Letters Features Biblical Department Christian Life Department Resource Department Letter From the Editor Letter from the Editor CˆLetters From Our Readers Letters From Our Readers ãCommentary The Church - Family of God or Family Feud %þStaff List Staff List A1€Relationships and Holiness Relationships and Holiness by Norman Hils 6³Relating to the Unrelatable Relative Relating to the Unrelatable Relative by Joe Sewell ,TŽ How God Put Two People Together How God Put Two People Together by Walter H. Bauer ^He Cares for You He Cares for You by Cynthia R. Vogel ioTLove Thy Neighbor Love Thy Neighbor by Bob Hamilton ù‚| Relationships Among Ministers Through EncouragemenRelationships Among Ministers Through Encouragement by Brian P JenkinsøŽíNew In Christ Lifestyles of the Poor and Humble 3¢!<Bible Study Jonah - A Story of God's Love (Part 4) Þ¨2Special Studies God's Names in His Fourth Cevenant rMessianic Studies The Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Briskin by Pastor Geoff Kragen Ó*Â6Anee M'Amin Lox, Bagels, and the Bread of Life by Steve Herzig ÜaéWitnessing Column Cut the Jargon by David J. Beiswenger yü The WORD for Today Repentence by J.C. Trudel 6†Ø)Prayer Guidelines Prayer and Emotion by Michael Wilkinson P°LSCUD Warnings SCUD Warnings by Jeremy Johnson ÒÂk1Bible Quiz Bible Quiz [ôûPeople Profile Interview with Robin Cole by Teresa Giordanengo ¹÷ï7Ministry Profile Sentenced to Life by Susan Norman ã/iEducation Column What Christian School Graduates Say by Dr. Paul A. Kienel ŸJOTestimony Heading Toward the Everlasting Relationship by J.C. Trudel ;cM'Young Adults Ma-Maw's Future Preacher by Dan King Š7CFI Reports For Zion's Sake by Ray and Sharon Sanders 7Ÿg&L'Chaim - To Life ! Take Control of Your Health by Eleanor Tirimacco ëÅ) Praise and Prayer Praise and Prayer @ÒDMusic Column Music Column ¦ê¼Chef's Corner Chef's Corner †ü Potpourri Potpourri  Book Reviews Book Reviews úßNewsDesk NewsDesk ó/&Ministry Information Ministry Information ÂV