to us. ---------------------------------------------------------------- A good source of information on Hyperfaith (positive confession) is booklet #34-4183 from Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, MO 65802, which can be procured by writing to MORNING STAR. God Does Heal God Does Heal by Geoffrey Kragen An interview with Mike Wilkinson conducted by MORNING STAR Senior Editor Geoffrey Kragen. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I have known Mike Wilkinson, the participant in this interview, since my wife and I met him at church several years ago. We have continued to maintain a relationship with him and his family, and it has been my practice to meet with Mike fairly regularly. I met with Mike one afternoon early in the year and nothing was out of the ordinary. We had a pleasant conversation, and he seemed perfectly well. There was no foreshadowing of the crisis that would shortly be upon him and his family. I had been asleep for a couple of hours when the phone rang just before midnight. As a pastor, I know that when I receive late night calls, it usually portends no good and this time was no exception. It was Kim, Mike's wife. She was calling from the hospital. He had been admitted and was diagnosed as having some form of spinal meningitis. It was only five hours from the onset of the headache until he was on a ventilator. The doctors were not at all sure that he was going to survive. ================================================================ GK: Mike, I would like to start by having you tell us what happened that night when Kim called me. MW: I don't remember a lot, but I think I started having problems right after watching a football game, I think it was around 10:30. It started with a bad headache. At Kim's suggestion, I used an ice pack. She thought I just had a normal headache, but somehow I knew it was a little more serious than that. Anyhow, I laid down with the ice pack on the back of my neck for a while. The pain kept getting worse and worse, until I realized that this was getting serious. My vision started to get blurry, so I tried to get out of bed to tell Kim to call an ambulance. I couldn't stand up. When I tried to, my head hurt too bad. Also, I couldn't find my feet, or the floor. So I sort of rolled out of bed and crawled on my hands and knees toward the door way and out into the hall. I knew I could go no farther. I called for Kim, she came and wasn't sure she should call the ambulance, so she asked me. I had a hard time deciding, but finally, I said she should call them. My sense of time at that point may have been somewhat distorted, but it didn't seem that long before the ambulance arrived. I do remember that the pain was so excruciating that all I could do was lie on the floor and say over and over again, "God, help me. God, help me!" I kept doing that until the ambulance people came. They asked me to get up and walk down the stairs. I knew I couldn't do that since I had not been able to even get out of bed earlier. Kim helped me to my feet and led me downstairs. By this time, I couldn't see anything, but that might have been because I was unable to open my eyes because of the pain - I'm not quite sure. Anyway, they got me into the ambulance. I remember the driver talking to me like he didn't think it was anything serious. GK: I understand from Kim that originally they were not going to take you in the ambulance. They tried to talk her into giving you aspirin and taking you to the hospital in the car. She had to pressure them into taking you in the ambulance, isn't that correct? MW: Yeah, that's right. They thought I had the flu. Obviously that was not true. Anyway, the last thing I remember before passing out was the bright light being shone into my eyes by the ambulance attendant. He asked me if I could see. I couldn't respond, because the light hurt my head too much. After that, I blacked out. GK: Do you remember anything about your arrival at the hospital or nothing until days later? MW: I remember waking up in the hospital a day and a half later. ================================================================== Kim told me what happened during this time. Mike was taken to the emergency room. By then, he was becoming more and more irrational, conscious only at times, but basically non- functioning. He was in intense pain as the disease attacked his brain. But even in the midst of his incoherence he held on to one truth. He repeatedly screamed out, "God help me, God help me!" as his wife and young sons stood helplessly nearby. At that point, the doctors did not have a diagnosis, nor had the blood test results come back yet. But the emergency room physician began treating Mike with medication immediately. Had he not done so, Mike would have never survived. Why did the doctor start treatment when he did? I suspect it was because the Lord directed his hand. So, for the next day or so, he was basically unconscious and on pain medication. To prevent him from moving around and possibly causing more physical damage to himself, they kept him in controlled coma. We did not yet know if he would live or if he would die. They were still undecided on a diagnosis. ================================================================ GK: Did the final diagnosis turn out to be bacterial or viral meningitis, Mike? MW: Two different types of bacterial meningitis. (This was something extremely rare, and made his survival even more unlikely.) GK: So what is the very first thing you do remember? MW: It must have been Wednesday in the late afternoon when I woke up and they were suctioning my lungs. I had a tube down my throat. I also remember talking to my Mom and sister who were there. I recall choking a lot because the nurses had to keep suctioning my lungs. Later, someone asked me if I knew what hospital I was in. I could only recall the name of one hospital, which was the wrong one. Then I was asked if I knew what I was there for, and I started to answer "encephalitis," but could not get the word out. They interrupted me and said it was meningitis. GK: I would guess at that point they did not talk to you about their expectations for your survival or recovery? MW: I do remember several people telling me how lucky I was to still be around. GK: Didn't they say later that usually when meningitis comes on as quickly as this did the chance of survival is slim to nonexistent? MW: On several occasions, I was told that most people under these conditions usually do not survive, or if they do, they are either vegetables or have very limited capacity. GK: The point is, you did survive, in spite of the poor prognosis. Plus you don't seem to have sustained any major ill effects. What was the staff's assessment of your dramatic recovery? MW: The main things they were concerned with were motor functions, you know, the physical stuff. They tried to see if I could move my feet, swallow or follow movements with my eyes. Later, my main doctor asked me to start at 100 and keep subtracting seven. I got as far as 93! Since then, I began to function much more normally. I think most of my confusion was due to the morphine and other medications. I don't seem to have any permanent incapacities, although I still suffer from severe headaches. Also, at times I have difficulty concentrating or remembering, but that's about it. GK: As I recall from Kim, everyone was amazed that you not only survived, but recovered so quickly and completely, right? MW: All I can say is that even while I was unconscious, I kept repeating: "God, help me. God, help me." I guess He did, because here I am! GK: Did any of the doctors actually use the word "miraculous"? MW: I don't remember, although Kim says my main doctor talked to her a lot about his surprise at my quick and complete recovery. Obviously, it was not at all what he expected. GK: It's been about nine months now, hasn't it? What is your assessment about this whole thing? Obviously, the most important thing is that you are still here. But, above and beyond that, what has come out of all this for you? MW: It's more like ten and a half months now. For starters, I have a much greater appreciation of life. God gave us life, however fragile it may be. It's a wonderful thing. I also have a much deeper appreciation of God's mercy and how much He is in control over life. GK: So there is no doubt in your mind that it was God who kept you alive and brought you back to a complete recovery? MW: No doubt at all. GK: How has it affected, or will affect, your daily walk and your relationship with the Lord on a practical basis? MW: I have a much greater awareness of how my life affects people around me. I'm trying to do more caring for others and just live life to the fullest... GK: Is there any final thought you would like to share with the readers? MW: Just to put your faith in God and remember that He does love us, even when circumstances seem impossible. Also, that there really is a meaning in life. You don't have to search for it if you have God. The meaning is there. ================================================================ The doctor was extremely interested in the case because it was so rare. He thought at first that Mike had an aneurysm, but Mike was too young for this. Later the doctor came to Kim and asked about Mike because of his personal interest in him, due to the rare nature of the case. Kim had the opportunity to tell him about Mike's relationship with the Lord and how she knew that God would bring something good out of this for them. God seemed to have touched this doctor as well as unbelieving members of Mike and Kim's family through what had happened. Finally, while Mike was still in the hospital, the Lord gave him and Kim the following psalm as a source of comfort in the midst of the pain and concern for the future. Psalm 116 1 I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. 2 Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. 3 The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell get hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. 4 Then called I upon the name of the Lord; O Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. 5 Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful. 6 The Lord preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me. 7 Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee. 8 For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. 9 I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. 10 I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly afflicted: 11 I said in my haste, All men are liars. 12 What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me? 13 I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. 14 I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people. 15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. 16 O Lord, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds. 17 I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the Lord. 18 I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people, 19 In the courts of the Lords house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the Lord. Due to the severity of his illness, and the rapidity with which the disease came on, the doctors believed that Mike should have died. Mike didn't. Due to the gravity of his condition, if he recovered at all, Mike should have suffered a great deal of damage -- anything from becoming totally nonfunctional to severely handicapped. Mike didn't. Due to the seriousness of his condition, Mike should have taken a great deal of time to recover, but he didn't. The doctors don't have answers as to why Mike is alive, why he recuperated so quickly, why, except for continuing headaches, Mike has completely recovered. But Mike, his family and friends know why he is here with us today. GOD DOES HEAL! God is Still in the Healing Business God is Still in the Healing Business by Liz Kidder I knew nothing about the healing power of Jesus even though I had asked Jesus in to my life in 1959. What a thrilling experience it was for me to be healed! One Sunday morning I woke with a very stiff neck, and high fever. It got so bad that I was almost delirious. My husband took our son to Sunday School, and on their way back home, our son got his hand caught in the car door. While the doctor was treating our son, my husband told him about my stiff neck and fever. The doctor told my husband that I had all the symptoms of polio. I got progressively worse as the day went on, and I told my husband that I did not want to go to the doctor because I felt that if I asked our pastor to come pray for me I would be all right. Our pastor came to the house to pray for me on Sunday evening before the evening services. The next morning, my fever had subsided, and by Wednesday evening, I felt much better and decided to attend the Bible study at the church. At testimony time, the pastor's wife stood up and said, "I am so glad to see Liz here this evening because she does not know anything about this. Last Saturday evening I was awakened about midnight and the Lord told me to get up and pray. I didn't know what to pray about, but as I got on my knees, the Lord gave me the name of Liz and the word "polio" went before me." I praised God because I knew He had healed me. I had another healing on September 1, l979. On this particular morning, I was very dizzy and couldn't walk. I got on the floor to crawl to the bathroom and pulled myself up at the sink to look into the mirror. I saw that the left side of my face was drawn and I knew I had suffered a stroke. I do not like going to the doctor or the hospital if I can help myself. Nevertheless, I had to go to the hospital. There were two other ladies in my room; they both had suffered strokes. One of the ladies had to go to Harmarville Rehabilitation Center and was never very well again. I had to have therapy but did not take any medication, with the exception of an occasional bufferin. I was given a head scan, but, praise God, everything was fine. I was totally healed in seven days. When my husband, Don, had an aneurysm, we were told that it was such a risk to move him to Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but we had to take that chance. We prayed before he left in the ambulance for Mercy Hospital and God healed him while he was still in the Canonsburg Hospital. We did take him to Pittsburgh, but the danger was gone. He did not need surgery. I think it is so exciting to trust the Lord. A few years later, I had a slipped disk and was in extreme pain. The doctor put me in the hospital with weights on me for two weeks. I was to have surgery, but my friends kept streaming into my room for prayer and the Lord healed me. To this day I have never had any problem with my back again. Thank the Lord. I have never been totally healed from what I am going to tell you now, but every one wonders how I walk. In 1976, we went to Erie, Pennsylvania to pick up our daughter. On our way home, traveling south on Interstate 79, a car appeared in our lane coming straight for us. He was traveling north on a south-bound highway. There was nothing we could do; we were hit by a little Volkswagon. The man was driving under the influence of alcohol, and was killed instantly. My husband had a couple of heart attacks prior to this accident but suffered only a few cracked ribs that were healed in a short time. I was hurt the most. My foot was just dangling on the end of my leg and I had to have my ankle bone fused and a cast put on all the way up to my hip. I kept believing that when the cast came off, I would be totally healed. I had a long recuperation that lasted over a year. When the last cast finally came off, the specialist told me that there was no real hope that an artificial ankle would work. My family doctor told me that in one year I would probably be in so much pain that I would never walk again. I was walking with a walker at this time. I told the doctor that I was praying about this situation. My doctor told me to go have a good year and to take a vacation and have a good time. I decided to throw my whole self onto the Lord. The Lord knew I meant what I said and that I was going to trust Him for everything. I am thankful that I do not have pain in my ankle now, unless I am on my feet too long, and I do not need surgery. When I get up in the morning, I have to put thick-healed, open-toed shoes on immediately. I cannot walk with a flat heel. If anyone would see me walk in heels and then in flats, they would not believe the difference. I walk like everyone else as long as I have a heel on my shoes. Praise the Lord! I am a member of Central Assembly of God Church in Houston, Pennsylvania, and I want to do all I can for the Lord. I like to visit the sick in the hospitals and nursing homes, to encourage them. I was widowed ten years ago and it is even more of a trust with the Lord because I don't have hospital benefits now. I have a full-time job that I have surrendered totally to the Lord. I have resigned myself to the fact that God has me where he wants me; I am going to be happy here and see Him in all that I do. I have such peace, and I know God will see me through because He is ordering my steps. I praise Him! Biblical Department New In Christ New in Christ "New in Christ" is a regular MORNING STAR column written primarily for people who wish to learn more about the basic teachings of Biblical Christianity. In this issue we continue our article on what it means to be "born again" into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Beginning with the third issue, the "New in Christ" column will address such topics as; the Accuracy of the Bible, the Believer and the Holy Spirit, Christian Lifestyle, Satan and demonic forces, and others. The editorial staff at MORNING STAR encourages all readers to freely use this information to help new Christians grow in their walk with the Lord. (The following continues the study started in Issue one, October 1991 Ed.) God's Word teaches that as soon as you make a true commitment to God in your heart to turn from all sin and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, you are saved (will be going to heaven). It's important to realize that you are NOT saved by the number or quality of good and bad things you do or don't do in this life. However, some religions teach the idea that one can get to heaven by fulfilling certain religious obligations, partaking in special sacraments, or reciting specific prayers. This is simply not true, according to the Bible. The born-again Gospel of Jesus Christ makes it perfectly clear THROUGHOUT THE NEW TESTAMENT that you are saved by faith only, not by anything that YOU can do yourself. A few places you can find this critically important teaching are: Acts 13:38,39, 15:11, 16:31; John 3:16-18; Romans 1:17, 3:28-31, 4:5, 9:32, 11:6; II Corinthians 3:6; Galatians 2:16, 3:2-5, 3:11,12, 3:22-26, 5:4; Philippians 3:9; I Timothy 1:9; and Titus 3:4-7. (There will be more on this subject in a later article.) You can't earn the right to go to heaven, it's a free gift. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast" Ephesians 2:8,9. If you are truly born again, then good deeds and sinless behavior will naturally FOLLOW from your commitment. To put it simply, a good life does not result in your being saved. Rather, being saved results in a good life. "You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless?" James 2:20. You can be the most generous, kind, humble and lovable person around, but if you don't have the commitment to Christ that HE DEMANDS in His word, you're not going to heaven (John 3:3-7). It is a good idea to study the books of Romans and Galatians for a better understanding on being saved by faith. Then read the book of James to understand how real faith produces good works. True repentance involves asking Jesus Christ to come into your life as your very own Lord and Savior. This is an absolute necessity in order to be forgiven of your sin and enter into heaven (John 3:16-18; Romans 10:9; Acts 16:31). Remember, the Bible says that every one of us has sinned at least once in our lives. It also tells us that so much as a single sin disqualifies us from entering into Heaven with God. "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it" James 2:10. We are all guilty, and in need of a Savior. Christ is the Savior who paid that debt for all those who believe in Him. BELIEVE IN HIM--NOT ABOUT HIM. There's a huge difference between these two concepts. If you believe that Christ came to Earth from heaven, performed miracles, and was the Son of God, you only believe ABOUT him. It's the same as "believing" that George Washington was a great leader and the father of our country. The Bible shows us that Satan, as well as his demons, also believe these facts about Christ to be true (Mark 1:23, 1:34, 5:7; James 2:19). They are certainly not going to heaven! To believe IN Christ means to commit yourself to obeying ALL that He commanded in the Bible and to pattern your life after His (Acts 5:32; Matthew 12:50; John 14:23; I John 2:3-6, 3:6; II John 1:9). This includes His personal commandment that you MUST be born again (John 3:3-7). This is not the same as a passive acknowledgement of His existence. Even non-Christian religions agree that Jesus in fact lived. Believing in Christ means an active commitment to KNOWING AND DOING His will. Jesus said that it is possible for someone to say they believe in Him but actually be far from Him in their heart (Matthew 15:8). If you claim to believe in Him but deliberately disobey His word, you are either fooling yourself or a liar. "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good" Titus 1:16. (Also see James 1:22; I John 1:6 & 2:4.) If you truly promise God to turn from all sin (repent) and believe IN Christ, which is to believe with all your heart that He died for your sins and was resurrected AND to commit to follow all the Bible's teachings in your life from this day on, you will go to heaven. You have God's word on this (John 3:16; Acts 16:31)! Don't expect to see "instant miracles" as proof. God deals with facts, not feelings. This is His perfect equation: Born again = Eternal Life. There is no other equation. The important thing is to make a REAL and total commitment to God, not to yourself or anyone else. You can't deliberately leave any sin in your life. You can't put anything else ahead of God's word, no matter what it costs you. Remember, you CANNOT fool God. He knows your heart. "Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his." Bible Study Bible Study Part one of this study (MS vol 1.1) concluded by showing that there was no doubt in the minds of those who opposed Jesus that He was claiming to be God. In fact, they wanted to stone him for blasphemy: Jesus answered them, "I told you, and ye believed not the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE." Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. Jesus answered them, "Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?" The Jews answered him, saying, "For a good work we stone thee not; BUT FOR BLASPHEMY; AND BECAUSE THAT THOU BEING A MAN MAKEST THYSELF GOD" (John 10:25-33). There are other examples in John's Gospel of Jesus claiming to be God, and the reaction He drew to this claim: "Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the Sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, MAKING HIMSELF EQUAL WITH GOD" (John 5:18). "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day. And he saw it, and was glad." Then said the Jews unto him, "Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?" Jesus said unto them, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM." Then they took up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by" (John 8:56-59). The reference Jesus made in John 8:56,58 ABSOLUTELY related to Exodus 3:14. He claimed to have seen Abraham in verse 56. These religious leaders knew exactly what he meant by his use of the term "I AM." In verse 59 they picked up stones to kill him, again for claiming to be God, the great "I AM." His claiming TO BE GOD is the reason they sought continually to kill Him. Jesus made it clear that to know Him was to know God (John 8:19, 14:7), to see Him was to see God (John 12:45, 14:9), to believe in Him was to believe in God (John 12:44, 14:1), to receive Him was to receive God (Mark 9:37), to hate Him was to hate God (John 15:23), to honor Him was to honor God (John 5:23). He said to obey HIS commandments (John 14:15), and to pray in His name (John 14:13,14). At His trial, it was clear that the religious leaders interpreted His claim to be God as such. They accused Him of BLASPHEMY (Mark 2:7, 14:61-64; John 10:33). In Matthew 21, the people offered their praise to Jesus, which greatly displeased the chief priests and scribes (verse 15). Jesus countered their complaint in verse 16 by quoting Psalm 8:2: "Out of the mouths of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise." Jesus is clearly stating here that these words of praise were prepared BY God for worship OF God, that being HIMSELF. Jesus accepted the worship of others, as in Matthew 28:17, even though He Himself stated that this was for GOD ONLY (Matthew 4:10). In the book of Hebrews, God the Father refers to Christ His Son AS GOD: But UNTO THE SON HE SAITH, "THY THRONE O GOD, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom" (Hebrews 1:8). This is a direct reference to Psalm 45:6,7, which speaks of the Son being God as well as the Father who anoints Him above all others: "Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: THEREFORE GOD, THY GOD, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows." Psalm 110:1 relates to a conversation between the Father and the Son: "Jehovah saith unto my Lord (Adonai), sit thou at my right hand." Jesus applied this passage to Himself in Matthew 22:43,44. The prophet Isaiah, in a great Messianic passage exhorted Israel, "Behold YOUR GOD" (Isaiah 40:9). Daniel referred to the Messiah as the "Ancient of days" (Daniel 7:22), a phrase used twice in the same passage to describe God the Father (Daniel 7:9,13). John 1:14 and Hebrews 1:2 state not only that Christ was the creator, but that Christ was the brightness of God's glory. This subject of God's glory is also more evidence for Christ's divinity as God's glory belongs ONLY TO GOD: "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another ..." (Isaiah 42:8). Christ Himself claimed this glory as His own, thus claiming to be God: "And now, O Father, GLORIFY THOU ME with thine own self WITH THE GLORY WHICH I HAD WITH THEE BEFORE THE WORLD WAS" (John 17:5). Jude even "seconds the motion"! "To the only wise GOD OUR SAVIOUR, BE GLORY and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen" (Jude 1:25). Paul writes in Philippians 2:10,11, that one day, "...every knee shall bow...and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Yet Paul, as He often did, is quoting this passage from the Tanakh (Old Covenant): "For I AM GOD and there is no other...TO ME every knee shall bow, and every tongue swear" (Isaiah 45:22,23). The Bible records many claims by Jesus as well as by the apostles concerning Him, which are reserved for God only. Consider all of the following: He said "I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11), yet it is Jehovah who is the shepherd (Psalm 10:11, 23:1). Peter also called Him the "chief Shepherd" (1 Peter 5:4), as did the writer of Hebrews (Hebrews 13:20). Jesus claimed to be judge of all men and nations (John 5:27-30; Matthew 25:31-46), yet it is Jehovah who is this judge (Joel 3:12; Deuteronomy 32:35). Paul verified this title in 2 Timothy 4:1. Jesus said He is the light of the world (John 8:12), yet it is Jehovah that is the light (Psalm 27:1; Isaiah 60:9). Jesus referred to Himself as the coming bridegroom (Matthew 25:1; Ephesians 5:28-33; Revelation 21:2), yet this is how Jehovah is depicted in the Tanakh (Isaiah 62:5; Hosea 2:16). Jesus claimed to forgive sin (Mark 2:5), and the apostles claimed that in Jesus' name sins were forgiven (Acts 5:31), even though this right belonged only to God (Jeremiah 31:34; Psalm 130:4). Jesus claimed the ability to raise the dead (John 5:25,29), yet God alone is the giver of life (1 Samuel 2:6; Deuteronomy 32:39, Psalm 2:7) His apostles called him the Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4), yet Jehovah is the Rock (Psalm 18;2, 95:1 and many others!). The Tanakh says God is the redeemer (Hosea 13:14; Psalm 130:7), yet Jesus is named the redeemer (Titus 2:13; Revelation 5:9). It also says that God has the title of "Savior" (Isaiah 43:3), yet Jesus is called "the Saviour of the world" (John 4:42). Both Jesus and Jehovah are viewed as the author of eternal words (Matthew 24:35; Isaiah 40:8). In the Book of Revelation, Jesus, speaking to John, refers to Himself as the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last (Revelation 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, 22:13). Yet the Old Testament tells us that it is the God Jehovah who is the first and the last (Isaiah 44:6). When Stephen was killed for his faith he called UPON GOD. He called JESUS: And they stoned Stephen, calling UPON GOD, and saying,"LORD JESUS, receive my spirit." And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep" (Acts 7:59,60). Finally, there are some passages that the groups mentioned in the beginning of part one of this series often quote out of context to "prove" Jesus was not God. (Somehow they ignore ALL the ones cited in this study as well as others!) Here are some: 1. Jesus said "My Father is greater than I" (John 14:28). The answer to this is that Father was greater than Jesus in office but NOT in nature. Jesus claimed equality with God in essence (John 5:18, 10:30). As mentioned already, He set aside His attributes to become God-man (Philippians 2:5-8). 2. Jesus' claim of ignorance to the time of His second coming (Mark 13:32). Jesus was ignorant of this fact, AS MAN, just as he was of the fig tree not having fruit in Matthew 21:19. This is because Jesus had two distinct natures. One which tired, hungered, and thirsted and had finite knowledge and grew in wisdom (Luke 2:52). His divine nature, as mentioned earlier, knew all things. 3. Jesus said that neither He nor anyone else was good other than God (Mark 10:18). Notice that Jesus did not deny that He was good (or God) to the man in this verse. Rather, Jesus was challenging him and giving him two alternatives. To accept Him as good and God, or not to. 4. Jesus prayed on the cross, "My God my God, why hast thou forsaken me" (Mark 15:34). There are many verses in scripture where one person of the Godhead speaks to another (Psalm 110:1; Zechariah 1:12; Hebrews 1:8), hence this verse offers no disproof of Christ's deity. 5. Jesus is the "firstborn over all creation" (Colossians 1:15). In verse 16 of this same chapter, it states that ALL was created through Him. Verse 17 explains that Christ is before all things and by HIM all things consist. Finally, verse 18 explains that Christ is firstborn FROM THE DEAD, the HEAD of the body, the church. Christ resurrected on the Jewish feast of Firstfruits, the first born in the FIRST Resurrection (Revelation 20:5), which started with the firstborn (Christ, 1 Corinthians 15:20), followed by SOME Old Testament saints who were resurrected at the time of Christ's resurrection. "The graves were opened," and many bodies of the saints came out of their graves and appeared to the local people (Matthew 27:52,53). Note that not all the Old Testament saints were resurrected here, only a token number, which kept with the symbolism of the Feast of the Firstfruits where only a handful of grain was was presented to the priest, not the whole stalk. Then the dead in Christ at a later time (1 Thessalonians 4:15) followed by "we which are alive" (1 Thessalonians 4:17). And finally, the tribulation saints mentioned in Revelation 20:4. 6. Jesus is "the beginning of the creation of God" (Revelation 3:14). First off, the Greek is clear here. It says OF God not BY God. Secondly, the Greek word for beginning (arche), is the active role of creating, NOT the inactive role of being created. Thus the verse, properly translated reaffirms all the other verses in scripture that Christ was active in the creation process, not a result of it. 7. Christ is the "begotten Son of God" (John 1:14, 1:18, 3:16, 3:18, 4:9). The Greek term with reference to Christ (monogenes, "only begotten") has nothing to do with His being the only created Son of God. It is in fact more a term of endearment suggesting the thought of deepest affection, as is the case of the Old Testament word "yachid," translated as "only one," "only son," "only beloved," or "darling" in various O.T. passages. In fact the same term is found in Hebrews 11:17, referring to Isaac being Abraham's "only begotten." Yet Isaac was not Abraham's only son, he had others. Isaac WAS special though! In fact the oldest manuscripts (3rd and 4th century) have the term "monogenes theos," in the Gospel verses, meaning "only begotten God!" To take this verse and say it means "created by," not only lacks grammatical support, it contradicts all of the scripture cited above, hence is totally incorrect. Hopefully, all of the above information will help set the record straight. JESUS the Messiah is GOD. Share it with those who are confused on this all-important issue as time is short and their salvation is at stake! Witnessing Column Foundations of Jewish Evangelism by Ron Elkin 1. We live in a very unique area in regards to Jewish evangelism. Philadelphia has the third-largest Jewish population in America and the fifth-largest in the world. Over 350,000 Jews live in the Delaware Valley area. Obviously, there needs to be many Christians witnessing to this large population, in order to give all of them an opportunity to hear the Gospel. Paul says in Romans 10:17, while speaking about the Jewish people, that faith in the Gospel comes from hearing it. 2. We know from God's word, that there is only one way to heaven - through faith in Christ. Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, none comes to the Father except through me." So without a saving faith in Christ, your Jewish friends and neighbors will spend eternity in hell. 3. Someone must tell them the truth of the Gospel in a loving way. 3a. The good news is that when a loving witness is given, many Jews will believe. For example, the eighteenth-century church historian, Neander, wrote that by the end of the first century A.D., close to a million Jews in Israel believed that Jesus was the Messiah. This was approximately 25% of Israel's population, a very large minority. Also, in the nineteenth century, when evangelical denominations were active in witnessing to the Jews, an estimated 250,000 of them believed in Jesus. Why is it today that less then a 1/2% of 1% of the Jews believe in Jesus? 4. Throughout the centuries, the church often gave a harsh or destructive witness to the Jews, or neglected to give any witness to them at all. The reason for this is that the second and third-century Gentile church leaders believed and taught that God had rejected the Jewish people because they had killed Christ, that they were an evil people group, and that they could not be saved. These false ideas became the official teachings of the Church, particularly after the Church became the national religion of the Roman Empire. The Jews were oppressed, denied religious freedom, and sometimes massacred. 4a. What is the Biblical view on these issues? According to John 10:17-18, Jesus said that no one took his life - He laid it down voluntarily. It is also interesting to note that God used both the Gentiles and the Jews in Christ's death. Jesus had to die for the sins of both groups. In Romans 11:1 and 25, Paul makes it clear that God has not rejected the Jews, but that there is a faithful and godly remnant. Further, Paul teaches in Romans 11:18 and 20 that the Gentile believers are not to be arrogant against the Jews. 5. However, because of sin-blindness, church leaders throughout the centuries taught horrible myths and hatred against the Jews. Consequently, there were many massacres of the Jews, including 500,000 during the Crusades. Because of all this negative "witnessing," the Jewish population developed a deep hatred of Christianity. 6. While it is true that Rabbinical Judaism denies that Jesus is the Messiah, the negative witness of the church has been very damaging. Today, most Jews consider it disloyal and unpatriotic to their Jewish people to even consider the claims of Jesus. In spite of all this, God has put a desire for truth in the hearts of many Jewish people and, as I mentioned before, when a loving witness is given many will believe. 7. Satan has worked very hard to keep the Church from witnessing to the Jews for two reasons. First, God promised the Jews that whoever cursed them He would curse. I believe that as a result of the church rejecting the Jews, God allowed the Church to fall into spiritual darkness from the fifth to the sixteenth century. 8. Second, Satan's aim was to keep Jews out of the Church. Recent surveys have shown that 36% of Jewish Christians become active in Christian service and that a large number of these people are active in evangelism. Similar surveys of Gentiles believers have shown that only 10% of Gentile believers become active in ministry and of these only a small percent are active in evangelism. Paul teaches in Romans 11:29 that the gifts and call of God to the Jews are irrevocable. The Jews are not better then Gentiles, but God has given them the gifts of leadership, zeal, and perseverance. This shows itself in the amount of Christian service and secular activities that Jews get involved with. One good example of this is the Jewish Christian's activities at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. "Tenth" has a membership of around a thousand people with approximately fifteen Jewish members. Out of the twelve ministries at Tenth, six of them are being led, or have recently been led, by Jewish believers. 9. So out of love and practical reasons, it is important for the church to witness to Jewish people. 10. Satan has spread many myths about the Jews. For example, it is believed that the Jews have a large control over banking. From a survey in the Business Journal in the 1960s and Fortune magazine in February 1936, it has been shown that there are practically no Jewish employees in the largest commercial banks and that the Jewish investment houses in America held only 2.8% of foreign loans. It was also shown that the Jews have very little if any control over major industries like steel, military contractors, builders, and major manufacturers. As a mater of fact, they often have been excluded from these industries. Another myth is that Jews are very stingy. The facts are that Jews are major contributors to all types of charities. They are very generous with causes they agree with. Also many Jews contribute hours of volunteer service to different social and mercy causes. 10. When witnessing to Jewish people it is important that you deal with the issue of Christian persecution against the Jews. Even though you were not directly responsible, you can go along way to opening up the heart of your Jewish friends by being willing to admit that the church often persecuted the Jews instead of showing love like Jesus commanded and the New Testament teaches. Go on to explain that prejudice is a common disease among all mankind, because all of mankind are sinners and that this reflects the teaching of the Jewish Bible. Show them Psalm 14:2-3 or Ecclesiastes 7:20, which teach that no one is righteous in God's sight. Then explain that God holds each man accountable for his own sin no matter how someone else acted. Challenge them to understand that all of us have broken God's requirements. For example, Leviticus 19:2 states that God requires all Jews to keep the Sabbath. Ask them if they have always kept the Sabbath. Explain that the basis for Judaism is the Mosaic Law not whatever one wants it to be. 11. The idea that all of mankind are sinners will clash with one of the major doctrines of Rabbinical Judaism. They teach that man is essentially good and has the capacity to live a righteous life if he chooses to. You could use the verses I already mentioned, or use Isaiah 51:5 where King David teaches that he was conceived in sin. Also verse 9 can be used, where David asks God to hide his face from David's sins. The point is here is one of God's greatest servants, who acknowledges that he was born with sin and was a sinner. Also show them Isaiah 6:5 where Isaiah recognizes his sinfulness before the Holy and righteous God. 12. Point out the unique holiness of God and how he feels about sin. Use Exodus 3:5, where God tells Moses to take off his shoes because he is on Holy ground. Challenge the person you are talking to consider if they are better then Moses. Can they approach God's holiness just as they are when all the great men of God were very keenly aware of their personal sinfulness. 13. The Rabbis also teach that a man can justify himself before God by performing good deeds, which consist of following the Laws of Moses, helping others and giving to Charity. The Christian response would be found in Isaiah 64:6 which states that God sees all of works as filthy rags. 13. Since 50% of the Jewish population is secular, they do not view the Bible as binding or as God's word. The best approach here is to point out prophecy that relates to the Jewish people. For example, Deuteronomy 28-30 explains what would happen to Israel if they were disobedient. In that section, there are many prophecies about the suffering of the Jewish people, including details about the future Babylonian and Roman sieges of Jerusalem. Many other prophecies could be shown to prove the uniqueness of the Bible. 14. Once they have come to see their need of forgiveness for sins, bring them to study Isaiah 52:13-53:12, to see God's provision for sin in Messiah Jesus. Get them to read the material without telling them when it was written. Then explain when it was written. 15. Finally, be in prayer for my family and myself as I witness in the Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Atlantic City, and Baltimore areas. I presently have several Jewish contacts with whom I am sharing the Gospel. If you would like to be in prayer for one or more of these people, write to me. Also, if you have a Jewish friend you would like me to contact please send me their name, address, and telephone number. Also let me know if it is alright to use your name when I write to your friends. (See the Ministry Profile column in this issue for more information on Ron Elkin and his wonderful ministry.) Messianic Studies The Seven Feasts of Israel by Zola Levitt The Messianic Studies column explores the world of the Messianic Believer. Like the church at large, Messianic Judaism contains much diversity. It is made up of numerous views as to what it means to be a Messianic Jew, who we are, what we call ourselves and what we believe. This column will be used to explore this variety, giving the reader a broader perspective of Messianic Judaism than found elsewhere, exposing those of us who are Messianic Believers to the wide spectrum of practice found within the movement. Hopefully we will succeed in helping our Jewish brothers and sisters to understand why we follow Yeshua as our savior. We also hope that what is provided here will give our gentile readers both a better understanding of their Jewish brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as the Jewish roots of their own faith. In this issue of Morning Star, we are starting a series on the Feasts of Israel and how they relate to the work of the Messiah. In future issues, we will discuss the feasts appropriate to the season. In this article, we examine the three feasts which fall in the month of September, after a general introduction of the seven major feasts of Israel. The following material was reprinted with permission from Zola Levitt Ministries, Inc. PO Box 12268, Dallas, Texas 75225 ================================================================= THE SEVEN FEASTS OF ISRAEL by Zola Levitt It is with a feeling of humility and hopelessness that a writer attempts to explain the seven feasts of Israel. God has established an infinitely meaningful and profound prophetic system through His choices of seven holy convocations to be held each year by the Chosen People. He dictated the dates and proper observances to Moses on Mount Sinai, and His instructions are recorded in the chapter Leviticus 23. Indeed a book the size of the entire Bible itself would be needed to fully expound Leviticus 23 and the momentous results of its symbolism. The events of the New Testament, the vital future events involving the Church and the Jews indeed, all of God's plan from chaos to eternity are ingeniously revealed through the nature and timing of these seven annual feasts. The reader will become aware that we are now existing, as it were, between two feasts, and that it is ultimately important for us to comprehend God's calendar in its essence. It should be noted that God was very practical in issuing the seven feasts within one brief chapter of instruction. They are mentioned elsewhere in Scripture, but these vital and fundamental requirements of the Old Covenant were gathered together in simplest form lest one overlook any of them. If there was one chapter of the entire Old Testament that the faithful Jew would want to remember, it is this one. An error in the celebration of the seven feasts, even just an error in the celebration of the Day of Atonement, the sixth one, would result in banishment from the Chosen People! The feasts are celebrated today in altered forms by the Jews who wish to follow the Old Covenant as closely as possible; however, since their major feature was sacrifice, and since sacrifice is impossible without the proper Temple of God in Jerusalem, the original meaning and efficacy of the feasts has been completely lost. And without a knowledge of the New Testament, even the fulfillments of the feasts, the most far- reaching and momentous features of their meanings are lost. Believers in Christ are not responsible to keep these feasts, of course, but a knowledge of them greatly enhances their faith. The Lord kept every one of them without fail, even celebrating Passover on His last earthly night. Below we will examine the (three) feasts (occurring during the month of September), giving the appropriate verse from Leviticus 23. In each case we will see that there is a wonderful fulfillment in the New Testament as indicated by the nature of the feast. TRUMPETS God seems to have enjoyed the trumpet. Ever since Isaac was spared by virtue of the ram being caught in the thicket by its horn, the trumpet, or in biblical times, the ram's horn, was special to God. After all, without Isaac, we would not have had the Jews; and without the Jews, we would not have had the Bible, the apostles, the disciples, and we must suppose, the Messiah Himself. God actually seemed to enjoy hearing trumpets blown, and He used them to great effect when Joshua conquered Jericho. He also specified their use in the Year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25:8-10) having the trumpets "proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." That quotation appears today on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, and may reassure those who feel this country was not founded by Bible-reading men. But even previous to Jericho, God instructed Moses about trumpets on Mt. Sinai, in regard to our fifth feast (the Feast of Trumpets): Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, in the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation (Leviticus 23:24). Our first three feasts occurred, of course, in the first month, normally in April. Pentecost occurred at the early part of summer, usually in late May or early June. Now we go over to the first day of Tishrei on the Jewish calendar, the seventh month, which represent the Church Age in God's planning, since the trumpet unquestionably represents the Rapture of the Church. The trumpet was the signal for the field workers to come into the Temple. The high priest actually stood on the southwestern parapet of the Temple and blew the trumpet so that it could be heard in the surrounding fields. At that instant, the faithful would stop harvesting, even if there were more crops to bring in, and leave immediately for the worship services. The Lord used the image. We can imagine the scene as a Jew and an Arab worked side by side in the fields, as they do even today. When the trumpet would sound, the Jew would leave immediately, and the Arab, believing otherwise of course, would continue bringing in the crops. Thus the Lord stated, "Where there are two working in a field, I'll take one and leave the other." The Rapture is very clearly associated with trumpets: For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed" (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). When that great trumpet sounds, the miracle to surpass all miracles will take place. The living believers will rise from the earth. The graves will give up their dead. All the believers will be mysteriously changed and outfitted for immortality. The triumph of mighty Joshua at Jericho is a type of the Rapture of the Church. There, the people shouted and blew on trumpets, and the walls fell down, and each man "ascended up" into the city. Beautiful Jericho, with its flower gardens and citrus fruits, is a gorgeous oasis in a very arid wilderness. It was the place where God chose to take His people into their Promised Land. It was their first sight of anything but hopeless desert for some forty years. Likewise, with the Christians, our glimpse of heaven at the Rapture will represent the end of a long journey for each of us through the wilderness. The entire story of the exodus, the story of Passover, our first feast, illustrates the salvation of the believer. First, there was the blood of the lamb, which delivered him from death, then the trip through the Red Sea baptism, then the wandering in the wilderness, this life on earth, and finally, Jericho, heaven, when the trumpets sound. There is a very close comparison between the verses, Joshua 6:5 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, as if God purposely indicated the correlation. If the Israelites could believe that their exalted group of men, women, and children could cross the Jordan and assault mighty Jericho, with its huge walls, and somehow take the city, then the Christian can equally believe that he can rise off the earth and meet the Lord in the air. The clincher of the type is in the name of the leader; in both cases, Joshua. (Jesus' name is Yeshua, in Hebrew; Joshua, in English.) Sadly, only a small portion of the Jews (the remnant which is in the Church at the time of the Rapture) will see this magnificent fulfillment. Jeremiah, with his usual clear-eyed forecast, lamented the situation: The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved (Jeremiah 8:20). But for the remaining Jews of the world, those who will not participate in the Rapture of the Church, God will have a restoration to the Promised Land. We have seen a portion of the Jews retake the land, of course, but Isaiah indicates that they will all go back at the sound of the trumpet: And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall beat off from the channel of the river unto the stream of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria and the outcast in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem (Isaiah 27:12- 13). We might suppose this would be a logical move for Jews left on earth after the Church is gone, in the tribulation period. The Jewish people will hardly have a friend anywhere. They certainly won't bow to the Antichrist, particularly when he enters the Temple (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4), and their best defense will be to stand back-to-back with their brethren in the Holy Land. This is how it will happen that the Lord will find them all regathered when He returns (Romans 11:26). Trumpets, then, occurs on the seventh new moon of the year, a significant time for the conclusion of an age. The Church will be taken out of the world, and God will move on to the difficult fulfillment of the next and most sacred of Jewish feasts. ATONEMENT On the fearsome Day of Atonement, the Jew literally either lived or died, according to God's will: Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord (Leviticus 23:27). This was a day of confession and it still is. Israel was to individually "afflict their souls" and be conscious of their national sin. This was the day on which the High Priest of Israel entered the fearsome Holy of Holies, where God Himself dwelt (Leviticus 16). The high priest would make a sacrifice on his own behalf, and then a sacrifice on behalf of all the sins of all the Israelites. It was a most solemn occasion, still treated as the highest of the holy days. We might appreciate some of the difficult laws written right into Leviticus 23, along with the punishments involved with this sacred day: And ye shall do no work in that same day: for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement for you before the Lord your God. For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people. And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people (Leviticus 23:28- 30). For the slightest violation in terms of working that day (lifting something too heavy, walking too far), one could be cut off from his people, and thus no longer be chosen. Further trips to the Temple would be unnecessary, as redemption would then be hopeless. As to the confession time, God specified twenty-four hours: It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest, and ye shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day of the month at even, from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your sabbath (Leviticus 23:32). We might all balk at the terrible thought of twenty-four solid hours of confession, but then the Jews were confessing the sins of an entire year. We might even balk at the idea of merely staying awake for twenty-four hours, but if our salvation hung in the balance, we would try to make it. Such were the blessings and curses of God's own people. We would look in vain in the New Testament for a fulfillment for the Day of Atonement. This is the one feast which is not fulfilled by the Church, because the Church owes no atonement. The Church is not innocent of course, but it is exonerated. Jesus paid off the sins of every one of us. But these are Jewish feasts, and each one is fulfilled for the Jews. The Day of Atonement will be fulfilled in a wonderful way when the Lord returns at His second coming. Zechariah's marvelous poetry pictured the reaction of Israel to the very sight of the King of the Jews returning: And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplication: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn (Zechariah 12:10). In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness (Zechariah 13:1). How sorrowful Israel will feel indeed, in the presence of their King: And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends (Zechariah 13:6). But the atonement will be accepted. God will have at long last ended His separation from Israel, His original wife. The book of Hosea details the adultery of Israel, in type, and her final redemption and purification. Paul's words bear repeating: And so all Israel shall be saved: As it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob (Romans 11:26). Sometimes Christians are confused by preaching that indicates "All the Jews will be saved anyway, so why should we bother witnessing to them now?" This would be an erroneous reading of Scripture, since only surviving Israel will be saved when the Lord returns. A man who dies now before being saved, Jew or Gentile, cannot obtain salvation in the future, and we should note that it will be very difficult for little Israel to survive the tribulation in any great numbers. The prophets lament that two-thirds of that nation shall perish at the hands of the Antichrist. TABERNACLES The prophetic picture becomes much brighter with the happy occasion of the seventh feast: Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the Lord (Leviticus 23:34). God wanted to celebrate the fact that He provided shelter for the Israelites in the wilderness: Ye shall dwell in booths seven days; all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths: That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God (Leviticus 23:42-43). Each year on Tabernacles, the fifteenth day of the seventh month, or the seventh full moon of the year, devout Jews build little shelters outside their houses, and worship in them. In Jerusalem, a municipal shelter is provided near the Jaffa Gate for the whole of the city. Tabernacles represents, of course, the Lord's shelter in the world to come, His great Tabernacle to exist in Jerusalem during the Kingdom Age. This seventh feast, commemorated faithfully by Jesus (John 7), is the one feast that we are assured will be an important part of kingdom worship: And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which come against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the families of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that comes not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles (Zechariah 14:16-19). The Lord will establish His tabernacle in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 37:26-27) and all the world will come every year to appear before the King and worship Him. How fitting a conclusion to each festival year in the schedule of the feasts. Anee M'amin Ticket to Nirvana by Avner Boskey ANEE M'AMIN is Hebrew for "I believe". Every month this column will feature the testimony of a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus). In this issue we present the story of Avner Boskey as provided to MORNING STAR by Chosen People Ministries. ================================================================ TICKET TO NIRVANA By Avner Boskey The theater lights shone down, bathing us in a pool of red, yellow and blue - a group of actors dressed in the black Hassidic garb of pious East European shtetl (ghetto) Jews. This was the Yiddish musical comedy "The Wise Men of Chelm. "I had been involved with this group as a young child, but now I was a man - dressed in a striped, silk caftan and a heavy fur-brimmed hat, fingering my long gray costume-beard and boisterously joining in on the Hassidic style melodies. I looked out into the audience at my beloved bride-to-be, Rachel, and thought, I've come a long way. Thriving Jewish Community I grew up in Montreal, Canada, a city well-known for its still- thriving Yiddish community. As a child, I attended Jewish Peretz School where my mother had been a teacher. We studied English and French in mornings, Yiddish and Hebrew in the afternoons. I participated in a local Jewish mandolin orchestra and in the drama group; I was even a scholarship student in Yiddish. One might think that with such a rich background, any Jew would be satisfied. And yet, even before I was barmitzvah I began asking questions about justice, oppression and the ultimate purpose of life, questions that the Judaism which I knew was not addressing. My parents had both been raised as followers of Orthodox Judaism. But in their teens, they made the conscious decision to abandon that lifestyle and belief system. Although my father was once a cantor, he found it impossible to put his faith in the God to Whom he was singing: the complacency, hypocrisy and materialism of so many who called themselves followers of God was more than enough evidence to him that religion was a dead end. Political Transformation Both of my parents became persuaded that the answer to man's problems, to oppression and injustice, lay in the political transformation of society. Only by redistributing wealth, by fighting for the underdog, by protecting the rights of the common working man could our world be made into a better, purer place. Following my parents' footsteps, I entered McGill University with my eyes on a political science major. I would learn the science of politics and discover how to transform the oppressive political structures that I saw around me. At least I would be able to put my ideas into practice, to test them in the crucible of life. It did not take me long to come to a shocking realization: I thought my professors and political heroes alike were convinced that their political theories, if applied, would create a brave new world and transform all human relationships, yet they themselves were still unchanged people, trapped by greed, suspicions and jealousies. Their own philosophies had proven powerless to change their own lives - how could they believe that others would be transformed? I did not believe that I could trust my teachers with my own life "come the revolution," nor would I continue to do it now. I had learned an important lesson: society and its institutions cannot be changed from the outside in, merely by manipulating social and economic forces. On the contrary, a changed society can only result from changed individuals! Eastern Tidal Wave During the late sixties, a tidal wave of Eastern mystical solutions was being offered to the searching minds of Western youth: Alan Watts, Lobsang Rampa, TM, Guru Maharaji, macrobiotics, Kundalini yoga, LSD - all offered a fast ticket to Nirvana, a direct path to discovering inner reality, a mind-blowing introduction to the world of the spirit. With the eager curiosity of a child set free in a shopping mall full of toy stores, I set out to examine and try every spiritual alternative which came my way. My hair grew into a long pony-tail; I dropped to 145 pounds (at 6'1"!), I spent six months meditating in a basement apartment, coming out for midnight walks. The consensus of Eastern wisdom was that divine truth lies in the inner man and that, by a process of quieting oneself, one can haul up buckets of divinity from the wellspring of one's soul. This process, I was assured, would result in internal transformation. Yet, with sadness I noted that all of my gurus and "masters" were still struggling with the same base motives that had troubled my political science professors. The more deeply I concentrated on the inner light or meditated on universal or cosmic energy, the more I saw that my spiritual innards were indeed in a terrible state. Four Year Process By the end of this four-year process, I had come to the same conclusions as had Jeremiah, the Hebrew prophet, 2,500 years previously: "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?" (Jer. 17:9). I had learned a second important lesson: man is not able to solve his internal problems by himself - though his essential nature needs changing, he is powerless to bring about that change. Toward the close of this period I met a former Texan who called himself "Ebony." He was involved in Satanism, and told me that he had encounters with powerful spiritual forces belonging to Lucifer. Through contact with him, I too began to discover a hidden world of great power and mystery. For the first time in my life I was having powerful encounters with supernatural forces, many of them quite frightening. I realized a third spiritual lesson. Not everything in the spiritual realm is friendly or good. There are also spiritual forces of great power and wickedness. This realization caused me to ask a very quiet question deep within. Since Satan and his power were all too real, could it be that God Almighty, the God of the Bible, also exists? I did not know for sure. But God had moved me to the brink of a divine encounter. A Sweet Perfume At that time I was working as assistant production manager of a plastics company. The office manager was a likable Dutch fellow named Nick Swart. His eyes twinkled and I appreciated being with him. He told me some astonishing news - that he had a personal relationship with God. There was no pride in his voice when he communicated that, and I could see that Nick was not perfect. But that presence of something in his life kept drawing me back to listen. And I knew inside that I deeply wanted such a personal relationship with God. Could it really be possible? Nick would drive home with me and talk about Yeshua (Jesus, as he called Him). Nick explained to me how Yeshua could forgive my sins. Yeshua had even gone to the cross in my place, paying the penalty for my sins - an atoning Yom Kippur sacrifice of eternal significance. Nick told me how Yeshua had come to destroy all the works of Satan, and that any one calling His name would be set free. He challenged me: "It is appointed for men to die once, and after this comes judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). As a footnote, he added that I, as a Jew, should pursue the matter seriously because Yeshua was the Messiah of and for Israel, not only the Christ of the Gentiles. A Great Bell Nick prayed privately for my salvation. I began to read the Gospel accounts of Yeshua and His ministry. the truth of Yeshua's words penetrated to the depths of my heart, there they resounded with solidity, like the peals of some great bronze bell. Never a man spoke as this one! His Jewishness, His compassion, His power and humor leapt off the pages before my eyes. His message encapsulated all the spiritual lessons I had already learned: hypocrisy, oppression and injustice stem from deep within men's hearts. Only an internal and spiritual transformation can heal men, and that new birth can be effected by God alone. I was traveling on a bus on my way to work when I decided to pray. Hesitant, I spoke to God in silent prayer: "If it's true that You exist, and that You truly are Lord of the universe, then I must be Your enemy. For twenty-odd years I have ignored You, used Your name as a curse, laughed in Your face. And yet in spite of this You seem to love me, and want me to have a personal relationship with You. If this is all true, if Yeshua is indeed my atonement and my Messiah, if You're listening to me now, then please: forgive my sins, come into my life and make me Your child. "Immediately, personally, and in a way simultaneously both powerful and tender, God poured His Spirit into my soul, opened my eyes spiritually and gave me new life. I was astounded but not afraid. For the first time in my life I knew my Maker. ================================================================ Reprinted from "The Chosen People," October 1989 by permission of Chosen People Ministries. See the resources section for information on reaching Chosen People Ministries. SCUD Warnings SCUD Warnings by Jerry Johnson Here at Morning Star, we are concerned with sound doctrine and the discipling of believers. Unfortunately, today there are many inaccurate, and in some cases outright heretical, teachings moving into the church. It is in response to these concerns that we present this new and somewhat "irreverent" look at these problems and how we as believers should respond. The editors of Morning Star welcome you to SCUD WARNINGS ... Look Out! Jerry Johnson, Modesto, CA S-piritual C-ounterfeits U-ndermining D-octrine Welcome to the first Scud Warning. The purpose of this column is to take an honest and Biblical look at what is happening to the modern American church and try to point out the incoming SCUDs - concepts that may be very popular or even accepted, but are not Biblically based or doctrinally sound. Where do I get off taking the presumptive stance of determining what's truth and what's bunk? Simple, the Scripture instructs us to try the spirits and to use the Word to determine what is good. We all have the same job. I'm just the guy who gets to type it out. As a point of reference, I am 38 years old, accepted the Lord when I was three, and am a fourth generation believer. Big deal?! I agree. I only bring that up to say that I have seen more doctrinal alterations and mutations in mainstream evangelical churches in my lifetime that were seen by my father, grandfather and great grandfather combined (or mother, grandmother and great grandmother, if you are of a matriarchal bend). Back in the 50's any single evangelical church may have been dead, but at least its basic doctrinal beliefs were not greatly removed from sound biblical foundation as exemplified, for example, by the Nicene creed. Now you can find individual churches of nearly any denomination that hold to all sorts of "new" truths and revelations that were unheard of in nearly 2,000 years of church history, but can be found in occult and New Age literature. We will be examining many of these revelations, as well as cultural constructs that have worked their way into "American" Christianity, such as American individualism, a high divorce rate and "leisure and perks" mentality. If nothing else, this column should spark some interesting conversations, and, ultimately hold high the Lord, the revealed Word of God. It is only fair to warn you that I believe God is sovereign and the Bible to be inerrant and sufficient for instruction, reproof and correction and I hope that these "prejudices" come through loud and clear. (Now that we have seen where we will be going with the column, here is the first warning. Look out! Incoming!) THE SCENE: A bare stage with a lone, dark-haired male figure standing rigidly, dressed in a tight suit typical of the early 60s, his hands clasped in front of him in the classic "fig leaf" position. He speaks in a stiff, somewhat forced manner: "Imagine, if you will, two cells belonging to one Henry Beabus engaged in a conversation: the one cell from the lung in heated debate with a cell from its nearby ribcage. You are about to take an excursion into...the doctrine zone." Cell #1: How dare you! We are all cells in the same body. Where do you come off criticizing fellow cells?! #2: Yo, lungy, they don't belong here! #1 Only in YOUR stiff, self righteous, healthier than thou, prejudiced opinion! Don't you see how divisive your attitude is? The cells are in the body...obviously they belong! #2 Belong?! These cells are cancer, tuberculosis, meningitis, AIDS! They're hurting the body! #1 Where do you come off with that stuff? We're doing just fine; We don't even have a cold right now. #2 But these cells are contrary and harmful to the body...they're in it, but not of it and if they're allowed to stay, they'll kill cells that are part of the body. In fact, they're damaging them right now! #1 In your dreams! We have to be open and accept these new cells; there's so much that's exciting and new! #2 Uh...Lungy? #1 What are you going to do? Criticize me now, I suppose? #2 No, but I am wondering about that grotesque cell behind you. #1 Grotesque cell? What grotesque...ARRRRGGHH! So, now you know why I don't make my living as a screen writer. (Most likely because I use too many exclamation points!!!!!!!) The intent of that silliness and this article is to ask; What price should we pay for unity in the body of Christ? There are individuals who point out Scriptures like Matthew 13: 24-30 to support never taking action against false teaching: Jesus told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. The owner's servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?' 'An enemy did this,' he replied. The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?' 'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: 'First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.''" These individuals say, essentially, wait until members of the church die and then let God sort out the believers from the unbelievers. Others focus on verses like Ephesians 5:6, "Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient," and similar passages such as Colossians 2:8, Hebrews 13:9, and 2 Timothy 4:2, taking an aggressive stance in weeding out either what is unscriptural or, depending on their egos, whatever they happen to not like. So where do we draw lines? Are we supposed to draw lines? Who has the marks-a-lot so we can draw the line? According to 1 John 4:1, we are to "not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" and we use the Bible (the whole thing, not just pieces of it) as our measuring stick and lie detector (see 2 Timothy 3:16). Is all this really necessary? Yup. Check out 2 Timothy 4:3-4, "For the time will come when men (and women, for those who support equal rights regardless of gender) will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." I think that "the time has come." So, now to the biggy: What's cancer and what's a cold? How do we know what presents a danger to other believers and what's merely a minor doctrinal difference that deserves a simple "agree to disagree" stance? If we were flying in a jumbo jet at, say, 20,000 feet, what errors or booboos would you consider critical? If you are like me, things that ended up with me dying in a fiery, headline- making crash would be considered major errors. For example, if we are in flight and our wings rip off, that would be grounds to be considered a true detriment to our safe landing, just as flying in a zero visibility storm and the jet losing all navigation, radar and radio capabilities would be. Whatever, by function or nature, is contrary to the proper design and purpose of the plane threatens the safety of those aboard. There are lots of different approaches to this, but here are three basic errors that are "out there," that are contrary to the proper design and purpose of Biblical Christianity. 1) Anything that directly contradicts Scripture (wasn't that a tough one to figure out?) Satanism, witchcraft and eastern religion come quickly to mind. 2) Anything that denies the deity of Christ. This is where most "cults" come in. 3) Anything that compromises the preeminence of Christ. The third one is what most of the SCUD warnings will focus on for this is the single greatest sneaky deception wangling its way into the "American" church. There are teachings that say Christ has to obey cosmic laws that He set up (therefore positioning Christ in submission to those laws, making those laws greater than He is, compromising His preeminence). Other teachings show us how to get what we want DESPITE what God may want for our lives, placing our wants above God's will, again, compromising His preeminence. The bottom line is, it is true that we as Christians need to stop being the only army that shoots its wounded. Likewise, we must not allow the sacrifice of the Biblically revealed Christ in the name of unity. It will be the focus of this column to search out and analyze those teaching that are making inroads into the church and compromising the preeminence of Christ. Next time we will examine the mechanisms of deception, written by a Christian who, for a brief time 20 years ago, believed himself to be a last day prophet of God who would be leading 12 disciples, one of whom would rebel and become the antichrist. That might make an interesting screenplay, but it made a miserable reality. I was that person. See you next time. Jerry The WORD for Today ISRAEL - A Providential People by Geoffrey Kragen and Wayne Eisenberg In this column, we continue our article discussing the responsibility of the Church towards Israel, and the Jewish people. In last month's issue we looked at how the teaching that the Church replaces Israel in God's program is contrary to Scripture and can be a breeding ground for anti-Semitism. ================================================================= Another example of a problem area within some churches is denying the Jewish people's right to the land of Israel and the eternal land grant which God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is not only against the Scriptures, but can be another form of anti- Semitism that believers everywhere should fight. If you don't think this position can be anti-Semitic, consider the UN resolution passed in 1975 that equated Zionism with racism. Referring to Amos 9 and Genesis 13 (quoted at the beginning of this article in Issue 1), it is clear that God gave the land of Canaan to Israel forever. While their occupancy is tied to their obedience to God and His Torah, their ownership is not. Additionally the covenant which God made with Abraham is not contingent on anything Abraham did. Review Genesis 15. According to the customs of the times, when a covenant was made between two parties, they both walked between the halved carcasses of the sacrifices, signifying that they should become as those dead animals if they broke their word. Only *God* walked between the carcasses, signifying that this was an unconditional promise being made by God. Abraham's behavior held no bearing on the validity of the promise. That land was (and is) his and his descendant's regardless of the circumstances. The promises tied to the land and its occupancy must not be spiritualized and turned over to the Church, for clearly this was not God's intent. The Church is not Israel. The Church is not even spiritual Israel. There is much danger in the doctrine of the setting aside of Israel, besides abusing God's word. If you say that God has rejected Israel, then you give a justification for the "church" to carry out judgment on the Jewish people. Too often this line of thought has lead to calling the Jewish people "Christ killers." This charge has culminated in persecution and death for many Jews. When this false accusation is and has been taught by the religious leadership, those who already hate the Jewish people readily accept the teaching, and use it to justify not only their hate, but anything they may do to harm the Jewish people, up to and including the wholesale slaughter of the Holocaust. God's Word does not say that the Jewish people killed Messiah. If anyone should be blamed for actually killing the Messiah, it should be the Romans, since they performed the actual execution. In fact though, "no one" killed Yeshua (Jesus), because His death was freely chosen by Him: "This is why the Father loves me: because I lay down my life, in order to take it up again! No one takes it away from me; on the contrary, I lay it down of my own free will. I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it up again. This is what my Father commanded me to do." (John 10:17-18). Why did He die then? The answer is simple. His purpose in coming was to die for us, to be the atonement for our sins. No one group was responsible for His death. Our sin, yours and mine, were the causes of His death. Just as human beings have to die once, but after this comes judgment; so also the Messiah, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to deliver those who are eagerly waiting for him (Heb. 9:27-28). For the Messiah himself died for sins, once and for all, a righteous person on behalf of unrighteous people, so that he might bring you to God. He was put to death in the flesh but brought to life by the Spirit (1 Peter 3:18). How then can we thank God for salvation, yet begrudge and even hate those whom God used to bring about that salvation? It is neither logical nor Scripturally correct. Finally, we should support and aid Israel with proper motives. Unfortunately, sometimes a problem is found in places where there is strong support for the state of Israel. It isn't the support that is wrong, but the motive. It is the same root of selfishness that is sometimes expressed in tithing. In other words, when the concern and support for Israel comes only from a preoccupation with "our" being blessed (see Gen. 12:3), then we are in error. This happens in tithing as well. God is not pleased when we give to Him because we're expecting something in return, like a spiritual "money market fund." He wants us to give because we love Him (see also 2 Cor 9:7). If there isn't a real love or concern for the Jewish people, only a blind support of Israel because of the nation's relationship to the Church in prophecy and "just think of how much WE will be blessed if we support Israel," then we have a problem. The concern with Israel can be self-serving instead of God-serving. We are to be concerned with Israel. However, we are not to be concerned out of our own need, but because of Israel's need. See Isaiah 62:1. We are not to just look at the state, but to remember that the state is made up of individuals who have needs. If we care for the people, then we must be willing to say in love when we think there are wrong choices. Caring and supporting means saying I love you even if I disagree with you. After all, we know that the proof that God cares for us is His discipline. "...because Adonai disciplines those He loves, and whips everyone He accepts as a son" (Heb. 12:6). Let's not fall into the trap of saying Israel's future is intertwined with ours, therefore we support her. Let us say instead that God loves His people and therefore we too must love her. As Christians, not only should we not reject Israel by falsely teaching that God did, but let us also not reject her by having only a self-serving concern for her. ----------------------------------------------------------------- All Old Covenant passages are from The Jerusalem Bible, Koren Publishers, Jerusalem, Israel, 1983. All New Covenant passages are from The Jewish New Testament, Jewish New Testament Publications, Jerusalem, Israel, 1989. Special Studies Does God Heal ? by Geoffrey Kragen There is much suffering in the world today. There are many people in pain. They suffer from physical disease, everything from asthma and allergies, all the way to life threatening illnesses such as AIDS and MS. Disease is a major problem of life, one which can effect anyone regardless of their race, age, social position or material prosperity. It effects all, Christian and non-Christian alike. But the presence of illness in this world brings up an added difficulty within the Christian community. The problem is that some Christians believe in healing and others do not. Some teach that when Christ died He provided healing for any and all disease. Others believe that God allows us to suffer from illness and doesn't intend us to be healed. Finally, there is the middle ground which holds that God can and does heal--when He desires to--leaving us suffering from disease when He knows that we will benefit spiritually in the midst of that affliction. There is a substantial amount of disagreement over the whole issue of God's healing of individuals. Did God heal? If God did, does He still do so? Did Messiah's death and resurrection on the cross provide healing for all individuals? How should we pray when confronted with illness? In this article we will endeavor to deal with these touchy questions. When discussing a Biblical perspective on healing there is only one place to start and that is with God's word. What does Scripture teach about healing? WITH HIS STRIPES First, let us examine a passage that is frequently used to support a view that not only does God heal, but it is His intent that no believer suffer from physical illness: But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). This is a very familiar passage and, as already noted, some take it to mean that with Messiah's death and resurrection comes the promise of healing for all believers. But is that what the passage really teaches? We have one expert on this passage we can turn to; the Apostle Simon Peter said, "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed" (1 Peter 2:24). While it can be argued that the some of the Jews of Jesus day saw miracles as a fulfillment of this passage, Peter moves it out of the context of the physical into one of the spiritual. What were we healed from? We have been healed from SIN. The overall context of the Isaiah passage focuses on the sin of those who are looking up at the suffering servant, at Jesus. The whole of His suffering was directed at paying the price for sin. The thrust of the passage is not concerned with physical illness. Clearly, if one looks at the entire section, versus part of one verse, it is dealing with that fatal illness which ends in spiritual death, SIN and what Messiah suffered so that we would be healed of our transgressions. Regardless of what some teach, the passage has nothing to do with God healing people from illness. To hold other than this is to have much lower view of the verse than the author intends. It teaches something much more important than physical healing, it offers the only answer there is to sin, the suffering of our savior. The message of Isaiah is the glorious message of the Gospel, by God's grace we are saved from an eternity in Hell to an eternity in His presence. GOD HEALS - OLD TESTAMENT EXAMPLES Now certainly this does not mean that Scripture does not teach that God heals illness. We find numerous passages within the Old Testament showing that God heals, even including the raising of the dead, for example this passage involving the prophet Elisha. "When Elisha reached the house, there was the boy lying dead on his couch. He went in, shut the door on the two of them and prayed to the LORD. Then he got on the bed and lay upon the boy, mouth to mouth, eyes to eyes, hands to hands. As he stretched himself out upon him, the boy's body grew warm. Elisha turned away and walked back and forth in the room and then got on the bed and stretched out upon him once more. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes" (2 Kings 4:32-35). As the reader moves through the Old Testament, the healing mercy of God is made abundantly clear. GOD HEALS - NEW TESTAMENT EXAMPLES - JESUS In the New Testament it is also very clear that Jesus healed. It fact it is important that we look at the factors involved in His healings. When Jesus healed, people were completely healed. "A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy" (Matthew 8:2-3; also see Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 5 and other passages). Jesus brought back the dead "As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out--the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, "Don't cry." Then he went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, "Young man, I say to you, get up!" The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother" (Luke 7:12-15). Jesus healed all who came to Him, as we see throughout the Gospels, and in these examples. "News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed, and he healed them.": "When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick" (Matthew 4:24, 8:16). It is also worth noting that while Jesus said in many cases it was faith in Him that lead to healing, it was not necessary to have faith to be healed. In John chapter 5, we read of the healing of a crippled man who not only didn't have faith in Jesus, he didn't even know who Jesus was. As far as Jesus' ministry went, all who came to be healed were. Generally, there wasn't even an issue of having enough faith. How contrary to the teaching that if you aren't healed it is be cause of your lack of faith. JESUS HEALED - WITH A TOUCH - INSTANTANEOUSLY - TOTALLY - JESUS RAISED THE DEAD: Before moving on to other New Testament areas, it should be noted that the miracles performed by Jesus were primarily for the purpose of authenticating God's sending Him to the Jew. Almost all that he did was done within the context of His ministry to Judah and the Jew. His healing of Gentiles was by exception. John makes the authenticating purpose clear when he said, "Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:33-31). Essentially, no ministry today needs this type of authentication, as we have the testimony to it within the Scripture with the works of Messiah. NEW TESTAMENT EXAMPLES-THE APOSTLES But as far as the issue of healing goes, things changed with the ascension of Jesus to Heaven. While the Apostles healed, God no longer healed everyone who desired to be healed. After the death and resurrection of Messiah, God no longer carried out a wholesale healing ministry. So much for healing being a product of Messiah's work on the cross. The apostles and others who were around Jesus did heal, but in a much more limited way than the Lord. Even here, the healing was an authentication of their ministry (see Acts 3). But when they did heal, they carried it out in exactly the same way that Jesus did, that is, with a touch - instantaneously - totally, even to the raising of the dead. As we move on into the early period of the church, we find that even Paul didn't heal. Philippians 2:25-27 gives an account of Epaphroditus who almost died, and was healed, not by Paul, but by God. Paul didn't heal Timothy of stomach problems, he suggested taking some wine (1 Timothy 5:23), essentially a recommendation for medical treatment. Finally, we know that God does not intend everyone to be healed because Paul himself suffered from a condition which he prayed about, and God chose not to heal him: To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me (2 Corinthians 12:7). This passage shows a most important principle. God not only doesn't always heal, but he allows illness as a way to cause us to be more dependent on Him. Clearly Paul is teaching, that God is more concerned with our spiritual than our physical health, even to the extent that He allows Satan to torment us for our growth, just as He allowed Satan to do with Job. (It should be noted here that obviously God doesn't always intend us to be free from the persecution of Satan and his followers, but allows them leeway in our life for our growth.) GROWTH THROUGH SUFFERING This brings us to the real issue regarding healing. Scripture does teach that God heals, and still heals today. Elsewhere in this issue you will find examples of this truth. What Scripture does not teach is that God intends Christians to be without disease, that God intends all believers to be healed from illness and if we aren't it is simply because we don't have enough faith. To the contrary, illness is one of the things God uses to keep us dependent on Him. There are essentially three principles that underlie this truth. 1) God is sovereign. It is not up to us to demand that God heal. It is up to Him to decide what is in our best interest, which may be to allow us to remain in our stricken condition. "The LORD said to him, 'Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD?'" (Exodus 4:11). Again, remember God's words to Paul: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9). Who are we to say, "God heal me!" when He chooses not to? 2) Clearly, God is more concerned with our souls than our bodies. "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28). Scripture does not teach that God desires our happiness. What He desires is our maturity. All suffering can bring us benefit. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28). Now does this mean all things except disease, or does it really mean all things? Listen to the words of Peter, the great Apostle, one who healed others himself. "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed" (1 Peter 4:12-13). Now while Peter is talking about the suffering that comes from standing for Christ, as a witness for Him, how we stand faithful in our pain is also a witness for Him. Notice then that we are not to be surprised by suffering. We are not to go demanding that God heal us. We are to rejoice that we are allowed to suffer so that God will be glorified in our dependence on Him. 3) We have certainly seen this principle of God using the suffering of believers to His glory. Joni Eareckson Tada, a paraplegic, has had the opportunity to touch the lives of many physically challenged individuals because of her willingness to accept God's decision to remain in her chair. Merrill Womach, the great singer, has had an outstanding testimony for the Lord despite the fact that his body, his face, are ravished by the act of a fire through which he suffered. Then there is the great Hymn writer Fannie Crosby who, in the midst of her blindness, wrote some of the outstanding standards of the church. Among her great works are "To God Be The Glory," "Tell Me The Old, Old Story," and "Blessed Assurance." As she wrote "Perfect submission, perfect delight! Visions of rapture now burst on my sight," in the midst of her blindness, she kept her "eyes" on her Lord. Think the great loss to the church if God choose to heal all of His children. Think of the loss of testimony to the world of those who say their faith is in God, not in God's changing their circumstances. CONCLUSIONS First and foremost, we can praise the Lord for He is a loving God, and as such, God did and does still heal His afflicted children. "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. " (1 John 5:14). The key here is though according to HIS will, not ours. God does heal when He knows it is appropriate. God heals directly today, miraculously. God also heals through competent medical practice. In fact, James teaches that we are to pray and get medical care. "Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord" (James 5:14). Oil in this context is the best understood as medical treatment. As believers though, our primary concern should not be on physical recovery. Our purpose is to live in a way that glorifies God and brings honor to his name. How we continue to trust in Him in the midst of pain says more about our relationship with Him to a fallen world than how He makes life easy for us. After all, Scripture says of God, "...He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous" (Mat. 5:45). Everyone in the world suffers, the difference between the Believer an Non-believer is what they bring out of that suffering and accordingly model about God before a lost world. (For an example of the negative witness of one who demands healing, see the article "Thy Will Be Done" elsewhere in the issue.) We must be willing to say that our joy, or life, does not come from God choosing to heal us. It comes for the quality of our relationship with Him in the midst of circumstances. Let us not boast in what God has done for us, but who God is. Paul puts it best when he said, "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness" (2 Corinthians 11:30). As believers, we are called to "walk on water," that is, to walk in dependency on the Lord in the midst of the trials and tribulations. We do this by keeping our focus on Him. Peter stepped out of the boat, and did walk on the waves. He only began to sink when he took his eyes of the Lord and put them on the waves (see Matthew 14:22-31). As we deal with the waves of illness, the waves of pain, the waves of suffering, let us not demand that God take us out of the water, but instead, keep our eyes on Him, walking in His ways in the midst of the waves, knowing that He will heal us if he chooses, but that we can rejoice in Him even if he doesn't. Again, remember the words of Paul: "...we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28). That means that both in times of peace and comfort, and in times of pain and upheaval, as believers, we can rejoice because our loving Father is in control. Let us pray that we will grow in our willingness to trust the Lord to the control of our lives, and instead of looking at the waves, we will keep our eyes on Him. Instead of demanding physical health, let us pray for spiritual maturity, accepting all that God brings to us, as for our own good. And as we so live then one day we will stand before Him and hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!" (Matthew 25:21). Even so--come Lord Jesus! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Bible Quiz Bible Quiz God has long been in the healing business, and still is today. Test your biblical knowledge on healing by matching the method with the person healed: 1. Jesus' fingers in ears and spit 2. Lump of figs 3. Dip in Jordan River 4. Touch by Jesus 5. Look at brass serpent 6. Spoken word of Jesus 7. Touch of Jesus' garment 8. Dip in troubled waters of pool of Bethseda 9. Prayer and laying on of hands 10. Faith of his friends a. Centurion's servant (Matthew 8:13) b. Publius' father (Acts 28:8) c. Man with palsy (Matthew 9:2) d. Israelites' snake bites (Numbers 21:9) e. Deaf man with speech impediment (Mark 7:33) f. Peter's mother-in-law (Mark 1:30-31) g. Naaman (2 Kings 5:14) h. Woman sick for twelve years (Mark 5:25-29) i. People around pool (John 5:2-4) j. Hezekiah's boils (Isaiah 38:21) Prayer Guidelines Suggestions for Prayer Group Leaders (Acknowledgements to JoAnn Magnuson, Christian Friends of Israel) 1. You are the leader, not the dictator. Only experience will teach us how to use authority. Avoid superiority, but show a sense of quiet confidence. Give the group a clear sense of direction throughout the meeting. 2. Pray that God will send those He has chosen and keep all others away. Sometimes you may question His choice! 3. Keep the group small. It is better to have many small groups than one large group where vocal, expressive and experienced people usually dominate the prayer time. 4. Make arrangements to remind people of meeting times, especially at the beginning. It is easy to forget a new activity. 5. Practical details: * Provide as comfortable a setting as possible. If possible provide child care where helpful. * Have someone responsible for answering the phone - or unplug it. * Begin and end on time. * It is generally best not to serve refreshments during a meeting. 6. Encourage beginning efforts. Correct gently. Discipline is necessary, but Jesus doesn't crush the bruised reeds. 7. Read up-to-date information and prayer letters so that you can bring current needs and topics before the group. Decide on the areas you believe God wants you to pray about, and lay them out clearly to the group. Endeavor to lead the group through them step by step. However be open to the insights of others. 8. Don't spend too much time sharing about topics, or discussing the issues they raise, before actually praying. It is usually better to pray about needs than to talk about them. 9. Don't be afraid of silence: * We need time for God adjust our fine-tuning. * Psalm 65:1 says, "There will be silence before Thee and praise in Zion." 10. Praise is an essential atmosphere for prayer, and is the only appropriate way to enter God's presence. However discourage the singing of songs during the prayer time for the sake of it. Christian Life Department People Profile People Profile by Teresa Giordanengo Morning Star Senior Editor, Teresa Giordanengo, conducted this interview with Harry J.Silvis, MD, of Washington, Pennsylvania. His BS degree is from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, his MS degree in Chemistry is from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, his PH.D. from the University of Pittsburgh, his internship and residency was at Mercy Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Teresa: You worked in the emergency room at the Mercy Hospital after your residency and you are now a Doctor of Medicine with Boards Specialty in Internal Medicine. When did you begin your practice here in Washington, Pennsylvania? Dr. Silvis: After I took my Boards in Internal Medicine in 1979, I began my private practice in July of that same year, here in Washington. I am on the staff at the Washington Hospital. Teresa: When did you become a born-again Christian? Dr. Silvis: I was raised in a Christian home. My mother was Mennonite and my father was Lutheran. We attended a Lutheran Church. When I was a Junior in high school, I realized I did not know the Lord as my Savior. Kathryn Kuhlman brought David Wilkerson of Teen Challenge to Pittsburgh for special services, and it was at one of these services that I accepted the Lord into my life. Teresa: As a Christian, what was noticeably different about you at school? Dr. Silvis: Accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior made a big difference in my life, especially on the football field. I was a linebacker at the time and became the starting guard in my Senior year and was known as Deacon. I carried my Bible regularly and many people thought that was odd, but no one would dared say anything to a two-hundred-pound crusher on the football field. Even though I looked a little strange, everyone was somewhat fearful of me because of the reputation I had before becoming a Christian. I had been a fighter before, and got away with it. I started on the football team during my Sophomore year and outpositioned a Senior that season. So if I literally had to fight for my first job, I had earned it. As a Christian, I no longer started fights on the field, but I couldn't figure out how a Christian could play a nice friendly game of football. I would go out there and try to be a nice guy and on the first play of the game I would always get hit and knocked down. I would get up and be angry and ready to play the game. I always enjoyed football before and after becoming a Christian. But gradually, as a Christian, my attitude changed and I realized that indeed we could have fun and still be competitive. I also realized that we didn't need to go out onto the field using the type of language that we did before. A few of the other football players accepted the Lord at this time. As a result, I became the Chaplain of a group of believers who met regularly at the school for Bible study. Teresa: What changes occurred in your life after medical school? Dr. Silvis: I attended the Church of God in Pittsburgh, where I met my wife, and gradually I assumed more responsibilities in my medical career, both in my internships and residencies as well as the church. I was a Bible teacher for the adult class, and my wife taught the preschool children, and occasionally I filled-in on the pulpit when the pastor was absent. I became the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, where I helped with some of the programing and the financing at the church. I held this position for eight years, and then had to step down because it was a mandatory rule of the church that no one could hold this position for more than eight years. I was nominated and drawn up into the State level of the Church of God, being a member of the Church Extension Agency, which primarily is in charge of planting new churches throughout the Western Pennsylvania area. This was exciting, but more difficult, than we thought. It was very inspirational being instrumental in establishing Bible studies in the area. Each week a different person volunteered to be in charge of the Bible study, which meant that I only had to prepare a lesson every so often. Everyone helped and each did his part to prepare the weekly lessons. I felt that I was being spiritually fed, but I did not feel that, for our children. I think this was because we lived so far from the church, and our children were not as involved as I wanted them to be. We wanted to find a church closer to our home so that our children could get to know the Lord and accept Him as we did. This is when we became members of the Central Assembly of God in Houston. Teresa: Who is involved in your Bible studies now? Dr. Silvis: We started a Bible study in our home for our neighbors about five years ago. One family from our church attends our Bible study and all other families come from the different churches in the area. My wife does the organizing and we have our Bible study on an evening that does not conflict with church services. We have a social hour afterwards with light refreshments. It got to the point where people wanted the study in their home the following month so that they could invite their neighbors. We now have about forty people involved and a few of these people who attend are not Christians. We have one man who attends and has never set foot in a church. He really enjoys these meetings. We gave him a Bible to read and he asks questions each time we meet. He asks us to keep praying for him because he wants to continue reading and understanding the Bible. Teresa: What other activities are you involved in at your church? Dr. Silvis: We have four adult Sunday School classes and I am one of the adult class teachers. I have helped at the church with youth programs and a missionary trip to Mexico. I encourage the young people to read and study the Word of God because I think that one of the great dynamic features of Christianity is that it can be very, very simple. Just look at John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." I think with that very passage alone we can have eternal life. Yet once we have become a Christian we begin to delve into the Word and we see a whole host of facets which are challenging to us. Teresa: What made you decide to be a doctor? Dr. Silvis: I have always wanted to become a doctor. In fact, my desire was to become a missionary doctor ever since I was in the eighth grade. I felt that God wanted me to combine the ministry and medicine together and I pursued both of those avenues and certainly medicine opened wide for me and I have been teaching and studying the scriptures as much as I can. But He has never called me to a mission field. I keep asking "Where should I be Lord?" It could be that He is just preparing me at this moment and is going to launch me later on. But I will wait upon the Lord. Teresa: What were some of the experiences on your mission trip to Mexico? Dr. Silvis: This past summer I had my first experience on the mission field with members of the church. We went to a town called Morella, up in the mountains about one hundred fifty miles from Mexico City. Some of the people there had never seen Americans before. It was a fascinating nine days and we ran into about as many problems as we could run into in a third world country. We ran into trouble with public facilities because they basically didn't have any, and two-thirds of the people became ill because of the water and the food. As a physician, I carried along a whole bag of medical supplies and I had no problem getting them into the country. Since we did manual work there, I really know what solid rock means. We cut and dug through about twenty inches of solid rock to put in footers for a foundation needed for a church that would seat about a thousand people. We mixed cement and helped with the reinforcing rods and ended up with blisters and bloody hands. There were girls and boys and men and women working there during the daytime. The women were shown how to bend steel rods that were needed for reinforcing the pillars and columns. We did all we could in the nine days that we were there. It was great working alongside my fourteen year old son who had gone down there with me. Everyone had his own special reason for going down there. Each one of us went down with open hearts and mind, asking God to use us, and, oh, did He use us! In the evenings, we visited the different churches and tried to inspire the young people and the church while we were there. Our young people brought along a few musical instruments that turned out to be a blessing. They played the saxophone, two trumpets, guitars and a set of drums. I remember one day, since we had a long wait at a huge bus terminal, we began singing and handing out tracts. Those people rushed towards to get the pamphlets because they were so hungry for the gospel. They never throw the tracts on the ground; they are passed along until the paper actually falls apart. One night because we were late for a church service, they just started the service all over again when we arrived. It didn't matter, to the Mexicans, how long the services lasted. As a physician, I went around helping the people at night, and during the day if anyone got hurt, they came over to see me. Teresa: How do your patients react to you since you are a born-again Christian? Dr. Silvis: I pray with many of my patients, as the other Christian doctors do at the hospital. I remember, there was a lady in the hospital with a fibrillating heart. She was the patient of another doctor, but I had been asked to go in to see her. When I arrived, I placed my hand in hers for human contact and told her that "Doctor so and so" had asked me to stop in to see her and that I was told that she had problems with her heart. She said "Yes, I have been praying all day that you would get here." And at that moment her heart suddenly converted into sinus (normal) rhythm. She exclaimed "You just healed me!" and I replied "No, I didn't heal you. It may have been your prayers and God acted through me, but I do not have healing hands." Teresa: What are your extra-curricular commitments at the hospital? Dr. Silvis: At the Washington Hospital, I am the Chairman of the M.I.S.A. committee which involves a computer interface for communication between the physicians and the administration nurses. We basically work together to be sure the computer data meets ours and the patients' needs. The complaints come to me, so I call myself the chief complaint center, and I take these complaints to the nurses, who in turn try to make me happy by having the computer do what we physicians request. We have also started prayer sessions at the hospital and have a retreat for prayer once a year at the Seven Springs Resort. About twenty- five of the doctors participate each year, although it is open for any employee of the hospital. Last year, we spent a whole week studying Galatians 5:22, the fruits of the Spirit. I think God has great things in store for the City of Washington and the hospital. Teresa: When do you find the time to exercise? Dr. Silvis: I make sure that I find the time to play round robin racquetball every day. We have tournaments, and at one time we played the tournament all in one day. I remember it very well, because it becomes very taxing on the arm and I developed tendonitis so bad that my arm was very swollen. Now we play the tournament in several days. Teresa: Finally, is there any last point you would like to leave with our readers? Dr. Silvis: I think oftentimes an interview like this is very intimidating to a lot of people because they read this and think that God only works through certain people. They feel that He will never work through them because they haven't achieved this or that. Many people are gifted with wisdom, gifted with money, and gifted with positions: like the scribes and pharisees who had everything and they rejected Christ. These people have to be very humble when God gives all this because it is at this very time when Satan will work through them to take them from their salvation. If we take a look at the disciples, they were basically poor men, common folk, uneducated folk, and God moved the world through them. I think we have to stress the fact that it is God working through us which is important. It has nothing to do with our status in life. I hope and pray that God will work through this to touch many souls. With God working through us, we suddenly become very powerful. Ministry Profile Ministry Profile The MINISTRY PROFILE column highlights the work of a particular Christian ministry. Local, national, and international ministries will be featured. AMMI Ministry began in 1984 with the desire to promote the Gospel among the Jewish people through the ministry of the local church. The name "AMMI" is a transliteration from Hebrew and means "My People." It is taken from Isaiah 40:1: "Comfort ye, comfort ye My People." There is no greater comfort to anyone than to come into an eternal loving relationship with Messiah Jesus. AMMI's vision includes a two-fold approach. First, to have outreach programs at churches that would contextualize the Gospel. Over the years, AMMI has had close to a hundred outreach programs. These programs have included holiday presentations, concerts, movie nights, and a memorial concert to honor the Holocaust victims. Hundreds of Jewish people have heard the Gospel at these presentations. In fulfillment of its second ministry verse, Romans 10:17, which tells us that a saving faith in Jesus comes from hearing the Gospel, AMMI is involved in other evangelism activities, such as street witnessing, visitation evangelism, and following-up ministry to unsaved Jewish people who are referred to AMMI by Christians. The second part of the AMMI approach is to equip and encourage believers to share their faith with Jewish people by conducting Jewish Evangelism Seminars, by giving The Feasts of Israel presentations, and by working with believers on a one-to-one basis. AMMI ministry was approved by the elders of Tenth Presbyterian Church (TPC) in May of 1986 as a ministry of the church, and began to receive funding from their missions committee in 1987. For several years, AMMI remained a part-time volunteer work of TPC, under the direction of Ronald S. Elkin. In September of 1990, AMMI members believed the Lord was leading them to develop the ministry into a full-fledged mission board. While maintaining a close working relationship with TPC, AMMI formed its own Board of Directors and became incorporated in the State of Pennsylvania. Although AMMI's work remains essentially the same, it is now ministering in many different churches along the Eastern Seaboard. Ron has a series of messages which can help Christians develop an appreciation for the Jewish roots of their faith and the prophetic significance of the Feasts of Israel, as well as equip them in Jewish Evangelism techniques and in developing an outreach to Jewish people through the local church. Ron is available to travel to your church and bring his challenging, practical, and encouraging message. Ron's wife, Jackie, is an award-winning graphic artist. Many of Ron's messages are illustrated with her beautifully designed overheads. If you would like a brochure on the teachings that Ron offers, please contact the Elkins at the address given at the end of this article. AMMI Ministry: Philosophy & Statement of Purpose AMMI's goal is to glorify Messiah Jesus and to achieve lasting spiritual fruit in dependence upon him (John 15:1-8). EVANGELISM AMMI, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, desires to bring Jewish people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through a variety of evangelistic activities, and to communicate creatively information about the gospel relative to their culture, history, and society. MERCY MINISTRY AMMI desires to touch the hearts of Jewish people through expressions of empathy and love. AMMI accomplishes this by showing practical concern in areas of their need. Knowing that the Jewish people have been hurt by centuries of anti-Semitism, AMMI brings teachings to churches which help dispel prejudice among Christians. AMMI promotes Christian love and understanding of the Jewish people as a means of healing and as a witness to the love of Jesus and the reality of the Gospel. EDIFICATION AMMI is working with local churches to develop outreach ministries to their Jewish neighbors and is helping individual Christians learn how to effectively witness to their Jewish friends. AMMI encourages believers to have a faith vision in which Jewish people can and do get saved. DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING AMMI disciples new Jewish believers in the basics of the faith. AMMI emphasizes the unity of the Body of the Messiah and the need to join local congregations. We are committed to developing attractively illustrated discipleship material. ABOUT RON ELKIN Ron Elkin, a Jewish believer in Jesus, is a graduate (with honors) of Philadelphia College of Bible's Jewish Missions program and since 1984 has been the founder and director of AMMI. Ron recently worked as a staff missionary with the Messianic Hebrew Christian Fellowship. His duties were to continue the activities of AMMI and extend his mission work to other areas. In 1987, he participated in the Jews for Jesus Summer Witnessing Campaign in New York City. This consisted of two weeks of Jewish evangelism classes at Moody Bible Institute and four weeks of street witnessing in New York City. Eight people prayed with him to receive Christ and he obtained several Jewish contacts for follow-up evangelism. Ron has been a volunteer with Chosen People Ministries, Philadelphia Evangelization Society, and with other Jewish evangelism ministries. He is also Co-Chairman of JOPPA (Jewish Outreach Partnership in the Phila. Area), which is a cooperative group of different Jewish evangelism ministries in the area. He is responsible for coordinating JOPPA's annual banquet, teaching street witnessing, and co-leading monthly meetings. Because of his Jewish missions experience and his love of the Scriptures, Ron is prepared to share a variety of interesting teachings and seminars with churches. These programs will encourage your members to pray for Jewish missions, witness to their Jewish friends, and be motivated towards evangelism in general. NEWS FROM THIS SUMMER Sixteen AMMI volunteers and Ron had a wonderful experience being involved with the JOPPA witnessing campaign in July. Ron says, "My heart was literally revitalized as I saw the exciting things that happened that week in many people's lives. In a typical campaign, we distributed thousands of Gospel tracts and personally talked with hundreds of people on the streets. Our campaigns are geared toward the large cities during the rush hours when people are traveling to or from work and during the lunch hour. In the evenings, we go to major events like baseball games, or we go door to door in Jewish neighborhoods. Most Jewish people live and work in urban areas, making the cities a great place to reach them. Many Jewish and Gentile people will talk with us about the Gospel. On the streets, they can be anonymous. The neutrality of the streets helps to eliminate the peer pressure against the Gospel they may experience in the office or home. This type of evangelism does bring results. During the Philadelphia campaign, I personally spoke with many saved Jewish people, several of whom gave me their names and addresses (asking) for more information about Jesus and salvation. New Testaments were given to these spiritually hungry people. One of the contacts was a dear older Jewish gentleman who is a lawyer. Last Tuesday over lunch, I had the opportunity to clear up some doubts he had about the Gospel. He is eager to get together again. Many unsaved Gentiles also wanted information about salvation. Their names have been passed onto local churches. AMMI is following up the Jewish contacts with literature, phone calls, and visitations. In big cities like New York and Philadelphia, most people do not know the Lord, and frankly, they are not looking for Him. Their lives are extremely busy, always on the go. It is not enough to merely wish or hope for people to be saved." During the week of August 10-16, AMMI conducted a witnessing campaign in Pittsburgh. Nine part-time volunteers along with Ron Elkin passed out 18,000 tracts. Sixteen people repented of their sins and confessed faith in Jesus. Among these people was one Jewish man named Norman. Please pray for his continued spiritual growth. THE FUTURE Recently, AMMI's board of directors approved the forming of an Organization Committee to help AMMI expand its work with a branch office in Pittsburgh. AMMI is also working toward developing an outreach in the Lancaster, Pa. area. For those in the Pittsburgh area, we will be having a Jewish Evangelism Seminar at Geneva College on October 12. Contact Dr. Jack White's office at Geneva for details and registration. Ron Elkin will also be on Channel 40 (in the Pittsburgh area) on October 2 at 8:00 p.m. and on October 3 at 9:30 p.m. AMMI is looking forward to developing outreach not only in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh areas, but also in Atlantic City and Baltimore. Pray for the Lord's blessing on their efforts and get in contact with them if you would like to work with them in these cities. On November 9, AMMI will be holding their second Memorial concert for the Holocaust Victims. In 1989, a similar concert was attended by 75 unsaved Jewish people and 100 believers. It is a great opportunity to minister Christ's love to the Jewish Community. Even though the Holocaust occurred years ago, most Jewish people are still very concerned and affected by this tragic event . At our concert, we will express opposition to anti-Semitism and our commitment to oppose it in the future. Jewish people are not used to Christians standing up for them. This type of program is like giving water to a weary soul and will help soften their hearts towards our LORD and Savior, Messiah Jesus. We have wonderful music scheduled. Some of the music that will be performed was composed by Holocaust victims. Pray for the Lord to bless all aspects of this program, in particular the advertisements, music, speakers, and volunteers needed to help distribute 10,000 flyers in center city Philadelphia on October 26 and November 2. Shalom! AMMI Ministry P.O. Box 27576 Philadelphia PA. 19118 (215) 843-7964 Education Column "Choice" : Education's New Buzzword by Paul A. Kienel The following is from the Christian School Comment newsletter written by Dr. Paul A. Kienel, Executive Director of the Association of Christian schools International based in La Mirada, California. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Parental "choice" is the "in" idea in education reform in the 90's. The word "choice" has, as one reporter wrote, "The appealing ring of a fundamental freedom." (1) "Choice" in education appeals to liberals and conservatives alike and is championed by President Bush as the "cornerstone of educational reform." (2) In a speech to the American Society of Association Executives, President Bush said, "We need responsive schools, customer-driven ones, if you will. Schools that are more market-oriented and performance based; because it's time we recognize that competition can spur excellence in our schools. Choice is the catalyst for change, the fundamental reform that drives forward all others." (3) There is no question America's system of public schools needs reform. In comparison with other industrialized countries, U.S. education achievement ranks 12th out of 14. When algebra and calculus scores of the top five percent students are compared, U.S. students rank last. (4) There is also no question that honest free-market competition in American education would stimulate change. The original ideas of "choice" in education would stimulate change. The original ideas of "choice" in education met minimal objection from public school leaders because "choice" was presented as an opportunity for parents to send their children to schools of their own choosing within the public school system. Suddenly, the climate has changed. In recent weeks, a tidal wave of harsh words and strong opposition is emerging from the public school community because President Bush and a host of others are advocating that "choice" be extended not only to private schools but to Christian schools and other religious schools as well. The following is a small sample of the strong words of opposition to "choice" when it includes schools outside the public system: "If the White House thinks funding for private schools "will vastly improve education, it is sadly mistaken," declares Albert Shanker of the American Federation of Teachers. The National Education Association vows to help sink Bush's plan in Congress." (5) Many public educators fear a loss of students: "This plan would devastate the public system," said Mary Anne Galloway, president of the Delaware State Education Association, the state's teachers union, arguing that high achievers and children from well-to-do families would be encouraged to leave the public schools. (6) Others fear a loss of funds: Public school educators oppose any plan that would provide state money for non-public education while allowing the private schools to be selective about admissions. "These conservative social engineers seem to think that the market forces will create some spontaneous combustion," said Richard F. Elmore, a professor of education at Harvard. "But aside from moving money around under shells, out of one person's pocket to another, what are we going to do about teaching and learning in real schools?" (7) Obviously, to Harvard Professor Elmore, the only "real schools" in America are public schools and if there is "real money" coming from Washington it should go to the "real" public schools. Open enrollment or "choice" within public schools is acceptable with mosts public school leaders because it is almost totally non-threatening. The "choice" program in Minnesota is a good example: Nearly all of the 740,000 students in Minnesota could have chosen to enroll in any public school under the state's open enrollment program. But 99 percent found no appeal in such a freedom and stayed this year in their home districts. (8) "Choice" in education only becomes threatening when "choice" includes private and religious schools. Public school leaders are outraged because the President has suggested that a $200 million dollar incentive fund be set up in the U.S. Department of Education to reward public school districts which cooperate with "choice" programs that offer "choice" to private and religious schools. One public school official responded, "It's a bribe, to be blunt about it! It's a bribe to schools districts to do what we want them to do." (9) "Choice" in American education is now more than a buzzword. One public school educator has said, "The train of "choice" has left the station, and you have three choices: You can get on, you can shoot at it as it goes by, or you can ignore it." (10) "Choice" may be a "political gimmick," as some have suggested, but like it or not, "choice" is on a fast track and it will ultimately affect all of us. Recently the ACSI board took the following position regarding "choice" programs which include vouchers or tuition tax credits: Any educational voucher program must contain the wording that the voucher is a "grant-in-aid" to the parents rather than the institution where the child attends. ACSI will support Tuition Tax Credit and Educational Voucher plans which are consistent with IRS Code 501(c)(3), and which preserve the religious freedom of the family to choose schools that respect the family's religious convictions in the composition of the governing body, educational philosophy, teacher and student selection and retention policies, and curriculum. Thus far there is a wide gap between the ACSI position and the stance of the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has established three tests for school "choice" legislation: 1) It must serve a secular purpose; 2) Its "primary effect" must neither advance nor inhibit religion, and; 3) It must not foster "excessive entanglement" between government and religion. (11) Of course ACSI agrees with the third test but we quickly run aground with tests one and two. Christian schools are Christian in purpose and not secular. The word secular means "rejection of religion." And clearly, our mission is to advance the message of Jesus Christ to children and young people. The "choice" train has left the station. Only time will tell if Christian schools will ever be on board. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Lauren Shaper Walters, The Christian Science Monitor, March 11, 1991. 2. President Bush, "Educational Choice" a speech on March 1, 1991. 3. President Bush, a speech to ASAE, February 27, 1991 4. Right to Learn Committee, St. Louis, Missouri. 5. Wall Street Journal, February 15, 1991. 6. Amy Stewart Wells, The New York Times, February 27, 1991. 7. Ibid. 8. Kenneth J. Cooper, The Washington Brief, February 24, 1991. 9. Mark Pitsch, Education Week, February 13, 1991. 10. Ibid 11. Clint Bolick, Cleveland Plain Dealer, February 27, 1991. Testimony Thank You Lord! by R. Wayne Fritzsche THANK YOU LORD! From R. Wayne Fritzsche Bernardsville, New Jersey Simply put, I am a sinner who has come to know, love, trust and praise the Lord. This is the most important aspect of this testimony. The change that Jesus Christ made in our whole family's life has been miraculous. I grew up on a farm in South Jersey. It was a clean and healthy environment. Most people would have called us "hicks". My parents were strong believers in Christ and taught my brother and I the same. They presented us with good wholesome values. At nine years old, I received Christ into my life at an evangelical sermon. It was a day I have never forgotten. I went on through high school, became an Eagle Scout, and was very active in our church. My freshman year at college, I met this wonderful girl named Betsy. On our second date, I proposed to her! At the time, like many of us in our late teens and away from home, we began to try new things. Drugs and alcohol were not my "vices," however. The intellectual pursuit of proving there was no God, and writing dark poetry were my evils. I had to work to put myself through college, so that left little time to get into any real mischief. Betsy and I were married in my senior year. We were married in a Catholic church, though I was raised Methodist. Because of this, my parents didn't attend the ceremony. I still find it strange how "religion" can tear people apart; that's not the way God intended it. We were later to attend an Episcopal church and finally settled on one that was Presbyterian. Betsy taught school and I worked in the sales and marketing of scientific materials. We had two daughters along the way, and moved to California. While in California, I began to travel a lot. I was now a "junior executive," and quite successful. During this time, I began to drink. God was becoming a "non entity" in my life even though I was attending church and serving as a deacon. In 1978, I moved back east as a mid-level executive in a major healthcare firm. I was twenty-nine, and the position I had obtained was quite an accomplishment. I began to get "filled" with myself, and to drink more heavily. Three years later, I formed my own firm. I began to work with the Wall Street community, analyzing healthcare and biotechnology companies for investment bankers and venture capitalists. Shortly after that, I formed a partnership and started another firm that I am still chairman of today. These were heady days for me. My ego ran rampant. My clients included the who's who of investment banking and biotechnology. Ivan Boesky was one of them. It was not uncommon to work until two in the morning, and sleep at the office. Long working weekends were the routine. Deals were coming in daily, and it almost embarrasses me to think of the financial success I had. I had a Porsche 924s, a Mercedes, a big house in a very affluent town, and a membership to a posh country club. My drinking continued. Did I need God? Did I need Betsy? Did I need anything but work, power, and money? Did I need prayer? Absolutely not. I had done all this on my own hadn't I? Wasn't it me, the poor farm boy who was now rubbing elbows with the rich and powerful, making deals, being interviewed on Financial News Network? Well, God has his plans for us, and when He promised to always abide in us, He keeps His word. He was about to "reintroduce" Himself to me. First came a drunk-driving ticket, in April of 1985. My marriage was in shambles. Betsy didn't know the man she married. On the nights I did come home I would be drunk and be in bed by ten o'clock. My disposition became dark, and I was disagreeable to most. I had done all this on my own hadn't I? I was the "big shot." Following the drunk-driving charge, the state of New Jersey requested my presence at one Alcoholics Anonymous meeting a week. I came to believe that I was an alcoholic and that I needed help. I began to realize that only God could save me from my drinking, my ego, and my self- destruction. My life began to change. I began to read tracts about drinking, and about the problems of living that are often associated with addictive behavior. I began to pray again and to have faith that God could restore me to sanity, and that He would take care of my life. Betsy, the kids and I began to be a family again, though my partners continued to pressure me into the sixty to eighty-hour weeks we had all undertaken. I couldn't and didn't resist. I was leading two lives, one with God, the other with business. For four years this persisted. I was in constant "pain" over it. On Sunday, February 4, 1990, I was working in the office with my partners. Betsy went to the doctor in the morning because she had some mouth sores, blood blisters really, and she had been feeling incredibly tired. Her mom was dying with ovarian cancer and Betsy was taking care of her. She was constantly driving down to south Jersey, a trip of about 100 miles, one way. I got a call from our doctor that said that Betsy was being admitted to the hospital, and that they suspected she had leukemia! It was like someone took my breath away! The woman I had grown apart from, and then "re-united" with, had a potentially terminal disease. When I got to the hospital, they had performed a bone marrow biopsy and confirmed that Betsy had Acute Lymphoblastoid Leukemia (ALL), the "childhood" leukemia which is ninety percent curable in children, but only twenty-five percent curable in adults. I was frantic. Betsy was admitted to Memorial Sloane Kettering and became a candidate for a new protocol that incorporated a very aggressive therapy regimen. In fact, a couple of people had died as a result of the aggressiveness of the therapy, but we believed God would help us through this along with Betsy's strength of will and physical strength. In fact, after she went into remission, we were told she did the best of anyone on the protocol, and though she was very ill through the five weeks in the hospital, many did much worse than she. Betsy came out of the hospital and we could not have been more joyful. Church and daily devotionals were a part of our lives. This is when I began to really search for the Lord. However, it wasn't the most fervent of searching, and it became progressively less intense as the months passed. I began to work more and to think about money and material things. I began to take this thing called life for granted even more, though not to the extent I had done before Betsy's illness. The company that I had founded was getting into trouble. Revenues were drying up and there was consternation within the firm. My partners had not saved their resources and we became concerned about money. I was more concerned about time. On April 19, 1991, I was leaving a meeting and called Betsy on the car phone to meet me for dinner in Princeton. She had a tearful voice, so untypical of her that I sensed immediately that she had gotten some bad news. I asked her if she had relapsed, and she said that one of our daughters was aggravating her. I didn't buy it, and pressed her. She told me that she had gotten the news that she had relapsed. I was crestfallen, even worse than the time we learned that she had leukemia. I knew that the prognosis was much worse now. I pulled off the side of the road, cried uncontrollably, and for the first time in almost six years, I thought about having a drink. I have learned that there would be a time in my life that the only thing between me and a drink would be God. I prayed to God to take this compulsion away from me and to make me concerned for others, not myself. Remarkably, my prayer was answered. We had to move quickly to get this cancer under arrest. Betsy was admitted to the hospital in three days and the aggressive therapy of putting her into remission started. I have God and my Christian friends to thank for keeping my sanity through all this. I belong to a Bible study group that has prayed for our family since this whole incident began. Betsy was to get a bone marrow transplant from her sister. We were told that twenty-five to thirty percent of the people don't survive the transplant. In our own experience with this, seventy-five percent of the people had died in transplant! (Three out of four that we knew of.) Money wasn't important, power not important, the great" intellect" I had thought I had wasn't important. The only thing that I believed would save Betsy was Jesus Christ. I prayed in earnest. My friends and relatives prayed daily. Even people on my computer network prayed. Betsy made it through the bone marrow transplant in record time! We were told that she had the second best recovery they had ever seen. Her attitude was and is an example to us all. She truly believes in Christ and His power to save her physically, but most importantly, spiritually. For my part, the Bible has been my refuge. I still can't quote scripture the way many Christians do, but I love reading it so much. It is the handbook for living for me. Betsy is still at risk for the next hundred days. Her transplant could fail (though this is highly unlikely) or she could get an infection, the scourge of the cancer patient. If she makes it through these hundred days, we must pray that she remains free from the cancer. If there is one cell left in her body she will relapse and the next time would be fatal. Our family prays for strength and grace to live well, one day at a time, and God has blessed us. I now have the ability to not work and spend time with Betsy. I am doing that, and am enjoying her and our girls like never before. In these times of adversity, we can get such strength. We do have days of depression when we remember the disease she has, but then we realize that we all only have today, and we should live it well for the glory of God. This whole incident has led us to re- evaluate what is important in life. Christ is important in life, and we both are now going through some soul searching to see what it is He wants us to do with the time we have left. We are praying that He will give us some direction, and that He will continue to be the dominant factor in our lives. I just don't know how I would have made it through this without Christ in my life. There are times when the peace and serenity He gives me is far greater than anything I could have asked for. It can happen only when we let Christ run our lives. Be well, all of you, in Christ. Prayer and Praise Prayer and Praise PRAISE REPORTS: Mack Ballard's mother who was in the accident that killed his dad and critically injured his mother has been released from her doctor's care. There is a miracle story here. MORNING STAR staff member Danny Dennis spoke with Mack's wife. She told him that when they took Mrs. Ballard into the emergency room right after the wreck, the doctors could not find any brain activity and had pronounced her brain dead and unhooked all the life support machinery. Right after they unhooked all the life support connections, she sat up in bed and started breathing on her own. PRAISE GOD! Jeff in New Hampshire has made a full recovery from major colon surgery and has more energy than ever. His mom sends special thanks! Amy in Alabama was laid off from one company, and then was hired by a smaller company that was Christian based. Jon in Pennsylvania is recovering well from surgery that removed a benign growth behind his eye. Lloyd, the 60 years old man who lost his leg in an accident, is doing fine. He has a new artificial leg and is progressing well. He is currently using a cane but getting around well, even driving around town. PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE: Family and friends of Brandon in Washington, a six year old boy fatally shot in a gun accident. For the father of Randy in Alabama, who has just been diagnosed with colon cancer and is undergoing major surgery. He is not saved and Randy's prayer is that he will come to know Jesus and his Lord and Saviour through this ordeal. A.C. in Alabama who has cancer which seems terminal and rapidly advancing. Morphine is not taking care of all the pain he is experiencing. Doctors say surgery is not an alternative. Byron in Aabama who has been battling cancer for quite some time now has found another knot in his stomach. His wife Alma has also been battling cancer and recently underwent a mastectomy. Both these wonderful people need our prayers. Derrick in South Carolina for high blood pressure. B.S. in Massachusetts needs to get Jesus in his life. The Lord has introduced him to several new Christian friends on a computer network. Earl in Rhode Island for pancreatic cancer. Vicki in California who is seven months pregnant and has developed strange "knots" in her stomach that are very uncomfortable. S.T. in Connecticut asks for salvation for her family and safety for herself and her nieces. She also needs a job and a place of her own. G.T. in Virginia needs prayer about his job move and some health problems. Carrie in Texas, 13 years old, needs prayer due to depression. Jamie in Pennsylvania for insomnia and for the prayer group he has organized at his job. Jared in Pennsylvania for high fever due to viral pneumonia. R.J. needs prayer to keep up with his studies at the seminary. His wife also needs prayer for back pain, due to an auto accident last year. Wanda, seriously ill with cancer, needs prayer. Jean in Pennsylvania for a virus that caused paralysis. Charlene in Pennsylvania for medication reaction that caused a very swollen tongue. Everett in Pennsylvania for a broken leg. M.A. in California asks prayer for her husband for a change of heart concerning marital problems. Jack in Pennsylvania in critical condition after a heart attack. L.I. in Oregon facing surgery for a tumor. Also for her daughter's spiritual well being during this time of duress. Pray for the two children of Brenda in Alabama who died suddenly leaving them alone. L.U. in New York for salvation. She is dying from an incurable disease. T.S.'s mom in New York needs prayer for high blood pressure. Richard in California needs a closer walk with the Lord. Mike from Washington D.C. needs to find a church to fellowship in and grow in the Lord. Jack from Georgia asks prayer for his English teacher who is into the cults and the psychic activities. Ken from California needs prayer for attempted suicide and alcohol problem. O.L. from Alabama wants prayer to be the spiritual leader his family needs. Jim, whose mother was fatally shot and his stepfather injured by his uncle, needs prayer for his physical safety and spiritual strength from the Lord. His uncle is still at large. Kathy in Kentucky for problems with her neck. B.P. in Missouri for problems with an employee involving legal matters. M.E. in North Carolina asks prayer for friends whose dad had a heart attack and is in the hospital. Pray for our country and especially in our dealings with Israel. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6) Music Column Music Column IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL Horatio G. Spafford, 1828-1888 When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll--- Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well with my soul. Tho Satan should buffet, tho trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate And shed His own blood for my soul. And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll: The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, "Even so" it is well with my soul. Horatio G. Spafford was a successful attorney in Chicago and the father of five children. He was an active member of a Presbyterian church and a loyal friend and supporter of D.L. Moody and other evangelical leaders of his day. Unexpected events occurred during this happy and peaceful time of his life First, the Spafford's only son died a sudden death. Then not long after this, the great Chicago fire of 1871 wiped out the family's extensive real estate investments. When Mr. Moody and his music associate Ira Sankey left for Great Britain on an evangelistic campaign, Mr. Spafford decided to take his family to Europe to lift their spirits and to assist in the meetings. In November 1873, Mr. Spafford was detained by urgent business and sent his wife and four daughters on the S.S. Ville du Harve as previously scheduled. He planned to join them later. But halfway across the Atlantic Ocean, the ship was struck by an English vessel and sank within twelve minutes. All four of the Spafford daughters, Tanetta, Maggie, Annie and Bessie, were among the two hundred twenty-six who drowned. Mrs. Spafford was among the few who were miraculously saved at sea. Horatio Spafford stood for hours on the deck of the ship that took him to rejoin his sorrowing wife in Cardiff, Wales. As the ship passed the approximate place where his precious daughters had drowned, he received comfort and strength from God that enabled him to write, "When sorrows like sea billows roll....It is well with my soul." Mr. Spafford had inner peace through his complete trust in the love of God. This showed real evidence of a mature Christian faith. Only with this type of confidence in his heavenly Father was Horatio Spafford to experience such tragedies as these and still be able to say, "It is well with my soul." I wonder how many of us can honestly say, "It is well with my soul," under any circumstances that may surround us. What a blessed hope we have in Christ Jesus. God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1) GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU Civilla D. Martin, 1869-1948 Be not dismayed whate'er betide, God will take care of you; Beneath His wings of love abide; God will take care of you. Thru days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take care of you; When dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you. All you may need He will provide; God will take care of you; Nothing you ask will be denied; God will take care of you. No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you; Lean, weary one, upon His breast; God will take care of you. Chorus: God will take care of you, Thru ev'ry day, o'er all the way; He will take care of you; God will take care of you. Do we as Christians trust God for salvation and eternal life yet at times doubt that He will tenderly care for us in our daily life? We all seem to need reassurance of God's concern for us in troublesome times. That is why this hymn has brought comfort and encouragement to so many Christians. It reminds us that the Lord cares deeply for His children. We need not worry no matter how great the task, how difficult the test, how fierce the danger, or how great the need. We have nothing to fear if we learn to lean on Him. Civilla Martin wrote this hymn when she herself needed to learn the lesson of resting in God's care. Her husband, the Reverend W. Stillman Martin, was a well-known Baptist evangelist. One Sunday in 1904, Mrs. Martin suddenly became ill and was unable to accompany her husband to his preaching assignment some distance away. As Mr. Martin considered cancelling his trip, their young son said, "Father, don't you think that if God wants you to preach today, He will take care of Mother while you're away?" Upon returning that evening, after seeing several people profess Christ as Savior, Mr. Martin found his wife greatly improved and busily writing this text, which had been suggested by her son's words. That same evening, Stillman Martin composed the music, providing God's people with another beloved hymn that has ministered to many hurting hearts. Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. (I Peter 5:7) Chef's Corner Chef's Corner This fruit cake will delight your family! SCRIPTURE FRUIT CAKE By Teresa Giordanengo - Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 1/2 cup almonds (Genesis 43:11) l cup raisins and 1 cup figs (I Samuel 30:12) 2 cups flour (I Kings 4:22) 3 eggs, separated (Isaiah 10:14) 1 1/2 cups sugar (Jeremiah 6:20) l/2 cup butter (Judges 5:25) l/2 tsp. each cinnamon, mace and cloves (I Kings 10:10) 1/2 tsp. salt (Leviticus 2:l3) 2 tsps. baking powder (Luke 13:21) l/2 cup water (Genesis 24:11) 1 tbsp. honey (Proverbs 24:13) Grease and flour a 9 l/2-inch tube pan. Chop almonds, raisins and figs fine; flour them well with part of the two cups of flour. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; set aside. In mixing bowl blend butter, sugar, spices and salt. Beat egg yolks and add. Sift in flour and baking powder. Add water and honey. Stir in floured nuts and fruits; beat well. Fold in egg whites. Pour batter into pan. Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 50-60 minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a moist, rich dessert to serve your family and guests. MARIE'S CHERRY CAKE By Marie Ward - Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 1 20 oz. can cherry pie filling 1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple 1 pkg. of yellow cake mix 1 stick plus 6 tbsp. margarine, melted 1 cup flaked coconut 1 cup chopped nuts Grease bottom and sides of a 9 x 13-inch pan generously with shortening. Pour cherry pie filling evenly on bottom of pan. Spoon the pineapple evenly over the cherries. Sprinkle the cake mix on top of the pineapple. Pour melted margarine over all and sprinkle coconut. Then the nuts go on top. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 50 to 55 minutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- AUTUMN - with all the fresh apples at this time of year, this delicious cake is a must! FRESH APPLE CAKE By Virginia Jeffery - Bulger, Pennsylvania 1 1/2 cups vegetable oil 3 eggs 2 cups sugar 2 tbsp vanilla Sift and add these to the first four ingredients: 3 cups flour 1 tsp. soda 2 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. salt Mix in 3 cups fresh diced apples and 1 cup chopped walnuts. Bake in a greased tube pan for 1 1/2 hours at 325 degrees Fahrenheit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- SWEET AND SOUR BEEF STEW by Karen Hvizda - Nashua, New Hampshire Combine the following ingredients in a plastic bag and shake well: 1/4 cup flour 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. pepper Add 2 pounds of stewing beef to the bag and continue to shake until all pieces are coated. In a dutch oven pan, pour 1/4 cup olive oil, coating the bottom, then add the contents of the plastic bag. Brown the above in the dutch oven (approximately 15 minutes). Mix the following together in a dish, then add to the dutch oven: 1 large onion (chopped) 1 cup water 1/2 cup ketchup 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup vinegar 1 tbsp worcestershire sauce 1 tsp horseradish 1 tsp salt Cook for 10 minutes, stirring continually. Pour entire contents into a crockpot and cook on LOW for 5 hours. Add 3 large peeled/cubed potatoes and 1 pound of carrots (bite-sized pieces) Option: At this point, add celery and/or cabbage to liking. Cook in crock pot for another 2 1/2 hours on HIGH. Stir occasionally throughout the 7 1/2 hours. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CHICKEN DIVAN By Libby Purk - Coraopolis, Pennsylvania 1 10 oz pkg. frozen broccoli spears, cooked and drained 4 chicken breasts, cooked and deboned 1 can cream of chicken soup 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 tsp. curry powder 1/2 tsp. lemon juice 1/4 cup soft bread crumbs 2 tablespoons butter, melted 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese Layer broccoli and chicken in a shallow 1 1/2 qt. baking dish. Mix next 4 ingredients in a bowl. Pour over chicken and broccoli. Toss bread crumbs and melted butter in a bowl. Sprinkle cheese and buttered bread crumbs over casserole. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes. Serves 4. ---------------------------------------------------------------- GREEN BEANS BARBECUE By Shirley Engel - McDonald, Pennsylvania 6 strips chopped bacon (freeze first if hard to cut) Fry until crisp Add: 1 large onion and saute Add and bring to a sizzle: 1/2 cup ketchup 1/4 cup brown sugar Add: 2 16-ounce cans drained green beans Bake in 9-inch square pan for 45 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cranberries are so good and good for you! CRANBERRY FLUFF By Libby Purk - Coraopolis, Pennsylvania Grind: 1 box fresh uncooked cranberries Add: 2 cups miniature marshmallows and 3/4 cup sugar Chill overnight Add: 1 cup diced apples 1 cup seedless green grapes (or take seeds out of red Tokay) 1/2 cup chopped nuts 1 carton (9 oz.) whipping cream ---------------------------------------------------------------- HINT FOR A THICK AND MOIST CAKE By Doris Rock - Burgettstown, Pennsylvania Add and mix well: 1 cup flour 1 egg 1 cup sugar 1 cup sour cream 1 tsp. vanilla Bake as directed on box of cake mix or until toothpick comes out clean. Potpourri Potpourri THE PRE-EMINENCE OF FAITH "Faith," which Hebrews 11:1 defines as the "substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," is tremendously essential. There are at least ten reasons for this: 1. You cannot be saved without "faith" (Hebrews 11:6). 2. You cannot be victorious without "faith" (1 John 5:4). 3. You cannot please God without "faith" (Hebrews 11:6). 4. You cannot pray properly without "faith" (James 1:6). 5. You cannot have "peace" without "faith" (Romans 5:1). 6. You cannot have "joy" without "faith" (1 Peter 1:8). 7. You are "justified" by "faith" (Galatians 2:16). 8. You "live" by "faith" (Galatians 2:20). 9. You are made "righteous" by "faith" (Romans 10:4). 10. Christ dwells in your heart through "faith" (Ephesians 3:1). (From Jewish Voice Prophetic Magazine) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ONE IN CHRIST "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: For ye are one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28). We are to be one because ... We have the same Lord (Rom. 10:12; Eph. 4:5). We were redeemed by the same blood (Eph. 1:7). We obeyed the same gospel (Rom. 1:16; Gal. 1:6-9). We were added to the same church (Acts 2:41, 47). We were heirs to the same promises (Acts 2:39). We are united to the same head (Col. 1:18; Eph. 1:22). We wear the same name (Eph. 3:14, 15; Acts 11:26). We worship the same God (Jn. 4:24). We all have the same Father (Eph. 4:6; Rom. 8:16-18). We hope for the same heavenly home (Jn. 14:1-6). (From Jewish Voice Prophetic Magazine) ------------------------------------------------------- VICTIM OR VICTOR Liz Kidder, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Are you the victim of circumstances And it seems there is no way out. Don't look at the things that surround you Look up, trust God, don't doubt. Remember in the midst of your dilemma There's not a problem too great or too small. There's nothing that God can't take care of There's nothing, no nothing at all. Be victor over those circumstances Drive out unbelief and doubt, Overcome by way of God's promises Fill your mouth with His praises and shout. I am victor today, not victim I am strong through the power of God's might, I'm looking to Jesus for victory Over circumstances, that He'll make right. "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (I Corinthians 15:57) ---------------------------------------------- STRENGTH FROM JESUS Liz Kidder, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Jesus strengthened my heart When I endured unending praise. Jesus strengthened my heart When all my hope seemed in vain. Jesus strengthened my heart To trust Him with patience, and wait. Jesus strengthened my heart And whispered, I'm never too early or late. Jesus strengthened my heart New courage in Him I've found. Jesus strengthened my heart In His love and peace, I abound. "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord" (Psalm 27:14). -------------------------------------------------- TALK TO THE LORD Marge Molinaro, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania When you are uptight And things don't go right, Talk to the Master. When you feel low Don't know which way to go, Talk to the Friend. When you feel blue And feel sorry for you, Talk to the Father. When you feel alone Seems your life you have blown, Talk to the Maker. When you can't sleep Don't count the sheep, Talk to the Shepherd. No matter which name They're one in the same, So talk to the Lord. ---------------------------------------------- JUST YOU AND ME LORD Marge Molinaro, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Just you and me Lord, Just you and me On a bright summer day, on a hill by the sea. Everything here is so calm and serene, As I look upon this beautiful scene. It's peaceful here Lord, with you by my side And I hear your voice in the oncoming tide. I see your hands hold the sea in it's bound, As the waves crash on the rocks all around. The breeze from the sea is so soft and so pure It unfolds, like your love, making me feel secure. Just you and me Lord, just you and me On a bright summer day, on a hill by the sea. ------------------------------------------------ WHAT GOD GAVE ME Marge Molinaro, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Just look at what God gave to me. He gave me the mountains, He gave me the sea. He gave me the brook in the valley below. He gave me the squirrel, the fox, and the Doe. He gave me the trees so majestic and high. He gave me the moon and the stars and the sky. He gave me the rain to make all things grow. And after the rain, He gave the rainbow. He gave me the sun and the warm summer breeze. He gave me the flowers and the birds and the bees. He gave me the clouds floating high floating low. He gave me a wonderland made from the snow. He gave His own Son for me on the cross, So that my life would not be a loss. God gave me all this and much more too. I know He's done the same for you. -------------------------------------------------- WISPS OF WISDOM "Blessed is the man who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night." "One ounce of example is worth a ton of advice." "Why worry when you can pray!" "No Jesus, No peace. Know Jesus, Know peace." "Lost and confused? Jesus is the way and the answer!" "Blessed are those who give without remembering and receive without forgetting." CFI Reports CFI Reports CFI REPORTS is our monthly column dedicated to the ministries of Christian Friends of Israel in Jerusalem. Our first issue of MORNING STAR gave a brief explanation of the various CFI ministries and explained the foundational principles and objectives of CFI. In this issue we feature letters from Israel, a news report from the September ISRAEL News Digest, a note from the "Forsake Them Not" Ministry and excerpts from the Watchman's Prayer Letter. ---------------------------------------------------------------- LETTERS FROM ISRAEL "Shalom Dear Christian Friends, We would like to deliver to you a bunch of thanks, covered around with much love. Your work for the needy all over Israel, for the poor ones, the Soviet Jews, the Ethiopian Jews, clothing, dishes, etc., for the old and young ... as water for the thirsty in the desert. The blankets you supply during winter also, but the workers who are doing the jobs, even if it was night, or early in the mornings, if we said we are far from Galilee, the answer was always "yes, we'll come, we are waiting, everything will be ready." Always, you are doing the best with much love, even shoes given for the bare walking people's feet. For these appreciations, a full sack of thanks. Carry on." Yours, A. L. of Galilee **************************************************************** Dear Christian Friends: "I wish to thank you wholeheartedly for your conscientiousness and generosity expressed by your donation for the task of rehabilitating the lives and buildings of the residents who were victims to the missile attacks on Tel Aviv, and helping them regain their normal life. You have indeed, proved yourself as true friends on whom we can count at a trying time of distress and I look forward to the opportunity of thanking you personally." Yours Sincerely, Shlomo Lahat, Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo. **************************************************************** FROM AM AMERICAN CFI WORKER "Today I visited about 100 Ethiopian pre-schoolers, housed temporarily in the Diplomat Hotel in Jerusalem. These little ones were rescued with their parents in "Operation Solomon." Without "firsthand experience," we cannot really understand or sympathize with the outcasts of Third-World nations who have suddenly been up-rooted. I took 600 shekels (the equivalent of $275) and spent it on toys for small children. We loaded the ministry van, and made our delivery. Jewish agencies had sponsored a pre-school where we were warmly invited in to hand out the toys. An Italian TV crew was filming there, and they seized upon the opportunity to film our distribution. When they and the workers at the pre-school realized we were not Jewish but Christian, the welcome was met with grateful smiles and a few misty eyes. There was just exactly enough toys to go around, although we had no way of knowing ahead of time. It was also the "Fourth of July" and we had "American Day" at the Center. My British, Finnish and Australian workers were served typical American food. One of our Russian translators brought roses and made a speech which moved us all to tears. All her life, she had wanted an opportunity to personally thank Americans for coming to her rescue after World War II in Germany, where she had worked under an assumed identity because she was Jewish. Living in terror, she finally saw liberating American tanks moving through the streets. When she arrived home, she learned her whole family had been killed by this. That day, with us in Jerusalem, she was overcome with thanks. When we left, we joked about not having fireworks, but as we left there was a bomb scare at the end of our block. We watched while a forgotten watermelon was blown up." Judith Claussen, USA, "Hands-On Volunteer" ---------------------------------------------------------------- From the September ISRAEL News Digest ALIYAH FROM THE NORTH Immigration has dropped off in recent months, due to problems of housing and employment in Israel, as well as a general feeling among Jews in the Soviet Union that life there had stabilized. Rumors about imminent pogroms didn't materialize, there was more religious freedom, and in short, life was tolerable. But immigration officials believe that many Soviet Jews will now want to escape the looming uncertainty. Latest estimates are that another 200,000 Soviet Jews may arrive by the end of the year, bringing the total for 1991 to over 300,000. Israeli leaders have appealed to the Soviet Jews to get out. "Come home to us now," said Prime Minister Shamir, "Do not hesitate, do not wait. We shall tackle the difficulties together, and we shall overcome them together." ALIYAH FROM THE SOUTH Immigration from Ethiopia looks just as promising. The Foreign Ministry announced that it has reached agreement with the Ethiopian authorities to bring the remaining 2,600 black Jews to Israel. These Jews were left behind during Operation Solomon, the emergency 24-hour airlift which brought 14,400 Ethiopians to Israel last May. 600 Ethiopians currently in Addis Ababa are expected to arrive in time to celebrate Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, on September 9th. The remaining Jews who are in northern Ethiopia will be brought in a second stage to be completed by the end of October. This does not include the estimated 50,000 Ethiopians who converted to Christianity. The chief rabbinate is due to send a committee to Ethiopia to determine the status of the converts, and whether they should be allowed to immigrate. The head of the Jewish Agency's Ethiopian desk, Micha Feldman, advises that small groups should be brought to Israel first, to see how they integrate into Israeli society. "The danger is that there may be a small group who still believe in Christianity," he said, "who will come here, open a church and pray to Jesus." Feldman says the issue has divided the Ethiopian community in Israel, since those with converted family members insist that they be allowed to immigrate. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "FORSAKE THEM NOT" FORSAKE THEM NOT is a "heartbeat" ministry of CFI. Each loving donation given designated for "holocaust survivors" will help a survivor. We have prepared their stories with a photograph for your personal reading. Also, a commemorative stamp from the period of the holocaust has been made for you. One of the most precious Coordinators of Holocaust Projects for CFI is Mrs. Sue Avery from Derbyshire, England. She heads up a group of blind Christians who have been laboring for the Lord to send His love to Israel. These precious saints hand-knit afghan squares in England and send them to Israel. Multitudes of blankets have been sent through their love and care. One blind lady has knitted over 1, 000 squares. Each square is prayed over with much love and packed with loving care. We are so very grateful for this ministry. We are looking for more Christians in the nations who are "creative." Ask the Lord what YOU can do in your neighborhood as a "special project" for Israel. PLEASE SEND US YOUR PROJECT IDEAS. ---------------------------------------------------------------- WATCHMAN'S PRAYER LETTER There is a new note of urgency in prayer today as the winds of war begin to blow again. The days in which we live are epochal. World-changing events are taking place which will ultimately effect the tiny nation of Israel. Future flames of unrestrained, demonic hatred will once again engulf Israel as the jaws of Islam attempt to satisfy an unquenchable appetite to swallow this tiny nation. We need to be sincerely carrying the burden of prayer for Israel now. The more we abide in the Lord Jesus (the Great Intercessor) the more our hearts will desire to pray continuously for Israel and the Jewish people - as genuine Watchmen on her walls. There may well be no Declaration of War in the future, only a sudden destructive attack that may come without warning. To know of the need for sincere prayer out of a heart of love, is not enough - we must ACT upon this urgent call to prayer now and unite our hearts in intercession for this precious Land and People. * CLAIM THE PROMISES of Jeremiah for Israel that the Lord God will be over her as Guardian, Protector and Redeemer and that He will continue to preserve her through His Grace. "Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day...if those ordinances depart from before me...then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever" (Jeremiah 31: 35-36). * PREVAIL WITH GOD to place within the hearts of the Jewish people inside Russia to know when to leave and then to have the courage to do so when the path is made clear, even if conditions in Israel in regard to employment and housing are not the best. * THANK GOD that when He speaks all creation must obey. "...and I will say to the north, GIVE UP..." (Isaiah 43:6). The Prophet Jeremiah grieved over the sins of his nation. Violence, promiscuity, abortion, and greed (as in many nations) continues to promote moral decay. While war remains a continual threat to Israel, the enemy of God is working ceaselessly to destroy the nation from within by working through unrighteousness and immorality. The powers of darkness are seeking to achieve what they so far have been unable to do by war and terrorism. * PRAY that individual cleansing and restoration come to bring national renewal to this precious nation of God (Micah 6:8). * DECLARE EARNESTLY with praise that Israel will be instrumental in God's Hands to bless the nations (Genesis 49:10; Isaiah 11:10; Deuteronomy 32:43; Psalm 117:1). Moses declared "Let My People Go" and shortly thereafter the waters of the Red Sea parted. A few weeks ago the waters parted again and an amazing event happened on an unforgettable Shabbat. Operation Solomon truly paralleled the Exodus from Egypt. As we read in Exodus the waters of the Red Sea rose in two walls (Exodus 14:22) and stood upright while the Jewish people passed through. In Operation Solomon, two armies, bitter enemies for 30 years, faced each other barely two kilometers apart on either side of the Addis Ababa airport. They stood motionless (as two walls) while the Ethiopian Jews passed between them rising into the air on 27 Israeli "cargo" planes which took them home to Israel. * REJOICE WITH THANKSGIVING that not one was hurt on the buses that took the Israel "rescue team" to the airport threading their way through thousands of Ethiopians mobbing the street outside the Israeli Embassy in Addis Ababa. "There shall no evil befall thee..." (Psalm 91:10). * REJOICE IN THE LORD'S Divine protection which prevented air traffic accidents as the 27 rescue planes (all in the air at one time) arrived and departed from the tiny airport in Addis Ababa. * PRAISE HIS NAME that, as the planes rose into the air flying north over Gondar Province where the Ethiopian Jews had come over embattled territories, no missiles were fired at them. Once again, God helped His People to cross the Red Sea to the Promised Land (Exodus 14:30). "Now therefore, Our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name" (I Chronicles 29:13). Since Christian Friends of Israel opened its Distribution Center in Jerusalem for new immigrants to receive clothing, housewares and home vouchers, we have been able to help over 12,000 newcomers. Relationships have been built with Jewish agencies, organizations, merchants and neighbors. Religious Orthodox also bring clothing to us to distribute. Please pray that this Center, which is supported by Christians in the nations, will continue to receive support for our labors to build relationships between Christians and Jews. "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9). * PRAY that the Distribution Center, rented to us during the days of the Gulf War, will continue to remain available to us until the work the Lord has called us to do is finished. "... for if the Gentiles have shared in the Jew's spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings" (Romans 15:27). Arrows of drought have struck Israel for the past three years causing little rainfall which has created very dry conditions throughout the Land. With the continuous drain on water reserves intensified by the influx of new immigrants, it is a miracle from God that water rationing has not been instituted. The rain season is not far away, please pray for much rain to come. * FERVENTLY INTERCEDE for God to turn the dry places into abundant springs of water. "He turneth the wilderness into standing water and dry ground into watersprings" (Psalm 107:35). Your faithful praying will accomplish much! In Yeshua's Great Love, Sharon Saunders, Jerusalem ISRAEL Resources Department Book Reviews Book Reviews BE JOYFUL by Warren W. Wiersbe Victor Books. Is life getting you down? Do the days seem to be filled with stress and tension? Has the Lord allowed you to continue in your illness? Do you feel there must be more to life than you're experiencing? Well, maybe the problem is the absence of joy. BE JOYFUL, a study in the book of Philippians, specifically focuses on how we can experience the joy that God provides. Using Paul's letter, Wiersbe identifies four "joy stealers": Circumstances (including Physical illness), People, Things and Worry. Paul, using his own jail experiences, the ultimate sacrifice of Christ on the cross and God's working in the lives of the Philippians, provides models we can use to show us how we can defeat the "joy stealers". In a day when we are told that happiness is the ultimate goal, it is vital to return to the Biblical call to joy, something the world doesn't understand. Highly Recommended! ---------------------------------------------------------------- SURPRISED BY SUFFERING by R.C. Sproul Tyndale House Publishers Inc. As we look around us it seems that many believers are in the midst of pain and suffering. Some teach that this isn't the way life should be. The message of Dr. Sproul's work is, "That suffering and death are a "vocation" to which we are called. We are not expected to like suffering, but to bear it, knowing that our fate is in the hands of a God who promised believers they will not perish." While this may not be a comfortable book, it makes beneficial reading as Dr. Sproul deals with the hope for a future day, the fates of suicides and the still born, our call to suffering and death, and a number of other related areas. This book is great reading for those committed to spiritual growth. Newsdesk Newsdesk BETWEEN THE PAGES TV Guide magazine is doing its part to promote the occult into homes across America. In the week ending October 4 issue, there were multiple advertisements for the new program "Beyond Reality" (pages 156, 177, 199), which features "true stories" with such themes as: "40 million Americans have been in touch with the dead" and "62 million Americans believe in ghosts." Along with their regular horoscope (page A20) was an advertisement for a 900 number service which readers could call and, "Explore the power of your dreams." According to the ad, "Dreams reveal your true nature and power." ================================================================ NEW WORLD LEADER FOR THE 90s? While American politicians begin to focus on next year's presidential race, the world's diplomats are watching closely for clues about U.S. views on another, much more imminent, election. That will be the choice of a new U.N. secretary-general to succeed Javier Perez de Cuellar, who plans to step down at year's end after a decade of running the organization's worldwide activities and its 14,000 member staff. The election, tentatively scheduled for October, is regarded as potentially the most important in the world body's 46-year history. It comes at a time when the U.N. role in opposing the occupation of Kuwait by Iraq has rekindled hopes that the organization might finally start fulfilling the promise that accompanied its birth in 1945. Perez de Cuellar's successor will be the first secretary-general of the post-Cold War era and is expected to serve through the 1990s. As such, the new secretary-general will oversee a world organization attempting to leave behind the superpower antagonisms that paralyzed it for so long and become, as President Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev have suggested, the basis of a "new world order" that relies on the United Nations for collective security and settlement of regional disputes. Because the stakes are so high, many have argued that the job should go to someone with established, superstar credentials on the international stage, such as former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher or former Soviet foreign minister Eduard Shevardnadze. However, diplomats and U.N. bureaucrats predict that when the complex selection process is completed, whoever emerges will be someone with a name unknown outside diplomatic circles. (Washington Post Weekly) ================================================================ EC UNITY DEVELOPMENT The European Parliament (EP) is pushing for the European Commission to come forward soon with specific proposals to guarantee free movement of people across a borderless Europe by the end of 1991. The EP is also seeking establishment of proper safeguards for citizens along with common rules on immigration visas and arms trade. (European Parliament - EP News 9/13) ================================================================ JEWS FOR JESUS OFFENDS Thousands of pamphlets promoting "Jews for Jesus" have appeared in mailboxes from Holon to Bnei Brak. "The law allows freedom of speech, including use of the mails, but to send missionary materials to rabbis in Bnei Brak is too much," said Rabbi Moshe Friedman, of the anti-missionary group Yad L'Ahim. (From the Jerusalem Post International 9/31) ================================================================ SOUND ADVICE An excerpt from a letter printed in the Jerusalem Post International 9/31: "...Israel does not need run the whole time for help to the U.S. Theirs is a much more reliable Helper and Rock for Israel, who called Himself the Watchman for His people. He neither sleeps nor slumbers and He certainly will not go against His own Word and Promise concerning His people, that is: to bring them from all nations back to the land of their fathers, a land He promised them in its entirety as an everlasting possession." (Jan Wilem Van Der Hoeven, Spokesman, International Christian Embassy - Jerusalem) Ministry & Product Information Ministry & Product Information The MINISTRY AND PRODUCT INFORMATION area is for the benefit of all believers. 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