ZION QUARTERLY - 2nd QUARTER 1993 a publication of Christian Friends of Israel FROM THE SWORD TO THE ATOM Islam and the Arab - Israeli conflict By Robert Franklin - Jerusalem "Now it will come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains, and will be exalted above the hills; and all nations will stream to it. For the law will go forth from Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem." (Isaiah 2:2,3) A journey to the top of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem provides one of the most spectacular sights in the Holy Land. It is an inspiration-a reminder of prophetic history, of revelation past and future. Across the valley are the walls of Jerusalem's Old City, and the Golden Gate, sealed until the Messiah enters to set up the Kingdom of God on earth. The slopes on both sides of the valley are covered with thousands of graves, because according to Jewish tradition, when the Messiah ascends the Mount of Olives, the dead will rise. The most imposing view is of the Temple Mount, the site of the biblical temples. For Jews, it is the holiest place on earth, the very dwelling place of God's Name (1 Kings 9:3). It was here that the Ark of the Covenant stood in the Holy of Holies, bathed in the Shekhinah, the visible glory of God's presence. For Christians, it was from this view that Jesus wept over Jerusalem, and foretold the destruction of the city and His return in glory at the end of days. It was at the temple that he was dedicated, that as a boy he taught the elders and as a man he taught the multitudes. Moslems also revere the Mount, believing it is the site from which Mohammed ascended to heaven. The Dome of the Rock, a magnificent Moslem shrine, encloses the rock where this is said to have occurred, and has marked the claim of Islam to the site since it was built in the seventh century. From atop the Mount of Olives, the Dome of the Rock is unquestionably the most outstanding and dominant feature of the Jerusalem landscape. For most, this does not have any special significance, except that the Dome is a majestic testament to architecture and antiquity. But it is really much more than that. It is a statement. It is a statement that Islam is supreme, the final revelation which has superseded every previous one. The Dome transforms the Temple Mount from a Jewish (and Christian) holy site into a Moslem one, and erases every biblical connection with it. The Mount is renamed the Haram al-Sharif (i.e. the Noble Sanctuary), and it symbolizes Islam's victory over Judaism, and in the present context, over Israel. The Temple Mount touches the deepest sensibilities of Jews and Arabs, and it contains within it the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict. On the surface this conflict is about land, but ultimately, it is about revelation, about divine promise and inheritance, a conflict between spiritual powers in high places. THE HOUSE OF WAR Without understanding Islam, it is impossible to understand the Arab-Israeli dispute, because Islam has been the dominant force in Arab culture and ideology since it was founded in the seventh century. Islam divides the world into two parts: the House of Islam (Dar al-Islam) and the House of War (Dar al-Harb). The House of Islam consists of all countries under Islamic law, the House of War applies to all non-Islamic countries, and as its name implies, these are to be brought under Moslem dominion by war-specifically Holy War, or jihad. The final goal of the jihad is to subject the entire world to Moslem rule. Under Islamic law, Jews and Christians are considered Dhimmi, which literally means "protected" subjects, but which in practice makes them second-class citizens with no equal rights. This concept reflects the supremacy of Islam: "Allah it is who sent his messenger (Mohammed) with the guidance and the true religion, that he may make it overcome the religions, all of them" (Koran, Surah 61 :9). Moslems believe that Jesus and the Hebrew prophets were sent by God, but that the Bible was distorted by Christians and Jews. The Koran sets out the true doctrine, declaring that Mohammed is the last and most important of a long line of prophets-Moslem prophets, including Jesus, David, Moses, Abraham, and others. This has obvious implications for the Holy Land because if the biblical prophets are Moslem prophets, then all biblical holy places are Moslem holy places. That Israel now controls the Temple Mount and other holy places like the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, is first and foremost an affront to Islam. "It is a reversal of history which creates a tremendous theological problem for Islam," says Moshe Sharon, a professor of Islamic history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. "From the Moslem point of view, the establishment of the State of Israel broke every single Islamic rule governing Islamic territory, Islamic holy places, and the Islamic legal position of the Jew. To Moslems, the Jewish state is a cosmic catastrophe." ISLAM AND ARAB NATIONALISM Since the Moslem conquests swept the Middle East and North Africa in the seventh century, the Arab world has been guided by the principle of pan Islam-a religious doctrine that Moslems are one people who should live in one empire under Islamic law. This doctrine inspired pan-Arabism, a movement which began early this century and became the basis of modern Arab nationalism. Although Islam was crucial in its development, pan-Arabism was a secular movement, which aimed at unifying the Arab nation. It regarded all lands taken in the Moslem conquests as part of the "Arab homeland." Non- Moslem rule in any part of this homeland was an obstacle to pan-Arab ambitions, and therefore, the destruction of Israel became the unifying force in the Arab world. Pan-Arabism was the ideological foundation for the Palestinian national movement, which came to maturity with the founding of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964. But the current rise of Moslem fundamentalism in the region marks the growing Islamization of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Hamas, the leading Moslem fundamentalist group in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, has gained so much popular support that it is now posing a serious challenge to the secular leadership of the PLO. Hamas has combined Arab nationalism with Moslem fundamentalism, transforming secular PLO ideology into religious ideology: Palestine is not Arab land but Moslem land; destroying Israel is not a national duty but a sacred duty; Palestine will be liberated through jihad instead of armed struggle; an Islamic and not a secular state will be established. Hamas also rejects the PLO's official support of a negotiated settlement; since Palestine is Moslem land, compromise is a violation of Islamic beliefs. THE REBIRTH OF ISLAM Hamas evolved from the Moslem Brotherhood, the group which built the foundation for the present surge of Moslem fundamentalism in the Middle East. The Brotherhood was established in Egypt in 1928, and calling for a state based on Islamic law, it spread all over the Arab world. The Brotherhood believed the return of the Arab masses to Islam was the answer to Western culture and materialism, which it regarded as corrupting the Arab nation. Zionism was a Western implantation, an enemy of Islam, confronting the divine order handed down by Allah to the Arab people. Israel was a religious enemy that had to be destroyed in order to bring Islam to Palestine. The Islamic struggle, however, was not limited to Palestine. The Brotherhood cultivated what it called the "Moslem World" ideology; Islam had a global mission. Although the Moslem Brotherhood had military wings which carried out terrorist attacks, it focused on educating the people in Islamic doctrine. It believed in a gradual conversion of the masses that would eventually bring about a Moslem state, from which jihad could be waged against the infidels and enemies of Islam. Fifty years after the Brotherhood gave birth to modern Islamic fundamentalism in the region the Iranian revolution brought it to fruition. The Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini inspired fundamentalists throughout the Middle East, by overthrowing a pro-Western regime, and establishing a state based on Islamic Law. Khomeini brought the jihad into the here and now. He declared Holy War on all violators of the Islamic code-dissidents, prostitutes, drug dealers and users, "sinners"-and tens of thousands of people were executed. EXPORTING THE REVOLUTION Not long after Khomeini consolidated power, he made it clear that his goal was to revive Islam as a world force. "We should...awaken the people of the world," he said, "if we want to export the revolution." The awakening has begun, and Iran is now successfully exporting the revolution throughout the Middle East and North Africa. The area has proven to be fertile ground, primarily because of the deteriorating economic situation, and a widening gap between rich and poor. Over the past 20 years, deep resentment has been growing among the Arab masses, who watched a small group of their brothers in the Gulf become obscenely rich, while they lived in primitive conditions and abject poverty. Declining oil prices and revenues have aggravated the situation. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other Gulf states used to employ millions of people from poor Arab countries, but they have been forced to cut back sharply. The result is increasing unemployment, especially among the young, an even lower standard of living, and growing frustration. Iran has taken advantage of these conditions to export its brand of Islam, and fundamentalist movements are now threatening moderate Arab regimes through terrorism and subversion: Egypt. Moslem militants have launched a terrorist campaign which has killed hundreds of people, including policemen and soldiers, government oflcials, and civilians. Machine gun attacks on tourist buses have crippled the tourism industry, the country's biggest earner of foreign currency. Sudan. A radical Islamic government which is cooperating closely with Iran was established a few years ago in this country on Egypt's southern border. Sudan has become a training base for Islamic terrorists trying to overthrow the Egyptian regime. Algeria. The secular government declared martial law, after the Islamic Salvation Front won an impressive victory in parliamentary elections two years ago. Terrorist attacks on security forces and political assassinations have seriously destabilized the Algerian regime. Jordan. Islamic parties nearly swept the lower house of parliament in 1989, and observers believe the fundamentalists could try to seize power, if the ailing King Hussein dies. So far, Hussein has managed to keep the fundamentalists in check. Lebanon. The Iranian-backed Hizbollah is the only militia which has not been disarmed by the Beirut government. Hizbollah has carried out countless attacks on Israeli soldiers in the Security Zone in South Lebanon, and periodically, it fires Katyusha rockets into Israel. Hizbollah's main objective is to torpedo the peace process, by escalating the situation on Israel's northern border. IRAN AND HAMAS The spread of fundamentalism in these countries has ominous consequences for Israel: it makes the peace process more uncertain and more risky, threatens the regional balance of power, and increases the chances of war. Egypt, the only country to have signed a peace treaty with Israel, and other countries which may sign a peace treaty with Israel, could in the not too distant future be ruled by Ayatollahs, who are committed to Holy War against the Jewish state. The massive amounts of sophisticated arms which the Arab states are now procuring could fall into the hands of fanatics. At present, Israel's primary concern is that the Iranian revolution is spreading in its own backyard-the West Bank and Gaza Strip- through the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas. Iran began taking special interest in Hamas after the Gulf War, when the US used its undisputed influence in the region to bring Israelis and Arabs to the negotiating table. Iran regarded these negotiations as apostasy, and Hamas became its key instrument to oppose and torpedo the peace process. A Hamas office was opened in Teheran, and Iran has reportedly given the group financial support to the tune of $30 million. Hamas has brought the jihad from the territories to the streets of Israel with a wave of bloody terrorist attacks that have shocked and shaken the nation. ISLAMIC TERRORISM At this stage, terrorism is the principle weapon of the jihad. As Tel Aviv University Professor Barry Rubin put it, "Believing that they possess absolute truth and that those opposing them are evil- enemies of God as well as man-encourages these movements to justify any means to achieve power." Although most Islamic terrorist activity has been confined to Israel and the Middle East, the recent bombing of the World Trade Center in New York was a grim reminder that the jihad is also directed at the West. America is regarded as "the Great Satan," and Western culture the enemy of Islam. Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman, the radical Egyptian cleric allegedly behind the bombing, taught his followers that America is leading a worldwide conspiracy to destroy Islamic cultures, and plant mini-Americas around the world. Khomeini described it as a clash between Islam and western culture, between divine and satanic forces; the vanguard of the forces of darkness is Israel. The weapons of Islamic terrorism are well known: bombings, suicide attacks, hijackings, hostage-taking, murders, and kidnappings. Its purpose is to instill fear, create instability and unrest, weaken regimes, pressure governments, and of course, grab headlines. But today, the weapons of the Jihad are changing; so much so, that Islam is on the threshold of threatening both Israel and the world itself. THE ISLAMIC BOMB While Iran is now exporting the revolution through terrorism and intimidation, it is preparing for all out war. Iran is currently spending billions of dollars to beef up its conventional forces. It has purchased over 150 sophisticated Russian warplanes (to be added to the 90 frontline Iraqi fighter planes flown to Iran for safekeeping during the Gulf War), hundreds of tanks, three attack submarines, and over a hundred Scud-C ballistic missiles. The most grave threat, however, is from Iran's nuclear program, which is expected to produce an atomic bomb by the year 2000 at the latest. Assisted by Western companies, as well as India, China, and the former Soviet Union, Iran has an operational nuclear reactor and two others nearing completion, three nuclear research centers, and a uranium enrichment facility. There are also reports that Iran is trying to buy nuclear weapons from the Islamic republics of the former Soviet Union. Indeed, it may already have done so. According to a report in the London weekly The European, three nuclear warheads "disappeared" from the former Soviet republic of Khazakhstan, and "reappeared" in Iran. China is now helping Iran produce a missile capable of hitting Israel with a nuclear payload. Iran is also producing chemical weapons, and may be developing biological agents as well. This massive arms build-up is making Iran into a regional superpower. Analysts say its immediate aim is to overrun the oil rich Gulf states, overthrow pro-western Arab regimes, and eradicate Israel; the long-term aim is world domination. By going nuclear, Iran-and in turn, Islam-become a power that Israel and the world cannot ignore. ISLAMIC APOCALYPSE The imminent danger is that the Islamic bomb may fall into the hands of terrorists. Instead of threatening to blow up Western passenger jets as was done in the 70's, terrorists in the 90's could threaten to blow up Western cities. Instead of taking 50 Americans hostage as Iranian militants did at the US embassy in Teheran in 1979, Moslem terrorists could take the entire United States, and yes, the whole world hostage. Another danger on the horizon is the nuclearization of the Arab- Israeli conflict, and a potential nuclear confrontation between two regional superpowers-Israel and Iran, or an Iranian-led Islamic bloc. Israel developed nuclear weapons as the ultimate deterrent to Arab aggression, in effect making the Arab war of annihilation against Israel a zero sum game: if Israel is destroyed, the Arab world will be destroyed along with it. But when Iran reaches nuclear capability, the stakes will be raised drastically. Moslem fanatics will then have the power to spring on a nuclear apocalypse with the press of a button. ISAAC AND ISHMAEL The focal point of this cataclysmic confrontation is Jerusalem. What could be a more fitting site for Holy War than the Holy City, revered not only by Moslems, but also by the Judeo-Christian West? What better place to manifest Islam's victory over the West, over the Bible, over Judaism and Christianity, than in Jerusalem, the source of inspiration and revelation? Khomeini understood this well, and therefore the word "Jerusalem" was inscribed on the lag of the Iranian revolution. The Ayatollah even issued a religious ruling that it is a sacred duty to eliminate the "Zionist entity." Israel had to be destroyed because it was desecrating Moslem holy places, first and foremost the mosques on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It is not surprising that this classic struggle should focus on the Temple Mount, because symbolically, this is where the controversy began. According to Jewish tradition, it was here that Abraham-the common forefather of both the Jews and the Arabs-brought his son Isaac to be sacrificed according to God's command (Genesis 22). According to the Bible, Isaac was saved, and thus became the recipient of God's covenant that he and his descendants (the Jews) would inherit the land of Israel, forever. According to Islamic tradition, however, it was not Isaac who was saved from sacrifice, but Ishmael-Abraham's other son who was the progenitor of the Arab nation. Ishmael is the heir. For Jews and Christians who believe in the Bible, this doctrine is nothing short of heresy. But aside from the issue of faith, there is very little concrete evidence to substantiate the Moslem claim to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran, and it was only Moslem legend which placed Mohammed's ascent to heaven at the Temple Mount. And while Moslems have revered Jerusalem because of its traditional connection to Mohammed, the city has played only a marginal role in Arab history. During the centuries of Moslem Arab rule in Palestine, Jerusalem never served as the imperial capital-that honor was reserved for Damascus, Baghdad, and Cairo. By contrast, Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times in the Bible; it became the capital of Israel 3,000 years ago, and has remained the focal point of Jewish national and spiritual aspirations ever since. CITY OF WAR AND PEACE As the 20th century draws to a close it is clear that neither Isaac nor Ishmael will relinquish his claim to Jerusalem. The attachment to the city is too deep on both sides, and Jerusalem will remain an insurmountable stumbling block in the Middle East peace process. Therefore, Jerusalem appears headed for confrontation, for Holy War; and with the Middle East on the threshold of the nuclear age, the consequences could be catastrophic, not only for the region, but for the entire world. Ultimately, this Holy War will end in defeat and judgment for the forces of Islam. "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all the people round about. And it will come about in that day that I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." (Zechariah 12:2,9). The defeat of Islam will break the heavy burden that this religion has imposed on the Arab people for over a thousand years; and the way will be opened for the Word of the Lord to go forth to the nations of the Middle East, where it has been forbidden in the past And if the Temple Mount contains within it the seeds of conflict, if it is the center for that cosmic battle between the powers of darkness and light, it also holds the supreme promise of peace: "And many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that He may teach us of His ways, and that we may walk in his paths. And He will judge between the nations, and will render decisions for many peoples; and they will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:3,4)