Letters Letter From the Editor Letter From the Editor Greetings and welcome to Volume 2.1 of Morning Star! This issue was released a bit late for a variety of reasons, but we praise the Lord that it finally got out and for the entire first year of this ministry. There is a rather unique theme running through many of the articles this month. Our feature area and several of the regular columns are concerned with modern methods of evangelism. We have articles on computers, software, electronic bulletin boards, online Bible classes, and television and radio ministries. You might call this our high-tech issue! In the back of our Resource area, you will also find an updated list of electronic bulletin systems (BBS) that Morning Star is available on. Since the last issue, we have found our way onto BBS on mainland Europe (Germany) and by next month we should be (once again) on BBS in Japan! Japan may be our gateway into that part of the world and maybe even a back door into Russia! There is also a chance that we might get onto a BBS in Mexico in the near future. Keep all this in prayer folks. Keep in prayer our (small) staff as well. We are all overloaded with work in our regular daytime jobs. Remember, everyone involved with Morning Star does it on a part time, volunteer basis, though it is a full time job much of the time! We are putting the call out for articles once again. Our upcoming themes are: Vol 2.2 Pastors and Ministers Vol 2.3 Missions and Missionaries Vol 2.4 Christian Men's Issues Vol 2.5 Messianic Studies and Stories Testimonies are needed too and we are also looking for ideas for future themes. (We could also use more staff help!) Shalom for now. In service to Messiah Jesus, Toby Trudel Your Letters Your Letters I just wanted to drop you a line to say that I have enjoyed the Morning Star online magazine. I've downloaded them all, and although I haven't read them all, I have enjoyed what I've seen so far. Keep up the good work! Nathan Martin Pineville, Louisiana I am reading the November Morning Star and enjoyed reading about your healing. Every time I read or hear of a miracle God performs it just makes my faith all that much stronger ... I found the August issue on a local board and got the others from a friend's board in Denver. If you know of some boards which carry the magazine I could get the issues that way and then upload them to local boards here ... I think the concept of an online Christian magazine is great and Morning Star has something for everyone. It shows people whose backgrounds are very different and who have never met each other can form wonderful friendships with the Lord as the center of that friendship. Also, there aren't many Christian magazines in a format I can read. I am blind. I was premature at birth and given too much oxygen. I access my computer with a speech synthesizer, so I do have a "talking computer". I am sure reaching the disabled might not have been an original goal for Morning Star, but computers have opened the world to many disabled. Linda Iverson North Richland Hills, Texas Commentary Commentary MORNING STAR MAGAZINE MINISTRY It certainly is an unusual way to get the Gospel out and for believers to share information. The story behind the creation of this electronic Christian magazine is a peculiar one as well. I purchased a Macintosh computer in the fall of 1988, using it mostly to play chess and type documents for the first year I had it. One day my friend who first introduced me to computers asked me to visit and check out an "online service" called America Online. I had seen some television commercials for such services, but didn't think they had anything of interest for me. After spending an evening "roaming around" the world of America Online, I realized that there was great potential in this new medium to do work for the Lord. One of the first things I did after purchasing the software myself and "signing on", was to do a "profile search" for "Christians". (People online can list their interests, occupation etc. on their member profile.) I came up with a list of about a dozen names which I then sent letters of introduction to. I inquired from these people if there was any Christian activity online and found that there was little if any. The first online project was the creation of several "discussion folders" - online messages that others could read and respond to. This was a great way to "advertise" that there were Christians online - and it worked. A lot of people started posting messages in these folders and I began making a list of their names. Within a few weeks I had an online mailing list of 40 people. Another great feature of America Online is the "People Connection" area where it is possible to engage in "live" group discussions. Anyone can create a "chat room" which other members can enter if they are interested in the topic at hand. One Sunday night I decided to try my hand at this and created a chat room called "Born Again Onliners". I was pleasantly surprised to find a number of believers "stopping in" to say hello, talk a bit and even ask for prayer. I decided to start up this room every Sunday night. The mailing list continued to grow. By the spring of 1991, I had a list of 100 names of brothers and sisters in Christ. I began sending out a weekly letter to these people. There were a lot of prayer requests and praise reports being brought up in the chat room and a weekly letter was a great way to share them with all the believers online. I thought this was a great little ministry, with the discussion folders, chat room and weekly letter, but the Lord had far greater things in mind. One day I received a piece of electronic mail from one of the brothers on the mailing list. He had an idea he wanted to run by me - an online Christian magazine. As soon as I read this, I got very excited over the concept. I had no idea how we were going to do this, my knowledge of computers was very limited, so I asked around for suggestions. The other thing I did was pray. What did I know about magazine publishing - much less ELECTRONIC magazine publishing? I worked in retail clothing! Oh well, I thought, Moses had no public speaking experience and look what God chose him to do. My prayers were answered very quickly. As I looked over my ideas for the content of this magazine I realized that I would need several qualified people to make it all work. I needed someone that knew computers and programming to actually create a program for publishing a magazine that most computers could run. I needed someone with a lot of Biblical knowledge to oversee the articles that concerned scripture. I needed someone with a lot of enthusiasm to take charge of the articles that dealt with Christian living. I needed a literary editor to look over the articles (mostly written by a bunch of amateurs) and make them at least respectable for publication. I needed someone to coordinate distribution of the magazine to electronic bulletin board systems across the country. Quite a tall order eh? A piece of cake for the Lord (our CEO)! Every position was filled with someone with the right skills for the job. Steve Paulovich from Derry New Hampshire, put this to prayer and came up with the idea for the DOS edition and its reader application, which enables any DOS-based computer to read the magazine. Right away we knew that we could reach roughly 3/4 of the computers in the world. The Lord provided a qualified computer person for the job of publisher. Geoff Kragen from Roseville, California is a Pastor, Pastoral Counselor and Jewish believer. Having a great appreciation and interest in the Jewishness of our faith and an eagerness to use the magazine as a vehicle to teach more on this subject I knew the Lord provided for the job of Senior Editor of the Biblical area. Teresa Giordanengo was one of the first people I met online and was the obvious choice for Senior Editor of the Christian Life area. Terri is a businesswoman from Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, knows a lot of people and is a real go-getter. She had already been helping me with the chat room and online letter, so I knew how talented and dedicated she was. Al Murillo wrote to me online and offered his help as a literary editor. He just happens to do that for a living in El Paso, Texas! Needless to say, I accepted his offer. Walter Bauer of Sugar Land, Texas took the job coordinating distribution onto electronic bulletin boards (BBS). Look at the BBS list in the back of this issue to see what a great job he has done! Can you believe it? Not only did the Lord provide all the right people to get this project rolling, but just look where they are from - New Hampshire, California, Pennsylvania and Texas! With time even more staffers were added. Just look at the staff list elsewhere in this magazine to see where all these people reside. We still hold our Born Again Onliners chat room every Sunday night. The praise reports and prayer requests that people present there end up going all around the world in Morning Star's "Praise and Prayer" column. The mailing list on America Online recently topped 400 names, including people on other networks who receive it via "Internet" a global network link! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness! Staff Listing Staff Listing STAFF LISTING EDITOR IN CHIEF Toby Trudel - Nashua, NH SENIOR EDITOR - Biblical Department Geoffrey Kragen - Roseville, CA SENIOR EDITOR - Christian Life Department Teresa Giordanengo - Canonsburg, PA FEATURES AREA EDITOR Dale Strand - Dublin, CA LITERARY EDITOR Al Murillo III - El Paso, TX ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jerry Johnson - Modesto, CA Clark Stephens - Huntington Beach, CA J.C. Trudel - Naples Park, FL Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA Dr. Charles Wootten - Matoaca, VA SENIOR PUBLISHER - DOS and WINDOWS Editions Steve Paulovich - Derry, NH NETWORK DISTRIBUTION: AMERICA ONLINE Network: Jerry White - Germantown, MD COMPUSERVE Network: Jorge Lopez - Lubbock, TX GENIE Network: Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA DIRECTOR OF BBS DISTRIBUTION - USA Walter H. Bauer Jr. - Sugar Land, TX MSDOOR PROGRAM DISTRIBUTION Alan Graff - Wheelersburg, OH INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION Sharon Sanders - Jerusalem, Israel Lars Storstrand - Minde, Norway Peter Cunliffe - Noisiel, France Roger J. Obe - Iloilo City, Philippines Scott Walters - Punchbowl, NSW, Australia David Faris - N'Djamena, Chad David Johnston - Norwich, U.K. Ted Day - West Bridgeford, U.K. Deane Hibbarb - Okinawa, Japan Shane Haney - New Zealand OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Patrick Auriemma - Nashua, N.H. Graphics reproduced with permission of: T/MAKER GRAPHICS, 2115 Landings Drive Mountain View CA 94043 DAVKA Corporation, 845 North Michigan Chicago IL 60611 (1-800-621-8227) ____________________________________________________ MAILING & SUBSCRIPTION INFO MORNING STAR is produced and published monthly, by a staff of born again believers in Jesus, located across the United States of America. Correspondence to MORNING STAR may be sent via the U.S. Postal Service or one of several computer networks. POSTAL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 7755 Nashua, NH - USA 03060-7755 ELECTRONIC MAIL LINKS: America Online E-Mail (DOS Files): MStarDOS America Online E-Mail (MAC Files): MStarMAC GENIE Network E-Mail: M.Wilkinson1 COMPUSERVE Network E-Mail: 70743,603 To receive a free copy of the MS DOOR program, which allows viewers to read the magazine onscreen, write to: Alan Graff P.O. Box 131 Wheelersburg, OH 45694 Do you know someone who does not have access to a computer network or electronic bulletin board, but would like to get this magazine? MORNING STAR is available in the following formats and can be shipped by way of our trusty U.S. Postal Service: DOS Edition - 3.5 and 5.25 inch Disk WINDOWS Edition - 3.5 and 5.25 inch Disk MACINTOSH Edition (Hypercard 1.2.5) - 3.5 inch Disk HARD COPY Edition Write to the Post Office box for more information. Foreign subscription information also available upon request. If you downloaded MORNING STAR from a network or BBS, we ask no money, but please help us out by sending us a postcard. Let us know where you live and what network or BBS you found this on! Please send us your comments and suggestions. Features Online Bible College Online Bible College by Rev. Roger Sapp ONLINE BIBLE COLLEGE By Rev. Roger Sapp, Church Road, Virginia Home study used to take days. Now the home classroom is no further away than a telephone call. Attaching a computer to the telephone line with a modem has taken thousands shopping, paying bills, meeting new friends around the world, getting instant answers from information services as well as sending and receiving mail. For years modem lovers have been able to access thousands of files and message bases in the growing number of electronic bulletin board systems (BBS's). These high-tech notions now allow you to use a computer and modem to further your theological education! Ivy League school services, such as the PLATO system at the University of Illinois, can barely match the first full-fledged total educational telecommunications package that is ready to go for the Christian community. The On-Line Bible College operates with the Christian International School of Theology. C.I. has been training ministers, missionaries, and others for twenty-five years from the Florida panhandle. Eleven courses of study leading to degrees from Associate level to Doctorate programs are offered on and off line. Christian International receives accreditation from the Accrediting Commission International for Schools, Colleges and Theological Seminaries. Christian International is seeking candidate status for further accreditation. Other schools and seminaries throughout the country broadly accept their course work. The On-Line Bible College is offering eighty courses in various subject areas such as Old Testament, New Testament, Christian History, Counseling and Christian Psychology, Pastoral Ministry, Theology, Charismatic Theology, Greek and Hebrew Biblical Languages, Christian Education and Missions. All courses are theologically conservative. Students from other theological persuasions can express themselves without fear of prejudice. Ministerial experience and previous course work for academic credit receives a full and fair evaluation. Special study groups exist for those taking the same courses that allow the on-line sharing of information. The systems operator (Sysop), Rev. Roger Sapp, is a Doctoral candidate with Christian International School of Theology. The Sysop has the keys to the eighty courses. This allows for on-line grading and responsive help when the student has a theological question or an administrative problem. The Sysop is constantly writing new programs to aid the students and improving the course formats. The support Bulletin Board System, SERVANT OF THE LORD BBS, uses a high tech, user friendly format, that minimizes student costs by fast access options, an E-mail door, and 24-hour operations. SERVANT also has thousands of Christian messages, Christian oriented files and programs too varied and too many to be listed here. It also has a licensed on-line Christian computer consultant that provides free consultation for SERVANT's users. The On-Line Bible College is less than a year old and already has international students. Besides participants from all over the USA, students in Canada, Japan and Greece are active in the programs. Inquiries are coming in from all over the globe. Foreign nationals, missionaries, and American military contact the On-Line Bible College through the mails and electronic networks connected with national and international electronic services such as CompuServe, Prodigy, and America OnLine. Costs to the student for studying this way are greatly reduced. There are no hidden expenses for the student such as travel costs and overhead maintenance on buildings for the school. This savings is passed on to the student in keeping the tuition low, $35 per credit hour, which may be the lowest tuition anywhere for theological study. Students who enroll before September 1, 1992, and maintain active student status will be able to complete their entire degree program at this tuition rate. However, after September 1, Christian International anticipates a tuition of $45 per credit hour (still very low for theological study). Another financial advantage is that the Christian International On-Line Bible College doesn't require payment for the entire program in advance. You simply pay for the courses that you are working on now. There is even a very low rate audit program. And besides, nothing beats the convenience of studying at your own pace in the privacy of your own home using your computer to speed your study and grading. Privacy yes, but isolation: no. That is what makes the On-Line Bible College unique! For more information, contact: Rev. Roger Sapp at his Prodigy ID: SGKR72A, CompuServe: 71042,2520. You may call "The Servant of the Lord" BBS by modem at 804-265-5571. 8 bits, no parity, 1 stopbit, ansi-terminal, from 300 baud up to 9600 baud V.32/42, On-line MS DOS catalog: OLBC9206.ZIP Text files catalog available for non-DOS callers: OLBC*.TXT. For America Online: contact the OLBC Representative, Dr. Charles A. Wootten, (ID: Listener1). For those who are interested in computer study but are not interested in using a modem, then write to: Rev. Roger Sapp, On-Line Bible College, 7600 Coleman Lake Rd., Church Road, VA 23833. Request a catalog on disk. Please specify computer type and size disk. Macintoshes for Ministry Macintoshes for Ministry by Rick Thrasher MACINTOSHES FOR MINISTRY By Rick Thrasher President of the Christian Macintosh Users Group People often give me quizzical looks when I tell them that I'm the president of a Christian Mac users group. They're usually familiar with user groups, but can't fathom why there should be one for Christians. It's actually a very good question and I'd like to answer it here. I founded the Group in 1987. Several of the pastors at my church in Palo Alto, California were using Macs. They were preparing sermon outlines and writing a letter or two. The software they used was MacWrite, the word processor that was, at the time, the leading Mac word processor. This was about the only software package they were using. While there was nothing at all wrong with what they were doing, they weren't, I felt, doing enough with this amazingly powerful computer. I hoped to be able to teach them to make more use of this tremendous resource God had graciously provided for them. I reasoned that if my pastors were this untaught in the ways of computers, there must be others. I began to ask around and found many area Christians using Macs. So in February 1987, I began CMUG, with a mailing list of about twenty names. One of the difficulties Christians face when using computers is the inability of computer stores to understand church and ministry needs. Computer and software manufacturers aren't much better. A user group for Christians was a way we could support and encourage one another. We produced a monthly newsletter and held monthly meetings. We covered our expenses thru donations, most from just a couple of individuals. A normal meeting included plenty of time for informal information exchange (questions and answers) plus a presentation on a topic of general interest to our attendees, usually given by one of our regulars. These meetings gave us an opportunity to learn from each other about various Mac or software idiosyncrasies and other issues. Our original mailing list of twenty quickly grew as each person told their friends, who told their friends who told their friends. Soon, we began to make contacts outside California. We even made contacts internationally! This format has generally remained the same ever since. We've had a few changes, though. In 1989, we sponsored a logo contest, won by a graphics artist from Pennsylvania. The logo he designed continues to adorn our printed material. In 1990, we gained a formal newsletter editor. Also in 1990, we began to accept advertising as a way of defraying our rising costs. CMUG has always provided the newsletter and most other services at no cost. We do not feel that we can charge to serve those in need. We originally covered our expenses by accepting donations. Later, we offered optional memberships. In order to make the memberships more than pay for themselves, we asked vendors to provide discounts to CMUG members. Some of our discounts can save literally hundreds of dollars. Currently, the most popular benefit available for members is discounts on purchases of new Macintoshes and peripherals. At one time, we kept a public domain library. However, America on-line and other services provide a much broader selection of software than we could, and it takes us much less volunteer time (always at a premium). However, we do maintain an extensive list of software companies servicing the Christian Macintosh community. We know of over 40 companies selling Mac-based church management and Bible study software. Our current mailing list is approaching 1,400. We have people in every state in the US, and on every continent except Antarctica. We continue to add people at the rate of 30Ð40 per month. We have a forum on the America On-line network. You can find it in the Computers and Software section, in the User Group Central folder (Contact Board #1). If you have questions relating to Mac use, buying computers or software, or effective use of computers in ministry, please let me know. Rick Thrasher, President Christian Macintosh Users Group 3140 de la Cruz Blvd., Suite 200 Santa Clara, CA 95054-2406 (408) 980-0338 America On-line: RickT5 AppleLink: THRASHER.R The Christian Macintosh Users Group is a non-denominational assembly of folks from a variety of backgrounds who use their Macs in their ministerial, personal or professional lives. We provide services to the Christian community, such as meetings, training, advice and support, Mac resource information, etc. We focus in particular on ways to use Mac in GodÕs service and to His glory. Christian Bulletin Boards Christian Bulleting Boards by Jim Anderson CHRISTIAN BULLETIN BOARDS By Jim Anderson Billings, Montana I have received many requests for information regarding the establishment of a Christian Bulletin Board. Many individuals want to minister to those in their communities via the computer. I decided to write a file that would give some "thoughts to consider" before trying to establish your own Bible Bulletin Board System (BBS). 1. Are You Called by God to Be a Public Teacher of the Scriptures? This has to be the first question. To decide that one "wants" to have their own BBS without direct "leading" from the Lord is wrong. Remember the words of Scripture, "Not many of you should presume to be teachers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." (James 3:1). It is God who decides who will "teach" the truths of Scripture in a public manner. All Christians are qualified to share the Word with both unbelievers and believers. But not all Christians are permitted to stand in a Church or other public place and proclaim the truths of the Gospel. The Apostle Paul reminds us that not everyone is called to teach, "It was He (God) who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers ..." (Ephesians 4:11). Note the word "some." Paul did not say that God gave "all" to be teachers, but instead "some" to be teachers. This position of teaching referred to is one that is "official" in nature. In other words, witnessing to an unsaved neighbor is teaching in a sense, but it is on a small scale and the area of influence is limited. Even if we say something in error, its impact is limited. But to teach from an official position is very powerful and influential and requires a special calling and equipping from God. The words spoken from a pulpit, be it wooden or electronic, seem to have authority which carry an official "ring" that affects lives. Consider the false teachers who are not "called" by God to teach and note their influence; for example, take the Mormons and the Jehovah Witnesses: they have false gospels and yet because of their official position of teaching have had great influence on society. God says that those who teach will be, "... judged more strictly." (James 3:1). Those teaching from official positions can expect a more severe judgment by God for what they say. If we make an error in a "one-on-one" witnessing situation, God will be more understanding; however, when we teach in an official capacity we can expect God to discipline us for errors preached that are a result of each teacher either not "doing his homework" or "not being called to teach." What is Your Inner Motivation for Wanting a Christian BBS? Examine yourself before you embark on committing yourself to this type of ministry. Why do you want to start a Christian BBS? Is it because you like computers and want to have "something" to do for Christ that involves your computer? Or do you want the status and other rewards that comes with the position of being an official teacher? Do you secretly wish to have a following of people who look to you for all the answers? Remember the role of a teacher is much more than having honor and a following, it is one of responsibility. A teacher must have a more perfect understanding of doctrines and ethics to teach according to God's standards, otherwise he has the possibility of inflicting great damage in the hearts of men. Each one of us needs to be very careful and prayerful in approaching such a task. There can only be one true motivation for establishing a Christian BBS, and that is, that the Lord has called and gifted you to do it. It is an endeavor that must be preceded by prayer and study of the Word. If you have examined yourself and your motives are pure then, ask yourself, are you truly equipped to teach others? Have you had any formal training in the interpretation of the Scriptures? Do you understand enough of the Hebrew and Greek languages to be able to study the "inner depths" of the selected verses? Can you teach the truth? 3. Qualifications to Teach as a Spiritual Leader of God's People. As a Sysop on a Christian BBS, you are responsible for the teaching of God's people. Most who call and "download" files or dialogue will be Christians. You will become their teacher on many Christian matters. This position parallels that of an elder or overseer in a church, who has the responsibility for the spiritual direction of the flock. Therefore, if you feel that God has called you to start a Christian BBS, then prayerfully consider these spiritual qualifications of those who are charged with the leadership of God's people. If you fail in any area, then you should reconsider any plans for a Christian BBS. (Note: Each of the following requirements are to be viewed from one's present life situation. One could have violated any or all of these qualifications at a previous time in one's life, but has since repented and proved oneself by consistently walking in obedience to these qualifications.) (1 Tim 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9). One must be. . . A. Above Reproach. That is blameless, with conduct of such a nature that no cause is given to anyone by which his reputation may be injured. He is to be known for his consistent, mature Christian life-style which gives no occasion for public reproach to himself or to God. B. Husband Of One Wife. "A One Woman Man," totally devoted to his wife, not flirtatious, not accusable regarding any relationships with other women. He may also be single, divorced, remarried, or widowed, as long as his heart's longings are for no more than one woman. C. Temperate. His judgment never leans to the extreme. He is balanced and circumspect in judgment. D. Self-Controlled and Not Quick-Tempered. The quality of mind which is in control of one's impulses and emotions being serious, earnest, and sound. Not long-faced, he relegates fun to its proper place. E. Respectable and Disciplined. A well-ordered mind and life, without continual confusion of unaccomplished plans and disorganized activity. F. Hospitable. Loving strangers. Love expressed by welcoming and caring for visiting Believers and Unbelievers. G. Able to Teach. Apt at teaching, able to impart knowledge and wisdom to others, especially sound doctrinal knowledge. Handling accurately the Word of God. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught. H. Not Given to Much Wine. Literally, one who is not a slave to drink. I. Not Violent or Overbearing, but Gentle. Not prone to strike back with a blow (or harsh remark) when offended or annoyed; rather, he is considerate of the feelings of others, refusing to insist on one's own rights. J. Not Quarrelsome. Not a fighter, he does not go around with a chip on his shoulder. K. Not a Lover of Money. Money does not dictate his decisions, his attention is not fixed on monetary reward. He does not pursue dishonest gain, being always above reproach in his finances. L. Exhibiting Control Over His Family. He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. His family must recognize his headship. He must rule in a dignified manner. His children must believe (consistent with their maturity) and not be open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. M. Not Be a Recent Convert. He must not have had too rapid a promotion to leadership, which could lead to excessive pride. (It is desired for him to have been a professing Christian for at least five years). N. Have a Good Reputation. A bad reputation in the community is to bring reproach on himself, on the church, and on Jesus Christ. He must love what is good. O. Upright and Holy. He must seek to imitate Christ, and to be able to say with Paul, "Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ." Those of you who meet the spiritual qualifications for leadership, whose motives are right, and who are truly equipped to be responsible teachers of the Word of God are welcome to have any information I might have concerning my own BBS setup. May the Lord bless the efforts of all who are called by Him for this service.  The Christian Distribution Network The Christian Distribution Network by Ray Waldo THE CHRISTIAN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK By Ray Waldo Loranger, LA. The Christian Distribution Network (CDN) is a computer-based system for distributing computer software and text files to computer users who wish to use their computers for some phase of Christian undertaking. The CDN project was begun by Ray Waldo as a ministry to such computer users. Although it is illegal to share most commercial software, the CDN project distributes what is commonly called "shareware" or "freeware". The developers of both types of software encourage the copying and redistribution of their software. Authors of "Shareware" generally request that those who continue to use their software send a registration fee while "freeware" authors generally ask only that users send them a post card to establish themselves as a user. A good example of freeware is the Christian Magazine you are reading called "Morning Star". With approximately 120 computer Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) connected via their dial-up telephone modems, the Christian Distribution Network is now international and offers its services on several continents. Very likely, there is a member node (BBS) nearby where ever you may be. A common question is "How do I make '1-2-3' to be 'Christian?'" Actually, some very creative software has been developed because of the CDN. Not only does the Project distribute Bible concordance software, Church/Parish member tracking and business software, etc. but it even carries a graphics-oriented aid to evangelism and a Christian-based BBS software package. The network maintains a database program for organizing the published music pieces and the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) files to play hundreds of songs for contemporary and standard Christian music including the entire Canadian Hymnal. Recently, the network distributed a program to help Christians in memorizing facts such as the books of the Bible. Monthly computer-based electronic "magazines" (such as "Morning Star") round out the fare offered by the network. The CDN project continues in the same "hobby spirit" as the SDNET/Works! (Sm) Project (Meriden, CT) from which it germinated. CDN uses the filename extensions ".SDN" , ".SDA", and "Security Envelope" (supplied by Nogate Consulting) through a license from the SDN project. The SDN extension refers to an archived package that is electronically "Shrink wrapped" with a special seal that, once opened, cannot be replaced -- thus assuring that the package is original and has not been tampered with. This seal helps prevent you the computer user from obtaining a program through this network which has been tampered with by adding a virus to it. The major method computer viruses are injected into computers is through illegally tampering with an existing program and adding the "virus" program to it. The "security envelope" can be tested by the end user to assure the file's authenticity and by that assure the user that the software is virus-free. Although most of the CDN's programs are shared when a user calls a local computer BBS using his or her modem, some users prefer to exchange floppy disks. Therefore, the CDN has set up specific nodes that offer such service. For example, recently the on-line Bible program (14 each, 360k diskettes) was made available to those interested through postal distribution. Some overseas systems also require floppy transfers of the larger files. There are several types of CDN members, based on the requirements for each node level. Full members fly the CDN user flag in the nodelist for whatever network they are a participant. Full members must carry all program file areas, maintain files for a specified length of time, and not change the compression type or remove the Security Envelope during the specified minimum time. Limited members do not fly the CDN flag and are not required to carry all program file areas. "Recipients" are the end users and their participation in the CDN is limited. CDN operates in several hobby computer networks: Family Net International (FNI) Agapelink Christian Network (ACN) Fidonet international 30 Second Impact 30 Second Impact 30 SECOND IMPACT From THE CHOSEN PEOPLE magazine It happened three times during the evening of March 19, 1992, on station WWOR, during the programs New York at Night, The Evening News, and The Arsenio Hall Show. Between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 12:30 a.m., this 30-second television commercial, featuring the testimony of Chosen People Ministries staff member Barry Berger, reached over one million residents of New York City. Taking Aim Transcending conventional methods of outreach, this unique opportunity for evangelism was targeted to the large Jewish population concentrated in that area. In that brief, but powerful 30 seconds, television watchers would hear the testimony of a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus), memories of his conservative Jewish upbringing, his search for fulfillment, and the peace he ultimately found in Yeshua. The audience was then asked to respond for further free information. In a mere span of timeÑthe same it takes to button a shirt or back out of a drivewayÑthe Gospel message was shared in this unique and unexpected way. The Opposition Arises Prior to its airing, getting this Gospel message on New York television proved quite a challenge. Aiming for the broadcast networks of WPIX and WWOR, Chosen People Ministries found themselves in three long weeks of negotiations that would finally reach the general managers of the respective stations for final review and approval. At the end of those three weeks, one station, WPIX, rejected the request for air time. The decision was made based on the station's belief that the issue being presented was too sensitive, the spot too religious, and the broad statements being made too unsubstantiated. Satan may have been trying to close the door on this prime outreach opportunity, but God had other plans. For the other station, WWOR, agreed to the air time purchase of three spots. The February '92 Nielson rating of combined audience delivery for the three spots to the New York area was estimated at 1,051,000 adults. An additional bonus was WWOR's super station cable network airing two of the spots in 26,000,000 homes across the United States! Hitting the Mark As the spots aired, Chosen People Ministries had telephone lines and staff members poised and ready for the response of those watching. And respond they did! A few of the calls were hostile, but that didn't deter the dedicated staff members receiving the calls. For on the heels of the negative calls came the positive ones. . . calls of questioning, calls of searching, calls of gratitude. Israel Cohen received a call from a Jewish woman from Long Beach, New York. She was an unbeliever, but expressed an openness to the message she had just heard. She readily gave Israel her name and address and said, "Please send me the information. I would like to know more." Another caller, a Jewish believer from New Jersey shared from a grateful heart. The spot had given him the courage needed to stand openly for his beliefs. It also put him in contact with other Jewish believers who could offer him understanding and support. What a powerful connection! Opportunity to Educate Michael Rydelnik, Chosen People's Northeast Regional Director found himself engaged in a 20-minute conversation of questions and answers, challenges and rebuttals, from a tenth grade Hebrew academy student. During their discussion, Michael was able to direct this young man's attention to Jeremiah 31 and the New Covenant, present the concept of inner peace brought by the Messiah, and address the seeming contradictions the young man raised. Upon questioning him, Michael discovered that he had only read portions of the New Testament, selected specifically by his instructors. "Reading God's Word out of context," Michael stated, "could lead to confusion and alleged contradictions." Michael then challenged him to actually read the New Testament for himself, and offered to send him one, but the young man declined. Before hanging up the phone, the student admitted he had several things he now wanted to discuss with his Rabbi. Michael felt the call was time well spent. A Young student had been challenged, and encouraged to read the Gospels to find the answers for himself. Right on Target Each time our evangelistic commercial was broadcast, the calls of response came in. Staff members eagerly sent out the information requested and prepared for additional follow-up. Sam Nadler, president of Chosen People Ministries, sees the outreach as a success with unlimited potential. He has made a commitment to continue with evangelistic television spots, targeted to reach Jewish people with the Gospel. Additional phone lines and personnel will be added as this vital outreach is continued. Sam stated, "As financial support for this outreach becomes available, our plans call for re fining our efforts and expanding with additional spots in New York, Chicago, Miami, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other cities with high Jewish populations." After all, only on television, somewhere between endorsements for the latest running shoe and most improved laundry detergent, could viewers be exposed to another endorsement of sorts . . . this one with life-changing possibilities. And only on television, could such a small segment of time make such a profound impact, touching viewers with the Gospel . . . a message that is always right on target. The Bible, the Law, and Software Piracy The Bible, the Law, and Software Piracy by Rick Thrasher THE BIBLE, THE LAW, AND SOFTWARE PIRACY By Rick Thrasher President, Christian Mac Users Group Without getting into either legal or theological arguments, I'd like to explore a difficult subject related to living life before the Lord: Software piracy. I am not a lawyer and I am not trying to provide legal advice here. I'll try to clarify the issues and inform you of the impact. I understand that software is expensive. I know that it doesn't seem fair to spend $500 to $600 for a poorly written manual and a couple of floppy disks. I know that you have much better things to do with your money. I know you may have received a used Mac with a hard disk full of software. I know you don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a program to find out it doesn't do what you want. I know that you can easily copy software from one system to the next, and probably no one would ever know. I know that the courts are still working thru the issues related to software copyrights. But. According to the law, software piracy is illegal. Each software vendor has their own license agreement. What might be true for one vendor could be completely different for another. You might need to become familiar with the various license agreements for your software. Especially if you're not sure where you stand. Take out the documentation from one of your software packages and read the section on licensing. Each company has their own variations, but in most agreements, you do not own the software, you own a license to use it. The rights for that software are protected by the same copyright laws that prevent you from making copies of a book or tape. Further, your software license is for a single computer. You can load it onto one computer and one computer only. If you want to use the same software on another computer, you should go buy another copy. If you have five Macs, and all need the same software, you need five purchased copies of that software. If you have a Mac at home and one at the office, you need one purchased copy for the office and a second for home. The previous paragraph is a strict reading of the law. Most software companies would try to hold you to this interpretation, should they somehow find out you have the software one multiple Macs but only purchased one copy. However, this single computer restriction can be interpreted to mean that it can reside on multiple computers simultaneously, but can only be used on one computer at a time. For instance, if I have a program on the Mac at the office and also have it on my Mac at home, itÕs not likely that I would be using both versions (at the office and at home) at the same time. So, under this interpretation, I could buy a single copy and still abide by the single use restriction. But if my wife or daughter is likely to use that program at home while I am using it at my office, I am no longer complying with either the narrow or broad interpretations of copyright law. So I should buy a second copy. Think of it in terms of the original intent of the copyright laws: printed material. If I have a book, it can only be physically used at one place at a time. If I want a copy of a book at home and at the office, either I carry it back and forth or I buy two copies. This is the principal the courts seems to be following. Since software is not really the disk, it can't be "read" until it's loaded onto a computer and executed. Once executed on a given computer, it can't be executed on another computer without physically being in two places. If you need to execute or ÒreadÓ programs on more than one computer at a time, you need to purchase multiple copies of the programs. If you haven't before, it may be wise to do some reading on this issue so that you are familiar with the issue and its impact on you and/or your organization. From a Biblical perspective, we are to submit to the governing authorities unless it contravenes a Biblical position (Rom 13, Titus 3:1,1 Pet 2:13f); to provide a worker with his due (Dt. 24:15, Jer 22:13, Mal 3 5, Jas 5:4); not to steal (Ex 20:125, Lev. 19:13). Most important, however, we are to submit our will to His. As with anything, you and He must spend time together on this subject until you come to an understanding of His will in this. The law says copying software illegal, but as I've shown there are different interpretations of the law. There is an organization (the Software Publisher's Association) whose business it is to find organizations that are abusing the law. They are aggressively pursuing software piracy and have a high conviction rate. Whatever the law says, whatever your interpretation of either the law or the Bible, we must all stand before the Lord to answer for our lives. What will He have to say to us on this part of our lives? Biblical Department New in Christ New in Christ Over the next few issues, the New In Christ column will present a series called "Letters From God" by Pastor Dale Strand of Dublin, California. LETTERS FROM GOD Letter #1 - For Atheists Who Feel Grateful and Have No One To Thank. Dear Earthlings, Religion is such a sad state of affairs: After all these years since I created Adam, mankind (personkind?) still does not realize that I didn't get involved in this whole mess to create division among people. My intent was to make available a wonderful way of life far beyond anything the human mind could ever imagine or even hope for. Religion is man made. But what I have come to offer is a touch of My spirit to man's spirit - something that, unfortunately, many people just don't seem to want to get involved with. If only there was some way that I could communicate to them that My way is the absolute best way to bring them the highest quality of life available on planet earth! When your car needs repair, you take it to someone who knows all about your car. And they consult the manufacturer's handbook to make certain it is fixed right. So then, when one's life needs "repair", wouldn't it make sense to go to the One who knows all about you? Wouldn't it be smart to consult the Manufacturer's Handbook (The Holy Scriptures), to make certain it's done right? I made you. I fashioned you in your mother's womb. I created your mind and brain and muscles and senses. I gave you the personality and emotions and understanding and response mechanisms that are unique to just you. I designed your face (don't be mad at Me). I know you better than anybody else. Wouldn't it make common sense to communicate with Me about the problems and difficulties you face in life? I breathed the holy Scriptures through men of old. And although there have been many translations, I designed the original language interpretations to carry My clear message down through the years in the Book of all Books (it's still the best seller every year!), the Holy Bible. Wouldn't it be common sense to consult the Manufacturer's Handbook about areas of your life that concern you? Then why don't you do it? How can you do it? Funny you should ask. Read My second letter in next month's Morning Star. Bible Study Bible Study This issue features the first in a series on the Epistle of 1st John. Future studies will include Psalms, and books from both the Old and New Covenants. An Introduction to The Epistle of 1st John (1st John 1:1-4) This article will serve as an introduction to the series. Areas examined include the authorship, background, dating, and the purpose of the letter. An outline of the book is also included. Finally, John's own introduction will be reviewed. His introduction is found in the first four verses of chapter 1. Author: The generally recognized author is the Apostle John. This position is supported by the content and style of the epistle. The text itself doesn't contain an authorial statement. Not surprisingly, some contemporary critical scholars have denied the Apostle John's authorship. As usual, they are in a minority position. Unger's Bible Handbook has this to say on the authorship of 1st John. "The writer was the apostle John, also the author of the fourth gospel. This fact is demonstrated by such internal evidence as a similar vocabulary in both the gospel and the epistle. They contain such expressions as LIGHT, NEW COMMANDMENT, WORKS OF THE DEVIL, TAKE AWAY SINS, ETERNAL LIFE, LOVE, ABIDE, LAY DOWN ONE'S LIFE, PARACLETE, SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD, BORN OF GOD. Both also have the same simple, direct Hebraic style, employing similar types of parallelism and sentence construction." "Johannine authorship is also attested by external evidence which is both early and substantial. Polycarp, Papias, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Cyprian, the Muratorian fragment, the Syriac Peshitta, Origen, Dionysisu of Alexandra and Eusebius all lend their testimony to the authenticity of the epistle and Johannine authorship."1 Background: Glenn Barker, the author of the commentaries on the Epistles of John in THE EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE COMMENTARY notes that, unlike Paul's writings, there is very little internal detail to use as a basis for developing a background to the epistle. As a result, the only information we have is early church tradition. This is not the best source material, but it should be considered. 2 The text does give a clear picture of John's concern regarding a growing schism within the Christian community. Individuals had broken away from the local body. These people were trying to draw believers away from the church. The differences between the two groups related to disagreement over the Sonship of Christ and rejection of Christ's coming in the flesh. These divergent teachings also denied the authority of Christ's commands, and rejected the personal sinfulness of the believer. Additionally, other teachings of the Apostles were rejected. These false teachings will be covered through the study of the letter. John seems to be speaking against a specific group of teachers. Some commentators have speculated that he was reacting to specific sects. One group could have been the Gnostics. Certainly much of what they taught was consistent with false teachings identified by John. Gnosticism was not well defined, but was "characterized by belief in the evil of matter, in mediating beings, and in salvation through knowledge." 3 Because of these teachings it is clear why this group would reject the Incarnation. Another sect identified by commentators is Docentism. This group taught that Jesus only appeared to be human, but his humanity was an illusion. Again, this type of teaching would lead to rejection of the Incarnation. These letters were written during the early days of the church. Consequently it would probably be a mistake to try to identify with an established heresy. John states that he is speaking out against several false teachers as opposed to specific groups. 4 Rather that accept that John was refuting either Gnosticism or Docentism, it would be better to focus on the specific teachings that he identified as false. Tradition states John was especially concerned with Cerinthus, the leader of a specific cultic sect. Ireanaeus quotes Cerinthus as having "represented Jesus as having not been born of a virgin, but as being the son of Joseph and Mary according to the ordinary course of human generation, while he nevertheless was more righteous, prudent and wise than other men. Moreover, after his baptism, Christ descended upon him in the form of a dove from the Supreme Ruler, and that then he proclaimed the unknown Father, and performed miracles. But at last Christ departed from Jesus, and that then Jesus suffered and rose again, while Christ remained impassible, inasmuch as he was a spiritual being." 5 Similar views are found today in some of the cults and in New Age teachings. Often this position is identifiable by discussions of the "Christ Consciousness." Taking the above into consideration, conservative scholarship holds that the letter was published in the province of Asia. (This Asia, not to be confused with the continent of Asia, would have been located in western Turkey.) 6 Dating: There are several views related to the dating of the epistles. One position is that the first epistle was written sometime between 85 and 90 AD. This conclusion is based on the dating of the book of John. John is commonly dated as written sometime between 75 and 80 AD. The focus on John was the establishment of the faith. The epistle moves on to the holding on to that faith within the existing Christian Community. Others have dated the letters as early as 60 AD. In contrast, Dr. J Vernon McGee, along with other expositors, holds for a very late date. He notes that "...in recent years some of us have come to the position that John wrote his epistles last. Therefore he wrote his first epistle after his imprisonment on the Island of Patmos. This places the date about A.D. 100." 7 Purpose: As already shown, the intent of this letter was to expose the false teachings that were arising in deviant groups. John takes the position that one proves the fallacy of the new teachings by holding them up to the light of Spirit-revealed truth. John is not one to mince words. He identifies the false teachers as a serious danger to the Christian community. If they were left unchallenged, they would bring destruction to the believing body. And implied there would be destruction to the very truth of the Gospel. The church would do well to stand as unflinchingly for truth as John did. Too often there is more concern with loving at all costs than with a willingness to pay the cost of standing for Truth. Keep in mind, however, truth must be given in love, desiring to save the unbeliever and disciple the believer. John will not allow the truth that Jesus is the Christ to be compromised. And it is this truth that is lost in cult teachings; even by those that claim historic Christian roots. For this reason the epistle of 1st John is a tested weapon in the fight against heresy and cultic teachings. "We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true--even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life" (1 John 5:20). The message of this first epistle is the hope of salvation. John presents God as light, righteousness and love, the One who exposes sin and provides the way of salvation. This letter should bring comfort to the believer in the midst of trials. It presents the truth of God's love and His magnificence Outline: Prologue. 1:1-4 I. God is light. 1:5-2:27 A. Communion with God and confession of sin. 1:5-2:2. B. Communion with God and obedience. 2:3-11 C. Attitude toward the world. 2:12-17 D. Warning against the antichrists. 2:18-27 II. God is righteousness. 2:28-4:6 A. The righteous children of God. 2:28-3:10. B. The righteous love of the children of God. 3:11-18 C. Confidence before God. 3:19-24 D. Warning against the spirit of antichrist. 4:1-6. III. God is love. 4:7-5:12 A. The nature of true agape. 4:7-21. B. Cruciality of faith in Jesus. 5:1-12. Epilogue. 5:13-21.8 8 Prologue: 1 John 1:1-4--John doesn't give a typical salutation to this first epistle. Because of this some scholars believe this to be a sermon, given to the church at Ephesus, instead of a letter. Baker notes "the four verses represent a single periodic sentence in Greek. But the main verb and subject "we proclaim" (apangellomen), which controls the whole sentence, does not appear until v.3." 9 The Amplified Version of the Bible passage is provided here. This is because of the difficulties involved with the translation of the Greek into English. "[We are writing] about the Word of Life [in] Him Who existed from the beginning, Whom we have heard, Whom we have seen with our [own] eyes, Whom we have gazed upon [for ourselves] and have touched with our [own] hands." "2 And the Life [an aspect of His being] was revealed (made manifest, demonstrated), and we saw (as eyewitnesses) and are testifying to and declare to you the Life, the eternal Life [in Him] Who already existed with the Father and Who [actually] was made visible--was revealed--to us [His followers]" "3 what we have seen and [ourselves] heard we are also telling you, so the you too may realize and enjoy fellowship as partners and partakers with us. And [this] fellowship that we have (which is a distinguishing mark of Christians) is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah." "4 And we are now writing these things to you so that our joy [in seeing you included] may be full--and your joy may be complete." 10 vs.1: The main thrust of this passage is the reality of the incarnation. All that is to come must be grounded in the truth of this reality. The fact that Christ was born God in human form, fully God and fully man, is absolutely essential in order for Him to be able to provide for salvation. Only a mediator having the attributes of both parties for whom he mediates could bring peace between God and Man. Only a man who was sinless, and therefore not carrying the fallen nature, could pay the price for mankind's sin. This means if Christ wasn't virgin-born, then there is no savior. John says that Christ was present from the beginning. A number of conservative scholars believe that John is referring to the beginning of the incarnation. This is in contrast with the beginning of all creation that John identifies in the introduction to the Gospel of John. John wants to make sure his readers understand that the reality of the incarnation isn't just a theological issue. He notes that he and others, the apostles, were living witnesses to the physical manifestation of God. He says they saw the risen Lord. They touched His resurrected body. John states that they had seen, heard and touched the living God. He is preparing the groundwork for the arguments that he would be bringing to support the orthodox teachings of Christianity. vs. 2: And the presence of God is the presence of life, for without Christ there is not life. Individuals receive eternal life when they receive Christ, for He is that life. This is the heart of the gospel message. All people are dead in their sins. "The wages of sin is death." This doesn't mean that people face physical death because of sin, though they do. What this refers to is that because of the fallen nature of mankind, individuals are already dead in their sin. It is only by accepting the gift of life from the God who is life, that the dead can come to life, eternal life. vs. 3: John reiterates that statement that he is an eyewitness to the truth which he is presenting. This is required because he personally saw what he testifies about. This is in contrast to those who deny the incarnation. JOHN WAS THERE. This is the truth that when accepted, brings fellowship with God and with members of the body of Christ. Relationship can only exist where there is an acceptance of Christ based on who Scripture says He is. From the way he makes this statement regarding fellowship, it is safe to conclude that he is writing to believers. vs. 4: The letter then is not intended to be an evangelistic statement as much as a call to stand for theological orthodoxy. (Here theological orthodoxy isn't used to refer to a system, but simply the accurate teaching and following of Scripture, and the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.) False teachings can bring about disruption in the life of the body and the individual believer. False teaching can steal the joy of believers. The false teaching that a believer can lose salvation steals the joy that comes with the confidence that one day he or she will spend eternity with the Lord. The false teaching that Christ will only return after the church has ushered in the millennium can steal the joy that comes from the comfort that the Lord will return at any moment to take Christians to be with Him. Unbalanced teachings can bring disharmony and unhappiness to the body and to the individual believer. Legalism leads to dependency on rules and not the Lord. A judgmental spirit leads to disruption instead of a desire for restoration and comfort. Orthodox theology and a balanced walk are necessary ingredients for the maturing of both the believer and the body. These must be in place if believers are to show the love of God. Finally, they must display God's love if they are to be effectively used in giving out the Gospel. John concludes this section desiring the life of the believer be one of joy because of the truths underlying the message salvation. 1. Larson, Gary N. revisor, THE NEW UNGER'S BIBLE HANDBOOK, Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1984, p. 629. 2. Baker, Glenn W., THE EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE COMMENTARY, Vol 12, 1, 2, 3 John, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1981, p. 293. 3. Vaughan, Curtis, THE EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE COMMENTARY, Vol. 11, Colossians, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1978, p.166- 167. 4. Hodges, Zane C., THE BIBLE KNOWLEDGE COMMENTARY, New Testament, 1, 2, 3 John, Victor Books, 1987, p. 881. 5. Baker, p. 294-295. 6. Hodges, Ibid. 7. McGee, J. Vernon, THRU THE BIBLE WITH J. VERNON MCGEE, Vol 5, Thomas Nelson Publishes, Nashville, TN, 1983, p. 752. 8. Baker, p. 298 (Taken by Baker from P.R. Jones) 9. Ibid, p. 306. 10. THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE, Zondervan Bible Publishers, Grand Rapids, MI, 1983, pg. 374. Messianic Studies Messianic Studies This is the second study exploring the analogy of Jesus the Messiah as the Bridegroom of the Church. In this article Dr. Showers demonstrates how Jesus applied the Jewish marriage customs to His promises made in John 14. The customs considered are those of the biblical times. BEHOLD - THE BRIDEGROOM COMES! By Dr. Renald Showers (From ISRAEL MY GLORY Magazine) Part 2 - The Examination of the Analogy Earlier it was stated that in His promise in John 14 Jesus drew an analogy from Jewish marriage customs in biblical times. Now that the marriage customs have been considered, it is essential that the analogy be examined. In what ways was Jesus' promise analogous with Jewish marriage customs? In the examination of the analogy the first thing that should be noted is the fact that the Scriptures regard the Church to be the Bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-33). In addition, Just as the Jewish bridegroom took the initiative in marriage by leaving his father's house and traveling to the home of the prospective bride, so Jesus left his Father's house in heaven and travailed to earth, the home of His prospective Church, over 1900 years ago. In the same manner as the Jewish bridegroom came to the bride's home for the purpose of obtaining her through the establishment of a marriage covenant, so Jesus came to earth for the purpose of obtaining the Church through the establishment of a covenant. On the same night in which Jesus made His promise in John 14. He instituted communion. As He passed the cup of wine to His disciples, He said: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood" (NASV, 1 Corinthians11:25). This was His way of saying that He would establish a new covenant through the shedding of His blood on the cross. Parallel to the custom of the Jewish groom paying a price to purchase his bride, Jesus paid a price to purchase His Bride, the Church. The price that He paid was His own life blood. It was because of this purchase price that Paul wrote the following to members of the Church: "do you not know . . . that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body" (NASV, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Analogous with the Jewish bride being declared to be sanctified or set apart exclusively for her groom once the marriage covenant was established, the Church has been declared to be sanctified or set apart exclusively for Christ (Ephesians 5:25-27; 1 Corinthians 1:2, 6:11; Hebrews 10:10; 13:12). In the same way that a cup of wine served as a symbol of the marriage covenant through which the Jewish groom obtained his bride, so the cup of communion serves as the symbol of the covenant through which Christ has obtained the Church (1 Corinthians 11:25). Just as the Jewish groom left the home of his bride and returned to his father's house after the marriage covenant had been established, so Jesus left the earth, the home of the Church, and returned to His Father's house in heaven after He had established the new covenant and risen from the dead (John 6:62; 20:17). In correspondence with the period of separation between the Jewish groom and bride, Christ has remained separate from the Church for over 1900 years. The Church is now living in that period of separation. Parallel to the custom of the Jewish groom preparing living accommodations for his bride in his father's house during the time of separation, Christ has been preparing living accommodations for the Church in His Father's house in heaven during His separation from His Bride (John 14:2). In the same manner as the Jewish groom came to take his bride to live with him at the end of the period of separation, so Christ will come to take the Church to live with Him at the end of His period of separation from the Church (John 14:3). Just as the taking of the Jewish bride was accomplished by a procession of the groom and male escorts from the groom's father's house to the home of the bride, so the taking of the Church will be accomplished by a procession of Christ and an angelic escort from Christ's Father's house in heaven to the home of the Church (1 Thessalonians 4:1-6) . Analogous with the Jewish bride not knowing the exact time of the groom's coming for her, the Church does not know the exact time of Christ's coming for her. In the same way that the Jewish groom's arrival was preceded by a shout, so Christ's arrival to take the Church will be preceded by a shout (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Similar to the Jewish bride's return with the groom to his father's house after her departure from her home, the Church will return with Christ to His Father's house in heaven after she is snatched from the earth to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17; John 14:2-3). In the same manner as the Jewish wedding party found wedding guests assembled in the groom's father's house when they arrived, so Christ and the Church will find the souls of Old Testament saints assembled in heaven when they arrive. These souls will serve as the wedding guests. Parallel to the custom of the Jewish groom and bride entering into physical union after their arrival at the groom's father's house, thereby consummating the marriage that had been covenanted earlier, Christ and the Church will experience spiritual union after their arrival at His Father's house in heaven, thereby consummating their relationship that had been covenanted earlier. Just as the proposal that the Jewish bridegroom made could be accepted or rejected, so Christ's proposal to you can be accepted or rejected. If you reject it throughout this lifetime, then you never will be rightly related to Jesus Christ. The tragic result will be that you will spend eternity separated from God and Christ in the eternal lake of fire (Revelation 20:15). If, however, you accept Christ's proposal,then your sins will be forgiven, and you will enter into that relationship that makes you part of His Bride, the Church. In addition, you will go to be with Him when He comes to take the Church, and you will remain with Him forever in great blessing. The way in which you can accept Christ's proposal is quite simple. If you sincerely believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He came to this earth, died for your sins and rose from the dead, then respond to Him as follows: I, sinner, take Thee, Jesus, to be my Savior ... And I do promise and covenant before God and these witnesses to be Thy loving and faithful Bride; in sickness and in health, in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, for time and for eternity. Second, the analogy is most significant also for those who have taken Christ to be Savior. During the time of separation between the establishment of the marriage covenant and the coming of the bridegroom to take his bride, it was possible for the Jewish bride to commit adultery by giving herself to another man. In like manner it is possible for believers today to commit spiritual adultery against Christ before He returns to take His Church. Paul expressed concern over this possibility when he wrote the following to Christians: For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy; for I betrothed you to one husband, that to Christ I might present you as a pure virgin. But I am afraid, just as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ (NASV, 2 Corinthians 11:2-3). James expressed the same concern when he rebuked Christians as follows: "You adulteresses do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God" (NASV, James 4:4). The context of flames' statement indicates that spiritual adultery is committed when a believer becomes more devoted to the godless world system and the things that please it than he is to Jesus Christ and the things that please Him. If you are a believer, honestly evaluate your devotion to Jesus Christ. Do you love Him as much now as when you took Him to be your Savior? Is He truly the Center of your existence the One who gives your life its meaning and purpose? Is your every attitude, action and lifestyle motivated and controlled by your devotion to Jesus Christ, or by a desire to have the friendship of the world system in which you live? If you have been unfaithful to your heavenly Bridegroom, confess this to Him and be assured that even "If we are faithless, He remains faithful for He cannot deny Himself" (NASV, 2 Timothy 2:13).Then trust the Holy Spirit to renew your devotion as you wait for your heavenly Bridegroom to come at any moment. Anee M'amin Anee M'amin THE STORY OF EVANGELIST LOUIS KAPLAN Founder of JEWISH VOICE BROADCASTS Inc. I was born of Russian Jewish parentage in New York City where approximately two and a half million Jews live. I attended Hebrew school (Chader) at an early age and was later made "Bar Mitzvah"Ñ"A Son of the Law"Ñat the age of thirteen according to the laws of Judaism. We were taught by the Rabbis to observe rituals, ceremonies and Jewish traditions more than the teachings of the "T'nach"Ñthe Law and the Prophets. What Jesus described in His day is also characteristic of many of the Protestant denominations and the Catholics: "These people draw nigh unto me with their mouths and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. But in vain they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matt 15:8, 9. I became rebellious at the dull, monotonous, repetitious teachings of the Talmud which did not satisfy the inner man and bring peace to the guilty conscience. At an early age, I decided to run away from home to see the world and seek adventure. I roamed all over the United States doing odd jobs, working on farms, and on construction projects. One day while working in a packing house in Florida, I became acquainted with a real Christian upon whom God put the burden of prayer for the salvation of my soul. He testified to me concerning the claims of Christ as My Messiah. This young man, from the very day he saw me, was impressed by God to go home and intercede in prayer before the Throne of Grace for my conversion. Of course, I simply ignored his testimony about Christ being Saviour of the world, for as a Jew, I had been brought up to regard Jesus as just a good man, one of the greatest philosophers of his day, but certainly not the Divine Son of GodÑbut rather the illegitimate offspring of Mary. Besides, I had been brought up to believe that all Gentiles were Christians, and that they had murdered and massacred, hated, despised, abused and ill-treated the Jews for centuries. The CrossÑto meÑwas a symbol of brutality, murder, oppression and hatred. Had not these so-called Christians murdered thousands of my own people during the Crusades in Europe and during the Inquisition in Spain? You see, I did not know the differenceÑat that timeÑbetween a Gentile and a Christian. A Gentile is not a Christian until he accepts Christ as his Saviour and follows in His footsteps. There cannot be any hatred in his heart, for God is thereÑand God is love! Many Gentiles have been raised up in a Christian environment, but they have never been regenerated, or born again by the Spirit of the living God. Our churches today are full of professing Christians who have never experienced the transforming power of Christ in their lives nor felt the joy of sins forgiven. They have never had a personal contact with Christ as a Redeemer, Deliverer, and Liberator from the power of sin. This young man was very kind to me and manifested a concern for my soul's welfare which no other person before had done. I do not remember a single word he told me at that time but I do remember the LOVE OF GOD he demonstrated which touched my heart and set me thinking about the Christ he worshipped. This young Christian left Florida shortly afterwards and I did not meet him again until fourteen years later. While I was conducting an evangelistic campaign in one of the churches in South Carolina,he came to my meeting and made his identity known. He is now pastoring one of the Assembly of God churches in the South. One night, having learned that the Nazarenes were conducting a revival meeting in town, I attended one of the services just for curiosity, however, I was also hungering for the precious something that this young man had in his heart which I did not have. The Spirit of God began to move upon me, as the preacher ministered under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and I came to the realization that this was what my poor soul thirsted after. But how could I a Jew, embrace a Gentile religion? (for that is what I thought I was). After the service, I hesitantly approached the minister and asked him privately if a Jew could be saved? He replied: "Salvation is of the Jews, and Peter and Paul and the prophets were all Jews." I was astonished at that time to know that Christianity sprang from Judaism and that the first Christians were Jews! I shall never forget that night as long as I live! I ran as fast as I could to the farmhouse which was now my home. A group of Christians were conducting a prayer meeting there and I opened the door, went in and knelt down along with them with my head bowed low in repentance, feeling the guilt and condemnation of sin. Suddenly, I raised my hands toward heaven as the Spirit of God came upon me: I cried out from the depths of my soul for Christ to save and reveal Himself to me. As I was weeping and repenting of my sins, the Spirit of God came in and I was marvelously saved, and made a new creature in Christ. The whole world looked different Ñ the sun seemed to shine brighter Ñ the birds sang sweeter Ñ the trees and flowers were more beautiful than ever. Oh, the love of God that just flooded my soul like a river! The peace, the quietness that comes with the joy of sins forgiven! Praise His name! From then on, I began to love the Gentiles, for God had broken down the middle wall of partition between us, and made us one in Him. "For he is our peace, who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandment contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man; so making peace: And that he might reconcile BOTH unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby." Ephesians 2nd chapter: 14th to 16th verses. From the foregoing Scriptures we see that the church of God would not be the Jewish nation, nor would it be the Gentile nations, but JEWS AND GENTILES made one in Christ, thus establishing a New Nation, a Holy Nation; "That the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the Gospel." Ephesians 3rd chapter and 16th verse. At that time, I had been away from home for several years, and after my marvelous experience, I immediately made plans to return to my parents in New York and testify to them that Jesus Christ was our Messiah and that I had found Him. When I arrived in New York, I little knew of the persecutions I would have to endure. My parents were glad to see me again until I commenced to tell them of the wonderful Saviour and the change that had come to my life. They were horrified, stunned, and shocked. This was too much for them to bear for they thought that I had disgraced and humiliated them and had left the God of their fathers for the false gods of the Gentiles. They even considered sending me to the nearest hospital for observation thinking that my mental facilities had become impaired during my long absence from home. Finally, after much persuasion and threatening, they decided it would eventually wear off and that I would forget about Jesus. But thanks be to our wonderful God Ñ twenty-six years have now gone by and I am still saved and Jesus is more precious to me than ever! Glory to God! In spite of all the persecution and severe testing and trial I have gone through these years, God has enabled me to be faithful, and hold fast to that which I have received. After seeing that I was not to be shaken, neither would I deviate, or recant in any way from my testimony that Jesus was the Messiah, one night at 12 o'clock midnight, my father, who was enraged at my refusal to relinquish this so-called Gentile religion, ordered me out of the house and told me never to return. At that time, I was only 19 years of age and did not have any money at all Ñ for it was in the period of the depression years. I was poverty-stricken, alone, homeless, and did not know where to go that night. Oh, how black and dark it was as I packed my handful of meager belongings and left my home in that great cold, unfriendly, calloused city! Satan began to taunt and tantalize and tell me that I was in trouble now because I had become hoodwinked, blindfolded, and deceived by what I had experienced and that it must have been just a delusionÑa thing of the imagination. You see Ñ the Jew really must pay a terrific price when he accepts Christ; that is why there are now about 100,000 secret Jewish believers in the United States who know that Jesus is the Messiah, but dare not make a public confession for fear of being put out of the synagogues as in the time of Christ. Satan told me my troubles would be over if I would only return home and recant; but praise our God, there had been such a pronounced and drastic change in my life, that I would have had to deliberately shut my eyes to the truth that had been unfoldedÑif I were to deny my Savior and Lord. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." The veil had been lifted from my eyes and I had been translated from the Kingdom of darkness into His marvelous light! Through that night of trial, the Spirit of God suddenly flashed these words of comfort and exhortation to me which have carried me through these many years Ñ "When my mother and father forsake me, then the Lord will take me up." I shall never forget the joy and the peace that filled my soul as God spoke to me through His precious Word. That night, I slept in the city subway because I had no place else to go. The next evening, I attended a Full Gospel Church located in Jamaica, New York and gave my testimony, telling the Christians there of the stand I had taken for Christ. They were very sympathetic and kind and counseled me to be faithful and steadfast. A dear precious Mother in Israel about 71 years of age at that time, told me that God had put it upon her heart to take me into her home and give me a roof over my head. Praising God for His goodness in providing a place to stay, I went to her home, little dreaming of what would later take place there which would change my entire life. This dear Mother in Christ taught me one of the most precious lessons which very few Christians have learnedÑhow to pray and not let go until you have prevailed with God and received an answer! Many hours of fasting and prayer were spent at her home as she led me into the deeper truths of God. I have never forgotten these early days of intercessory prayer Ñ prayers mingled with perspiration, tears and intensity of desire to get closer to God and be baptized with His Holy Spirit. This dear old woman was later to reap the benefits of leading this poor Jewish boy into a greater relationship and communion with Christ through consecration and complete abandonment to the will of God; for it was a year later that I launched out into the evangelistic field by faith, when one day I received a letter from this dear woman that she was dying of Angina Pectoris and wanted her little boy to come and pray for her. I immediately packed my belongings, took a train, and arrived at her home at midnight. When I walked through the house to her bed, I saw her lying there gasping for breath because of this heart ailment which is usually fatal to persons at that advanced age. (She was about 75 years of age at that time.) I knelt down at her bedside, lifted up my hands to God and began to intercede in behalf of her deliverance from this inevitable end Ñ and thank God Ñ as soon as I had prayed, the Lord Jesus appeared to her and told her that if she would get up out of bed, He would heal her! This she immediately did and was instantly made whole! At the time of this writing in 1963, she was aliveÑGlory be to our wonderful God! After laboring on the evangelistic field for several years, I was forced to return to secular work again because of the tire and gasoline conservation program launched during the War. I would not get tires and very little gas for my car to keep me on the field as an evangelist. I took a job managing a Real Estate Office in New York City and became so successful that I soon opened up my own office and had men working for me. The money was just pouring in and I became satisfied, smug, complacent and secure - But God had called me to preach the gospel, and I was not to be engrossed in making money and putting over business deals while souls went to hell. The Spirit of the Lord began to convict me, and I felt the woe hanging over my head "If I preach not the gospel." I became miserable, dissatisfied, unhappy and depressed because I was out of the will of God. Yes, friends, the most miserable place that anyone can be is to be out of God's will. Faith and confidence cannot operate and prayer is of no avail when there is condemnation in the heart. The Bible tells us: "If our hearts condemn us not, then we have confidence towards God, and whatsoever we ask, we receive, when we do those things that are pleasing in His sight." I was very reluctant to leave this very remunerative business to go back to self denial, sacrifice, struggle, and a life of faith. But, something happened that put the fear of God into my heart and stirred me to responsibility as a preacher of the gospel: Hitler at that time embarked on his extermination crusade against the Jews by gas chambers and cremation furnaces, and the Jews began their world-wide exodus and flight to Palestine from the four corners of the earth and with prophecy being fulfilled right before my very eyes, I was moved by fear, as Noah was, to return to the ministry again, realizing that the coming of Christ was indeed very near. (The Bible tells us that, "By faith, Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet, MOVED WITH FEAR ...") The greatest sign, warning, proof and evidence to the world and to the church of the end of this age is the Restoration and Resurrection of the House of Israel after being entombed in the graves of exile for many centuries. "And, it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set His hand again the second time to recover (restore or gather) the remnant of his people which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath and from the islands of the sea. And He shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." Isaiah 11:11-12 . I sold my business and launched out again into the ministry and can truly say that God has blessed and prospered me and I have been the happiest man in the world because I am in the center of His Will. The Lord has privileged me to conduct city-wide evangelistic campaigns in the principal cities of America, and I have seen thousands come to the altars in my ministry. Do pray that God may use me mightily in reaching my own people, the Jews, with the gospel, that they might see Jesus Christ as their own long-awaited Messiah . "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love Thee." (The story of JEWISH VOICE BROADCASTS is featured in this month's MINISTRY PROFILE column.) Prayer Guidelines Prayer Guidelines PRAYER AND REPENTANCE Article 8 of the "Prayer and..." Series by Michael Wilkinson "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit. When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; My vitality was turned into the drought of summer. I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,' And You forgave the iniquity of my sin" (Psalm 32:1-5). When God created man, He made him complete. He made man a living soul. He gave him a mind with which to think, learn and reason. He gave man a will with which to make decisions, and to plan and attempt to do things. He gave man a living, working physical body in which to dwell. The only thing man has added to himself through all the centuries of time is sin. And man has had to live with the results of sin ever since. Evil, violence, dishonesty, murder, hatred, fear, guilt, shame, selfishness, abuse, disease and death have plundered mankind in all nations throughout time. "Then He said to them, 'Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem'" (Luke 24:46-47). Yes, God has provided the remedy for sin. Man has only to repent and receive forgiveness through Christ. Repentance means confessing sin to the Lord and turning away from sin towards Him. "He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy" (Proverbs 28:13). Do you want to walk with the Lord? Repentance is the first step. But repentance is not only the first step, for we who have already come to Christ in faith do still commit sins. "My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous" (1 John 2:1). Although we believers live for Christ, we still struggle against the sinful nature. How wonderful that the Christ we live for will help us when we fall. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). So when we repent of the sins we have committed, we have confidence that we are at peace with God. And we also will know that our prayers will not be hindered. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear. But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer, Nor His mercy from me!" (Psalm 66:18-20). God is indeed faithful, just and merciful! He asks us to repent, confessing and forsaking our sins so that we can have wonderful fellowship with Him. What could be worth more to us than that? Surely the temporary pleasures (if any) of sin cannot compare to the riches of His love. In conclusion, consider these verses from Psalm 103:8-12: "The LORD is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger,and abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with us, Nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us." The WORD for Today The WORD for Today Before this last Easter (1992), many churches across the country were involved in The Chapel of the Air's "Fifty-Day Spiritual Adventure." This program was designed to help local churches become "The Family God Wants Us To Be." The material provided focused on dysfunctional behavior found in families and brought into the church. The article presented here is the fifth of seven messages given by Pastor Geoff Kragen. They were presented at Foothill Bible Church in Lincoln California as part of that church's involvement with the program. "Let Them Eat Meat" Hebrews 5:11-14 We had finished dinner and, with our host and hostess, moved into the living room area. Our hostess immediately made sure that her daughters cleared the table and washed the dishes. We could consider ourselves honored because we weren't asked to take off our shoes when coming into the apartment. Our hostess was the kind of individual who would put out an ashtray, and as soon as someone dropped in an ash, would clean it. The apartment always had to be sparkling. She would give it the white glove test. And, if she didn't have her daughters cleaning, she would be cleaning the apartment herself. You might say that her behavior was compulsive, neat, but obsessive. ... I was at a planning session for my credit union last weekend. Both my manager and the facilitator had to have breaks during the session so they could go outside and light up. I've known them for some time, and they certainly would qualify as cigarette addicts. ... We live in a world that is obsessed with the subject of addictions. In fact, it can be said we are addiction addicts. Addictions and compulsions are a favorite talk show topic. We are an addictive and sometimes compulsive society. We give substantial attention to alcohol and other drug related addictions. The local Christian book store has books on food, TV and other addictions. Many would argue that a couch potato is an addict. Another way of considering this whole topic is to look at how Scripture would describe addiction. "When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness" (Romans 6:20). Frequently our addictions and obsessions are a way of filling our needs for relationship and impact. Those who struggle with sexual addictions are striving for relationship in ways that will never truly fulfill their needs. For clarity's sake, let's make the distinction between addiction and compulsion. David Mains identifies the contrast this way: "...it helps to see addictions in the context of a person's being a slave to something. His or her master is drugs, food, work, sex, anger, smoking, watching television, gambling, or spending." * And, I'd like to add, ministry and even religion. Mains goes on: "The individual is controlled by such a master and submits to its will." "By contrast, compulsive behavior is more in the realm of an irresistible impulse to perform irrational acts. For example, a person can become compulsive about hand-washing or cleaning the house time and again, or making lists." ** Actually sin itself is addictive. Even for us, as believers, it is difficult to break the sin patterns that have become habits over many years. Essentially, the difference between the believer and unbeliever is that we can choose not to sin. The desire of our heart is obedience to God. And as such, we should be willing to break the pattern. The thrust of this morning's message is one of promise and hope. No matter how strongly we are addicted to our behavior patterns, it is possible to find freedom. No matter how we carry our addictive patterns into the church, they can be broken. As we go through this series of studies and examine the dysfunctional ways we behave, we shouldn't be overwhelmed by what we discover. Instead we should rejoice because we have a loving Father. He desires to help us break sin patterns and become conformed to the example of Christ. "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers" (Romans 8:29). Instead of condemning us for our shortcomings, our heavenly Father loves us unconditionally and comes alongside us to lead us to growth and maturity. His desire is that the church be a place where everyone will have the opportunity to mature. The message of Scripture is that we find eternal life and forgiveness from sin through the work of Christ on the cross. Additionally, we also receive the resources to break the bondage of sin in our lives. It is through the Scripture and the power of the Holy Spirit that we can become truly free. "You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness" (Romans 6:18). Addictive and compulsive patterns can be broken, but only by first recognizing them. Some addictions are easy to recognize, from the outside. Most of us can see addictions to alcohol and drugs in others. What is interesting however, is that frequently alcoholics and drug addicts will deny they even have a problem. The compulsive hand washer, talker, list maker, and cleaner may be essentially unaware of their behavior. They don't recognize their actions. I think you can see that denial and delusion frequently go with addictive and compulsive behavior. Again, these patterns can only be broken by first recognizing the behavior. While recognition doesn't always mean that one will deal with the problem, without recognition the problem can't be overcome. We must also come to realize that people use these behaviors as a way of filling legitimate needs in an illegitimate way. In reality, only the Lord can meet our needs. One major factor in self-awareness is allowing the Holy Spirit to use the Word to reveal the sin in our life. "For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12). The author of Hebrews puts it this way: "We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil" (Hebrew 5:11-14). The author is concerned for the spiritual maturity of the individual believer. Apparently, there is a sad lack of maturity among the Hebrew believers. They had been believers for some time, but they were still at the infant stage. They had to be constantly retaught the basics of the faith. The author describes the basics as milk. Meat on the other had represents the more difficult teachings of Scripture, those which help us grow in our walk as believers. These teachings are necessary to move beyond being saved to being conformed to the image of Christ. The basics of salvation are necessary. It is appropriate for the new believer to be reassured of the basis of salvation, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and other teachings essential to the young Christian. It is appropriate to need milk. Peter put it this way: "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation..." (1 Peter 2:2). We must make sure that milk is available for those that need it. The problem arises when we continue to provide only milk. At some point individuals must move from milk to meat. Christians must grow. If we don't move forward, we slip back. Large segments of the church are content with being milk bars. The call to the believer is to grow in faith. "Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:4). Why is it necessary to take meat? What does all this have to do with addictive and obsessive patterns of behavior? The author of Hebrews takes the position that it is only through taking in meat that we grow enough to be able to distinguish between good and evil. Addictive and obsessive behaviors are products of sinful thinking. We can only recognize our thought patterns as sinful when we compare them against the truths of Scripture. The young Christian may need a set of rules in order to know how to behave. Just as you had to supply clear rules for your young child, so the new believer too needs clear instruction in the basics of the Word. But, as your children grew, you wanted them to be able to make correct decisions based on what you had taught as they were growing up. They needed to be able to think for themselves if some day they were to stand on their own. So it must be with the believer. As we mature, we need to be able to examine our own behaviors and choices in light of Scripture. We are finally accountable to the Lord. It is a sign of maturity when the believer struggles with the Lord, depending on His word and the Holy Spirit for direction in all areas of life. Parents instruct children in Biblical standards. Mature individuals know for themselves, because of their training, how to distinguish right from wrong. The author is concerned that these believers must take meat, for only in this way will they be able to distinguish between good and evil. Through the receiving of truth, and the maturity of perspective, that we can come to recognize and deal with the addictive and compulsive behaviors of our life. As we come to understand the teaching of Scripture, with the clarity provided by the Spirit, we can find the way to break the chains of addiction. As believers, the potential for pattern breaking comes with our salvation. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17). But the wisdom and understanding how to accomplish this only comes with the time we spend with the Lord, looking to Him for understanding of His word. Now, how do these addictive and compulsive behaviors manifest themselves within the church? Mains identifies a few of these problems. The person who is chronically late teaches the same behavior to their children and practices this in the body. I am aware of one situation in a church where the decision to not start an outreach program was based on the need of one compulsively neat person to keep the church kitchen clean at all cost. If the church opened itself up to serving meals for the poor, the kitchen might get dirty, and that certainly couldn't be allowed. This individual was more concerned with protecting the facility than reaching the lost. He certainly wouldn't have seen it in that light, but that's what it came down to. Another problem is created by individuals who are compulsively negative. This behavior may also be demonstrated by chronic gossipers. Negative people constantly look at the downside of any issue. Without intending to they will always have something negative to say. Besides the fact these people are difficult to be around, they can also affect the overall spirit within the church. If we constantly hear nothing but negative statements, we can't help but become negative. So where does this leave us? If we have these patterns in our lives, it is unrealistic to think that we wouldn't bring them into the church. As a result, we must take two factors into consideration if we are to deal with compulsive and addictive behaviors. First, we must be willing to allow the Lord to work in our lives as individuals, helping us recognize and deal with our own patterns. "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts" (Psalm 139:23). We must take responsibility for our behaviors. Since we all want to be conformed to the image of Christ, we should be willing to take this step. Second, we must help one another grow and mature within the context of the family. Risk asking your prayer partner to help you recognize where you might be practicing some of these traits. If we are really struggling with serious problems of addictive patterns, we must be willing to seek help. Remember that it isn't a sin to be struggling. But we must be willing to deal with our issues and depend on the Lord to grow beyond them. Again, we don't want an atmosphere of condemnation. We want the church to be a place of mutual struggling, love and a desire to help each other. We need to pray to God for the same sensitivity that Christ modeled, not a desire to condemn, but a desire to heal. We are all in the same situation. If we don't care for each other, who will? The principle we need to bring from all this is not to be overwhelmed by our struggles. Instead, we should rejoice because we don't have to be bound to our past. We can rejoice because as Christians we can experience the freedom that the Lord desires for us. Let us depend on the Holy Spirit to give us a desire and the power to be conformed to the Father's will and Christ's example. * David Mains, HEALING THE DYSFUNCTIONAL CHURCH FAMILY, Victor Books, Wheaton IL, 1992, pg. 86. ** Ibid. p. 7 S.C.U.D. Warnings S.C.U.D. Warnings S piritual C ounterfeits U ndermining D octrine W A R N I N G S by Jerry Johnson -------------------------- August 3, 1992 Compressed Christianity Publishers 1 Quick Street New York, New York Dear Sirs; In light of the popularity of books like "The One Minute Manager" I had a great idea for a new book: "The One Minute Bible". You see, the premise is to make a Bible for really busy Christians who want to read the Word, but don't have the time. I figure I can condense each book of the Bible to be able to be read in one minute flat. This way a person can read through the Bible in 66 minutes... what a boon to Bible study! Here's a sample of what I mean from Exodus and Numbers, or Ex and Nu as we call them, starting with Ex 11: "After God killed all the firstborn, the Pharaoh called it quits and let the Israelites go. So Moses lead them to the Red Sea. And the Israelites whined. Then God parted the Sea, drowned the pursuing Egyptian Army, and Moses lead them to the Wilderness. And the Israelites whined. Then God gave them shade by day, a night light, clothes and shoes that would last for forty years and a free daily diet. And the Israelites whined. Moses went up Mt. Sinai to get the law from God. And the Israelites whined. God gave the people quail. And the Israelites whined. God healed the people when they viewed the bronze serpent on the rod. And the Israelites whined. God lead the Israelites to the promised land and the spies went over to view the land. And the Israelites whined. Well, what do you think? In a pinch we could really condense this section and just say the Israelites whined between the miracles. Let me know if you'd like to publish this...I think it would be a hit. Yours truly, Leonard Rush ---------------------- Whining between the miracles. I don't know about you, but that sure tends to be my pattern... and the pattern of a lot of believers I know. Big question is: Why do we do it? It's as if each time the Israelites, or us, hit a snag, it was assumed that the God that brought us this far may have forgotten about us, or decided we weren't worth the effort, or was just setting us up for some cosmic sized prank. Or maybe it's something more basic, like erroneous thinking on our part. Do I smell a S.C.U.D.? Sure enough. This one is so fundamental and so clearly laid out in scripture, it is amazing that we keep repeating the error of the Israelites. Come to think of it, they were just beginning to learn about God and Moses was writing the Pentateuch as they were going, while we have all of the Bible for a frame of reference for our world view. So maybe we have less of an excuse than the Israelites, but it sure doesn't stop us from whining as well as they did. Why did the Israelites whine? Well, check what they whined about: the Egyptian army's gonna kill us; we're gonna starve; we're gonna die of thirst; manna pancakes, manna sandwiches, manna a la manna...we're SICK of manna; it would be better to die in Egypt than out here; God's abandoned us, let's pick a god that really cares, is intelligent, dynamic and forceful...I got it! Let's worship a cow! Well, basically, they whined about anything and everything. But why? Let me bounce this hypothesis off of you and see what you think: They whined because they weren't convinced that God knew what was going to happen next and, therefore, he was as much at a loss for a solution as they were. They were wrong, of course. The Israelites would have coped much better, and we as believers would cope much better, if we would examine and believe a Biblical reality: God knows it all. Or, to be more seminarian-like, God is omniscient. "So this is supposed to change my life?" Yes. If we come to understand what omniscience means, it will change our life, honestly. "Prove it." I'll do my best. First, let me start with the premise that we cannot fully understand any of God's power attributes, such as omniscience, omnipotence or omnipresence... "Ah-ha, you're trying to wiggle out of explaining it." No, I'm trying to explain that my explanation is going to be weak compared to the reality, just as the painting of a beautiful person doesn't convey their wisdom or sense of humor. So here's my explanation: God knows everything. Period. Everything that we consider past, present or future is already known to him. That's why his prophecies are so accurate...to him it's a done deal. In II Peter 3:8 it says that to the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day. Now, granted, I've had work days that felt like a thousand years, but I do not believe this verse is merely a metaphor. It is my opinion, based on my understanding of scripture, that while we experience time in a linear fashion, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, that God is NOT subject to time, but that time is subject to God. "Whoa, this is getting to sound like either science fiction or some philosophical mumbo-jumbo." Scripture states that God is alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, and that all things were created by him. There was nothing that preexisted God, there is nothing that he is subject to...including time. We live in such a way that we don't know what's happening next because we are walking down a path and can see no farther ahead than our vision and position permit. God, on the other hand, resides above the path and cannot only see it in its entirety, but has also seen our entire trip on the path even though, to us, it seems like we're just starting out. Again, analogies about omni-anything are going to be flawed, but try this concept on for size. It is as if we are watching a movie while, simultaneously, being in it. We are experiencing it moment by moment, but God was the writer, producer, director and editor...he knows exactly what is going to happen and when. It's only a surprise to us. That's what the Israelites were freaking out about. They didn't understand that God knew about the difficulties they would encounter, what their reactions would be and what his solutions would be. God was fully prepared, but from their limited vision and position, they were in deep trouble and God was nowhere to be found. For some reason, this concept of God pre-knowing our lives has proved to be a hard pill for some to swallow. Some say that it takes away our free will for our choices to be foreknown. But that is no more true of God than saying that because you know what you did yesterday, you didn't have free choice yesterday. Pre-knowledge doesn't limit choices, it simply recognizes that they took place, be it in OUR past, present or future. I knew a group that took this concern to such an extreme that they believed that God "only knows what is knowable," therefore God had to wait until we make a decision before he could deal with it. This paints a picture of God as a cosmic catch up artist rushing feverishly to work with 4 billion people dropping new info in on him. Not omniscience, but omnistressed. "So God knows everything ahead of time, how is this concept supposed to change my life?" Romans 8:28 says that all things work for good (or God works all things to become good) for those who love the Lord and called according to his purpose. This is not pie-in-the-sky hope of someone scrambling to patch up major booboos. This is the assurance of an all powerful God who knew, thousands of years ago, exactly what and when ANY and EVERY event in your life would be, the effect it had, would have, will have on you and he had the solution warmed up and running long before the event. Yet again, the problem and the solution are usually surprises to us, NEVER to God. WARNING - THE NEXT STATEMENT IS GOING TO SOUND WEIRD UNTIL YOU READ THE EXPLANATION. God is never shocked or disappointed when we sin or fall. "Heresy...I hear heresy here!" I told you to wait for the explanation: First, to be "shocked" by something, it has to be unexpected. After all, when's the last time you were shocked when the light came on after flipping a wall switch that had always worked. You don't get surprised by the known. Second, we are "disappointed" when someone or something fails to live up to our expectations, such as when your brand new car dies on the freeway with only 400 miles on it. God KNOWS what we are going to do...he holds no false expectations. "OK, so you played word games...how is this supposed to change my life?" So much of our lives, and whining, is based on our perspective of not knowing how something is going to turn out. God not only knows how it is going to turn out, he's already implemented people and circumstances to redeem it for his use. "So, does this make our sin OK, since God was planning for it?" Does that make getting a broken arm OK just because we have the medical skill to deal with it? From our linear viewpoint it is always better to strive to live as Christlike a life as possible. From God's non-linear viewpoint, he's been prepared for centuries for the times he knew we would fail. We can quit panicking about whether or not the garbage that hits our life (much of it our own creation) is going to throw God for a loop. That's a lie that Satan has sold us so; 1) we won't trust in God's power and grace and 2) so we will get so wrapped up in guilt about shocking and disappointing God that we won't simply repent and move forward. Consider how much more energy, time, spark, creativity and resources the Israelites would have had, and we'd have, if all the energy that is dumped into worry and whining were available for God's glory. When we don't truly believe that God is doing his job, we tend to invest an incredible amount of worry, energy and time in trying to do it for him. He can do (already has done) the job. Honestly. Next time: Gracebusters Bible Quiz Bible Quiz God is using computers, faxes, television, radio and other unusual means to get His Word out to the world. He has always used unique method's to do things. Match what the Lord did in part 1 to how He did it in part 2. 1. Parted the waters of the Red Sea 2. Moved the stone at Jesus' tomb 3. Took Elijah to heaven 4. Spoke to Moses 5. Fed the Israelites 6. Changed Peter 7. Created the earth 8. Destroyed the world 9. Saved Jonah 10. Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah a) A burning bush b) Fire and Brimstone c) A flood d) A great fish e) Wind f) A sheet from heaven g) An angel h) His Word i) Manna from heaven j) Whirlwind Christian Life Department People Profile People Profile MORNING STAR Editor in Chief, Toby Trudel, conducted this interview with Larry Baker of Haines, Alaska. Larry has a very unique calling from the Lord - a Fax ministry - dedicated to helping the Jewish people return to their homeland in these last days as well as disseminating prayer needs and accurate news information direct from Israel to Christians around the world. Toby: What is your FAX ministry called and what prompted the idea? Larry: It's called "Zion's Trumpet". I began this ministry in the spring of 1990 after spending time in Israel. I'm a retired electrical engineer and was looking for something to do for the Lord using my technical skills. I had an electronics business in the Seattle area, sold it five years ago and moved to Alaska. After the visit to Israel and the breakout of the Gulf War I saw that the news about Israel being published in the world press, especially in the U.S., was quite biased as to what was really happening in Israel. The believers that I knew over here, take most of their input, knowingly or not, from the secular news media which is slanted quite obviously against Israel. I wanted the praying intercessors to have accurate information to add to their daily prayer requests. Toby: Can you share with us a little more detail on the background of this ministry and who you are in contact with in Israel? Larry: I met Eliyahu Ben Hain, who is a believer, on my first trip to Israel in 1990. He is head of "Intercessors for Israel" in Jerusalem. He was at the time publishing a faxed newsletter called "The Emergency Prayer Alert". It became very expensive for him to do this as most of the prayer groups he was sending to were outside of Israel, with at least half living in the U.S. The Lord put into my spirit the need for the praying believers of Israel to be connected to the rest of the church around the world. I saw a need to get information about what's going on in Israel, reported by Christians in Israel distributed to other Christians around the world without going through the secular news media. Over the next year I tried different configurations of fax technology that could do this. What I was looking for was building a fax system on a personal computer. A PC with a fax board in it. Toby: When did everything get rolling? Can you tell us of any instance where the prayer alerts really helped? Larry: We started transmitting prayer alerts from Israel in the spring of 1991. These were first sent to me by Eliyahu and soon many other people began sending them in. The first use of it where we hit a lot of traffic was when the boat sailed from Oddessa to Haifa in January 1992. This was a ship chartered by believers around the world to carry the Jewish people home from Oddessa in the Ukraine. This was a 525 foot ship which sailed from the Black Sea through the Bosporus straights into the Agean Sea and down through the Mediterranean to Haifa in Israel. Toby: What Christian groups were involved with this project? Larry: There was a group of many believers from many countries, organized by Steve Little of Exodus II, in the United States. There was another group on the European side which helped to organize called the "Ebenezer Emergency Fund" which is headed by Gustav Scheller from the U.K. Together they formed "Exodus Shipping Lines" which brought almost 1400 Jewish people home over the course of three separate trips. Toby: How did your Fax network come into play? Larry: This is something that had never been done before and it required a lot of intercessory prayer. Eliyahu was on the first trip. During this time we needed to keep the various prayer groups around the world informed as to what was going on. He would transmit messages to me in Alaska by way of radio telephone from the ship. We would take his information and transmit it to groups of believers in over 25 countries on a daily basis. These groups would in turn take the information and pass it on inside their own countries. Toby: That's incredible. Did all this prayer help with the expedition? Larry: That's the only way the boat got through. There was a lot of opposition to this journey. One time a very important prayer request came through from the boat to be passed on. The port authorities in Odessa did not want to process the Jewish people through so that they could get on the ship in. Within a period of a half hour after receiving that prayer alert here in Alaska, the power went out and the telephone system went out. When the telephone was restored the long distance carrier had major problems. I came down with a very "sudden" flu and one of my children got hurt. Everything finally worked out though. Toby: What is the status of your Fax ministry going into 1993? Larry: The fax system now acts as a delivery vehicle for prayer requests from believers around the world. There are now two facets to this. One is the actual transmission of a request for prayer where we send it out. The second is something called "Fax-on-demand". This allows you to go to your Fax machine, call a number and then you are led through a series of voice prompts where you answer questions by using the touch tone keys on your telephone. The requested documents are then faxed back to your machine. It's basically a 24 hour a day, seven day a week electronic library. Toby: Is this new Fax on demand system ready now? Larry: We will have this system available by the end of November 1992, somewhere around Thanksgiving. We are working the final 'bugs' out now. There will be two phone numbers to call. One is in Seattle, 206-562-1163. The other is in Alaska, 907-338-6346. These two numbers will both be tied in to the fax-on-demand network. Toby: What sort of material will be available on the network? Larry: I'm currently using the fax-on-demand network to distribute all the material from Christian Friends of Israel and about a half dozen other contributors. I will have all of their material going back about a year in time. I also will be carrying the newsletters from Steve Little and Gustav Scheller. There will also be periodicals available for people to select and retrieve to their faxes. Toby: Are you involved with any other special projects now? Larry: I'm travelling a lot right now back and forth to Russia involved with Exodus II. We believe that the Lord is preparing to open the highway from the Russian far east, through Alaska to Israel. They would come to Alaska then fly over the North Pole to Iceland then to Israel. We are looking to charter a plane from Khabarobsk, one of the far eastern cities in Russia. Toby: There are actually Jewish people way out there? Larry: Oh yes, they are there. The area we are working in is called Birobidzhan, the capital of the Jewish autonomous region in the Russian far east on the border with China. This is the area that Stalin gave the Jews to try to keep them from returning to Israel. He put it about as far away from Israel as he could. These people have never had a direct method of going back home until now. There is also a city called Magodan. This was a stalag prison city. In Stalin's time they would take boatloads of prisoners to this city and dump them there. The whole city was a prison. There is evidence that a good number of these were Jewish political prisoners. Officially, the Russian government today says that there are very few Jewish people in the east, but I don't believe that's the case. I think we are going to find that as much as 10 percent of the Jewish population that is left in Russia today come from the Russian far east. These people have an opportunity to come through Alaska. Magodan is only four hours away from Anchorage. Toby: How do these people know about your efforts? Are you advertising it somehow? Larry: Yes, we are working with one of the leaders of the Jewish community there. It's being done word of mouth. Toby: He doesn't mind working with a Christian group? Larry: Not at this point. We are the only way out. And they want to leave. Anti-semitism is on the rise even in the Russian far east. Also, the ones that are listening to what the Lord is saying are hearing the call to go home. However this is one of the most difficult regions for many of them to leave. These people have been essentially left alone since Stalin's time. They have businesses set up and for the most part are much better off than the Jewish people in western Russia. There is a tendency to not want to leave. However they are sitting right on the border area of China. This is right where there have been many Sino-Soviet border clashes in the past. If there is ever an escalation to war between Russia and China in these last days, they could be right in the middle of it. Toby: This seems like another major undertaking. Are the plans in place and finances there for it? Larry: We are hoping to charter a 747 soon and make a test run to work out the logistics. Lord willing, in November we should see our first flight of actual immigrants from the Russian far east to Israel. I'll be on that plane myself. At this point we need a little more than a half a million dollars to charter this. We had to have 10 percent for the signing of the contract and the Lord provided that. Toby: Where is the money coming from? Larry: A lot of places. We've even received very large donations from people who we hadn't even asked. We received one check for ten thousand dollars ($10,000) with only a scripture verse on it and a note saying "The Lord told me to send this to you." Toby: What should people do if they want to help out with this project? Larry: Anyone wishing to help for this ministry should send contributions to, "Exodus II - Four Corners Fund" to my Post Office box in Alaska. Toby: Could you explain what the term "Four Corners" means? Larry: Alaska is one of the "four corners" of the earth. Some of the translations of Revelation call the "uttermost parts" the "four corners". If you lay a map out and divide it by the international date line, Nome Alaska is the westernmost city in the world. The other corners are in New Zealand, Norway and South Africa. Toby: That's interesting. Aren't some of the strongest Christian pro-Israel groups in the world from those four areas? Larry: That's true and I don't think it's any accident! In 1989, a prayer group led by Steve Little went to the "Four Corners" of the earth. The Lord showed them first where these places were and why they were, and had them pray according to Revelation, that the angels would let loose the wind that had been held at the corners of the uttermost parts to work its way back toward Israel again. Nome Alaska was one of the places they went to. Toby: So what are you up to at this time? Larry: After this is done I plan on completing the final details for the Fax on demand network. We hope to have a way for people to electronically register for the prayer alerts to be sent to them. You could key in your fax number into the system so that whenever prayer alerts came out, they would be sent to your fax number automatically. We also hope one day to have a regular computer bulletin board that computers could call into to get this information as well. Right now however, you have to have a Fax or Fax-modem with a touch tone phone, and we are still in an interim stage. The information for the Fax on demand system is there, but the touch tone menus won't be in place until late November. People can write to me for instructions however, if they want to access the information before Thanksgiving. Eventually we hope to have Fax networks installed in several countries. There is one in Israel that is near completion. We are also looking at establishing networks in Sweden, the U.K., South Africa and New Zealand. We hope to link all of these together. These should be completed within the next year and each one will have the modems for future bulletin board capability installed. You can currently reach Larry Baker directly at his home fax number 907-766-3342 or at this address: P.O. Box 1033, Haines, Alaska, 99827. Ministry Profile Ministry Profile JEWISH VOICE BROADCASTS A chronicle of Jewish Voice Broadcasts, Inc. a worldwide outreach to the Jewish people with headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona, founded by Evangelist Louis Kaplan. "It was in December of 1966 that the Lord spoke to me very clearly regarding leaving the evangelistic field and starting a radio broadcast to the Jewish people. I had spent twenty years of my life as an evangelist, preaching to predominantly Gentile Christian Church audiences, and I liked it. Christians treated me well and the Lord gave me good results in the evangelistic ministry. To give it all up and start preaching to my own people was not really an attractive prospect." "God had shaken me out of my spiritual complacency as a successful Jewish real estate agent in New York City in 1948 when the state of Israel was re-established by a United Nations decree. That was when He sent me to preach repentance and proclaim the soon coming of the Lord. Now God revealed to me that He was soon going to revive His ancient covenant people spiritually and reveal to them their own longed-for Messiah whom the majority of the Jewish people have rejected for so long. To confirm that this call to a broadcasting ministry was really from God, the Lord revealed to me that a great prophetical event was soon going to take place. When I told it to some Christian businessmen in Phoenix, whom I tried to interest for a ministry to the Jewish people, they gave me the polite brush-off. Through His grace and the faithful support of one unknown elderly lady, God nevertheless enabled me to start one daily 15 minute radio broadcast in Phoenix in January of 1967. The prophetic event, that God spoke to me of when He called me to a Jewish ministry took place in June of 1967: The Old City of Jerusalem with the Temple area was conquered by the Jewish army for the first time in nearly 2000 years. God had revealed it to me six months before it happened! This gave much impetus to my ministry, and from one station in Phoenix, Arizona the Jewish Voice Broadcasts spread to every major city with a substantial Jewish population in the United States. We now broadcast messages on Israel and Bible prophecy and testimonies of Jewish people from all walks of life, businessmen, lawyers, doctors, artists, housewives, drug addicts, and college students, in daily 15 minute radio programs and on weekly half hour television shows across the nation and overseas. The broadcasts must be within the reach of every Jew on this earth before I can quit. The purpose of the programs is not only to reach the Jewish people with a message of atonement through faith in the living Messiah of Israel, but also to foster a love and concern for the Jewish people in Christians, and to teach them how to relate and witness to Jewish people. Anti-semitism and prejudice against the Jewish people have been broken down when Christians have repented of their attitudes and have learned to understand the Jewish mentality and why Jewish people have so emphatically rejected the Messiahship claims of Jesus. Over the years we have distributed thousands upon thousands of tracts, books, tapes, and records with Jewish testimonies, teaching on modern Israel and Bible prophecy, and biblical methods of how to introduce Jewish people to their Messiah. Jewish people listen to the broadcasts and write us requesting reading materials. Many Jewish believers are encouraged by learning the testimonies of other Jews and realize that they are not themselves a solitary phenomenon, but that God is moving on Jewish hearts all over the world revealing that Jesus of Nazareth is truly the Messiah. I am especially satisfied with the fact that both Jewish and Gentile believers have started outreaches to the Jewish people in their home towns inspired by Jewish Voice Broadcasts. Our efforts at reaching Jewish people all over the world at one time included weekly radio programs in six languages: Spanish, French, Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish and English. Our publication "We Have Found the Messiah" was translated into Spanish and distributed in Argentina. All the foreign language programs were presented by Messianic Jewish ministers. Witnessing In Israel For nine years Jewish Voice Broadcasts sent young Jewish and Gentile believers on short term Bible School and Witnessing trips to Israel. Besides witnessing, the purpose of the trips was also to help new Jewish believers identify as Jews and to recognize their obligations to their own land and people. We wanted to expose them to the fact of the physical rebirth of the state of Israel, and Israel to the spiritual new birth of American JewsÑall to the glory of God. The inclusion of non-Jews on the teams served the purpose of demonstrating the unity of the body of the Messiah, and young Christians received a new understanding of Israel and her people. Instruction was provided by two young and dedicated Messianic Jews, Elliot Klayman and Chuck Sugarman, and subjects included Elementary Hebrew, Jewish History and Tradition, Bible Prophesy, etc. The teams toured Israel in a minibus loaded with Bibles and gospel literature in many languages. Singing on a beach, a street corner or in a park they collected an audience and usually ended up spending a relaxed and friendly time speaking individually with those who were interested. The witnessing teams were housed in Jewish Voice youth center apartments which were located in Jerusalem, Eilat, Netanya and Nahariya. A 55 minute documentary film, "Comfort Ye My People", depicting the activities of such a team and the life of Jewish believers living in Israel was produced in 1976. LeChayim ("To Life") "When the Lord woke me up one early morning in 1977, and spoke to me for three hours about a national television ministry, I was overwhelmed with the immensity of the task, but a first Jewish Voice "Special" was nevertheless produced in 1978 and aired in October by two major Christian TV networks. Both networks offered us time for a regular weekly program and the offer was too good to pass up. Jewish Voice half hour telecast is now seen weekly in most of the heavily Jewish populated cities of the United States and in thousands of locations by cable TV via satellite. The response from Jewish people is encouraging. We receive letters from Jews whose curiosity, anger or spiritual hunger has been aroused, and trained phone counsellors stand ready to answer those who call the number on the screen. The TV outreach is expanded by the distribution of our programs on video cassette. We have signed a contract for daily one hour satellite to home programming, which is to commence in 1987, and the emphasis of the minis try and our best efforts are shifted more and more into the TV outreach, although radio remains an effective tool for teaching Christians to love the Jewish people and to participate in sharing the Messiah with them. A Printed Voice From the very beginning of broadcasting a monthly publication called Jewish Voice Prophetic Magazine was also part of the ministry. The magazine has grown to 16 pages and provides information, education and a point of contact for all our supporters, and especially those who do not have access to the radio and TV programs. Jewish Voice Messianic Center An office building located on 1832 E. Osborn Road in Phoenix was acquired in 1973 and out grown by 1977 when we bought five acres on 34th Street in North Phoenix. The present 7500 sq. ft. building called Jewish Voice Messianic Center was finished on the land in February of 1979. It consists of an auditorium and an office wing with control rooms for radio and TV. The auditorium is used by Phoenix Messianic Congregation, an affiliate of Jewish Voice Broadcasts which consists of Messianic Jews and Christians who cherish the biblical Jewish heritage and celebrate the divinely appointed Jewish Feasts. The local outreach to the Jewish people was first started in 1973 with a weekly bible study. Tours to Israel Since 1983 spring and fall tours to Israel have been sponsored by Jewish Voice Broadcasts, and hosted by Jewish Voice representatives. The emphasis of the tours is not only on visiting the sites of Bible events, but also on creating an under standing and love for modern Israel and Messianic Jews living there. Future Projects At this writing four acres of the land bought in 1977 are still undeveloped. My favorite future project is a Bible and Witnessing School. "As long as he sought the lord God made him to prosper." I can honestly say that God has never failed me when I have stepped out in faith and taken on new financial obligations in the ministry. The Lord has also given me a wonderful wife and a competent staff of office workers who back up the ministry in prayer. The letters from our viewers and listeners never fail to encourage me and I love these people very much. Our prayer warriors and financial backers might be unknown but they are the true heroes of Jewish Voice Broadcasts. Louis Kaplan Jewish Voice Broadcasts Inc. P.O. Box 6, Phoenix, Arizona 85001 Louis Kaplan's story is in this month's ANEE M'AMIN column. Education Education "HAVE YOUR CHILDREN EXPERIENCED THE GRACE OF GOD TODAY" The following is from the Christian School Comment newsletter written by Dr. Paul A. Kienel, Executive Director of the Association of Christian schools International based in La Mirada, California. Used by permission. The summer before my father died in 1940 my sister and I were living with a farm couple who were members of our father's church in Dufer, Oregon. We had stayed on several farms during our father's long struggle with tuberculosis. Much to my consternation our mother, Velma Grace Kienel, who is today still living and doing well, mailed two pair of sandals to Mr. and Mrs. Mack, the farm couple, with firm orders that my sister and I were to wear them around the farm. My sister, Jeanette, bless her, wore her sandals with no complaint. But because it was summertime, I was less than excited about wearing sandals or any other kind of shoes. It didn't take much time for me to come up with a scheme to get rid of them. Mid-morning, the day following the arrival of the sandals, I ambled down to my favorite spot, a tree shaded swimming hole fed by the most beautiful stream I had seen in my seven years. I had my new sandals on, of course. I climbed up and lay down on a wide log which stretched across the swimming hole. The cool shade was refreshing in the summer heat. I took my sandals off, laid them on the log and put my battered straw hat over my face. Through the holes in my hat, I could see four-winged dragonflies and some bees droning overhead. When I turned sideways on my log perch I could see crawdads or crayfish darting in and out of their dark hiding places at the bottom of the swimming hole. I tried to appear as "laid back" as possible should my sister or Mr. Mack witness what I was about to do. With my big toe, I slowly slid one of the sandals to the edge of the log. It tottered a bit then plopped to the water below and slowly drifted down to the crawdads in the dark waters of the swimming hole. I was confident my sandal would never be seen again. I "relaxed" on the log in my shady paradise until I heard Mrs. Mack's dinner bell at high noon. I raced up to the farmhouse carrying my one sandal with me. I knew Mrs. Mack wouldn't make me wear just one sandal. "Where is your other sandal?" Mrs. Mack asked. I began telling Mrs. Mack a lie about how I had lost it in one of the alfalfa fields. "Never mind," Mrs. Mack said, "Mr. Mack will go with you to look for it tomorrow morning when he goes back to the fields." Needless to say, I had some difficulty saying my prayers that night. In the night I was awakened by the sound of rain; torrential rain with lightning and thunder. Steamy and wet as it was the next morning Mr. Mack asked me to show him in the field where I had lost my sandal. We walked back and forth in the wet alfalfa. Of course, there was no sandal to be found. Finally giving up, Mr. Mack said, "Let's go see the damage the rainstorm has done along the creek." We walked downstream to where the swimming hole had been. To my amazement my favorite log perch had washed away. I looked into what was left of the swimming hole and my sandal was gone! We walked further downstream. We stepped over a log and to my utter amazement there was my sandal in the mud where it had washed ashore! Already feeling the weight of conviction for the lies I had been telling, I immediately confessed my wrongdoing to Mr. Mack. I pulled my sandal out of the muddy silt and headed for the farmhouse where I told Mrs. Mack the truthful account of what had happened. I vaguely recall the paddling later that evening from Mr. or Mrs. Mack but I clearly remember asking God during my evening prayers to forgive me for the sin I had committed. The release I felt knowing God had forgiven me was overwhelming. As a seven-year-old child, I experienced the grace of God! There is nothing in the world like it! Have your children experienced the grace of God today or in recent days? I am finding more and more that children and young people do not admit to wrongdoing or repent of wrongdoing because they are made to believe they have only "made bad choices." Sin, repentance, asking God to forgive sin and seeking restoration with God and man, are things that appear to be missing in the "Christian culture" of the nineties. Every culture in the world, including ours, must answer to God. The Apostle Paul writing to the Romans said, "But where sin abounds, grace did much more abound" (Romans 5:20). God's provision of grace, His forgiveness, and restoration works in our lives and in the lives of our children only when we acknowledge that "sin abounds." Bad choices often lead to sin. Sin must be acknowledged. It must be forgiven. Repentance and acceptance of forgiveness result in spiritual cleansing. Spiritual cleansing brings release from sin. Again, the Apostle Paul writing to Timothy wrote, "Thou, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus" (II Timothy 2:1). As a child I may not have understood the theological terminology having to do with God's grace but I experienced His grace. I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was seven. I knew I had to acknowledge my sin and repent of it. I felt guilt but then I felt the release from guilt when I accepted God's forgiveness. I also experienced forgiveness and restoration from those who cared for me. Therefore, the circle of God's grace was completed for me. Have you and your children experienced God's grace today? Grace is God's unmerited favor extended to each one of us. God's son, Jesus, came to earth, died and rose again to provide salvation for all of us. When we call upon God in sincere repentance, He forgives and restores us into fellowship. I close with this illustration. If you fly regularly on the airlines as I do, you know at the beginning of every flight a flight attendant explains the plane's safety procedure. The attendant demonstrates an oxygen mask which will automatically drop out of the ceiling of the plane should there be a loss of oxygen to the cabin. If that occurs you are to put a mask on yourself first, then on any children who are with you. The same pattern is true pertaining to the grace of God. Experience it yourself then carefully explain it to your children. It is even more essential than fresh air! Testimony Testimony "HELP ME, JESUS" A personal testimony of the greatness of God By Rev. Richard L. Corsini Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania It was 66 years ago when I repented and wept my way to Calvary's cross and received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Before that time I had no idea what my good friend Frank Maruso was talking about. I had visited him and told him that I had not seen him for quite some time and wondered why we were not getting together. I remember telling him that if he liked his new religion, he could keep it, but as far as I was concerned, I would wait until I became an old man and perhaps then decide to accept his kind of religious experience. I invited him to pay me a visit, and when he came I did not know what to expect. He looked happier than I'd ever seen him. As usual, I gladly offered him a cigarette and a glass of wine. He declined and that really surprised me because I knew he always enjoyed smoking and drinking wine. "What's the matter, Frank?" I asked. "You refuse my offer of hospitality. Does your new religion prohibit smoking and drinking?" "No," Frank replied, keeping his winsome smile. "It's just that the Lord has taken the desire for these things away from me." He tried to explain that he had received Jesus Christ as his Savior. I was outwardly resentful, yet inwardly touched by his words. Not long afterward I met a Czechoslovakian beauty by the name of Anna Somjak, and she received most of my attention. We were married on January 21, 1924 in New Brighton, Pennsylvania. I didn't see Frank again until 1926 when his mother told me that he was pastoring a church in West Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was on a Saturday evening when I went there. The worship service was held in a small home and the people were singing and glorifying God. Frank was conducting the worship service, and having not seen him for a long time, I was overwhelmed with joy. I rushed past the worshippers and embraced him. And he also embraced me. We stood in that position for a few moments with tears flowing down our cheeks. The congregation stopped singing and began praising God. I fell on my knees and remained in that position for quite some time as Jesus my Savior claimed me and saved my soul. The people embraced me in love. It was through this experience that I understood what Frank tried to explain to me when he was in my home. I went home and told Anna about my wonderful experience. She was sympathetic, but warned me not to tell my mother. I knew too, that she wouldn't understand. She had been a church member all her life but was never taught that salvation is received by faith in Jesus Christ and not by good works. It was on Sunday morning when I visited her and fully intended to keep quiet about receiving Christ. Before I realized it, however, with joy I was telling her all about my glorious experience. She reacted with a frenzy of protest so loudly that my father, who was upstairs, heard her, and came down and wanted to know what was going on. I didn't know what to do. The joy I'd tried to share had been rejected. I went back to my home nearby and fell to my knees. Being such a new Christian I did not know how to pray. Even so the words I uttered, while not eloquent, were adequate, and I have since used them often. "Help me, Jesus!" I cried over and over. Immediately I felt His peace. I knew then that with His help I would follow Him no matter what. Mother became so upset that she refused to speak to me for quite some time. In the meantime I was able to speak to my father about the Lord. This was surprising because he was an anarchist and a heavy drinker. One night sitting under the stars he scolded himself and said, "What a fool I've been all my life when I said there is no God." He felt God's presence and accepted Jesus Christ. Mother continued to be antagonistic. She made several attempts to persuade me to leave the way I had chosen. When she finally realized this wasn't going to change me, she came to my home and fell on her knees and embraced me, pleading with me to give up my "new religion". "You are the only son I have and you are breaking my heart." She said much more, but by this time my entire body was vibrating because I realized that now I was confronted with a crisis. A decision had to be made between Jesus and my mother. I finally said, "Please don't ask me to leave the way I have chosen, for in doing so I would be leaving Jesus. I would rather leave you, as much as I love you, than leave Him." Once again I went into the living room and fell on my knees and cried, "Help me, Jesus" over and over again. By this time my wife who had been impressed by the changes in me, received the Lord, and she joined my efforts to present God's plan of salvation to Mother. Being a Roman Catholic she was unable to fully understand the meaning between salvation by faith and grace alone without added deeds or works. She was basically a kind person. My wife and I would visit her quite frequently because she loved to be around the grandchildren. We were to provide her with seven. She didn't see them all, however, for she became a cancer victim and died at the age of fifty-five. Before she died, I told her, "Mum, it isn't religion that saves us. It's Jesus Christ." Her last words to me were, "I know, I know." My Father died in 1942 at the age of seventy. In 1928 I felt an inner urge to enter the ministry. I tried to dismiss it as just my imagination. My education was quite limited. With a family to support, it was impossible for me to attend a Bible School. I did not know how to read the Italian Bible. I went in my bedroom many times with the English Bible on one side of me and the Italian Bible on the other side. On bended knees I wept and sought the Lord, asking Him to help me to learn how to read the Italian Bible. In the early days of my conversion all the church services were conducted in the Italian language. My parents came to the U.S.A. at the turn of the century, and I was born in Butler, Pennsylvania. I have two living sisters and in our home we always spoke the English language. As time went on I studied and read the Bible through, also reading Christian history, theology and other worthwhile books. Time and time again I cried, asking Jesus to help me in my studies. Then, suddenly, I became ill. I spent about three months in bed, unable to open my fingers or move my legs. Faithful Christians came to my home to pray for me. I prayed, "Jesus, help me." One evening while the people were around the bed praying for me, I felt the power of God surging through my frail body. When the people arose from their knees my wife asked them if anyone opened the window or the door. The evening air was quite chilly. They all said, "No one opened the window or the door. Why do you ask?" She said, "When we were praying I felt a very cool air going all over me. In fact it was so forceful that I had to hold on to the bedstead to keep from falling." When the people heard this they said, "God has heard our prayers." The next morning I was able to extend my fingers and I could walk. Great is God's faithfulness. Working with Brother Thomas A. Tedeschi, we helped organize a church in Midland, Pennsylvania. From that beginning the Lord led us to a mission work, establishing churches in the mining towns of West Virginia. We were co-workers in Fairmont and Clarksburg, West Virginia. Together with my family we settled in Clarksburg where I pastored a church for nearly 20 years while still reaching out to the surrounding villages. In those days we didn't enjoy a salary. To help provide for my family I became a house painter on the side. Still there were times when we had nothing to eat. What little we did have did not last long. Anna and I decided to tell no one but God about our needs. Our cry was, "Help us, Jesus." He heard us and supplied what was needed. Farmers and miners would bring us vegetables, meat, and eggs. A grocer kept us in flour. But once, when I was not aware of it, our flour supply ran out. Anna and I did not tell the grocer, but when I was out visiting and witnessing, Anna in prayer, asked God to provide. After she prayed she heard someone knocking on the door. A brother from the congregation was there and said, "Sister Corsini, while I was taking a walk a few minutes ago something was telling me in my heart that you are in need of flour, so I thought I ought to stop and ask. "The Lord sent you!" Anna said. Through tears she told him that she'd just prayed for flour. An hour after he brought a bag of flour, the grocer came with two more twenty-five pound sacks. The grocer happened to be a very dear member of the church. In retrospect I wish to say that when Anna and I went on the home missions field in West Virginia, the so-called "American Dream" had already collapsed and the nation was faced with "The Great Depression". About seventeen million people were without jobs. Those were trying and difficult times, but the Lord kept encouraging us and blessing us as we reached out to the mining towns all around Clarksburg, setting up cottage groups for worship and Bible studies. In 1951 we moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania so I could devote my full time as secretary-treasurer for the Missions Department of the Christian Church of North America. Later I was elected Missions Director. I retired in 1969 and 26 years of joyful service. Today I am 89 years of age and by the grace and help that Jesus gives me I am still able to preach His Holy Word. I plan to keep at it as long as He gives me the strength and the wisdom to call, "Help me, Jesus." Anna went to be with Jesus on June 3, 1978. We were together for fifty-four and a half years. Our first two lovely daughters died suddenly, and our first son dropped dead with a massive heart attack. A grand-daughter became a cancer victim and died. I now live alone and yet not alone, because when I need Him to comfort me all I have to do is continue to utter my humble cry, "Help me, Jesus." He never fails. Praise and Prayer Praise and Prayer PRAISE AND PRAYER is our international prayer link column. Send your praise report or prayer request to MORNING STAR for publication in our next issue. Call on your brothers and sisters worldwide and together we will call on God! PRAISE REPORTS: We thank the Lord for Jerry in Illinois, who has recently accepted the Lord as Savior. Continue praying for him. David from Pennsylvania accepted the Lord as Savior and was delivered from alcoholism. Praise the Lord! Judy praises the Lord for watching over her family as they moved from Los Angeles, California to Dallas, Texas recently. Also their 13 year old daughter has adjusted so well at school and has made many new Christian friends already. Ray from Texas thanks the Lord for being with him during an auto accident recently. He struck a parked truck and his car flipped into the air and crashed upside down in the middle of the highway. Ray said that what was so wonderful about the whole thing is the peace that he had the whole time. "I knew that my Lord (Jesus) was right there with me!" Helen of Tennessee had brain surgery and was in a coma for a long time. But now she is walking with the help of a walker and talking. Praise the Lord! Rob in Pennsylvania thanks the Lord that his itchy rash has disappeared. Bill's mom got a clean bill of health! She is very appreciative of our prayers and wanted us to know how much it meant to her. Karen from Virginia was in the passenger seat when her daughter was driving her car and had an accident that totaled the car. But, praise the Lord, they both walked away. Karen developed a stiff neck but her daughter was not hurt at all. In the accident they were pushed across two lanes of traffic during rush hour. God was there with them! Abel's brother in law suffered a stroke 2 weeks ago. The doctors said he would probably not walk or talk again - He walked out of the hospital last Friday! Rob's Brother-in-law accepted Jesus last week. Ann had knee surgery last Thursday and it was a success. PRAYER REQUESTS: Pray for our Brother Ron and his AMMI Ministry. Ron ministers in the streets of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pray for a Pastor and his church in California that is going through a break-up due to the Pastor's divorce. Pray for Pat's pastor friend in Oregon who resigned after one year. Pray for all the people affected by Hurricane Andrew. Marion in Rhode Island fears death and has a terminal illness. Pray for her salvation and for God's will in her life. Pat in Oregon feels a void in his life. Pray for a closer walk and strength from the Lord. John wants a closer walk with the Lord. Pray that the position of Chief, in the Police Dept. at the VA Hospital in Texas, be filled by someone the Lord chooses. Pray for Elizabeth in Louisville, Kentucky, who is going through tests at the hospital. Pray for Rob and his wife as she is seeking to end their marriage. Pray also for her parents who need to know Christ as Lord. Madge has cirrhosis of the liver and asks for prayer for her family. Pray for a speedy recovery for Clara in Colorado who had carpal tunnel surgery recently. Michael asks us to pray for his first grandchild born Friday, named Ryan, that he may grow to know and serve the Lord. Pray for John in California who hurt his back a few years ago and is still in a lot of pain. Pray for a special sister who lost her twenty year old son who was ready to graduate with a law degree. Pray for Gilbert as he wants the courts to award him his children in order to bring them up in the ways of the Lord. Jerry White asks prayer for the family of his friend Dave who went to be with the Lord Friday morning. Dave led Jerry to the Lord 18 years ago. William from Virginia asks for prayer for a Christian friend who is living a non "Christian lifestyle" and needs lots of prayer. Pray for Pat from California who asks for the Lord's guidance in teaching a large group of young people in Sunday school. Danny from Texas needs our prayers concerning financial problems in connection with his schooling. Pray for Wayne from New Jersey as he travels to Guatemala in his Executive Ministry. Pray for Lee's grandmother Agnes Elliott from Rhode Island, age 76, who has Alzheimer's disease. Pray for the Lord's will in her life as this disease is advancing fairly rapidly. Remember her family and unsaved loved ones also. David would like to have prayer for his church situation in that they are now going to be looking for a new pastor. Pray for Dominic in California who is still in need of a job. Pray for Michael in California who also needs another job. Pray for our Sister Raylene in south Florida who is in dire need of money to move herself and her two children. Continue to pray for Don and his wife who are considering a divorce. Pray also for the wife and her parents so that they may come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Pray for John, a pastor who is encountering family problems, and for his parents who do not know the Lord. Pray for Liza who is starting a new job after recovering from surgery. She needs the Lord's help getting her strength back. Pray for Ben in Florida who needs a job. Pray for Ruth in Tennessee who had a stroke and is in the hospital. Pray for Si in Pennsylvania who desires a closer walk with the Lord. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6) CFI Reports CFI Reports CFI REPORTS is our monthly column dedicated to the ministries of CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL in Jerusalem. Our October 1991 issue of MORNING STAR (Volume 1.1) presented a summary of the various CFI ministries and explained the foundational principles and objectives of CFI. In this issue, we feature the September "Watchman's Prayer Letter" from CFI in Jerusalem. We remind all of our readers ... "Sha'alu shalom Yerushalayim" - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! (Psalm 122:6) WATCHMAN'S PRAYER LETTER - September 1992 Millenniums ago, the Prophet Isaiah saw the necessity of continual prayer for Jerusalem (Isaiah 62:6,7). The Lord taught His Disciples that prayer is essential to the building of God's Kingdom (Matthew 6:10. We also note that in the days of Joash, king of Judah, none went into the House of the Lord, except the Priests and Levites, but all the people kept the Watch of the Lord. (II Chronicles 23: 6). Israel is mentioned almost daily in the world media. If the Land of Israel and Jerusalem is at the heart of world controversy and debate in the present "peace" process, then it is nothing to what lies ahead. The Land and Jerusalem will continue to be the hottest issue in the middle East as dark underlying spiritual forces array against her. Because of the extraordinary stage of history we are entering into, we who keep the Watch of the Lord for Israel today, need to be real participants, not merely observers in the important work of prayer for Israel. As ancient writings of the Hebrew Prophets leap onto our 20th Century stage, we must understand the times we are living in and continue to pray. The bloodshed of abortion is defiling the Land. This serious problem has destroyed more than 1,000,000 precious Israeli babies since 1948. More than 1 out of 3 Israeli pregnancies end in abortion as well as free-of-charge abortions being provided to women in the Israel Defense Forces. TRAVAIL for an end to the defiling violence of abortion in Israel by praying for a fear of the Lord and accountability to the God of Israel. "So ye shall not pollute the land where ye are: for blood it defileth the land ... " (Numbers 35::3; Leviticus 18:27-29; Deuteronomy 20:18). PLEAD for the people to repent and return to the Lord God of Israel for the shedding of innocent blood of babies with humble and responsive hearts that will love righteousness. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Israel so they can successfully tear down the strongholds of Molech that is robbing the nation of the blessing of children. (Genesis 33:5; Leviticus 18:21; 20:2-3; Jeremiah 32:35). PRAY for an army of intercessors and watchmen who will take up their positions on the Wall of Prayer to fight the Goliath of abortion victoriously through to the end. (Isaiah 52:8) The time of fishers is almost over, the hunters are appearing more and more and Jewish people are coming home to Israel as they respond to the shofar call of danger now being sounded by many community rabbis to Ògo to Israel nowÓ. Recently 100 Jews from the battle zones of Bosnia Herzegovina arrived in Israel. Some 33 Jews from Sarajevo will arrive soon and an additional 500 still remain there. Meanwhile, 213 immigrants from the Moslem republics of Tadjikistan, Uzebekhistan and Khazakhstan arrived in Israel recently. We need to thank the Lord for all who have safely arrived and pray through thoroughly for the many who still remain outside of the Land. As a Jew, Jesus understands the shofar signals which herald His Soon Coming. PREVAIL WITH GOD for the successful rescue planned by the Jewish Agency to bring the entire 1,000 member Jewish community of Abkhazia to Israel. The entire area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Seas are engulfed in ethnic conflicts and strife. Pray the Lord God of Israel save and deliver them In out of the hands of those causing harm. "And all the people were at strife throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying the king saved us out of the hand of our enemies, and he delivered us ...". (II Samuel 19:9). PRAY for the safe passage of the Jewish Ghetto of Grasnia-Slabada in the Azerbaijani town of Kobe as they ready to depart . This ancient community left Israel after the destruction of the Second Temple. May God's providence and protection be acknowledged all the way to safety in Israel. "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee: yea, I will help thee ..." (Isaiah 41:10). PRAY for the European Russian, Bukharan and mountain Jew living in the region of ethnic strife near Azerbaijan. May they come to Israel shortly and with speed. "And He will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly." ( Isaiah 5:26). REJOICE in the Lord for the Great Shepherd of Israel seeking out His flock and returning them to Israel. Since December 1989, 368,061 have come from the Commonwealth of States and 417, 089 from the whole world. From August 1-16, 1992, 1,986 came from the former Soviet Union with 2,668 from the nations. Pray that all will heed the inner call to come home. "As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in that day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered ...". (Ezekiel 34:12). As the Jewish people return home, satan will attempt to prevent this restoration. Because of Syria's recent test-firing of two-Scud-3 medium range ground-to-ground missiles, the Israeli Foreign Minister and acting Prime Minister Shimon Peres said "the testing has very grave implications of Syria's intentions". KEEP A WATCH closely in prayer for the Israel Defense Forces to remain vigilant for any shadow of danger lurking over Israel during the current "peace" negotiations. May Israel always be in the shadow of God's hand and hidden in His quiver. "And he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand hath He hid me ... in His quiver hath He hid me." ( Isaiah 49:2). PRAY that the above Scripture from Isaiah's pen, "... He hath made my mouth like a sharp sword ..." take hold in the ears of the Syrians. Deputy Defense Minister Gur said recently "as soon as they (Syria) launch a missile against us, we can move to Damascus", "the Syrians know that if war breaks out they will suffer heavy blows" and "Syria will be totally paralyzed'. May these statements be like a sharp sword in the Hand of the Lord to cause the people to fear the Lord God of Israel who guards this tiny nation. "That all the people of the earth might know the Hand of the Lord, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the Lord your God for ever." (Joshua 4:24). PRAISE THE LORD for IsraelÕs preparation of medical supplies to the residents o war torn Ujistech in the Commonwealth of States and for her response of good will and help at this time. Also a praise report for a new discovery in Israel shedding light on a tomb that seems to have held the remains of Caiaphas, the Second Temple High Priest who tried Jesus. Obviously, this substantiates even more the evidence of the Bible's accuracy and brings alive an important piece of history in Israel. "But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night" (Psalm 1:2). (John 18:24). Let us continually give ourselves to intercession as many things are accomplished through prayer. Let us continue to be thankful that the prayer of the upright is the delight of the Lord. Without any anxiety, let us make our requests for Israel known unto the Lord and in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving in His Mighty Name. From the City destined to be called "the throne of the Lord" (Jeremiah 3-17) - Sharon Sanders, Jerusalem Music Column Music Column MEDIA, MUSIC, AND THE MESSAGE The Good News & the Bad News By Gary Driskell Word Records Nashville, Tennessee Not too long ago an elderly man asked me what I thought I might have done with my life had I been born more than half a century ago. About all I could suppose at the time was that I'd have probably been a carpenter, a farmer, or perhaps a minister. I also confessed that I'd probably have had much different goals, none of them having to do with music. I really wanted to say that I'd quite likely have been bored to tears. My reasoning was sound, I thought. After all, very few people were making a living in the music business 100 years ago. That might not have been such a big deal to me either if I knew I could still flip in a CD now and then. But what in the world did people do for entertainment? How could a person get to and from work without the company of his favorite disk jockey? What happens in a house void of TVs, VCRs, stereos, computers, and electronic instruments? As the conversation went a different direction, I whispered a short little prayer thanking God that I had been born in the latter half of the century of high-technology communications. But then, a few days later, I caught myself enjoying reruns of The Waltons, and Little House on the Prairie, and I had to reevaluate. Could life really have been as simple and yet fulfilling as all that? It prompted the question, "Have technological advancements really made life easier and more enjoyable, or have they only stressed us out? And, on the home front, is evangelism and the body of Christ better or worse served having paralleled the world's approach in the area of music?" Well, the answer, of course, lies not in differentiating between good and bad technology (there are perhaps no advancements that are inherently good or bad). The good and bad of it comes into play only after a decision has been made as to in what manner and by whom such methods will be employed. Certainly much evangelical good has come about due to the implementation of records, tapes, electronic instruments, etc. within the church. Music is of a much higher and moving quality than ever before. More people are able to find a comfortable and meaningful place within this type of church outreach. Budget committees are now able to consider spending only a few thousand dollars on electronic instruments that can realistically simulate traditional church worship sounds (along with a wide variety of other sounds), rather than spend a quarter of a million or more on a huge pipe organ. Nearly every church today is adequately equipped with a public address system, and at least one or two capable and appealing performers, in addition to several other choirs and ensembles. In fact, today's thriving churches generally owe much of their growth to a thriving music ministry of some kind. And the Christian music industry provides an enjoyable alternative to concert going and music listening. Because demand has created a marketplace for them, talents like Sandi Patti, Michael W. Smith, and Petra are able to concentrate full-time on improving their God-given abilities, and we in turn find it enjoyable to appreciate and praise God for having blest them with such wonderful gifts. In turn, tens of thousands of people are now able to earn all or at least a portion of their living in Christian music as artists, instrumentalists, sound engineers, booking agents, managers, producers, disk jockeys, publishers, A & R directors, retailers, salesmen, etc., etc.. The greatest news is, in a nut shell, by the year 2000 it could very well be that every person on the face of the earth has had an opportunity to hear the gospel message presented in some fashion or form, not the least of which will certainly have been through music; mostly due to these technological advancements in communications that have opened doors unimagined only 50 to 75 years ago. But (you knew I was coming to this), the news is not all good. One of the grand paradoxes of life is that any of a society's (or a person's) greatest strengths all have the potential, if abused, to become its greatest weakness. Such is, sadly, the looming potential with Christian music now that it has been combined with high-technology communications. Think about it. More and more, people seem to attend the church that is the most entertaining rather than the most ministering; because most of us, to some extent without realizing it, get excited and emotional (in other words, consider ourselves ministered to) according to innovative presentation and pleasurable sounds rather than according to what is said through the conviction and/or comfort of the Holy Spirit. Staff members seem to be preoccupied with numbers and sizes of ministries (TV, radio, tapes, etc.) rather than with the personal lives of the individuals that are being reached. Some actually become depressed and get out of the ministry altogether when doors connected to the media do not readily open. Perhaps the worst tragedy has evolved by way of the Christian Music Industry; by that I refer to the very gospel record companies, radio stations, and retail outlets to which I personally am indebted. Within the church there is usually a large degree of education and doctrinal accountability required before one is allowed to take the platform on a regular basis, thereby irretrievably becoming an example and an influence to others on their own spiritual journey. Even so, many still disappoint. But to those in the business of selling Christianity for profit, profit is the larger measuring stick according to which artists, writers, and others in the spotlight are held accountable. Because of this we now have a host of bright young starry-eyed talent marketed as ministers of the gospel and set up as examples who are ill-equipped for the challenge and responsibility that necessarily comes with such positions of authority. And they are now falling like hair out of this 35-year-old industry's head. And we stand around shocked and surprised because we assumed these people knew what they were singing about, were called to sing about it, and were prepared to walk the talk. The falling (or perceived falling) of several highly regarded persons in the Christian Music Industry over the last several years has and will continue to have a devastating impact on many people. There also seems to be a handful of persons in every congregation now that have their sights set on making a living in this same Christian music industry; assuming that since God called them (or gave them an obvious gift), He now owes them a living at it if He expects them to pursue that calling with any vigor. And so, disappointment and confusion abounds here also. And another area of concern, is how Christians are now much more habitual about listening to tapes and CDs, and inadvertently memorizing the lyrics of their favorite CCM artist than they are about reading the Bible and hiding God's Holy Word in their hearts. Granted, that realization keeps writers like me much more accountable when we put pen to paper, but the bottom line is, there are no guarantees about MY words when you need a promise, sword or shield; only God's. What are the answers? Well, to the person scouting around for the right church, the answer lies somewhere in the realization that a church is supposed to be the place where a Christian finds fellowship, serves, and worships. It is not to be yet another extension of Hollywood. To the staff member, perhaps the answer simply lies in humility and servanthood, rather than renown and glory. To the Christian artist, the answer is in accountability, and being prepared and equipped to live the life represented by the ministry. To the musician called of God, the answer lies in remembering that God was calling people long before there was a marketplace and will continue calling long after such windows close. He expects us to do as He asks, regardless of the monetary payback. And to the rest of us, the answer lies in keeping our eyes on Jesus, not on whoever seems to have stepped into the spotlight. Simple answers, but difficult to remember and harder still to employ. Yet, if somehow the Christian community could manage it by keeping its eyes off the world, modern technology could then wholly and completely be used to the one good purpose for which all things ought to be used; to glorify God. The way things are, however, I'm not sure (considering all the distractions) that I might not have been better off on my race toward the prize, having been born a half a century ago. Chef's Corner Chef's Corner CRANBERRIES ... CRANBERRIES ... CRANBERRIES Freeze fresh cranberries in plastic bags and use any time of year. It is not necessary to thaw the berries ... just pour out as many as you need, rinse-drain, and they are ready to be cooked or chopped. CRANBERRY SAUCE Combine 2 cups cranberries, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup cold water. Stir constantly and boil rapidly until berries pop open (about 5 minutes). Cool. Yield: 8 servings. ALMOND-CRANBERRY SAUCE Spread 1/3 cup whole blanched almonds in shallow pan. Bake in 350 degree F. oven for 5 minutes. Split into halves with knife. Combine 2 cups sugar and 1 cup water in saucepan; bring to a boil over medium heat without stirring. Cook for 5 minutes. Add 1 pound cranberries to sugar syrup. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until cranberries pop. Remove from heat; stir in 1/2 cup apricot jam and 1/4 cup lemon juice. Chill sauce; stir in almonds. Yield: 10 servings. SPICY CRANAPPLE Wash and dry 6 firm, red, tart baking apples. Scoop out the core from the top. Combine 1 1/2 cups cranberry sauce, 1 tsp. nutmeg, 1 cup brown sugar, and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Fill the apples with this mixture and top each with a small piece of butter. Bake at 375 degrees F. for 30 minutes or until soft. Yield: 6 servings. CRANBERRY PUNCH 1 qt. cranberry juice, 6 oz. can frozen orange juice concentrate, 6 oz. lemonade concentrate, 2 cups water, 2 qts. ginger ale, chilled, and orange slices for garnish. Mix all ingredients except ginger ale. Add ginger ale just before serving. Yield: 20 servings. CRANBERRY SALAD Combine one pound fresh cranberries and 2 cups water in saucepan; cook until cranberries pop and are softened. Stir in 2 cups sugar; bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Dissolve 2 small pkg. lemon gelatin in hot mixture; cool slightly. Add 1 cup diced celery, 1 cup seeded red grapes, 1 cup chopped nuts, and 1 cup drained crushed pineapple. Mix well. Turn into greased mold; chill until firm. Unmold salad onto bed of lettuce; serve with salad dressing. Yield: 10 servings. CRANBERRY FLUFF Grind one pound fresh uncooked cranberries. Add 2 cups miniature marshmallows and 3/4 cup sugar. Chill overnight. Add 1 cup diced apples, 1 cup seedless green grapes (or remove seeds from red Tokay grapes), 1/2 cup chopped nuts, and 1 carton (9 oz.) whipped topping. Yield: 10 servings. HAM LOAF ALA CRANBERRIES Combine 1 1/2 pounds ground ham, 1/2 pound ground pork, 3 slices bread, 1/4 cup milk, 1 egg, beaten, 1/4 cup chopped onion, and dash of pepper. Press into 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 x 2 1/2-inch loaf dish; then turn out into shallow baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 1 1/2 hours. Meanwhile, prepare sauce by combining in a saucepan: 3 tablespoons cornstarch, 1/2 cup orange juice, 1 cup cranberry sauce, and dash of cloves. Cook quickly, stirring constantly. Stir in 1 cup cranberry juice and bring to a boil. Baste ham with sauce several times during the last 15 minutes of baking. Pass remaining sauce. Yield: 8 servings. (The sauce is delicious on baked ham also.) CRANBERRY HAM Combine 4 cups bread cubes, 1 cup honey, 1 cup cranberry sauce, 1 cup chopped pecans, 1 cup raisins, and 1 cup chopped citron; mix well. One 10 to 12-lb. ham, boned; place bread mixture in ham pocket; sew opening shut. Wrap ham in foil; place in baking pan. Bake at 300 degrees F. for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Unwrap ham; score fat. Spread with 3/4 cup brown sugar; stud with whole cloves. Cover loosely with foil; bake for 2 hours and 15 minutes. Uncover; bake for about 15 minutes longer. CRANBERRY FONDUE FOR HAM OR CHICKEN Blend 1/2 cup orange juice and 1 tablespoon cornstarch. Add 2 cups cranberry sauce, 1 tablespoon brown sugar, and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Cook, stirring constantly, till thickened. Cut ham or chicken in cubes. Keep sauce warm in fondue pot. CRANAPPLE SQUASH Cut 4 small acorn squash in half lengthwise and remove seeds. Place cut side down in a 13x9x2-inch pan. Bake 35 minutes in 350 degree F. oven. Turn cut side up and sprinkle lightly with salt. Combine 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 cup chopped unpared apple, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 cup chopped cranberries, and 1 orange, peeled and diced. Fill squash with this mixture and continue baking 25 minutes till squash is tender. Yield: 8 servings. CRANBERRY-RAISIN PIE Chop together: 2 cups cranberries and 1 cup raisins. Add: 1 tsp. butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. cornstarch and 1 tsp. vanilla. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour into a 9 inch pie pan which is lined with your favorite pie crust. Top with crust cut into strips and laid lattice-like over the pie. Bake in 475 degree F. oven for 15 minutes. Reduce the heat to 375 degrees F. for 35 minutes longer. Yield: 6 servings. SPICY WALNUT MERINGUE SHELLS Beat 3 egg whites with 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar and 1/8 tsp. salt in a medium-sized deep bowl until soft peaks form. Beat in 1 cup sugar gradually, about 2 tablespoons at a time, until meringue stands in stiff glossy peaks. Beat in 1/2 tsp. cinnamon with last 1/4 cup sugar. Fold in 1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts gently. Pile meringue in lightly greased 9 or 10-inch pie plate. Spread over bottom and up side to form crust. Bottom of shell should be about 1/4 inch thick, side about 1 inch. Bake at 275 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes, until light tan in color. Turn oven off; leave meringue in oven to cool with door closed. Meringue will crack and fall in center; press center lightly to level before filling. Individual meringue shells may be made by spooning meringue into 8 mounds on lightly greased baking sheet. Shape with spoon into shells, piling up sides. Bake as directed for pie shell allowing 45 minutes for individual shells. Fill with Chiffon Cranberry Filling. CHIFFON CRANBERRY FILLING Press 1 cup whole cranberry sauce through sieve. Soften 1 1/2 envelopes unflavored gelatin in 2 tablespoons water. Add 2/3 cup sugar and cranberry sauce. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat; cool. Chill until mixture begins to thicken. Beat 2 egg whites, 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar, and 1/8 tsp. salt together until soft peaks form. Beat in an additional 1/3 cup sugar to form meringue. Beat 1 cup whipping cream until stiff. Fold meringue and whipped cream into cranberry filling. Add several drops of red food coloring. Turn into cooled meringue shell; chill until firm. Garnish with walnut halves and cranberries. Yield: 6-8 servings. CRANBERRY SAUCE CAKE AND FROSTING Reserve 1/4 cup cranberry sauce from a 1 pound can for frosting. Sift 3 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 2 tsp. baking soda, and 1 tsp. salt together into large bowl; add remaining cranberry sauce, 1 cup mayonnaise, and grated rind of 1 orange. Mix well; stir in 1/2 cup orange juice and 1 cup chopped nuts (nuts are optional). Pour into greased waxed paper-lined 9-inch tube pan. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Remove cake from pan; place on rack. Combine reserved cranberry sauce, 3 tablespoons margarine, and 2 cups confectioners' sugar; beat until creamy. Frost cake. CRANBERRY BUTTER Combine one pound fresh cranberries, 2/3 cup water, and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar in saucepan. Boil 5 minutes. Cool. Puree mixture in processor, blender or food mill. Return to saucepan. Stir in 2 cups packed light brown sugar, 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. pepper, 1/4 tsp. allspice, and 1/4 tsp. nutmeg. Simmer 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in 2 tablespoons butter. Pour mixture into bowl. Cover. Chill. Serve as accompaniment to meat or poultry. CANNED CRANBERRIES Mix 2 cups sugar with 2 cups water and bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Add 1 pound fresh cranberries and cook, stirring constantly, for approximately 5 minutes or until cranberries quit popping. Pour into hot canning jars and screw on hot canning lids. Store on shelf. Yield: 2 1/2 pints. CRANBERRY FRUIT TORTE Blend 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs and 1/4 cup melted butter together; press into 9 x 13-inch cake pan. Combine 1 cup peeled ground apple, 1 cup ground cranberries, 1 cup crushed pineapple, drained, and 1 cup sugar; let stand for 20 minutes. Cream 1/2 cup butter, 1 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar and 1 egg until fluffy; spread over crumb crust. Add fruit layer. Whip 1 cup whipping cream; add 1 tsp. vanilla and sugar to taste. Spread over fruit layer. Refrigerate for 12 to 14 hours. Cut into squares to serve. Yield: 12 servings. CRANBERRY COOKIES Cream 1/2 cup margarine, 1 cup sugar, and 3/4 cup brown sugar. Mix together and add to creamed mixture 1/4 cup milk, 2 tablespoons orange juice, and 1 egg. Sift together and add 3 1/2 cups flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1/4 tsp. baking soda, and 1/2 tsp. salt. Mix well. Add 1 cup chopped nuts and 2 1/2 cups chopped cranberries. Drop from teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees F. for 10 to 15 minutes. Yield: 4 dozen. Potpourri Potpourri WHAT GOD DOES FOR ME By Dale E. Strand Dublin, California A Abides, Anoints, Answers B Blesses C Counsels, cares D Delivers E Encourages, Establishes, Enlightens F Forgives, Feeds G Girds, Gives Grace H Helps, Honors, Heals, Hovers over I Instructs J Judges, Justifies K Keeps L Loves M Meets, Moves, (has) Mercy, (is) Mighty (in me) N Nurtures O Opens (my eyes/mind) P Protects, Prospers, (gives me) Peace Q Quickens R Renews, Restores, Refreshes, Revives S Strengthens, Shepherds T Transforms, Turns, Teaches U Uses, Understands V Values, Visits W Warns, Watches X X-amines, X-alts Y (Breaks the) Yoke Z (Fills me with) Zeal CAUTION: TOXIC WASTE Toxic waste is a hot issue! There are chemical poisons in the air, water and soil. And we're not sure what's safe. You see, it only takes minute amounts for some chemicals to kill. Sometimes it takes a few years or weeks for you to know you got a deadly dose. One deliberate "dumping" could contaminate the water supply. One careless spill could seep through the ground and make the crops inedible. One unregulated factory could spew enough gasses to make breathing dangerous. Well, we can't stop drinking, eating and breathing. But ... if we could get rid of the most lethal toxic waste of all, it could do more for our health then Ralph Nader. This toxic waste is like dioxin, only worse. It's called SIN. It's everywhere and it makes even the nicest people irritable, and sometimes downright ugly. Because we are all contaminated with sin, we are separated from God, who can only live in a clean environment. It only takes a small amount of sin (just like dioxin) to make us unsuitable. Even our good deeds aren't good enough. (Isaiah 64:6) But God wants us to live with Him so much that He sent His son, Y'shua (Jesus) to clean up the toxic waste of sin in our lives. Instead of being CONDEMNED by the Board of Spiritual health ... We are offered Eternal Life! "For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." (John 3:17) Y'shua has the only fool-proof clean-up method available. "I am the way, the truth and the life; No man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6) The world cries ... "It's time for change." The Spirit cries ... "Return to God." "Contend for the faith." "Work together ... in the power of the Spirit." Our great need is not MORE KNOWLEDGE, but rather to put INTO PRACTICE what we already know. OBEDIENCE is better than SACRIFICE. My Lord knows the way through the wilderness. All I have to do is follow. Resource Area Software Reviews Software Reviews SOFTWARE REVIEWS THE BIBLE LIBRARY (tm) CD-ROM DISC Available from: Ellis Enterprises Incorporated 3228 South Boulevard, Suite 343 Edmond, OK 73013 (405) 235-7660 Review by Steve Paulovich The Bible Library is a collection of Bible versions and reference works on a CD-ROM (Compact Disk - Read Only Memory) disc from Ellis Enterprises for the IBM-PC and compatible line of personal computers. "Not since Gutenberg printed the first Bible has there been available for the minister, teacher, and layman a Bible study tool as comprehensive, powerful and fun to use as The Bible Library (tm) CD-ROM disc." "The 29 titles plus the concordances on the disc are equivalent to 134,000 pages weighing over 1,400 pounds.... The cost of the data in print would be over $1,400. If the over 268 megabytes of data were made available on 747 floppy disks the cost would exceed $6,000." That's what the User's Guide introduction says. This single CD-ROM contains the following: American Standard Version King James Version Living Bible New International Version New King James Version Revised Standard Version Simple English Bible New Testament Transliteration (Romanized Greek) Literal Translation - linked to Strong's Numbers Easton, Bible Dictionary Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah Elwell, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology Gray, Home Bible Study Commentary Harris, Theological Word Book of the Old Testament Henry, Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible MicroBible Osbeck's, 101 Hymn Stories Ritchie, Sermon Outlines Strong's Greek and Hebrew Dictionary Vine's New Testament Expository Dictionary Vine's Old Testament Expository Dictionary As individual books, these would make an extremely useful Bible study collection. The benefit of having these works on a computer is that Ellis Enterprises has included a powerful query system to search individual books or whole collections simultaneously. Queries can be saved for future use, and the results can be viewed on the screen, output directly to a printer, or captured in a text file. The Bible Library requires: - an IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 personal computer or compatible with 640KB of RAM. - a hard disk drive - a CD-ROM drive, along with the MSCDEX driver. - MS-DOS 3.1 or higher _____________________________________________________________________ BIBLESOFT PC STUDY BIBLE (Version 3.0) Manufacturer: Biblesoft 22014 7th Ave. So. Seattle, WA 98198 (206) 824-0547 Review by Walter Bauer I purchased BibleSoft about two years ago after I tried out their demo disk. Biblesoft will send you a demo disk for a small fee. It is a working version of the full package and will allow you to try out the various aspects of it to help you decide if you want to buy it or not. Biblesoft comes with several bible versions plus other added features on their new version. You can add on a greek-hebrew dictionary, naves topical bible, Vines dictionary, as well as several other add on products. Biblesoft allows you to utilize a built in word processor to write your sermons or bible studies. You can use the pull down menus to add in scriptures where you want them while compiling your sermon or bible lesson. You can also export the file so that you could use it in another word processor. What is neat about this feature is that while you are typing out your sermon or bible study you only need to type in the book you want (abbreviated format), the chapter and verse. By utilizing the pull down menu you can insert that scripture or scriptures into that part of your document. After inserting it you can continue your notes as before or if you change your mind you can easily erase it. Biblesoft also comes with a concordance. Biblesoft can search the whole bible in a manner of seconds. This is a great tool for doing word studies or for finding a particular scripture based on a word or phrase. Features allow you to copy the selected verse right into your document. All of the add on modules work right from the main menu or can be accessed from other parts of the program. It works so well together that you can easily work up your sermon or Sunday School lessons in a manner of minutes. Biblesoft also allows you to send the document to your favorite printer so that you have a hard copy to take with you. The add ON's continue to work even when their is a upgrade.. This is very convenient for you the end user as your cost for maintaining a quality program is kept to a minimum. You can purchase PC BibleSoft right from them or from many computer store outlets. I have even seen it sold in Sam's Wholesale Club for a very reasonable price. Newsdesk Newsdesk MORNING STAR NEWSDESK - SEPTEMBER 1992 BOY SCOUTS LOSE SECOND ROUND TO ATHEIST An atheist who doesn't want his twin boys vowing to perform their "duty to God" won a discrimination lawsuit against the Orange County (CA) council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), but council officials say the BSA will appeal the decision. It was the first major membership challenge the BSA has lost in court. James Randall of Anaheim Hills and his sons sued the BSA last year because the boys were dismissed from their Cub Scout den after they refused to cite the Scout promise. Superior Court Judge Richard Frazee ruled this month that the BSA is a business under state law and therefore cannot exclude people because of religious beliefs. Frazee's decision contradicted a March ruling by a Chicago federal judge, who said a boy could be kept out of a den because the BSA is not a "place of public accomodation." More than half of all Cub Scout and Boy Scout groups meet in churches. (NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL RELIGION REPORT) CHILDREN'S BOOK HAS ANTI-CHRISTIAN BIAS The book "The Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff uses A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh characters to describe the ancient wisdom of taoism in a simple to understand story. On the back cover of the book the author explains, "While Eeyore frets ... and Piglet hesitates ... and Rabbit calculates ... and Owl pontificates ... Pooh just is ... and that's a clue to the secret wisdom of the Taoists." Taoism is a philosophy of ancient Chinese masters which has been revived in new age literature. It teaches that man in his present state is generally in conflict with nature and he needs to be enlightened to go with the flow, so to speak. Taoism teaches that man is simply part of an interconnected web of nature, in which there is a natural flow and order. Man, according to Taoists, has an innate nature to follow this natural order, but this inner nature needs to be reawakened. Hoff writes, "When we learn to work with our own Inner Nature, and with the natural laws operating around us, we reach the level of "Wu Wei" (literally meaning, "without doing, causing or making"). Then we work with the natural order of things and operate on the principle of minimal effort. Since the natural world follows that principle, it does not make mistakes. Mistakes are made - or imagined - by man, the creature with the overloaded brain who separates himself from the supporting network of natural laws by intefering and trying too hard." Examples of an anti-Christian quotes from the book are the following verses: "The Bisy Backson is always going "somewhere", somewhere he hasn't been. Anywhere but where he is ... For a reward perhaps. Our Bisy Backson religions, sciences, and business ethics have tried their hardest to convince us that there is a great reward waiting for us somewhere, and that what we have to do is spend our lives working like lunatics to catch up with it. Whether it's up in the sky, behind the next molecule, or in the executive suite, it's somehow always farther along than what we are ... Looking back a few years, we see that the first Bisy Backsons in this part of the world, the Puritans, practically worked themselves to death in the fields without getting much of anything in return for their tremendous efforts. They were actually starving until the wiser inhabitants of the land showed them a few things about working in harmony with the earth's rhythms ..." The author also notes that the "Miserable Puritan" was a stick-in-the-mud because he didn't like singing or (Pooh) bears or "anything". The author also claims that man should be in charge of his own life and not dependent on some Supreme Being. "In order to take control of our live and accomplish something of lasting value, sooner or later we need to learn to believe. We don't need to shift our responsibilities onto the shoulders of some deified Spiritual Superman, or sit around and wait for fate to come knocking at the door. We simply need to believe in the power that's within us, and use it." (CHRISTIAN WORLD REPORT - Sept 92) TOLERANCE OVERRIDDEN BY IMPOSED VALUES "Heather Has Two Mommies" is a children's book about a lesbian couple having a child through artificial insemination. It is one of many books listed in the first-grade teachers' guide for New York City public schools. So is "Daddy's Roommate", which features a happy youngster with two male parents who conclude that "being gay is just one more kind of love." So how did these books make it onto the reading list? The answer is tucked away on page 145 of the city's "Children of the Rainbow" first-grade curriculum; Teachers must "be aware of varied family structures including ... gay or lesbian parents," and "Children must be taught to acknowledge the positive aspects of each type of household." A line is being crossed here; in fact, a brand new ethic is descending upon the city's public schools system. The traditional civic virtue of tolerance (if gays want to live together, it's their own business) has been replaced with a new ethic requiring approval and endorsement (if gays want to live together, we must "acknowledge the positive aspects" of their way of life). (CHRISTIAN WORLD REPORT - Sept 92) BIBLES WELCOME IN RUSSIA - SNUBBED IN AMERICA While some problems of anti-semitism remain, the new Russian republic, the Baltic states and other newly independent nations, including eastern Europe, are welcoming with open hearts and minds those who distribute and teach the Bible. The irony here is that while Bibles - and the values, ethics and truth they contain - are now being welcomed in previously closed areas of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, they continue to be treated as contraband in American public schools and much of public life. So often Biblical values are disdained by those in academia, politics and the media. (HUMAN EVENTS) ISLAMIC JIHAD TRIES TO BROADEN APPEAL ASSOCIATED PRESS - RAFAH, GAZA STRIP - In the Al-Salam mosque, whose name means "peace" in Arabic, a young man exhorted his listeners to wage holy war on Israel. The gathering was one of the forums the Islamic Jihad movement has begun sponsoring in mosques in the Gaza Strip to argue against the middle east peace talks. Islamic Jihad - or Islamic Holy War - is the smallest but most radical of the parties urging the destruction of Israel and the founding of an Islamic state in its place. It preaches that Israel's existence is an affront to Islam. Israeli authorities have arrested hundreds of Islamic Jihad activists during the 4 1/2 year old Palestinian uprising, but the group continues to push its philosophy of violent opposition to Israel. The Jihadists, known for armed attacks and their black uniforms and green headbands, are trying to broaden their appeal by sponsoring discussions and rallies against the peace talks. The group was one of 10 factions behind a general strike last Wednesday in the occupied territories opposing the U.S.-sponsored talks. GERMAN NEO-NAZIS ARE GAINING GROUND BONN (UPI) - The number of neo-Nazis in Germany has grown to 40,000, including 4,200 extremely violent skinheads, according to a report quoted by the BILD newspaper. The police report said the number of violent right-wing attacks rose dramatically to 1,300 in 1991, up from 270 in 1990. In 1991, violence against foreigners, including firebomb attacks on refugee hostels and beatings of immigrants in the streets, reached its highest level since the Third Reich. BILD quoted the annual report as saying there were 32,000 neo-Nazis in Germany in 1990. ELECTRONIC FOOD STAMP SYSTEM SAID TO SAVE BIG DOLLARS ALBUQUERQUE (AP) - Bernalillo County is saving tens of thousands of dollars a month with its electronic food stamp system, state officials say. The county began replacing paper food stamp coupons with plastic cards in September 1990. The grocery customer slides a card through a machine at the checkout and enters a personal identification number on a keypad. The grocery bill is subtracted automatically from the person's monthly food subsidy and the store is credited for the purchase. "This program is much more efficient," said Bill Dunbar, director of the income support division of the state Human Services Department. He said the system has helped reduce the food stamp program's cost as well as cut abuse and fraud. The three-year pilot period for the Electronic Benefits Transfer system ends in September 1993. Officials say they are certain it will continue in Bernalillo County and probably will spread soon to other parts of the state. OZONE HOLE LARGER THAN EVER WASHINGTON Sept 29 - A satellite observed the largest Antarctic ozone hole ever detected, nearly three times larger than the United States, NASA officials say. Measurements from the Nimbus-7 satellite showed that a depleted ozone area of the atmosphere extended for about 8.9 million square miles over the south polar region. Ministry & Product Information Ministry & Product Information MORNING STAR DISTRIBUTION - ONLINE EDITIONS The MORNING STAR BBS list contains those electronic Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) that are carrying MORNING STAR. They are either available as a compressed file for downloading or in some cases use a "Door" program that allows the viewers to read the magazine on screen. With the new MSDOOR program (available free from Alan Graff P.O. Box 131 Wheelersburg, Ohio 45694) callers can read or copy articles to their system while on line. Those BBS with the asterisk next to the name are using a door program to read MORNING STAR on line. The System Operator's names are posted where known. Is your local BBS carrying "Morning Star"? If not, send a message to the System Operator and upload it! Please let us know of any new BBS where MORNING STAR is being made available. ALABAMA 205 739-1469 Odyssey BBS- Cal Evans * 205 457-5901 J&J OnLine - Jerry Woody CALIFORNIA 209 576-1606 Root Connection - Larry Beyers * 209 675-3218 Hangar 7 - Dennis E. Conner * 310 947-4402 Maclectic BBS - Bob Rockhill * 916 395-8991 FYI Silent Eye * 408 899-4552 Logos - Dan Brynes * 707 252-4830 Corpus Christi BBS - Gary Bradford * 708-795-3382 Gary Bradford * 708 887-7644 CACC - Bob Hoffmann * 714 838-4689 Shepherd - John Scudder * 714 457-1020 The Believer's Board - Randy Tincher * 916 395-8991 FYI Silent Eye * COLORADO 303 935-6323 Electronic Library Exchange - Phil Scovill * CONNECTICUT 203 456-1180 The Grapevine - Scott Lovell * FLORIDA 904 783-3236 The Shire * 305 726-5434 Christian Computer Users Group - Doug Lynn * 407 773-0831 The Saddlebag BBS - William Herrington * 813 544-3793 The Salt Shaker BBS -Ben Waggoner & Phillip Bartol * 904 623-5512 OffCenter BBS - Richard Swatsenbarg * 904 744-9991 Guiding Light - Rich Cowan * GEORGIA 404 948-3428 ACTS BBS * 404 924-7963 Educational Center - Joan Bates * 404 509-8565 Pc Exchange - Jim Simmons * 404 637-9276 The Potters House - Nancy Powers * 404 642-0406 Genesis BBS -John Doughtry * 404 429-1512 College BBS - Bruce * INDIANA 219 262-0648 S.A.L.T. - Bill & Betty Mcknight * KENTUCKY 606 276-3590 Petra - Bob Finmore * 606 836-3437 The Stoplight BBS - Shawn Brown * LOUISIANA 504 878-3023 CDN Headquarters BBS - Ray Waldo * MARYLAND 301 862-3160 Southern Maryland Christian Information Service * MICHIGAN 616 792-4309 The Farside BBS - Khan Hollis * 616 531-7915 Warehouse BBS - Jon Vandenberg * MISSOURI 314 227-6885 Messianic Jewish Computer - Harvey Smith * NEW JERSEY 609 586-4847 Freedom Infonet - Peter Skorupsky * 609 625-4475 Koinonia! CBBS - Bob Korch * NEW YORK 313 455-5806 Cnypcug bbs - Barbara Mancuso * 518 756-3002 Christian Hotline - Bob Lucido * 518 537-4881 The Open House BBS * 718 352-0821 Hidden Manna* OHIO 614 776-7136 Cross Connection - Alan Graff * 419 244-4597 Cuttin - Joe Britt * OKLAHOMA 918 492-1749 The Star Christian BBS - Dave Wenrick * OREGON 503 632-6058 Starfall - Alexandria Sherwood * 503 683-2614 The Provided Faith BBS * PENNSYLVANIA 215 391-1612 The Abundant Life BBS - Lynn Dehart * 215 670-5323 Round - Dan Mccoy * TENNESSEE 615 391-5771 Kerygma - Phil Blansett*901 492-0168 Gracebase - John Lipscomb* TEXAS 214 216-1947 Amazing Grace - Mark Harris/ Geo. Matheny * 214 680-3406 BBS America - Jay Gaines * 214 539-9878 The Eagle - Jim Gallagher * 214 709-9011 One Word - Geo. D. King * 214 234-8847 Shepherd's Flock - Mark Harris * 214 994-0093 Success BBS Darrell Gilyard * 214 414-8614 The Cross - Rod Porter * 214 613-6900 The Old Poops World BBS - Sonny Grissom * 214 878-9818 T.R.A.I.N. BBS - Brady Mooney * 409 753-2014 The Agape Way - Rick & Carol Arend * 409 882-9282 The Word - Myong Yu * 409 727-0887 Wizard's Domain - Ilene Hebert * 512 937-2088 Gethsemane - Joe Hacker * 512 575-5554 Byte Me BBS - Grady Trew * 512 452-6350 Inspiration BBS - Harold Robbins * 713 550-6644 Christian Fellowship - Ray Heuer * 713 645-4055 Eagles Nest - John Channon * 713 873-0403 Info Net and Police - Alan Bragg * 713 537-6836 Jesus Connection - Scott Allen Burk * 713 338-2053 Kerygma II - John Cheatham * 713 789-0857 Mel Douglas * 713 955-1605 The Fish Bowl - Robert Wooten * 713 265-2798 Morning Star BBS - Walter H. Bauer * 713 451-8406 Christian Chat - Mike & Bobby Connolly * 713 270-7468 Cross Connect BBS - James Moffitt * 713 856-7010 Airboat On-Line - Donald Shelton * 817 444-2107 FF-BBS - David Johnson * 817 654-3671 Maranatha - Mike Young * 806 795-9003 Agape BBS - Jorge Lopez * VIRGINIA 804 543-0830 Resource - Mike Olas * 804 265-5571 Servant of the Lord BBS - Rev Roger Sapp * 804 790-1675 Blue Ridge Express - Webb Blackman * 804 790-1126 Blue Ridge Express - Webb Blackman * 804 790-9600 Blue Ridge Express - Webb Blackman * WASHINGTON 206 581-3466 Heaven's Door - Jo Shaughnessy * WISCONSIN 414 789-4210 Exec-PC - Bob Mahoney * 608 277-1376 The Offline BBS Tom Landmann * 608 238-6692 The Extra Mile - Patrick Mack * 715 732-1036 CompuLine - Joe Boburka * INTERNATIONAL BOARDS CANADA 657-7237 The Future London/Ontario * ENGLAND 708670068 FINLAND 964536132 * 964536133 * 964536134 * GERMANY 4214422980 Wonderland - Marc * NEW ZEALAND 6 3562058 - Shane & Michelee Haney * NORTHERN IRELAND 44 247466189 Red Star BBS * 44 6368409 Christian Ministry BBS - Errol Thompson * MORNING STAR can also be found on these major networks: AMERICA ONLINE (DOS, MAC and WINDOWS editions) - Lifestyle and Interest Department, Ethics and Religion Area, Software Library COMPUSERVE (DOS and MAC editions) - Lifestyles Department, Special Interests Forums, Religion Forum, Browse Libraries, Christianity GENIE (DOS and MAC editions) - Issues, Religion & Ethics Round Table, Software Library, BBS Uploads DELPHI (DOS edition only) - Group, Theological, Database, Sig Newsletter, Read MSTAR