?_;*+"What is WinStar ?WinStar/&;)z4n [OPTIONS] s|CTXOMAP!|FONTF|Phrases|SYSTEMj|TOMAP|TOPIC|TTLBTREEw"|TOPICto several Sections. These sections appear in a listbox on the right side of the screen. When you select a section, the associated articles will be displayed in the listbox below the section list. ## WINSTAR_275 $$ Articles (id=275) ++ 000005:000002 ArticlesPOnce a section has been selected, the articles in that section are listed in the listbox. You read an article by double-clicking the article name in the listbox. ## WINSTAR_276 $!$ Copying to Clipboard (id=276) ++ 000003:000004Copying to ClipboardTo copy the current article to the Windows clipboard, click the clipboard icon. Once the article has been copied to the clipboard, it can be pasted into a word processor.What is WinStar ? WinStar IptPS%Zscript c&Zscript d'Zcommercial script(Zpark avenue)Zcoronet*Zscript h6-lC,) WINSTARK$K6 FF  11!WINSTAR (id=256)1<J$WINSTARThis is the help file for . To learn how to use Help, press F1.How to Use More Information++!(id=258)+38$is the Microsoft Windows version of Morning Star, a computer based Christian magazine. Our Mission Statement is the first item displayed when you run .??!vMorning Star Magazine (id=259)7?7' $Morning Star MagazineMORNING STAR is produced and published monthly, by a staff of born again believers in Jesus, located across the United States of America. Correspondence to MORNING STAR may be sent via the U.S. Postal Service or one of several computer networks.676! How to Use (id=260)6W$!How to Use Opening a FileClosing a FilePrinting an ArticleCopying to ClipboardThe About BoxExiting Magazine Structure88!Opening a File (id=261)b8' $Opening a FileTo open a file, select "Open..." from the File menu or click on the disk icon.;;!Mission Statement (id=262):;:%$Mission StatementI#:I&$Morning Star Mission StatementeAIq$$The purpose of Morning Star is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ Jesus recorded in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations..."Morning Star is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Sc Mriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4.q#$And second, to provide material to help the believer grow in the Christian walk, through articles in the areas of Bible teaching and Bible application, focusing on all aspects of life.==!i!Printing an Article (id=263),=,' $Printing an ArticleTo print the currently displayed article, select "Print" from the File menu or click on the printer icon. If there is no article currently active, the menu selection will be disabled and clicking on the print icon will not do anything.8,8!Closing a File (id=264)8' $Closing a FileTo close a file, select "Close" from the File menu. If there is no file currently open, this selection will be disabled.77!!The About Box (id=265)uN7u' $The About BoxTo view the "About" box, select "About" from the File menu.3u3!Exiting (id=266)~a3~' $Exiting To exit , select "Exit" from the File menu or click on the door icon.:~:!More Information (id=268)[:;H$More InformationContacting Morning StarLiterary ContributionsAbout the AuthorA A!Contacting Morning Star (id=269)kA26$Contacting Morning StarPOSTAL ADDRESS:P.O. Box 7755Nashua, NH 03060-7755ELECTRONIC MAIL LINKS:America Online E-Mail (DOS Files): MStarDOSAmerica Online E-Mail (MAC Files): MStarMACGENIE Network E-Mail: M.Wilkinson1COMPUSERVE Network E-Mail: 74270;1265DELPHI Network E-Mail: Derr1ck(Note on Delphi name: It is a number "1" between the "r" and "c")@Q!"Literary Contributions (id=270)XXXXX Q)$$Literary ContributionsMORNING STAR accepts literary contributions from believers wherever they may live. It is our policy to publish testimonies as they are originally submitted with minimal alteration of the text.Opinions stated in these testimonies do not necessarily reflect those of the MORNING STAR staff. The content of MORNING STAR does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of any computer network.::!About the Author (id=271)s:' $About the Authorwas developed by Steven Paulovich, Senior Publisher for DOS versions of Morning Star.<<!Magazine Structure (id=273)a-<a4:$ Magazine StructureSectionsArticles2a2!G Sections (id=274)2' $SectionsThe magazine is divided into several Sections. These sections appear in a listbox on the right side of the screen. When you select a section, the associated articles will be displayed in the listbox below the section list.22! Articles (id=275)2' $ArticlesOnce a section has been selected, the articles in that section are listed in the listbox. You read an article by double-clicking the article name in the listbox.>>!*Copying to Clipboard (id=276)>' $Copying to ClipboardTo copy the current article to the Windows clipboard, click the clipboard icon. Once the article has been copied to the clipboard, it can be pasted into a word processor.!!!!!!!! lM[ \ HElHelv ;6Tms Rmn >tSymbolsZpicasZ6Courier& 6؎elitetsZprestige t6;6lettergothicU>gothicPS E+cubicPSM]E}ulineprinter\rw ;LHelvetica>tavantegarde spartan} PŃmetro& upresentation@APL t & OCRA u@OCRBu܀ĀboldPStemperorPS^VS^ madaleineQVr>zapf humanist^Vclassic_Ë6Vroman fރ 6roman g]Ë>roman h66;6timesroman6É>centurys6JpalantinoTsouvenirVFFgaramond^&8u< ucaledonia^&? u+bodini^&? uuniversity&+ScriptXEU؃ scriptPS/F7vscript cP31F=script d5P/Pcommercial scriptxpark avenueFV coronetPvscript hv+PPbgreek u!P5PkanaP(hebrewvF5roman sdFVrussian5PP|roman uPvroman vPvroman w*Zscriptnarrator+Zgremphasis,zapf chancerydecor dbrewold englishman sdecor f/Xrussiadecor g0Xrocooper black1linedrawmath7roman wmath83Enarratorbar3of94EemphasEAN5Ezapclinecery6tech h dHelvetica-NarrowModernEdecor fRoman9Edecor  lM[   \   H/&;)Lz  WINSTAR (id=256)What is WinStar ? (id=258)Morning Star Magazine (id=259)lHow to Use WinStar (id=260)Opening a File (id=261)MMission Statement (id=262)[ Printing an Article (id=263) Closing a File (id=264) The About Box (id=265)\ Exiting WinStar (id=266) More Information (id=268) Contacting Morning Star (id=269)Literary Contributions (id=270)About the Author (id=271)Magazine Structure (id=273)HSections (id=274)Articles (id=275)Copying to Clipboard (id=276)rgothicU>gothicPS E+cubicPSM]E}ulineprinter\rw ;LHelvetica>tavantegarde spartan} PŃmetro& upresentation@APL t & OCRA u@OCRBu܀ĀboldPStemperorPS^VS^ madaleineQVr>zapf humanist^Vclassic_Ë6Vroman fރ 6roman g]Ë>roman h66;6timesroman6É>centurys6JpalantinoT!Helv ;6Tms Rmn >tSymbolsZpicasZ6Courier& 6؎elitetsZprestige t6;6lettergothicU>gothicPS E+cubicPSM]E}ulineprinter\rw ;LHelvetica>tavantegarde spartan} PŃmetro& upresentation@APL t & OCRA u@OCRBu܀ĀboldPStemperorPS^VS^ madaleineQVr>zapf humanist^Vclassic_Ë6Vroman fރ 6roman g]Ë>roman h66;6timesroman6É>centurys6JpalantinoTsouvenirVFFgaramond^&8u< ucaledonia^&? u+bodini^&? uuniversity&+ScriptXEU؃ scriptPS/F7vscript cP31F=script d5P/Pcommercial scriptxHelv ;6Tms Rmn >tSymbolsZpicasZ6Courier& 6؎elitetsZprestige t6;6lettergothicU>gothicPS E+cubicPSM]E}ulineprinter\rw ;LHelvetica>tava