Staff List & Mailing Address Letters Features Biblical Department Christian Life Department Resource Area Staff List & Mailing Address Staff List & Mailing Address dLetter From the Editor Letter From the Editor ¥Your Letters Your Letters ÛiCommentary Commentary b Ö#Christians in the Public Schools Christians in the Public Schools : Of Lights and Bushels by John Sippl´DCommitment to Parents The Christian School's Commitment to Parents WëParents and Grandparents The Commitment of Parents and Grandparents to Christian Schools co*What Model Do Our Children Imitate ? What Model Do Our Children Imitate by Dr. Patricia Chapman õ„G#New In Christ New In Christ v¨Bible Study Jonah - A Story of God's Love û./Special Studies Holiness and Other Covenantal Attrivutes of God 9ëA,Bible Quiz Bible Quiz ˜€Messianic Studies Why Messianic Jews by Rachmiel Frydland Z(-Anee M'Amin Anee M'Amin ¢G72The Word for Today The Word for Today by Pastor Geoffrey Kragen !zZSCUD Warnings SCUD Warnings by Jerry Johnson °ŒÁPrayer Guidelines Prayer by Guinn Jenkins £©õPeople Profile People Profile Ú±.Education Christian Education by Donald O'Hare (à¨*Ministry Profile (Part 1) Ministry Profile (Part 1) îMinistry Profile (Part 2) Ministry Profile (Part 2) 6H5Testimony To Gain Eternity by Janette Kragen ³Qf#Young Adults It Was Then That I Carried You by Rick DeMarco ]u¹ CFI Reports CFI Reports 6ƒÛ'Praise and Prayers Praise and Prayers ?« Music Music _Á,8Chef's Corner Chef's Corner ¯ùìPotpourri Potpourri ·cBook Reviews Book Reviews LNewsdesk Newsdesk |8Ô!Ministry & Product Information Ministry & Product Information –ZÃSubscription Information Subscription Information “p|