Departments Staff List Staff List MORNING STAR A Multimedia Christian Publication P.O. Box 7755, Nashua, NH 03060 Phone: 603-883-4624 - Fax: 603-883-0466 EDITOR IN CHIEF Toby Trudel - Nashua, NH EXECUTIVE EDITOR Pastor Geoffrey Kragen - Roseville, CA SENIOR EDITORS Teresa Giordanengo - Canonsburg, PA Al Murillo III - El Paso, TX ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jerry Johnson - Modesto, CA Pastor Russell Walden - Doniphan, MO Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA Dr. Charles Wootten - Matoaca, VA CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Chuck Bennett - San Jose, CA Jody Fauss - Lindale, TX Dr. Paul A. Kienel - Whittier, CA Zola Levitt - Dallas, TX Dennis R. Mallory - Albany, NY Joseph A. Nigro - Oradell, NJ Rick Riker - North Plainfield, NJ Jeannine Robinson - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Moishe Rosen - San Francisco, CA Dale Strand - Dublin, CA Rick Thrasher - Santa Clara, CA J.C. Trudel - Naples, FL Terry White - Washington, DC SENIOR PUBLISHER - DOS and WINDOWS Editions Steve Paulovich - Pembroke, NH SENIOR PUBLISHER - MACINTOSH Edition Toby Trudel - Nashua, NH SENIOR PUBLISHER - Hard Copy Edition Ray Reed - Beaumont, TX HARD COPY COVER ARTIST Donna Riker - North Plainfield, NJ PRINTER - Hard Copy Edition Phillip Speckter - Lumberton, TX OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Patrick Auriemma - Nashua, N.H. ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR OF BBS DISTRIBUTION Walter H. Bauer Jr. - Sugar Land, TX AMERICA ONLINE Jerry White - Germantown, MD COMPUSERVE NETWORK Kathy Ruess - Albuquerque, NM Dr. Charles Wootten - Matoaca, VA GENIE NETWORK Pastor Geoffrey Kragen - Roseville, CA Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA DELPHI NETWORK Rev. Vince Gonzalez - Naples, FL INTERNET NETWORK (DOS EDITION) Per Cederqvist - Linkoping, Sweden Internet Email: Morning Star is available on the Internet via anonymous ftp from: (pub/religion/christianity/morning-star) INTERNET NETWORK (MAC EDITION) Gary Bogart Internet Email: Morning Star is available on the Internet via anonymous ftp from: (pub/software/mac/Morning.Star) DISK SUBSCRIPTION DISTRIBUTION James Byers - Sun City, AZ Del Fletcher - Mountaintop, PA Joe Giacco - Durham, CT Michael W. Law - Moffett Field, CA Craig Olson - Springfield, OR Charles Richardson - Greenville, SC Dale Strand - Dublin, CA MORNING STAR is produced and published monthly, by a staff of born again believers in Jesus, located across the United States of America. Correspondence to MORNING STAR may be sent via the U.S. Postal Service or one of several computer networks. ELECTRONIC MAIL LINKS INTERNET: FIDONET: 1:106/3118 CHRISTIAN FAMILY NETWORK: 8:3003/0 CHRISTIAN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK: 8:2013/0 POLICENET: 150:402/53 If you run a bulletin board system and would like for your BBS callers to be able to view Morning Star on line by running a door program then contact: Alan Graff P.O. Box 131 Wheelersburg, Ohio 45694 Fidonet 1:2260/250 and 77:100/50 BBS: 614 776 7136 Editor's Letter Editor's Letter Hi again folks! I hope you all enjoyed reading last month's Prophecy edition of MORNING STAR as much as I liked putting it together. Please feel free to make copies of those Prophecy articles (as with articles in any issue) and share them with others. Though it is a great comfort knowing that the return of the Lord is getting very near, we should also be aware that this means we have much work to do. (It's time to "put the pedal to the metal.") Jesus did say He would return - He also said we are to be a witness to the world until He returns and to keep busy doing His work. It seemed fitting (to me at least!) to follow up the June Prophecy issue with one on Witnessing this month. As usual, the Lord has provided a wide array of articles and stories related to this topic. Also, welcome back to MORNING STAR our monthly "CFI REPORTS" column after a brief absence. CFI REPORTS brings a variety of timely articles to us, direct from the ministries of CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL in Jerusalem - the center of the Universe! Please keep this ministry in prayer. The Lord has kept us going for almost three years now - and the magazine is reaching more people than ever - both believers and many who do not yet know Jesus. We do have two practical needs that many of you can help with. First - we need articles, stories and testimonies. Remember, we have a VERY small staff and they are already overburdened. These don't have to be long, scholarly documents - what we really want is material from people with a heart for the Lord. You can write about ANY topic - if it's a good article, we'll find a place for it! The best length is 1000-2000 words, either on computer disk or typed on paper. You can also send files via electronic mail. All the addresses are found in the Staff List in each issue. Upcoming themes we need material for are: September: Praise, Prayer & Worship October: Aberrant Doctrine (includes "imbalanced" teachings) November: Walking the Christian Walk (articles by and for couples, singles, senior citizens, young adults, etc.) December: Missions and Missionaries January: Christian Music Second, for those (and only those) who can afford to help financially, we do have a hard copy of this magazine that is sent free to prison chaplains, inmates, missionaries and others who don't have the luxury of a personal computer. Every small donation is needed - even $10 or $20 will help keep the hard copy going strong. (It does cost money to print and mail these things!) This is a tax-deductible gift and should be sent to our publishing ministry: David's Mighty Men Inc. P.O. Box 5093 Beaumont, TX 77726 100 percent of all funds goes to printing and mailing costs. All the work done by every person whose name is on the MORNING STAR staff list is done voluntarily. Thank You! Remember, this magazine is being used by many people to win souls - and "He that winneth souls is wise" - Proverbs 11:30. Until next month - Lord willing, Toby Letters Letters LETTERS I have just started reading Morning Star and enjoy it very much. The wealth of information is amazing! I am blind and have a hearing problem (deaf on one side) and often feel isolated since I am not able to go to Christian bookstores to find out what's going on and what's current, so your magazine provides the much-needed and much-appreciated link with what's going on. I receive Morning Star from either Genie, CompuServe, or Delphi (whoever has it first); I download it to a little Braille note taker called the Braille Lite, and read it in Braille; I can use speech if I wear headphones and concentrate really hard, but prefer Braille; my note taker has both capabilities. I am considering sending you an article about "communion by computer". On Delphi, the Upper Room (a Christian special interest group that's just getting started) had a conference recently, and I thought it would be great to have communion in our real-time conference, so we did. I have the transcript of that communion time and can share part of it in the article. I think we did something quite unique. There were only three of us, but it was a beautiful time. I have no church home, and haven't had one since January, 1990, when my former church closed and everybody scattered in all directions. You'd think in a place like San Jose, CA, Christians would reach out, but I think I've only met two Christians in four years; so this communion time was really a blessing to me. Although I pray constantly for ministries in other countries, I sense that people like me are extremely isolated. Many of us figure that it doesn't make sense to go to a church where you can't hear anything but echoes, and where there is only superficial fellowship. I pray for fellowship at my workplace (IBM), but don't know of anything. Prayer is the key to how I survive--and I know that Christians have little power because they don't pray nearly enough; when it says "pray without ceasing." I believe it means making a practice of ALWAYS turning to God with EVERY NEED and EVERY PRAISE in your life. I have learned in my more than 20 years as a believer that the Lord is the ONLY constant companion, and His presence is the ONLY stable part of my life. Sorry this got so long, but your magazine provides the depth and richness that I hunger for, and I had to write and tell you. Thanks so much! Mary Emerson M.Emerson2@Genie.GEIS.Com To the editor: I just received my April issue of Morning Star and felt I must write in response to your "special feature theme: Hope for the homosexual". As a young bisexual man I was quite upset by the way that you covered this topic. I was not upset because you are opposed to homosexuality, that is your right and belief and with it I will not argue. I was upset because each of your "examples" of recovered homosexuals as "alcoholics", "drug addicts", or "child molesters". It is just this type of portrayal that drives homosexuals into "the closet" and keeps us away from religion and God. I left "my" church in large part because they were unwilling to accept me because of my orientation. I found no offense in them not accepting my "orientation" but to not accept me was not the attitude that my God would want them to portray. I know that you will never print this letter in your magazine but if it makes even one person in your office who reads it think then it has done it's job. If you feel that gay/lesbian/bisexual (glb) people are going to hell that is your right and you would be deceiving yourself to pretend otherwise. However remember that we are commanded to hate the sin but LOVE THE SINNER. I am not an alcoholic, drug addict or child molester. I am not a murderer, thief, or criminal. I see protesters almost every day where I live (led by a "preacher") holding signs saying "Fags molest children" "Fags cause AIDS" and other such slogans. Do you still wonder why so many glb's are unable to accept "God" as he is portrayed? Dislike my orientation, tell me (politely) that you do mot like or approve of it. However, recognize that I am human. I have feelings. I get up every morning and go about my day just like you. Most of all recognize that I am made in God's image. Love me for who and what I am and encourage me to grow in Christ. If God and religion are truly the way to "deliver me from my sin of homosexuality" then help get me to church and support me. don't drive me off. Don't make me feel that God can never love me. Let me know that God cares about me. That is the wave to "deliver me" from my "sin". Sincerely; An anonymous bisexual male who can't use his name in order to protect his life in this society. PASTOR GEOFF KRAGEN REPLIES: Thank you for your willingness to share your concerns with us. And, I understand why you responded negatively to the testimonies. While all of the articles and testimonies weren't from individuals with severely troubled backgrounds, some did reflect the kind of histories that you refer to in your letter. As a pastoral counselor I find that many from troubled backgrounds, not just homosexuals, but adult survivors of severe childhood abuse, individuals with heterosexual sexual dysfunctions, and other spiritual problems have similar backgrounds. The use of drugs and alcohol, as well as sexually dysfunctional behaviors, are not limited to homosexuals. I suspect that, because of the inappropriate ways you have heard homosexuals discussed, you focused on these peoples' histories instead of the real thrust of these articles: hope of recovery. Their histories are simply a testimony to the grace and love of Christ. After all, as Paul said: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God" (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). The purpose of this issue of MORNING STAR was two-fold. First, to show that no matter how damaged the individual may be the grace of God brings forgiveness, healing and restoration. The struggles of the homosexual are simply a reflection of the struggles of all sinners. Unfortunately, many churches have identified homosexuality as the "sin of the year." This leads to our second purpose which is of equal importance. We hope that churches will recognize that it is God and the Scriptures that offer hope, not just for the homosexual, but all sinners. The church must be a place that is safe for those seeking help and restoration. The church can not condone homosexuality, or any other sin, but it must offer truth and help in love for all sinners. If we don't, who will? And if we don't, God will hold us accountable. If this issue of MORNING STAR makes a change in just one church's attitude toward dealing with homosexuality, then the Lord be praised. I hope that this response will help you understand our intent. We would not have even put this issue together unless we loved the homosexual and desired to provide the message of the Lord's hope. Thank you for your letter, and I pray that the Lord will help you see the need of your own healing and restoration so that you be conformed to the image of Christ, and become the godly man He desires you to be. People Profile People Profile Morning Star Editor, Teresa Giordanengo, conducted this interview with Joseph A. Nigro, founder of Straight Path Ministries in Oradell, New Jersey. Joe is a very energetic brother in the work of the Lord and participates in mission trips each year to Mexico and Russia. Teresa: Joseph, please tell us about your background and the ministry you're working with today. Joe: To God be the glory for the great things He has done. God has taken this ordinary Italian guy named Joseph A. Nigro from New Jersey and used him to help lead over several thousand people to Christ last year. I'm the director of Straight Path Ministries based out of Oradell, New Jersey. I was saved in 1974 during the final year of high school. Life was a little tough, having come from a broken home, but I later learned that God uses all circumstances are for His divine purpose. Shortly after I was saved I attended some Bible college, but I had problems since I never studied in high school. I floated around for several years seeking God's will, and then God redirected my life into one of true discipleship with Him. Over the course of years, and through the study of God's Word, I became better disciplined to handle Bible college, having attended NBC in Colorado Springs and taking courses with Liberty University in Virginia. But the real schooling is from going through the warfare of everyday life, the trials, the challenges, the problems, and using God's Word and Spirit as my guide. I married a godly and wonderful women named Andrea Centrella, and we will celebrate our 11th year together in July of 1994. How times flies when your having fun! God has given me the tent making business of computer consulting, so that my trips would not be a financial burden on anyone. Teresa: Joseph, how did you come to know the Lord? Joe: Being Italian, I come from a Roman Catholic background. I went to Catholic church when I was young, and I went through all the rituals and traditions. I went through the first communion and confirmation - but something was missing. I believed in God, Jesus, the cross, the resurrection, and heaven and hell. But it seemed that God was there in heaven and I was down here on earth. When I was about 13, I started to get involved in drugs and alcohol. I would smoke about 3 packs of cigarettes a day and if I was high, I would smoke a whole carton in one day! Life was turning out to be one large party. I went through the whole scene of the '70's - drugs, booze, women, rock & roll, anything goes. I had some money, fast cars, fast motorcycles, and a empty heart. I couldn't understand it. No matter how high I got, or how drunk I was, or how much fun I thought I was having, I still seemed empty. Life had no purpose or meaning. Imagine being only 17 and you're sick of life already? One day while at work, my boss's finance, Christina Zayas, came up to me and asked me to a Bible study. I said, "NO, I don't want to be a Jesus freak." She told me that Jesus wasn't a freak and that He wanted a relationship with me. Christina hounded me for several months to come to her Bible study and I finally agreed just to get her off my back! The Bible study was informal but I never forgot what was being taught by Pastor Bradley. He stated the Scripture, "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new person, old things pass away, Behold, all things become new." (II Cor. 5:17) That's is exactly what I was looking for, a chance to start over. To start my life new and fresh again. To be born again, born from the Spirit above, and have the living, indwelling Jesus live in me, and cleanse me from my sin. Suddenly I didn't desire the things that I used to try to stop but couldn't. I now had the righteousness of Jesus Christ in me. I didn't throw away my drugs, booze and cigarettes because I was a Christian. No, Jesus took the desire of drugs, booze and cigarettes away, and replaced them with His love, His joy and His peace. I now knew the purpose of life when I discovered that Jesus was the abundant Life. I experienced a high that no drug or bottle of alcohol could give me, but not only a high, but a joy that I have eternal life in Jesus Christ. Most importantly, I not only know about God, but I have a personal relationship with Him, one that will last for eternity in heaven. Teresa: When and why did you organize "Straight Path Ministries"? Joe: Straight Path Ministries was started several years ago and is a non-denominational, non-profit ministry. We are dedicated to fulfilling Jesus' final commandment of "Going into all the world and making disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that He commanded us." The focus of the ministry is also to fulfill the calling of loving our neighbor as ourselves, whether he is 3000 miles away, or right next door. Our vision is that you will find your calling in Christ, whether it is being a missionary in another country or a missionary at home. Teresa: Who influenced you most in the work of the Lord and why? Joe: I had several major people influence in my life, and most of the people don't really know me! Several years after I was saved, I started listening to the music of the late Keith Green. I started to receive his ministry materials and was really convicted of my own spirituality. God has used this literal prophet to challenge and redirect my life. Other people that God used to influence my life was a pastor named Charlie Rizzo, the teachings of Chuck Smith, and Chuck Swindoll, and some dear brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as my beloved wife. Teresa: We are to go out and tell others about Jesus. What countries have you witnessed in? Joe: As for the foreign countries, I've been to Russia four times, Mexico twelve times and to Romania once. But most of my ministering has come in America! What Christians sometimes don't understand is that the minute they walk out of their church, they are in their mission field. I work my job like the mission field that it is. I talk to people with the intent of either winning them to Christ or leading them into a deeper walk with God. Everything we do should be ministering God's Spirit to others. I'm far from perfect, but God knows my heart desire to see others come to Him. Teresa: Do you find that people are more open to the Gospel in other countries and why? Joe: The reason why people in Russia are more open to the Gospel is that the Holy Spirit is sweeping through the country. Some of the top Christian leaders in America did research and found that Russia is now experiencing the largest revival ever recorded in history. Think of all the great revivals that you ever read of by men like Charles Finney, Dwight Moody, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, Billy Sunday. Then realize that Russia is experiencing a larger revival then all of these past revivals, and God is giving you a chance to be a part of it by going! When God took a small team of eleven ordinary Christians and used us to lead 1700 people to Christ in 2 weeks, you know that revival is exploding in Russia. I also find people in Third World Countries more open to the Gospel because they don't have the "deceitfulness" of riches to choke out the Word of God in their lives. When you are poor, you have nothing to rely upon but God. And when you make God your total reliance, He keeps His watch over you in a extraordinary way. Teresa: Does there seem to be a larger harvest of souls in these last days or do people procrastinate? Joe: Yes there is a larger harvest of souls, but I don't think that people are procrastinating - they are just wasting their time casting their pearls before swine! We are wasting our time trying to "witness" to America. America is rejecting the holy things of God and trampling it under it's feet. While there are other countries STARVING for the gospel, we just keep on pouring our time and money and efforts into a country that has shut its ears to the Gospel. The saddest part is that 46% of the world have NEVER even heard the Gospel once! Teresa: Why is it important that Born-again Christians witness to others? Joe: The most important reason is that it was Jesus' final commandment. "GO into all the world and preach the good news to all creation ..." God's will for most of us is right here in this verse. I heard a missionary in Russia say, "What part of the word "GO" don't you understand?" There are people dying and going to hell because they don't know Jesus. But those of us who are believers hold the power of Life eternal with Jesus Christ in us! That is an awesome responsibility. We have the power to see people come into a personal relationship with Jesus, and escape the punishment of hell. The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 9:16, "... Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!" Teresa: What are your plans for the future in your ministry? Joe Straight Path Ministries is working on several projects. We are planning future trips to Russia, Cuba and Mexico. We also have been reaching out to the largest men's homeless shelter in NYC. We are in the process of working on training seminars for discipleship. The most important plan is to stay sensitive to God's heart. Teresa: Do we need more young people in the ministry these days? Joe: Yes, more young people are needed in the ministry because of the age groups they could reach. High school and college kids relate better to their own age group witnessing to them. A lot of the college kids in Russia that are believers were reached by Campus Crusade. Teresa: What are your final thoughts to our readers about witnessing to others? Joe: Let's say that there were two trees in a garden and one had a few pieces of hard to reach fruit, and the other had fruit overflowing. It would not take a lot of wisdom to know which tree to harvest if you had a limited time schedule. The same is true of us today, places like Russia and Romania, China, South America, and the list goes on. These are gardens that are producing incredible fruit, yet they don't have anyone to help gather in the Harvest in these end times. The Scriptures tell us that "the harvest is great but the laborers are few." Ask the God of the Harvest if you are one of the laborers that is holding back. God wants us to have a willing heart to say like Isaiah, "Here am I, Send me." Then God will say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." To contact Joe or receive the Straight Path Ministries newsletter contact: Straight Path Ministries 297-101 Kinderkamack Rd. #278 Oradell, NJ 07649 Fax No. (201) 261-4954 Prodigy: KGFS78A CompuServe: 70762,3412 America Online: StraitPath Book Review Book Review Browsing with the Bookworm As we read Christian magazines, listen to Christian radio, and watch Christian television, we run into some serious confusion. There is a difference of opinion about a definition of the Church. People go to Church. People give to the Church. We staff the Church. Maybe we are playing Church. And as we examine the state of the world and our society, we must ask: is the Church even relevant? These are among the questions asked in the book by Charles Colson's. THE BODY Being light in Darkness by Charles Colson with Ellen Santilli Vaughn Word Publishing, Dallas, Texas, 1992. "The Body" is a book that should be read by all Christians. It is also a book that, because of its broad scope in examining the body of Christ, will manage to offend many. Colson is aware of this problem and addresses it in the second chapter. The reason there is a problem is because he is not discussing churches, but The Church. He warns of the problem on pages 34 and 35. "While we have attempted to address this subject from the most inclusive perspective possible, believing passionately that the church consists of God's people from every race and nation and confession, we are nonetheless aware that our own views will invariably color how we perceive the church. I am a Baptist with a thoroughly Reformed theology; Ellen is a Presbyterian; we both have a catholic--small "c"--universal view of the church; and the reader will have to take this into account. However, we have made every effort to write as inclusively as possible about those matters which orthodox believers and confessions have held in common down through the ages when we pledge our loyalty to "one holy, apostolic, catholic church." "But--and here is the third caveat--some readers may find this inclusiveness difficult to accept. They cannot surrender the old prejudices that not only make them feel comfortable, but affirm that they are really right. Others genuinely believe that the fundamental differences within the church are irreconcilable. We understand that belief. But if it is true, we have a bigger problem than this book--because Jesus Himself called us to be one." Another potential problem for some readers is that many of the illustrations come from the eastern block churches. These reflect their struggles to be obedient to God in the midst of the Communist persecution of the church. Some readers may not be able to relate to these illustrations. On the other hand, they should be a blessing to those of us in the west, giving illustrations of the cost of obedience for many believers. I would suggest we put away our personal prejudices and read this book with the discernment of the Holy Spirit. We may not agree with everything written, nevertheless we will gain much. The most important message of "The Body" is that we are the Church, the body of Christ. If we don't serve Him, as He calls us to, no one will. The book is broken down into three primary sections. The first focuses on defining the Church. Colson uses both scripture and illustrations from contemporary Christendom to do this. He warns about the dangers of defining church by marketing concepts, thus losing sight of our distinctives. The most important concern for the contemporary Church is to remember that we are The Church, a unity. "Jesus made His most moving plea to the Father on behalf of His disciples--that is, His church: "That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me" (page 103). "The message is clear. The world isn't looking at our tracts and rallies and telecasts and study manuals. It is looking at us and how we behave. When it fails to see the unity of Jesus' followers--the church--it fails to see the validation that Christ is indeed the Son of the living God" (page 103). Colson isn't calling for unity at any cost. He is pointing out that the body of Christ by definition is a unity. We simply need to start living out this truth. The second section of the book deals with the Church versus the world. Here the troubling question of impact is discussed. The lack of unity is a major factor in the ineffectiveness of the church. Another problem is that the church is accepting the world's values and therefore losing its commitment to God's absolute standards. This has made the church irrelevant. In this section Colson is concerned with the loss of commitment to absolute Truth in a world of relativism. We live in a post-Christian society, which must be understood if we are to communicate clearly with its citizens. Part of the problem is one constantly referred to by Francis Schaeffer. We are not adequately informed on the world's philosophies and systems to be able to communicate in the world's language. We so frequently use "Christianese" that we aren't saying anything to the people we are striving to reach. Finally, in section three, Colson focus specifically on what needs to occur for us to be effective witnesses for Christ. This means that we must be equipped, as the church, to reach out to our world, not the world of the 1950's. The church is to be salt and light. This means we are to shine forth for God. And, we are to slow the process of corruption in a fallen world. Colson quotes Jack Hayford who said. "Every member of the Body has the potential to be--and should be fed and let toward functioning as--a fully equipped agent of Jesus Christ, as His minister" (page 281). The message of "The Body" is that we are the Body. The church is a living organism made of up individual believers. We are to carry on the work of Christ in His place until He returns. This means every single believer must be part of the local congregation. No believer is to function separate from the corporate body. Second we all are ministers of Christ, not just professional clergy. And this last section also notes that the call of the Church isn't limited to evangelism, but is to train up disciples, which encompasses evangelism. The inside book jacket says of "The Body:" "Colson dares Christians to renounce the petty, sectarian divisions that blunt the church's witness in the world and calls us to affirm our oneness even as we celebrate our diversity. He tackles some of our most cherished sacred cows; rigid formulas and status quo idolatries that have typified us but have nothing to do with the flaming, radical calling for the church to be the people of God." "Provocative and insightful, "The Body" inspires us to rise above the stunted "Jesus and me" faith to a nobler view of something bigger and grander that ourselves." Take the challenge, risk, and have your horizons stretched. See the magnificence of the Body of Christ and your place in it. Read "The Body." Until next time, Lord bless, and good reading, Your Friend The Bookworm Praise and Prayer Praise and Prayer PRAISE AND PRAYER is our international prayer link column. Send your praise report or prayer request to MORNING STAR for publication in our next issue. Call on your brothers and sisters worldwide and together we will call on God! PRAISE REPORTS CALIFORNIA Geoff praises the Lord for the great twenty-five years of wedded bliss he and his wife have had. He thanks the Lord for his wife Janette. FLORIDA Barbara thanks the Lord for the wonderful seven weeks revival services at the Calvary Temple church, where many are coming to know the Lord for the first time. NEW JERSEY Rich praises the Lord for healing the cedar apple rust disease on his apples in the orchard. NORTH CAROLINA Rob is doing well after his surgery. Praise the Lord! OHIO Karen thanks the Lord for the wonderful home in the country. Joshua had the stress test on his heart and all went well. The doctor said that he can play sports again too. Thank the Lord! OREGON Thank the Lord that Bill was able to bring his wife into the U.S.A. from Peru. He thanks the Lord also for a job. PENNSYLVANIA Ron had a witnessing campaign recently. Two people prayed to receive the Lord, and four Jews and ten Gentiles wanted more information about the Gospel. Pray for their follow-up efforts. SOUTH CAROLINA Rita praises God for helping Deb know Yeshua (Jesus) as her personal Savior. Daniel thanks the Lord for his five month old baby daughter Danielle and asks for prayer for his family. He also thanks the Lord for helping him recover from a serious problem he was having with his nerves. TEXAS Danny thanks the Lord for providing all his needs, including financial. PRAYER REQUESTS ALABAMA Barbara asks for prayer in raising 2 sons on her own. Her teenager is having problems with school and with his health. Pray for Neal age 15 with some kind of mono-type virus. ARIZONA Pray for Holly, 18 months old, who is undergoing open heart surgery. Remember her parents Gary and Debbie in prayer as well. CALIFORNIA Eugene asks for prayer for his younger sister who is having some financial problems, and needs encouragement and guidance. Pastor Bob is about to start a new Christian School in his church. He would like prayers that it will get off to a good start and that it will meet the needs of his community. Pray for Chuck & Cecilia's marital difficulties. They are believers and have five children age 12 and under. Pray for 5 year old Shari Ann who has Downs syndrome. Karen asks the Lord's help with her dieting. FLORIDA Denise requests prayer for a family of a woman in her church who died of liver cancer. David asks for prayer for his mother. She has a chemical imbalance in the brain. Fel wants prayer for direction in a career, family health and a Christian mate. KANSAS Judy asks for intercessory prayer for the Christian Radio Station in Hutchinson, Kansas. MARYLAND Pray for a job for Dale. MICHIGAN Steve was involved with the occult this past year. Pray the Lord will have His way in his life. NEW CAROLINA Pray for Rev. Gene who has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and is having problems even after surgery. NEW JERSEY Rich and Donna are considering moving and want to be in the Lord's will. Pray for salvation for their friend's mom Eileen. NORTH DAKOTA Pray for Mary who is a divorced mother of two and needs the Lord's guidance in obtaining a college degree. OREGON Thelma is in a state of poor mental condition after suffering a stroke. Please pray that the Lord will save her and her husband and have His way in their lives. PENNSYLVANIA Pray for the Powell family. Their seven year old son died of a brain tumor. Pray for Judy who has had her final radiation treatment because of a brain tumor. Pray for salvation for her husband Tom. Anthony and Marie are in a deep financial crises. Pray that God will help them as they pull their lives and finances together. SOUTH CAROLINA Pray for a healing touch from the Lord for Deb because she has hepatitis. Pray for Bradley who is in prison for two years. TENNESSEE Donna asks for prayer for her daughter, age 26, who is born again but living with her boyfriend. TEXAS Pray for a speedy recovery from surgery for Chaplain Weir of Texas. WEST VIRGINIA Perry asks prayer for his sister and her friends who are involved in weird reading rather heavily. Pray that they will see what they are involved in and turn to the Lord. OTHER Sam requests prayer for his father who has cancer for the third time. The first time he lost a toe; the second he lost a lung; then he suffered from a heart attack about 3 months ago, and now this. Pete asks for prayer for Sebastian, a former foster child of his. He has returned to a family that may not be ready to fully care for him. Pray for his safety and that he grows up knowing Jesus. INTERNATIONAL REQUESTS CANADA Continue to pray for salvation for Frank, age 31 of Toronto, Canada. He desperately needs a touch from the Lord for his diabetic condition that has led to many complications. Pray for salvation for his dad Frank, age 69 of Orillia, Ontario, who needs a touch from the Lord for the high blood pressure and depressed state he is in. CHINA Pray for the believers in Hubei province who need Bibles. If they have one Bible to share, they tear out the pages and distribute them among themselves. Chan Rhea-Yu, a sister in the Lord, has been imprisoned for distributing Bibles. COLOMBIA Ex-Terrorists Bartolome Perez and others have accepted Christ. Please pray for them as their former rebel friends and police want to kill them. Guillermo Ramirez, a Christian mayor, has been imprisoned twice, having been set up by his enemy for implementing an anti-corruption campaign in his district. During his first imprisonment he led 25 fellow prisoners to Christ in one month. Please pray for this dear brother as he is in the worst prison in Colombia right now. EGYPT Abdul Hamid Adil Nafi was arrested in 1993 and being held in a psychiatric institution in Cairo. He is being persecuted for evangelizing Muslims for Christ. IRAN Faris Ghanem Yaqoob Allous and nine others imprisoned since 1986 for accepting Christ and leaving Islam. Torture is a regular occurrence. PAKISTAN Amnesty International has received reports that intimidation of the Christian community has continued after the shooting in Lahore where one Christian was killed and three others seriously injured. Pray for these families. PHILIPPINES Pastor Comba Banda's daughter Esterlita was kidnapped by Muslim terrorists on 1 Dec. 1990. They will not return her until he Pastor becomes a Muslim again. SUDAN Pray for Sudanese Evangelistic Team as they try to evangelize refugees in Kharoum, Sudan from the civil war. TATARSTAN (FORMER SOVIET UNION) The government is tightening restrictions on religious freedom. Pray that local missions will not be obstructed in their outreach. Specifically pray for the Dobraya Vest (Good News) mission in Kazan and the Avenezer (Ebenezer) mission in Naberezhnye Chelny. VIETNAM 30-50,000 Christians in the Hmong tribe in the north are being persecuted. MORE THAN EVER, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6a). Resources Resources MINISTRY INFORMATION GUIDE - July, 1994 The MINISTRY INFORMATION guide is for the benefit of all believers. MORNING STAR does not charge for these advertisements. AMMI MINISTRY (Bringing the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles) Director: Ron Elkin P.O. Box 27576 Philadelphia PA. 19118 (215) 843-7964 INTERNET: BILL RUDGE MINISTRIES (An international outreach challenging believers to reach their maximum potential in Christ.) 220 North Buhl Farm Drive Hermitage, PA 16148-1718 (412) 983-1223 CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL Arrowhead Springs San Bernardino, CA 92414 (714) 886-5224 CHI ALPHA CAMPUS MINISTRY (Reaching the college campuses of this nation) Division of Home Missions 1445 Boonville Avenue Springfield, MO 65802-1894 CHOSEN PEOPLE MINISTRIES Inc. (Reaching all Jews everywhere with the Gospel) 1300 Cross Beam Drive - Charlotte, NC 28217-2834 (704) 357-9000 CANADA: Box 4400, Sta. D - Hamilton, Ont. L8V4L8 (416) 545-9066 CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD INC. (Drawing the body of Christ together using a healthy blend of High-Tech and good old fashioned love) P.O. Box 41503 Jacksonville, FL 32203 tel: (904) 783-3210 INTERNET: CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL P.O. Box 1813 Jerusalem 91015 Israel tel: 972-2-894-172 / 894-187 fax: 972-2-894-955 U.S Office: P.O. Box 63-8703 Margate, FL 33063-8703 (305)-463-9100 NOTE: The Editor in Chief of MORNING STAR is a U.S. distributor of material for CFI. Write to MORNING STAR for more information. INTERNET: CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT 17821 17th St. Suite 290 Tustin, CA 92680 tel: (800) 875-7560 fax: (714) 544-8153 DAVID'S MIGHTY MEN, INC. (A Bible Study Group) P.O. Box 5093 Beaumont, TX 77726 (409) 755-3015 INTERNET: DEREK PRINCE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL (Reaching the unreached and teaching the untaught through radio, books, audio and video cassettes.) P.O. Box 300 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302 (305) 763-5202 CANADA: DPM-Canada P.O. Box 8354 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 5M1 EXODUS INTERNATIONAL (Global ex-gay Ministry - Write for free information) PO Box 2121 San Rafael, CA 94912 Phone (415) 454-1017 Fax (415) 454-7826 FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY 3900 North Rodney Parham - Suite 100 Little Rock, AR 72212 (501) 223-8663 FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN PEACE OFFICERS, USA P.O. Box 11547 Chattanooga, Tennessee 3740l-2547 (615) 622-1234 FRIENDS OF ISRAEL GOSPEL MINISTRY (Publishers of "Israel My Glory" magazine - $8 per year. Sponsor of the Institute of Biblical Studies.) PO BOX 908 Bellwawr, NJ 08099 1-800-257-7843 INTERNATIONAL PRISON MINISTRY P.O. BOX 63 Dallas TX 75221 JESUS CARES MINISTRIES (Ministering to those in crisis pregnancy) P.O. Box 371 Chandler, Arizona 85244 (602) 831-1737 JESUS FILM PROJECT 30012 Ivy Glenn Drive Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 FAX: 714/495-7383 JESUS PEOPLE USA (An excellent resource for tips and techniques on witnessing and ministering to specific groups of people.) 939 W. Wilson Ave. Chicago, IL 60640-5706 JEWISH VOICE BROADCASTS INC. (Publishers of "Jewish Voice Prophetic Magazine". Annual cost $20, published monthly) P.O. Box 6 Phoenix, Arizona 85001 JEWS FOR JESUS (Publishers of "The Jews for Jesus Newsletter" - no charge) 60 Haight St. San Francisco CA. 94102-5895 Canadian Office: P.O Box 487, Station Z Toronto, ON M5N2Z6 INTERNET: JOHN ANKERBERG MINISTRY P.O. Box 8977 Chattanooga, TN 37441 KAIROS (Christian support for AIDS-Caregivers) 114 Douglass Street San Francisco, CA 94114-1921 (415) 861-0877 LEDERER MESSIANIC MINISTRIES (Publishers of the "Jewish New Testament" by David Stern) 6204 Park Heights Ave. Baltimore MD 21215 LIFE IN JESUS MINISTRIES INC. (Publishers of Christian Reference Materials for the Body of Christ) P. O. Box 60 Crandall, Indiana 47114-0060 tel: (812) 366-4558 fax: (812) 366-3905 INTERNET: MESSIANIC JEWISH ALLIANCE OF AMERICA (MJAA) (Serving American Messianic Jewry since 1915. A main resource for ministering and witnessing to Jewish people everywhere. Call for more information.) P.O. Box 417 Wynnewood, PA 19096 (215) 896-5812 INTERNET: The MESSIANIC JEWISH MOVEMENT INTERNATIONAL "Jews and Gentiles Working Together for IsraelOs Salvation!" USA: P.O. Box 30313, Bethesda, MD. 20824 tel: (301) 656-7575 fax: (301) 949-6367 CANADA: Box 2090, Prescott, ON. KOE 1TO ARGENTINA: Casilla De Correo 20 (1706) Haedo, Buenos Aires HOLLAND: Postbus 23053, 1100 DN Amsterdam tel: (20) 696-0089 - fax: (20) 691-6841 MIDNIGHT CALL MINISTRY (Publishers of "Midnight Call" magazine) P.O. Box 4389 West Columbia, SC 29171-9949 MINIRTH-MEIER COUNSELING CLINICS (Christian Mental Health Professionals) Western Region 1-800-877-HOPE Eastern Region 1-800-486-4673 Midwest Region 1-800-848-8872 Southern Region 1-800-229-3000 MOMS IN TOUCH INTERNATIONAL (Calling moms to pray for our public schools) P.O. Box 1120 Poway, CA 92074-1120 (619) 486-4065 NITELITE MINISTRIES (Building the faith of the youth through the Gospel of Jesus Christ using music) 16 Crockett Street Irvine, CA 92720 (714) 559-0894 INTERNET: OPEN DOORS with Brother Andrew (Information and events affecting Christians living under persecution) P.O. Box 27001 Santa Ana, CA 92799-9961 (714) 531-6000 PARDONED MINISTRIES (Ministry to jails and prisons) PO BOX 50746-433 Phoenix AZ 85076 PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL 1470 N. 4th St. SanJose, CA 95112 Tel: (408) 453-3800 FAX: (408) 437-9708 POINT MAN INTERNATIONAL (Christian outreach for veterans by veterans) 820 Wayne St. Washington PA 15301 (412) 228-5081 PRISON FELLOWSHIP PO BOX 17500 Washington DC 20041-0500 (703) 478-0100 PROMISE KEEPERS (Christian men who wants to make a serious impact for Christ in America.) P.O. Box 18376 Boulder, CO 80308-9806 INTERNET: RESOURCES FOR CHRISTIAN COUNSELLING Word DMS - PO Box 10853 Des Moines IA 50336-0853 SEPHER MINISTRIES (A church-based counseling/discipleship ministry) C/O Foothill Bible Church P. O. Box 236 Lincoln, CA 95648 INTERNET: STRAIGHT PATH MINISTRIES (Jesus touching people so that they can touch others) 297-101 Kinderkamack Rd. #278 Oradell, NJ 07649 Phone: (201) 261-7654 Fax: (201) 261-4954 Prodigy: KGFS78A INTERNET: TEEN CHALLENGE TRAINING CENTER INC. P.O. Box 98 Rehrersburg, PA 19550 (717) 933-4181 TRANSPORT FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL (Winning truck drivers to Jesus Christ and establishing them in their faith) P.O. Box 303 Denver, Pennsylvania 17517-0303 Phone (215) 267-2444 FAX (215) 267-4181 Canadian Address: Box 2321 Clearbrook, BC V2T 4X2 Phone (Canada) (604) 856-8024 WHOLE COUNSEL MINISTRIES INC. 6113 River Road Matoaca, VA 23803-8047 INTERNET: ZION'S TRUMPET (A FAX-ministry dedicated to bringing accurate news reports and prayer needs from Israel to Christians around the world.) For more information contact Larry Baker Home FAX: 907-766-3342 Address: P.O. Box 1033 - Haines, Alaska, 99827. INTERNET: 76570.671@cis ZOLA LEVITT MINISTRIES INC. (Publishers of the "Levitt Letter" (no charge) Producers of "Zola Levitt Presents" television show) P.O. Box 12268 Dallas Texas 75225 S.C.U.D. WARNINGS ! S.C.U.D. WARNINGS ! S piritual C ounterfeits U ndermining D octrine W A R N I N G S By Jerry Johnson It's a boring Saturday afternoon, too cold and drizzly to go out and do anything fun. It's one of those odd days where the only sports on are Jai Lai highlights or table tennis finals. As you are flipping through the hundred plus channels you pay too much for to your monopolistic cable company, you suddenly stop and back up a couple of channels to see if you actually saw what you think you just saw. Sure enough. There it is on channel 94: a large cross made out of four vertical cubes with two cubes sticking out vertically from the third cube up. Each cube has a person sitting in it and the bottom cube is lit up in a blue border while the top cube is lit up in red. Out of sure curiosity, and a healthy dose of boredom, you shut off the "mute" and turn up the volume: (The sound of the audience laughing) Host: Well, that's certainly a wonderful story, Sue. Now pick your next celebrity Christian. Sue: I'd like Slash Mucus, please. (The left square of the crossbar starts to flash red and the light of the square come up revealing a young man with long, dirty hair, earrings in his ears and nose, wearing disheveled clothes) Host: Slash, this is your first appearance on Celebrity Christian Squares, so before we ask you your question, why don't you tell us how you came to Christ? Slash: It would be my (censored) pleasure, Buzzy. As you know, I've been the lead guitarist for the Heavy Metal band, Death and Ashes, for three (censored) years. Well, I was having a majorly (censored) bad acid trip when I saw Jesus standing there saying, "Yo, dude, chill out." Since then I've been a believer and formed a new Christian Heavy Metal band called "Chillout." Host: That's a great testimony, Slash. Now on to your question. Please complete the following Biblical quote: "Come to me, all you are weary and heavy laden and I will give you ..." Slash: Oh, (censored), that's a tough one, Buzzy. I don't know ... how about "the weekend off?" Host: Well, Sue, is your reply "Verily, Verily" or "Heaven Forbid?" Sue: "Heaven Forbid," Buzzy. (Slash's square turns solid red and the audience applauds) Host: That gives you the lead, Sue. Ted, it's now your turn to pick a Christian Celebrity Square. Ted: I'd like Sharon Sultry, Buzzy. (The right square of the crossbar starts flashing blue and the lights come up to reveal a very attractive young woman in a very revealing dress) Host: As you all know, Susan is a star of the stage, screen and TV, but what some of you may not know is that Susan has been a believer since she was 12. Susan, before we ask you your question, tell us about your latest project. Sharon: Well, Buzzy, I'm just wrapping up my latest picture, Bikini Bimbos from Hell, where I play a serial murdering nymphomaniac. And I'm pleased to say that the producers have given in to my moral conscience and I only do nude scenes if it advances the plot or takes place in a bedroom. (Polite applause from the audience) Host: That's great ... and how's your husband, Derek. Sharon: (slightly embarrassed) Buzzy, we divorced last year. I'm now married to my fourth wonderful, and Christian I might add, husband, Shawn Baxter. Host: Well, we wish you all the best. Now for your question: Name the disciple who declared he wouldn't believe Christ had risen from the dead unless he touched him? Sharon: Wasn't that Theodore, Buzzy? Host: Ted, is it a "Verily, Verily" or "Heaven Forbid?" Ted: I'll say "Verily, Verily", Buzzy. (A loud "awwww" comes from the audience) Host: Sorry Ted, you don't earn that square. Now back to Sue. Sue: I'd like Hank Canseco, Buzzy. (The next to the bottom square flashes red to reveal a man in a professional baseball uniform) Host: Great choice. Sue. We'd like to welcome Hank back to the show after his most recent bout with cocaine addiction. (Suddenly horns blare and lights start flashing and the square at the center of the cross starts flashing) Host: You know what that means, folks! It's time to reveal our secret center square guest for our "wink of an eye" round. We are so pleased to have this guest, who is world famous and came to the Lord just four days ago. (Wild applause from the audience) He is known to millions of parents and even more children ... that's right ... our secret guest is that famous lavender and chartreuse dinosaur: Bernie! Bernie: Oh, golly, Buzzy's just super-dee-duper to be here and I have a song to sing, just because you're special: I love God, He loves me, Now I'm in His fam-i-ly With a holy kiss and a prayer from me for you Won't you say you love ... Him .... too. Shaking your head in disbelief, you grab your remote, flip a couple of channels and spend the rest of the day watching the "Garbage Dump Rat Shooting Show" with Billy Joe and Bubba Braxton on the "Tacky Channel." "Reaching for the Prize(winner)" There is a pastor in my church that as a youngster, instead of playing cops and robbers or cowboys and indians, he'd play Pilgrim's Progress. Yeah, I thought that was pretty odd, too. That is, I considered it odd until I started to write this column. A friend of my suggested this topic, stating that he was frustrated with the fact that many of the heroes for Christians today are people who are successful in the secular realm, but happen to be believers. These people excel in such things as sports, TV, film, music, etc. I don't know about you but I tend to cringe when I'm watching the music awards and hear groups give glory to God when they are into sexually explicit music or gangster rap and are proud of their four illegitimate children. Can their testimony can be seen anywhere but their words? "Good question! Can your testimony been seen anywhere but in what you say?" I'll freely admit that I have been pretty selfish throughout my life and I've just recently come to realize what an arrogant know-it-all I've been all these years. "What? You finally read one of your columns!?" That, and looked at my life. I honestly cannot say that if someone had looked at my attitudes towards others that they would have believed I'm a disciple of Christ. And that's my point. By what standards do we determine who our modern heroes of the faith should be? The ones that are the most famous are, as I stated before, those who've made lots of money in the secular realm, but are Christians and, as my intro indicated, sometimes their lives are no more an example of godliness and love than mine has been. There are precious few "heroes" that have that status because of character or commitment. And among the teens, I'd submit that there are basically no heroes based on those most challenging standards. So the question I'm examining is "why?" Why are our modern Christian heroes vaunted because of success that the secular world would also hail? We in America live in a totally unique age. In all of history, outside of the garden itself, there has rarely been a society that was so generally protected from pain and discomfort. "But what about the recent earthquakes and tornadoes and floods?! You call that comfort?!" What I'm saying is that those occasions are so startling because something that severe is rare in our regular experience. Think about it. Take a 6.8 on the Richter Scale earthquake. In L.A. with its population of millions scores died. In far less populated areas of Latin America or eastern Europe the same size earthquake has killed tens of thousands at a time. Same size earthquake ... different levels of comfort in living. Pain, death, discomfort, cold, hunger and striving have ceased to be a part of our experience and has become the intrusive exception. "Are you saying that's a bad thing?" Don't get me wrong ... I like a soft bed, warm house and good meal as well as the next guy. What I am saying is that pain and discomfort have become so rare in our society that we have ceased to view it as something to be overcome ... something to grow strong through. Now we view it as an enemy, something to be avoided at all cost and as something that has no value. In coming to that thinking we have lost something significant. Dave Dravecky had fame because he could throw a ball ... he was a major league pitcher. Then due to a series of tragedies he lost his pitching arm AND his shoulder. When he could no longer pitch he got depressed, dropped out of sight, buried himself in booze and became a bitter recluse because he could no longer be a Christian hero. Nope. At that point he went from being a pitcher who was a Christian to being a Christian hero. Adversity attacked him with a vengeance and THROUGH THE BATTLE he held to his faith and now gives the testimony of God's provision in pain and loss. That's a Christian hero and an example of what we should value. We've lost our edge because we've gained in comfort, ease and convenience. In the past, and in many places today, Christians attended church at the risk of imprisonment. Today we skip church if there's a good football game on or if we don't like the way the preacher says "AHmen." I speak from experience. I became comfortable in my Christianity and in order to avoid discomfort I wouldn't look honestly at the way I lived my faith and thereby continued to live a comfortable and selfish Christianity. Only when I was presented with the opportunity to face and feel the pain of what my selfishness had actually done did I choose to change. Pain and discomfort have always been tools used by God to forge his people's character. Just look at Moses, David, Joseph, Paul. All were conformed into Godly men of character BECAUSE of the pain and discomfort, not despite it. "So what are we supposed to do? Flagellate ourselves?" No. But we should do as James 1:2 says: "Consider it PURE JOY, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." We need to let God use pain in our live to conform us to the image of His Son instead of living with the primary goal of avoiding pain and discomfort. We need to value the pain as the tool of God it is. Maybe our heroes have been those Christians who have money and worldly fame because in those people we see those who have achieved and no longer have to struggle. My pastor's hero was Pilgrim of Pilgrim's Progress ... a man defined by his struggle. I think he has the right idea. After all, the man on the top of the mountain didn't fall up there ... and we, as believers, do not become more like Christ by easing our way through life and ducking the pain. next time: The Like of God Commentary Commentary Guest Commentary SNEAK ATTACK PROVIDES OPPORTUNITIES FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH By Moishe Rosen International Director of Jews For Jesus Jews for Jesus must be doing something right! If not, the devil wouldn't bother to attack us so often. The latest onslaught is an insidious campaign against our ministry that can only be described as diabolical. It came through the most innocent of channels ¥ a magazine for senior citizens. MODERN MATURITY is the official organ of the American Association for Retired Persons. AARP claims to be a nonpartisan organization. Yet a recent article in this publication was used as a vehicle to defame Jews for Jesus (and possibly put all Bible believers in a bad light as it refers to "Bible-believing cults"). The June cover of MODERN MATURITY carried in large letters the word CULTS. In it were entrapped a number of grotesque, helpless-looking elderly people. The feature article inside was titled, "Let us Prey.'' The subtitle warned, "Cults have scored with youth, now they're after you.'' Again there appeared the grotesque drawing of elderly people with a sinister figure looming over them in a menacing stance. The article began with the statement, "Respect your elders; cults certainly do. They respect elders' retirement incomes, investment portfolios and paid-for homes. No longer satisfied with recruiting wide-eyed and penniless youths, the cults have shifted their focus to older people¥even those who have little more to offer than their social security checks or small pensions." The article discussed David Koresh, the Church Universal Triumphant, some other questionable groups and - would you believe it - Jews for Jesus! The writers sought to cover themselves legally by describing Jews for Jesus as a "fundamentalist Christian missionary organization." Yet adjacent to an inflammatory pullout about cults in very large, eye-catching type they accused us of: "recruiting practices indicative of tactics cults or cult-like organizations use." The authors based their defamatory remarks on a book by Ellen Kamentsky, a former Jews for Jesus staffer who was "deprogrammed" and is being used by antimissionary groups as a polemicist against us. In her book, Kamentsky misrepresented our ministry. She described an alleged practice we use in visiting nursing homes. Telling of her own unauthorized visits to such places, she wrote of wandering in and out of nursing homes, addressing patients by the names she read on the doors of their rooms and asking if they would like some company, which they usually did. If Kamentsky did things like that, she went against all of our Jews for Jesus rules and training. We never visit old age homes or nursing homes unless someone there wants to see us. Visits usually are arranged by prior phone call. Our missionary-evangelists identify themselves, give a Bible lesson and close in prayer. If Ellen Kamentsky deceived patients into thinking that she was not a missionary, she went against all of our principles. Actually, we are not so concerned with what Ellen Kamentsky said. Most astute Christians who read her book will discern that she had some hidden problems even before she left our employ. What does concern us is that this lurid article lumps us together with all kinds of unscrupulous cults. In a sense, the writers, for whatever reason. have tried to establish "guilt by association." Such an article cuts us two ways: Jewish people who read it will not want to have anything to do with us because they will be sure that we are trying to swindle them out of their money or. worse yet, lead them into weird practices that could even result in violence. It also raises suspicions about our character and purpose among those we need to be our ministry friends. We exist and carry on our ministry because God provides through His people. Because this insidious article implies that we are a cult, people will remember that rather than the truth and will reject our ministry. In the past, however, every such knock has been a boost. Everything formed as a weapon against us has failed. Opposition can and does strengthen the Jews for Jesus organization from within. When our motives are constantly questioned, we know we must be transparent. We strive to be above reproach in all our endeavors. Ordinary integrity is not enough for us. Because we are constantly under attack, we strive to be even more honest and more honorable than other missions. Such an onslaught as this article also tends to make us huddle closer to the Lord. We realize that we cannot rely on ourselves or outsiders. The world without Christ is easily manipulated by the evil one. Yet God is our helper and defender. As our cause is just, He will fight for us. There is no way I can believe that all 32,000,000 members of the American Association of Retired Persons have set or will set their hearts against us. Many of them are evangelical Christians just like us, and some are our supporters. Even so, we are bound to get adverse reactions. You cannot imagine the discouragement we would feel were we to start getting bundles of letters from previous friends and supporters asking that their names be removed from our mailing list because they thought we engaged in "cult-like practices." It really would not do any good to try to answer such letters. Most people who take wrongful impressions don't even bother to write us, so we cannot defend ourselves to them. All we can do is cling to the Lord and ask Him to vindicate His honor and our name. We can only pray for those who have intentionally or unintentionally wronged us. We can pray for the writers, for Executive Editor T. A. Dworetzky and others on the MODERN MATURITY staff who may have had part in this article's publication. May they discover the joy we have discovered in knowing Jesus and gain discernment as to who really is a friend or enemy of God and of the elderly, the sick and the helpless. Jews for Jesus has been in this kind of circumstance before. I have encountered situations where I felt that, humanly speaking, it was hopeless to go on. Yet I went to God, and He not only moved us ahead, but gave us greater victories than ever before. He has used such attacks not only to help us draw closer to Him, but to find new appreciation for our friends and supporters like you who trust Him and uphold us in times of trouble. I think of what one of our supporters told me when I was in Oregon recently. He had gone to a synagogue service because the rabbi was speaking on the topic of Jews for Jesus. There he heard a lengthy diatribe of preposterous statements, such as, "Moishe Rosen really isn't Jewish," and "Most of the Jews for Jesus staff are pretending to be Jews." That brother, a longtime supporter who had never met me, said he wept for that rabbi and for that congregation. He underwent a moment of confusion when they said we were a multimillion dollar organization. (It is true that we are the largest mission to the Jews, and as such, we do spend $8,000,000 a year on evangelism.) Then he sought the Lord and felt better than ever about supporting Jews for Jesus. Having been at that meeting, he could appreciate the kind of opposition we face. Sometimes the "false hell" our adversaries try to put us through is nothing more than refining fire. When someone is determined to "crucify" us, we remember that Jesus, though literally crucified, arose triumphantly. Even so, we, His followers, shall arise from every troubled situation to a new life. We at Jews for Jesus are at a point where once again we are discovering the truth of Y'shua's words: "In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). We also take comfort in the words of 1 John 4:4: "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." The devil is out there, trying to defeat the cause of Christ, but God will triumph. There are yet many who need to hear the message of salvation, and with God's help, we will continue to preach it. I would like to offer a final thought to all who honor Christ, believe that the Bible is God's Word and affiliate themselves with others of like faith and conviction. Today it's Jews for Jesus. Tomorrow it could be you and your church! That same MODERN MATURITY article that tried to put Jews for Jesus in a bad light also hinted at a connection between all Bible believers and cults. One point (on page 24) mentioned "Bible-oriented mind-control groups.'' We see this, too, as a veiled attempt to show guilt by association. Ungodly forces at work in this world have already legalized the murder of unborn children. They have taken away the rights to read Scripture or pray in school and replaced them with lessons about sexual perversion and "safe'' promiscuity. Will they next legalize euthanasia? Will they publish warnings not to give financial support to churches? Will they deny eligibility for tax deductions to evangelistic organizations? Will they label the Bible and all evangelistic literature as "subversive propaganda for the weak and helpless"? The caption at the bottom of MODERN MATURITY's June cover warned: "Forget kids. Now they're after you." For all God-fearing, Bible-believing Christians, let me offer my version: "Forget cults. Soon they could be after you!" The times are evil, but God will yet triumph. Won't you join hands and prayers with us? Let's pray that we might rise above the present situations and be living demonstrations that Christians are overcomers.  Features What if I Fail ? What if I Fail ? She wanted to share her faith with her neighbor. But she kept thinking, "WHAT IF I FAIL?" By Sharon Beth Brani Culpeper, Virginia Oh, Lord," I whispered, "what if she isn't ready?" But as I prayed and thought about the matter, I knew that I had to visit my elderly neighbor; I had to speak with her about her relationship with Christ. But I was so scared. What if she resented my talking with her about such a personal matter? What if she became so angry that our friendship would be ended? What if she mocked me for my beliefs? I often found it difficult just to start speaking with someone about eternal matters in a natural way. My hands would shake. My voice would quiver. Fear of failing, of turning someone away from God, chained me and kept me from freely talking with others about Jesus. As I looked at my neighbor's white house, I trembled. I knew that she had attended church for years, but I didn't know if she knew Christ in a personal way. There was just one way to find out. Reaching for a booklet that explains the plan of salvation, I threw on my jacket and walked out of the house. My knees shook as I went across the driveway and up the sidewalk. "Oh, Lord, what if I say the wrong thing?" I silently cried. But I sensed my loving Father assuring me that to say nothing would be failure. This dear elderly neighbor might not have another chance to hear the Gospel. Clinging to the promise of God's presence, I knocked on her door. "Come in," I heard. So I turned the doorknob and pushed open the door. My friend lay on a tiny cot covered by a simple gray sheet. As I stepped over to her side, I realized that she had lost a lot of weight since I had last seen her. "Glad to see you, Sharon," she said with her usual good spirits. I reached for her wrinkled hand and held it tenderly in mine while we spoke for a few minutes. All the time I kept wondering how I could possibly ask her about her relationship with Christ. I sensed the Lord reassuring me: "You can't fail, Sharon. Tell her what you know to be true." Taking a big breath, I plunged in to what was foremost on my mind: "Florine, we have known each other for many years, and often I have wondered if you know Christ in a personal way. If you were to die today, do you know where you would go?" As I said the words, a tear trickled down my cheek. "Well, I've always gone to church," she said slowly. I waited as she seemed to be thinking deeply. "But I've never been sure about where I would go." "Oh, Florine, you can know! You can know for sure!" I spoke with excitement. "Let me show you from this little booklet which I brought with me." Reaching into my pocket, I took out the booklet. Page by page I slowly went over each step with Florine. When we came to the last page, she said that she wanted to accept Jesus as her personal Savior. Together we held hands and prayed. Afterward, as I walked home, my spirit was rejoicing. And suddenly it hit me. I won't fail when it comes to telling people about Jesus! There may not be a positive response like the one I had just witnessed, but if I am gracious and considerate of others, they will listen to what I say. Maybe my words will be like seeds which will bear fruit in days to come. Many people have never heard how they can have life eternal. Many have never understood that God loves them. Many aren't sure where they will go when they die. With confidence I can speak to them about my faith in Jesus Christ. Sharon Beth Brani is a free-lance writer and a teacher for the Culpeper County school system in Culpeper, Virginia. She attends Culpeper Baptist Church (Southern Baptist Convention). Used with permission. Copyright 1992 Sharon Beth Brani. Can Anything Good... Can Anything Good... CAN ANYTHING GOOD COME FROM BEING ARRESTED? By Marty Verk As I was handing out our gospel tracts at Chicago's O'Hare Airport with a co-worker, I was approached by a woman from the Department of Aviation. She asked if I had a permit to hand out our literature. I did, so I showed it to her. Then she said I was standing in the wrong place (some 20 feet from a sign stating that people we exercising First Amendment rights in that area). She said I must stand between a certain set of elevators near the Hare-Krishnas and other religious and political groups with whom I did not want to be identified, so I refused. In the not-so-distant past the Supreme Court of the United States had ruled that airports in general were play where First Amendment rights would be upheld. Also, one group had threatened to take O'Hare Airport to court, saying that their impost regulations were unconstitutional. The judge reviewing the case had agreed that the rules O'Hare was attempting to enact we unreasonably restrictive, and the rules were struck down. So there we were¥the Department of Aviation with no rules, and me with my gospel broadsides. I told the woman I was not going to move because there were no rules in force, and the recent court case had proved our right be there. She left, seeming distressed that I had challenged her. About 15 minutes later a police officer approached and asked me to move I explained the situation to her. She said if I didn't move I would be arrested. I moved only so far as to call my supervisor and inform him that I might be arrested. He instructed me to return to my location and continue to hand out my tracts. I did, and within five minutes I was arrested, handcuffed, placed in the back of a cruiser and driven to a police station where I was placed in a temporary holding cell. I knew that I'd be there for a while, so I sang and prayed. I particularly asked the Lord to show me that this was his will and not something I had brought about out of a sense of pride or arrogance. Just then I was transferred to another division for processing and put into a cell with six other men. Not to waste time, I started to talk to them. A man named Clyde was very moved by my being arrested for telling people about Jesus and the joy I expressed in being able to "suffer" to some extent for him. One by one the others were released, until only Clyde and I were left. I turned to him and looked into his eyes. He looked as though he were longing for hope. I asked, "Clyde, would you like to ask Jesus into your life?" "Yes!" came his response from a voice choking with emotion. We prayed right there in that gray prison cell, and I watched as God's freeing power entered Clyde's life. He looked up with a smile and asked if I'd call him. Just then the guard came back to say that Clyde was being released. He quickly ripped a piece of paper from the guard's newspaper, jotted down his name and phone number and handed it to me. I was so excited and happy that the guard noticed and asked me what was so wonderful about being in jail. About half an hour later I was released. Now I knew this had been the Lord's will. He had set up this divine appointment for Clyde and me to bring him into a living relationship with God and to encourage me in a time of trial. Praise the Lord for that opportunity to share the new life with Clyde! A few days later I was arrested again under the same rules the judge had struck down. Please pray for all the legal aspects involved in these cases of harassment Jews for Jesus is facing, and for the battles we must endure if we are to continue to exercise our constitutional rights. From THE JEWS FOR JESUS NEWSLETTER The Elephant in my Living Room The Elephant in my Living Room THE ELEPHANT IN MY LIVING ROOM By David Rogers Colorado Springs, Colorado I have a confession to make. I have an elephant in my living room. No, I don't mean that I have a painting of an elephant. Nor is it a porcelain or wooden figurine. It is a real, live elephant. I shouldn't refer to this as a "confession," because I'm really not ashamed to have an elephant there. Indeed, I'm very happy to have one. In fact, I believe that everyone should have an elephant in his living room. Some of you, who have visited my house, are surely thinking by now: "Wait a minute! I've been to his house and in his living room, and I certainly didn't see an elephant there." That is no doubt because I don't usually mention my elephant when I have guests. You see, I know that there are those who think I am a bit peculiar for having an elephant in my living room and may even feel a bit embarrassed by seeing one there. With such visitors, I am careful to steer our conversation away from elephants. We may talk of the weather, of politics, or even of the art with which I have decorated my living room. With so many things to occupy our conversation, it is no wonder that we never get around to talking about elephants in living rooms, even though mine is clearly the most noticeable object in the room. Even when my elephant physically places himself between my guest and I (he tries to get attention that way), we go on blithely discussing every topic under the sun. We discuss very topic except, of course, elephants in living rooms. Since most of my guests are too polite to bring up the subject themselves, and since I hadn't mentioned the subject myself, I am sure that many of them, after a visit with me, are unsure if they really did see that elephant in my living room. Sometimes, I feel that by ignoring my elephant when I have house guests, I am not being true to my beliefs. After all, if I really believe that elephants belong in living rooms, shouldn't I be telling everyone of my belief? Shouldn't I be trying to convince others that they cannot possibly be happy until they, too, have elephants in their living rooms? But, because I don't want to cause my guests embarrassment or discomfort, I never tell them of my belief. I guess I place a higher value on my companionship with them than I do on the joy I know they would experience by having elephants in their living rooms. I have another confession to make. I lied about the elephant. I don't really have an elephant in my living room (or anywhere else) and I don't think you should have one in yours, either. But I do have a Messiah in my life and I think everyone else should, too. Why, then, am I so reluctant to talk of the joy which I experience from having Messiah in my life? Why do I hesitate to bring up something in which I believe very strongly? Why do I refrain from telling others that they need Messiah in their lives, too, even though I know the blessings this would bring them? Could it be that I am afraid that they will think of me as peculiar? Or that they would be embarrassed to talk of such things? Yes, that must be it. Of course it is! I am just too considerate of the feelings of others to risk embarrassing them or making them think poorly of me by my unwise choice of a conversation topic. What a grand person I am to be so protective of others and their feelings! Rubbish! I can come up with endless justifications to rationalize my failure to share Yeshua and his gospel of salvation. I can find innumerable excuses for not telling others how they, too, can have eternal existence in fellowship with G-d and His Lamb. But, when the deeds of my life are assessed, would any of these justifications, rationalizations, or excuses be worth anything? Would Yeshua accept them as valid reasons for not telling others of Him? I think not. "But wait a minute!" you may say. "What about the ecumenical movement? What about trying to understand the belief systems of others and trying to find common ground between our beliefs and theirs?" I'm beginning to have a problem with so-called ecumenical activities. Each year, at certain seasons, we are treated to media reports that always feature a scene with a rabbi and a Christian clergyman. Usually the occasion has been some type of religious observance in which both have taken part. The report is filled with glowing references to "common ground," "working together in spite of major theological differences," or "fostering understanding without compromising beliefs." This sounds to me very much like the rationalizations that I mentioned earlier. The ones that I thought would not withstand G-d's scrutiny. Such ecumenical relationships can only take place in an atmosphere as false and as strained as the one in which we ignored the nonexistent elephant in my living room. The unbeliever must pretend not to be aware of the most glaring difference between himself and the believer. The believer, on the other hand, must go out of his way to avoid any mention of the one thing that he knows would be of greatest benefit to the unbeliever. The glittering terminology of ecumenical is seen, on close examination, to be as hollow as a soap bubble and just as slippery and hard to hold onto. Where is the "common ground" between belief and unbelief? That today is Tuesday? Or that the sun is shining? A believer cannot ignore the "major theological differences" between him and an unbeliever. Instead, he should be cutting through those differences with the Sword of the Word to win the unbeliever to Messiah. I cannot agree to ignore an unbeliever's condition without, by that very act, compromising my beliefs. For my beliefs include the Great Commission, which requires me to tell the world of the gospel of Yeshua. Not that I believe in the "in your face" style of witnessing. Yeshua's gospel is a gospel of love and must be presented in love. But the point is that it must be presented, not ignored. Nor am I advocating invading normative synagogues to find targets for our witnessing. Paul taught that, in presenting the gospel, we were to be as wise as serpents, but as gentle as doves. There is a time and a place for everything. Few of us will have the opportunity to, like Peter, preach a single sermon which brings 3,000 new believers into the fold. For most of us, our witness will be the one-on-one type. Whenever and wherever the opportunity arises to tell another of our Messiah: who He is, what He did for us, how our lives have been changed forever -- let us speak forth boldly and not be concerned about embarrassing them, turning them off, or making ourselves appear foolish. That would be far better than learning someday that a soul perished for lack of our witness. Printed with permission and taken from the May 1993 Vol.VII, No.5 issue of the Remnant of Israel Congregation newsletter. And Thy House ? And Thy House ? AND THY HOUSE? By Jeanne Kimmel I stared in bewilderment at the memorandum in my hand: "The Jews for Jesus Ingathering is coming up, and I'd like to ask for your involvement. Specifically, would you please assist with the children's program and give a workshop on Praying for Unbelieving Mishpochah (Yiddish for family)." Children's program? Sure. But a workshop on praying for unbelieving family? I am a missionary with Jews for Jesus. I have been a believer for seven years, but I have yet to see any members of my family come to faith in Y'shua. My mother is the only one in our family besides me who is a believer, and she got saved first! Having shown no level of expertise in that area, I was not sure how I could make an effective delivery at the workshop. But I agreed to do it. I figured God surely had a plan. As I began to pray and ponder my assigned topic, I had to admit the frustration that so many of us believers fee praying for our unbelieving families. Some of us have been praying for years and have seen virtually no fruit for o labors. We read Scripture passages like Acts 16:31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house," and we become disillusioned. We think, "Was this a prophecy only for the Philippine jailer's house hold? Or dare I apply it to myself?" My mother only prayed a year for me before I accepted Jesus. Not too bad! How do success testimonies like that make the rest of us feel? Sometimes frustrated. Jealous. Even bitter. Stan Telchin, a Jewish believer, wrote his testimony in the book, Betrayed! Stan's daughter Judy was saved first, and within a year her mom, dad and sister were saved. When I took a closer look at those accounts, I began to realize, why the Lord wanted me to do " that workshop. It was apparent that I had a lot to learn. I decided I would go to some who had success stories about praying for their loved ones' salvation and inquire about their methods. Out of three interviews, two had at least one family member who had come to faith within the year. The one factor that stood out clearly was their high level of faith. Both believed. That sounds so simple. Yet when we review the Parable of the Mustard Seed, unbelief seems a common hindrance to the effectiveness of prayer. Certainly the Lord does not desire anyone to perish. Although it is his Spirit who draws people to himself, God does ask that we believers be actively involved. Whether it is preaching the gospel to every creature or praying without ceasing, faith without works is dead! So what? Out of all that I observed in the two success stories, I was able to discover four parallels. 1. Both believers had tremendous burdens for their families. They prayed a lot. Judy Telchin even fasted, but not to change God's heart. She fasted so that God would change her heart. 2. Both believers were in a constant attitude of prayer. 3. Both were very submissive to the Lord. They asked him for the words to say to their family members, whether in writing or in a visit with them. 4. Both were brand-new believers themselves. The zeal of their own conversions was very fresh, very tender and very sweet. This led me to examine my life, and I recommend such examination to those who want to see their loved ones come to faith in Y'shua. You might ask yourself the following questions: What is my own prayer life like? Do I feel guilty for not praying enough? Is there unresolved anger or bitterness brewing within? Is my own heart clean before God? What are my motives, really? My research has had a direct effect on my own family relationships, particularly in regard to my father. I have been asking God to increase my burden for my family and to forgive my lack of faith that he will touch their hearts. My involvement with my dad has become much more intimate. When we talk, I don't try to stick Jesus in everywhere. Jesus is everywhere in my attitude. I simply care and inquire actively about my dad's life. I have, however, become very open with him about the fact that I am praying for him and have asked others to pray for him. Two weeks after the workshop had the opportunity to see my dad. For a week, people had been praying for our time together. On the last day of our visit my dad and I had breakfast together. Before we began to eat he looked at me, expecting me to pray. I praised God for our time together, and asked him to bless my father' travels and to guide him in a possible new business endeavor. When I looked up at my papa, his eyes were filled with tears. He smiled through quivering lips, confessing hope that God had understood my prayer. I know God's Spirit is working. My earthly father may not be able to confess his Messiah yet, but I know that as long as I confess my Messiah openly, my heavenly Father will be glad. The rest is up to the Lord. I now have more confidence than ever that I am to persevere in prayer, believing that the fruit will come in due season. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." The first mandate in this promise to the Philippine jailer was to "believe in the Lord Jesus." The rest fell into place. From THE JEWS FOR JESUS NEWSLETTER God's Bumper Stickers God's Bumper Stickers GOD'S BUMPER STICKERS A few months ago, we put the call out over the computer networks for people to send in some of the more interesting Christian bumper stickers they had seen in their travels. Bumper stickers are a great witnessing tool and a sure-fire way to prompt conversation with others. Here is a list of what's been seen around the country. If you're going the wrong way - God allows U turns Be a hero, save a whale-save a baby, go to jail My boss is a Jewish carpenter Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven Jesus died for you, will you live for Him? If you don't feel close to God, guess who moved? God is good all the time Pray for the peace of JerUSAlem (USA in red, white and blue and in big letters) Jesus - don't leave earth without Him Put prayer back in school and take out the drugs and sex Jesus loved me enough to die for me. Wanna hear more? Warning: In case of Rapture this vehicle will be without a driver Know Jesus know Peace, No Jesus no Peace If you love Jesus - don't honk - tithe! He who dies with the most toys wins nothing. Luke 9:24 Be patient; God isn't finished with me yet Tough week? We're open on Sunday Boycott hell - repent Many who wait until the 11th hour to be saved die at 10:30 The next time the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future You can't say no to drugs until you say yes to Jesus Beam me up, Lord! The following aren't bumper stickers but they serve the same purpose: Rick Riker of New Jersey has left instructions for a simple inscription on his tombstone someday ... "Saved, are you?" There's a license plate that can be seen on a car in Minnesota that says "GodRulz." Pennsylvania license plates all say: "You have a friend in Pennsylvania. One has been spotted which says, "You have a friend in Jesus." And finally ... Grace Fellowship Church on Main Street in Nashua, New Hampshire hangs a 30-foot banner over their front door which thousands of people see each day. Pastor Paul Berube's flock has had some very clever ideas. In April, the banner itself was hung upside down (a real attention-getter) and read, "Let JESUS Turn Your Life Upside Down." The May banner read, "REVIVAL - Some Assembly Required." This month's timely saying reads, "Escape the HEAT - Give Your Heart to Jesus." KYFC-TV KYFC-TV KYFC-TV By D.W. Haskin Westwood, Kansas KYFC-TV 50 is a Christian television station owned and operated by Kansas City Youth for Christ, Inc.(KCYFC) In addition to the television station, KCYFC also operates the L-bar-C & Circle-C Youth Ranches and Christ Unlimited Bible Institute. Kansas City Youth for Christ started in June 19,1943 by Dr. Al Metsker and his wife Vidy. (This past spring Dr. Al Metsker went to be with the Lord.) In the 1960's Kansas City Youth for Christ started a radio program on a local radio station. Then in 1972 KCYFC began a local 30-minute television program called "Christ Unlimited". For several years, it was very difficult to find available airtime on the local stations for the program, and by 1975 Dr. Metsker realized that the only way to fulfill the dream of Christian programming would be to have their own TV station. Dr. Al went to Washington, D.C. to speak with the FCC about the license to operate a Christian television station on the then-dormant channel 50 in Kansas City. A dream was born! In the three years that followed, more than 26,000 people caught the vision, worked, prayed and gave to see Kansas City have a full-time independent Christian television station. On December 15, 1978, the dream became a reality. Now KYFC broadcasts Christian programming 126 hours every week, including broadcasts from over 75 different ministries. Not only is KYFC-TV a broadcast station, but also a fully equipped production facility. Studio "A" is one of the largest in the Kansas City area. On the average, thirty hours of programming is produced in the studio every week. Studio "B" can seat up to 1800 people for a studio audience. Many programs produced in the studios of KYFC-TV are not only aired locally, but also on many other stations around the country, as well as two Satellite networks. The future at the station proves to be bright and expanding with lots of things on the drawing board. KYFC-TV is the only station in Kansas City that has a BBS. People can download the TV Broadcast Schedule or look at it on the BBS. The BBS also has all the normal thing you would find on a Christian BBS, Games, Messages, Prayer Requests, Bible files, and lots more. The studio is located in Westwood, Kansas and the transmitter is 7.2 miles east of the studio in Kansas City, Missouri. The tower is 1,164 feet high, with a 1.17 Megawatt transmitter, giving KYFC about a 75-100 mile radius around Kansas City. In Kansas City and surrounding towns more than 1.5 million people can tune into the station either over the air or through cable. While the cost to build the station was $2.6 million, it would cost considerably more today. Never before in our county's history have we seen such a disintegration of the family unit. These facts scream out to all who uphold decency and righteousness. Something must be done! Our blessed country is in stages of decay. As one evangelist said of today's television programming. "We have an open sewage pipe flowing into our homes." Christian television is the alternative! Viewers can be confident that programming on KYFC is suitable for the eyes and ears of children and adults alike, teaching submission and respect for authority instead of rebellion, and promoting the fruits of the Spirit, Love, Joy, Peace, Long-Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance (Galatians 5:22) On KYFC-TV, life is portrayed as sacred - not something to be thrown away. The only "Safe Sex" is abstinence. Through the programming many homes have been strengthened and families have accepted Christ. Over the years, many well-known people have visited KYFC and appeared on their local programs, such as John Ankerberg, Dave Breese, Jerry Johnston, former Missouri Gov. John Ashcroft, Josh Mc Dowell, Dean Jones, Nolan Ryan, Oliver North, Carman, Steve Green, Jerry Falwell, and others. In 1992, the station was honored to receive two Angel awards as well as the National Religious Broadcaster's "Station of the Year". For more information on KYFC-TV or Kansas City Youth For Christ, write or call: KYFC-TV 4715 Rainbow Blvd. Westwood, Kansas 66205-1885 1-800-880-KYFC (913) 262-1700 (in Kansas) (913) 262-1782 FAX (913) 262-0220 BBS The WOW Approach in Witnessing The WOW Approach in Witnessing THE "WOW" APPROACH IN WITNESSING By Moishe Rosen Do you really want to witness for the Lord but don't quite know how to begin? Try the WOW approach. WOW stands for "Witnessing On the Way." You can turn just about any situation into an opportunity to talk to the Lord and salvation. Jesus did it all the time. Consider the fourth chapter of John's Gospel. Jesus was sitting beside a well, when along came a Samaritan woman. He asked her for a drink of water, and she taunted Him about the prejudice of the Jews toward Samaritans. Jesus responded by telling her that if she knew who He was and what God could give her, she would ask Him, and He would give her rivers of living water. The woman mocked Him with, "Well, why don't you just go ahead and give me this water so I don't have to come here any more?" Jesus didn't flinch at her sarcasm. Instead, He used her glib comment to catapult them into a serious discussion about the woman's spiritual condition. Like Jesus, you, too, can throw an offhand remark into a casual encounter that the other person can grab as a conversational handle. Here are just a few examples: * You are picking up your dry cleaning or laundry. Try saying something like, "It looks good, but it's still not as clean as Jesus can make a person's soul." * Someone stops and asks you for traffic directions. Give the person the directions, smile and add, "By the way, if you are looking for the way to God, Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life."' * Someone tries to tell you a bit of gossip about who did what to whom. Respond with, "The Bible really does tell the truth when it says, 'All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."' *A friend invites you out to dinner and asks what restaurant you prefer. Say, "I'm going to be eating the bread of life and drinking the living waters for all eternity. You choose where we eat tonight." * You are getting filled up at a gas station. Try, "God's power is through the Holy Spirit, and He can fill you in an instant." The WOW approach is intended to surprise the hearer. It is not typical, mundane, everyday conversation. Neither is it stereotypical hellfire-and-brimstone evangelism an unbeliever might expect to hear. What response can you expect in return? A person will usually react in one of four ways: 1. The person may tell you that he or she also believes as you do. 2. Not wanting to talk to you about spiritual matters, the person may smile and go on as if you had not said what you did. 3. The person may taunt you or ridicule what you said. Even if that happens, be sure to end the exchange politely with a smile. You will leave a good impression, and the individual may later think about what you said. 4. The person may enter into a serious discussion with you that might someday lead to his or her salvation. Just remember, the WOW approach is not intended to be persuasive. It is merely a beginning - an invitation to talk about spiritual things. And if you extend enough handles, someone at some time will grab hold of one. From the booklet "Demystifying Personal Evangelism" (San Francisco: Purple Pomegranate Productions, Jews for Jesus. 1992). Little Boys and Girls of Yesterday Little Boys and Girls of Yesterday THE LITTLE BOYS AND LITTLE GIRLS OF YESTERDAY By J.C. Trudel Naples, Florida For a few weeks, I visited a middle aged lady in the local hospital on a daily basis, praying for her, encouraging her, hoping, as she did, that the Lord would bring healing to her broken body. I had been told about her by a sister in the church choir, who knew that visiting the sick was one of my occupations in the church. Dee Ann, as we shall call her, was an alcoholic, and had been in a very bad car accident, while driving under the influence, which added to the serious damage already done to her body by the alcohol consumed for many years. It was not God's will that she should recover, and as her condition was not improving, she was sent to a local nursing home, where I continued visiting her on a daily basis, casually observing the nursing home activities at the same time. One day, I asked Dee Ann: Do you think you are going to heaven when this is over? She replied: Yes! I asked her what the assurance of her going to Heaven was, and she said: I went to catholic school! I did not leave her room until she was born again, and ten days later, she went to be with the Lord, not because of the school she had gone to, but simply because she received Jesus-Christ as her personal Lord and Savior, and trusted in Him alone for her salvation. The morning before she passed away, I was told by the nurse that time was short. I went to her and whispered in her ear: Dee Ann, Jesus will soon gather you to Himself, that where He is, you also will be, we will meet again in a little while. The next day, I came, to find her bed empty, and stood there for a few thoughtful moments, and thanked God for using me to lead her to eternal salvation, and as I thought of her life wasted in such few years, a verse of scriptures came to my mind, Numbers 32:23 - "You may be sure that your sin will find you out". For a moment, I felt sadness for Dee Ann, then, as I reminded myself of what God's amazing grace had done for her, my sadness turned into joy. I walked through the nursing home, looking intently at many of the old and failing residents, hearing their cries, seeing the loneliness deep in their eyes, the confused expression in many faces, observing their bodies ravaged by diseases, and sensing in my soul the feeling of hopelessness they felt. As I stopped, and thought for a moment, I saw the little boys and little girls of yesterday and the words of James 4:14 came to my mind: "What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and them vanishes." (NIV) I went home, but what I had seen at the nursing home followed me, and was very much in my thoughts. I had visited church members in nursing homes for my former N.H. church, but I felt in my heart that God wanted more from me, and one Wednesday night at a church service, after speaking to a church sister who needed prayers for her arthritis, and watching her limp away in pain, I felt sadness in my heart and realized what my work for the Lord was to be, and I asked Him to open doors for me, and show me the way to best serve Him in nursing home visitations. The following morning, I went to one nursing home and asked the assistant-director of social services if they had residents who never had visitors. She promptly gave me a list of seven names, and with her complete approval, I immediately went to visit those seven residents. The next day, using the same approach, I went to another nursing home and was given a list of eight names, and visited these residents at once, and a few I met along the way in the hallway. Since then, the number of residents I visit in both places has increased greatly, and I know that I am doing what God wants me to do, and visiting these places twice a week is a great source of joy and a blessing for me. Having visited patients in hospitals for many years, I can assure you that visiting nursing homes is a totally different Christian work, as most residents of nursing homes know that they will never leave the place until they pass away, and visiting them means having to deal with a whole variety of physical and psychological conditions, which demand a great supply of psychological and spiritual stamina from anyone who desires to visit there on a faithful basis. It is my gift from the Lord to those unfortunate people, and knowing that some of you have the same gift, I invite you to come with me for a few visits with the little boys and little girls of yesterday. I will use fictitious names to respect their privacy. I dress my very best to go and visit, as I hope to cheer them, and being well dressed might help a little, I even put on after shave lotion so that they may smell something different for a change. And as I pray each day for my new friends, I ask God to help me as I go to speak to them and pray for them. Going at 9:00 AM is the best time and I went to Millie's room first. I found a very old lady in a wheel chair with her head bowed. I spoke to her and received no reply, so I bent down to put my face in her line of sight and again spoke to her. She pointed to her ear, indicating she could not hear. I cupped her left ear, and spoke a fairly loud greeting to her. She became very excited that she heard me. A very labored conversation followed. She started to cry with joy, telling me that no one had tried to converse with her for many months because of her near deafness and she feared she was loosing her mind. I asked about her age and she told me that all her children had died, she was the only one left and could not remember her age. I am all alone, she said! I reassured her that Jesus was with her, and that I would visit her twice a week. My old friend was now sitting straight up, and had a big smile on her face as I left. On my next visit, she said: I was thinking about you. What a joy it was to hear that! I then headed for Harriet's room to find her gazing at herself in the mirror, trying to see what can only be seen in her mind, as age and sickness have mercilessly done their work. I had a nice conversation with her, even though her mind slips a little at times. Yet, a few visits later, in one of her very lucid moment, I asked her if she was sure of going to heaven at the end of her days. She said that she was not and agreed that she wanted to be sure and received Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. After leading my second resident to the Lord, I realized the importance of my going there was for more than one reason. Irene's room is close by, so I stopped again to check on her. She has been in a coma and I quietly prayed for her. A few days later she was having a difficult time breathing. I came very close to her ear and said: Irene, Jesus is coming very soon to take you home where you will not hurt anymore, He is coming soon, very soon! On my following visit, her bed was empty. Lord! Did I tell her the right things? Should I have said more? Or did I say just what you wanted me to say? I stood silent for a few moments, then went to Lillian's room. Lillian was a member of our church I was told, but I guess she was either abandoned or just forgotten by her friends who may have become too old as well. I entered the room and came close to her. She began to scream: Get away from me, don't come close, and then I ducked a glass of water aimed at me, as well as saliva as she tried to spit on me. I calmly left the room, and later, as I was leaving the nursing home, I stopped in the hallway in front of her room, and as she looked at me, I waved at her and said: I'll see you later Lillian. On the next visit, more of the same, with her sandwich in pieces on the floor. As I did not want her to feel that she was in control and scaring me off, I calmly picked up the sandwich pieces, put them on the table near her, and visited the lady next to her. On another visit, I spoke to her as she sat in a wheelchair in the hall, and she did not say anything, much to my surprise. I feel confident that very soon, she will realize that she was not forgotten after all, and that she has nothing to fear from me. I saw her two more times, and she was very quiet. When I greeted her she said nothing. I gazed at her for a few more moments on my last visit, not realizing that I was seeing her for the last time. She went to be with the Lord on May 19th. On to Herb's room I go. I have spoken to him many times and he likes for me to visit him. Suddenly, he asks: Are you a minister? Feeling that it is perhaps a clue for me to find his spiritual condition, I tell him: I have the education to be a minister, but I chose not to become one as I feel that the Lord is happy with my visiting the nursing homes. I tried very hard to explain to him the plan of salvation, but he does not even know about Jesus, and suddenly his mind drifts to something else. I'll try again in a few days, as the Lord will somehow let me know the right time. As I leave the room, I recall the words of Ecclesiastes 12:1; "Remember your Creator in the days of your youth before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them". Herb is in his days of troubles and he may not have the mind anymore to know and receive his Creator. Oh! Lord, prepare him, that I may lead him to salvation before he dies. I visit a few more residents in their room, and a few along the hallway in their wheelchairs, and I go for my last visit of the day to Sandi's room. Sandi is 40 years old, stricken with muscular dystrophy. Her brother died of the same disease at age 35. She is the mother of a 10 year old son who lives with her husband who has divorced her and married her best friend. Mother's Day is coming in three days and she is very upset. She found out from her confused son that her ex-husband is telling him that his second wife is his mother, not Sandi. I could only deal with that with inspiration from above and it came. I even convinced her that she had to pray for her ex-husband, that the Lord may change his heart. She told me that if he paid her the alimony he owes her, she would not be stuck in the nursing home. Oh Lord, have mercy on Sandi. As I go by the dining area, I spot good old Suzy, a 90 year old World War Two widow. "He was such a good man, but the war took him," she told me. She is so frail, with very dim eyes and needs to return to her room, so I took her arm as she could not walk alone and took her to her room. We sat on the edge of the bed and talked about Jesus and a few other things. As I am about to leave, she asked me for a little kiss. I put her loving old face gently between my hands, and gave a soft kiss on her forehead. When I went by her room a few minutes later, she was sound asleep. It is very common for very old, lonely ladies to ask for a kiss or a hug and we must remember that early Christians used to greet one another with a holy kiss. It does not bother me, as I love them and "they know" that I do love them. I now head home to do a few chores, and prepare for the next day at the other nursing home. It's 9:00 AM, and there I go again - to Doris' room. She has muscular dystrophy, and has been there twelve years. I have had a very good rapport with her and as we are talking, the conversation suddenly is about going to heaven. She is not sure about going to heaven, and as I explained to her the plan of salvation, she expressed a need to be very sure about her eternal salvation. Needless to say that Doris is now my sister in Christ as she has received Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. We were both so happy as I left her to see another resident. I meet my old brother in Christ, Larry, an old Baptist deacon from North Carolina who is suffering from the effect of a bad stroke. He seems very troubled, and he blurts out to me that the friend who shared a room with him died unexpectedly during the night. Larry has been there a long time and has lost many roommates. He got along very good with this last one and I sensed his deep grief. I walked slowly with him to his room and asked him to show me some pictures of his family from a table nearby to take his mind away from the situation, which it did. I spoke with him, much longer than usual and then prayed with him that the Lord would give him the strength he needed at this time of sorrow. As I walked by a room, I see this man looking at me from his bed. I went to him, he was so frail, so emaciated, as the end is approaching. I told him that I would stop by and see him on my visits and that I would pray for him. He quickly told me: I don't want anyone to pray for me! I will see him again on my next visit, as his statement took me by surprise, and I must know more about his spiritual condition, if he is not gone wherever he is going. On my next visit, I went to see him again, and he told me in very crude words that I am there to get something from him, and he said again that he wants no one to pray for him. I spoke to him reassuring him that he would not get a bill from me, and for some unknown reason, he allowed me to present the plan of salvation to him, but he could not do it yet, he said. Round three coming up, and I feel that the Lord is getting him ready for my next visit. Unfortunately for him, he refused to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior on the next visit, and he does not want me to see him again. I will still pray for the Lord to change his heart. After visiting a few more residents in their room and in the hallway, I reach a large dining room where 20 to 30 residents are sitting in their wheel chairs around the tables. The idea is that they might talk to one another, but the only voices I hear are from a couple of very ill ladies talking to themselves. The only three men in the room are sleeping. Seeing so many in one location caused me to stop. As I gazed at them, trying to decide what I would do, my mind went back to the days of my youth, spent without my mother, as she died at 29, when I was two years old. I wondered and asked myself; what would she look like, had she lived to this day? I looked at all the ladies present, and tried to imagine: Which one she would she look like the most? For a moment, I saw them all as little girls playing in a school yard. Then I decided that I must give them all some individual attention so that no one will feel neglected or overlooked. I introduced myself to each one and told them I would visit them twice a week. I told them I would come to remind them, that they had not been forgotten, that Jesus was watching over them, and that I was coming to see them because I loved them. One sweet old lady gathered all the mental energy she had to tell me: I ... I ... love you ... too! I hope she did not see the tear in the corner of my eye. Some could not speak and I looked them straight in the eyes as I spoke to them. Gentle Kathryn blurted out: I was a school teacher in Indiana, I taught little children. How they must have loved her, such a sweet face. My last lady is a good size black woman who insist on giving me a hug, so I hugged her back. As I leave the building, I ask God to watch over my unfortunate friends. I do not know if they are all saved. For many, it is impossible to find out and I speak to all of them as if they were my brothers and sisters in Christ. I do not believe that the Samaritan asked the wounded man, on the road to Jericho, about his religious persuasion. And I am certain that Jesus fed the multitudes without asking about their beliefs at the time, and his love and mercy is available to all as well. These unfortunate, too often forgotten, people live in Anytown and in Anycity wherever you live. They cannot ask you to come and visit them, but you should find a loving place in your heart for them and visit them from time to time. Soon, the trumpet of God will sound, the shout of the Archangel will be heard, Christ will come for His own (1st Thessalonians 4:15-18). Soon after before His Judgment Seat I shall stand (2 Cor. 5:10), and He may ask me: What have you to say for yourself? My reply can only be: I am here by Your amazing grace, and the precious blood You shed for me, but I did occupy till You came (Luke 19:13). I visited the little boys and little girls of yesterday in Your name. Studies New Testament Studies New Testament Studies With this column, we continue a special series from the New Testament. This article is the fourth of seven focusing on the "Letters to the Seven Churches" found in the book of Revelation. During this series, the column will be called "New Testament Studies." Future studies after this series will include Psalms and books from both the Old and New Testaments. THE LETTER TO THYATIRA Revelation 2:18-29 By Pastor Geoff Kragen Postage rates continue to increase. Now they are up to twenty-nine cents a half ounce. At this rate we will find ourselves back in the 1860's. We will be paying maybe $ 4.00 per half ounce. It will take the mail ten days to get to its destination. It will be like having the Pony Express again. Nevertheless without mail this society would come to a screeching halt. In this article, we are again going to look at a piece of mail that belongs to the Church. It is one of only seven letters that come to us directly from the Lord. And, in spite of that, it is sadly neglected. This Letter is to the Church at Thyatira. We are continuing to review the letters from Christ to the Seven Churches. Remember, I don't necessarily believe they are prophetic in nature. They may hold a clue to the general pattern of Church history. Nevertheless, these letters were written to specific and literal churches. The pattern found in the letters applies to us. First let take a general overview of the letter. I How Christ is pictured: The focus here is on searching out and judging sins. Christ's eyes are shinning forth as blazing fire. They seek sin. His feet are like bronze. This speaks of judgment of sin. Christ uses the title "Son of God" in referring to Himself. He uses this instead of "Son of Man." Here He specifically identifies Himself as Messiah. The two titles are interchangeable. II Background: To understand the problems believers faced in Thyatira, we must spend a bit of time giving some background on the city and its age. We can't understand the Lord's concerns for these Christians if we don't understand their environment. Thyatira was not a major city of history. It was primarily a garrison town, lying on a great highway between two river valleys. In its day, it was a center of commerce, a location for the new trade guilds. It was known as a source of wool, linen, apparel, dyed stuffs, tanning and leather and bronze work. Remember that Lydia, the seller of "Turkey Red," who met Paul at Philippi, was from Thyatira. (see Acts 16:14.) The negative pattern represented here is the danger of combining Christianity and paganism, resulting in worldliness. This occurred because of the increasing paganism of the guilds, each having patron deities, feasts and seasonal festivals. Members also worshipped Apollo and Artemis (Diana). Apparently mixing business with religious paganism had a negative effect on the church. It was allowing the same mixing to occur within the body. There is no city and no church located at the site of Thyatira today. III Commendation: The church was commended for five specific points. Their deeds were typified by: a. Love b. Faith c. Service d. Perseverance e. and that their deeds were ever increasing IV Condemnation: The church allowed the ministry of a false prophetess to continue. This woman is identified as Jezebel. Her teaching led to sexual immorality and eating food given to idols. V Counsel: Those that rejected the teachings of Jezebel were encouraged to hold on to what they had. VI Challenge: The overcomer was to receive authority over nations. Vs. 18: As with the previous letters, Christ directs it to the representative of the body. As seen in vs. 29, it is intended for all the members of that church and all of Christ's body, in all ages. We need to heed this warning. As noted in previous letters, Christ may be the loving God, but He will judge His own. He searches out corporate sin. He judges that sin. And as a body, we are held accountable by Him. Vs. 19: Christ words reinforce the judgmental nature of His focus. He first commends the church. Then He moves on to condemnation. The commendation focuses on the nature of the service of this body. These believers loved the Lord. So, they were committed to good works. Their love was expressed by service. Their faith was shown by their perseverance. Christ points out that their deeds actually increased over time. As with Pergamum, this would seem to be a model church. Vs. 20-22: Unfortunately, regardless of the good, there was also corruption. The body tolerated a Jezebel. This woman, through her teaching, was leading many astray. There is no way of knowing whether there was a woman with this actual name. She may be identified with the Jezebel of the Old Testament. This woman was apparently teaching a message similar to that of the surrounding pagans: idol worship and sexual immorality. The major problem isn't the specific trouble at Thyatira, but the teachings of the world creeping into the church. The real problem is tolerance, tolerance of sin. We are to love the sinner, but not to tolerate the sin. It is the call for tolerance in ecumenism that lowers standards and truth to the lowest common denominator. "Since God is love, we are not to judge others," Or so we are told. In spite of this, the church performed much for which they could be commended. But, in the midst of their service, their faith became typified by tolerance of the intolerable. They would not condemn the teachings of this woman. After all, they were called to love. Christ's warned of the outcome of tolerance. Many were not believers and were in danger of the Second Death, an eternity in Hell. The other principle modeled by Jezebel in the Old Testament was the usurpation of the authority of leadership. Jezebel exercised the authority of Ahab, much to the detriment of Israel. And frequently within cults, be they pagan or "Christian," we find this misuse of authority. (see 1 Kings 21.) Women are frequently used as pictures of religion. Israel is the adulterous wife. The Church is pictured as the unblemished bride. And often the parallel is used for false religion, i. e., The Harlot or the Adulterous Woman. The problem for this church was typified by following a false prophetess. What must be absolutely clear here is: the real sin for which this woman and her followers are being condemned is not idolatry and fornication. They are condemned for being unwilling to repent. There is only one unforgivable sin, the rejection of salvation. The other point that is sadly noted here is: there are those who reject the Lord within His body. In fact, in this group, believers seem to be the minority. Vs. 23: Christ warns that He will judge this woman and those who follow her. Their works will not be allowed to stand. What He specifically intends is unclear, but since it is described as death, we know that the judgment will be severe. The main focus is there are only two choices, repentance or judgment. Vs. 24-25: Because of the difficult position of the believers, the Lord only requires that they hold on to the truth they have. What are the teachings of Satan? They aren't identified. They may be the teaching that to understand sin one must practice it. But to encourage these believers Christ gives them the greatest promise that He has left to His body, the promise of His return. ""Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven"" (Acts 1:11). Vs. 26-29: Finally, the Lord also promises a reward to those who overcome. As noted in previous articles, the overcomer, by definition, is a believer. The reward the Lord promises here is authority over nations, the authority He has given to Him by the Father as quoted from Psalm 2:9: "You will break them with a rod of iron; you will dash them to pieces like pottery." The day is coming when those who have been obedient will rule with Christ. Even more importantly, they will have the Lord Himself as their reward for Christ is the Morning Star. This letter then is directed to all of Christ's body through all the ages. Again I find myself in a difficult position of finding a personal application for this letter. It is at this point I understand why some try to avoid teaching this section of Scripture. If I wanted to make some general remarks about the dangers of tolerating false teachings within the body, it would be easy. What is Christ saying here that we need to maintain our spiritual walk? First, Christ is speaking to two separate groups within the body. The first group is made up of the followers of false teaching. The fact they are found within the local church doesn't mean that they are believers. Too many people believe if they go to church, are baptized, grew up in a religious home, or as with those in Thyatira, perform works and service, they are Christians. But Paul makes it clear what it means to be a believer: "Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born" (1 Corinthians 15:1-8). The reason we need a savior is: we are sinners. We will be judged for our sin. The penalty for sin must be paid. The only question is: Are we going to pay for our own sin, or are we going to accept Christ's payment? If this is not what it means to be a Christian to you, then reexamine your relationship to the Lord. Remember Christ said in John 14:6 "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The fact that unbelievers are found in the body is no protection for them. Christ tells us that those who follow Jezebel will die unless they repent, that is turn from their own way to Christ's. He is the truth with a capital "T." There is no truth outside of Him. And for the unbeliever, death is the second death, an eternity in Hell. The Second group considered here is made up of believers. They are called to hold to the truth that Christ has given them. But remember Christ searches out His church. This means that He also searches out our works, our walk, our righteousness. For the believer the issue isn't salvation but it is the quality of one's life. We are called to hold on to what we have. We are called to a life of righteousness. This group of believers are warned against the dangers of tolerance of false teachings. As believers, our lives are to be typified by righteousness. "You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness I put this in human terms because you are weak in your natural selves. Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness" (Romans 6:18-19) Our lives must be God-centered. Our concern needs to move from our own comfort, absence of struggle and pain, to desiring to know God and serve Him. We often lose sight that our purpose in life is recognition that all we have is transitory. The only works we do that last and are of value are those which are typified by obedience to the Lord. The righteousness and worth in our lives can never come from ourselves. It has to be from the Father. "This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe" (Romans 3:22). We are called to live by God's standards, God's words. This means we cannot tolerate false teachings within the body. More importantly, we cannot tolerate anything false within our own lives that would draw us away from God's path, God's righteousness. We are called to truth in our daily walk. This means when we are asked to lie for our employer, we can't. If we are the employer, we don't ask our employees to lie for us. It is unacceptable when we find ourselves asked to do something and we say yes, that we then forget about it. Isn't this what happens when we are asked to pray for someone? Even as adults we are often concerned with peer pressure. Just because something is socially acceptable, doesn't make it appropriate for us. We are called to stand before men and live in a way that Christ is seen through us. We are called to life a life of truth, of righteousness of holiness. "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight" (Ephesians 1:4). Finally, the one point that always bears repeating when talking about the quality of our walk is: the power to live this way does not come from ourselves, but comes through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1: 8). I think it is the psalmist who sums up these two groups within Thyatira the best: Psalm 1 "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." We are called to righteousness. The Lord provides the power needed and most of all He holds forth the Promise of His return "He who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming soon.'" and with John, we in turn say "Amen. Come Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:20). New In Christ New In Christ THE GOD OF THIS WORLD (Part 2 of a 2-part article) By Toby Trudel In part one of this article, (Morning Star - Volume 3.9), we discussed the character of Satan, the "god" of this world. In this column we look at God's provision for His children to combat the Evil One. In Matthew 8:29 we find the account of Jesus casting demons out of two men. In this passage the demons said to Him, "What do you want with us, son of God?" they shouted. "Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?" Christ hadn't come to do this, but only to cast them out of these men. Note that when the demons addressed Jesus they called Him "Son of God." Another Bible passage tells how Satan will be permanently thrown out of heaven and cast to earth during the Earth's last few years. He will cause more misery for people than ever before, because he will know his time is short. "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short" (Revelation 12:12). These verses, from Matthew and Revelation show that Satan and his demons know who Jesus is - they also know their scripture, especially prophecy. Knowing Satan's power, what are Christians to do if they sense he is causing problems? Remember--we have many weapons, the greatest of which is PRAYER. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints" (Ephesians 6:10-18). James said: "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). Christians should, in total dependency, call on God to get Satan out of their lives. He cannot resist the will of God. And God does not turn his back on His people when they pray to Him earnestly. Christ Himself said we can ask for anything within the will of the Father, and He will do it. It may take some intense praying. The Lord may direct you to correct something first, (i.e. make amends with someone you're quarreling with. [Matthew 5:23,24]) But God will answer your prayers. "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer" (Matthew 21:22). "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him" (1 John 5:14-15). (also see Mark 11:24, 1 Peter 3:12, James 5:16) God says we must pray earnestly and not waver in our belief. We must have complete faith that the Lord will hear us. "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does" (James 1:5-8). So if you don't get an answer right away, keep praying. The Lord may be allowing the situation to continue to test or strengthen your belief. God sometimes allows Satan to test us and therefore will not protect us from his actions. Consider how God allowed Satan to attack Job, tempt Christ, and prevent an apostle from going to Rome. Never despair or feel resentment if this occurs. Remember, the Lord knows what's best for you. He may be working to correct flaws in your faith. He does this because He loves you. And like any child we may not always understand why our father disciplines us. "... because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it" (Hebrews 12:6-11) Remember, we're not capable of understanding all of the Lord's ways. It's also a good idea to get another Christian to pray with you. "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:19-20). God knows your trials and He is there for you. "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it" (1 Corinthians 10:13) As the title, "the god of this world" suggests, there is a relationship between Satan and this world. The more we understand what Jesus Christ taught through His words and actions, and God's plan for mankind, the more we realize there is a lot in this world that conflicts with both. The world defines success by wealth, fame, or sexual prowess. Who do you think is the "driving force" behind these non-Christian pursuits in the world today? Satan is. Through reading Scripture you can recognize Satan's power. You also will see that his goals are always contrary to God's. As a result, it's not hard to see that he is behind much of the world's evil. As you compare the Lord's position with the world's on almost any issue you'll see why scripture says: "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" (1 John 2:15). John specifically refers to the lust of the flesh, (sex), the lust of the eyes, (material possessions), and the pride of life, (fame), as ideals of the world. These, of course are in direct opposition to God's standards. "For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--comes not from the Father but from the world" (1 John 2:16). There is no gray area with God; whoever is a friend of the world is His enemy. "You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God" (James 4:4). If it starts to sound like Christians are to distance themselves from much of the world's activities and views, you're right! "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will" (Romans 12:2). Avoiding conformity isn't a call to quit your job, unless it's directly sinful. Paul doesn't say you should cut yourself off from the unbelievers you come into contact with each day. What he does say is: we shouldn't be adopting the values of the world. We can be certain that if God made it a point to mention these issues specifically, they will be the ones that Satan primarily focuses on. New Testament examples of Satan's abilities show he can offer riches, fame and sexual distractions. Since he also knows his Scripture, he's aware that it's almost impossible for a rich man to find Christ. (see Matthew 19:23-24) Satan also recognizes God resists those who are proud. "But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: 'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble'" (James 4:6). So wealth, popularity, and the lure of sex are the "carrots" Satan uses to lead people away from the Gospel. Playing upon the natural desires of men and women, and granting them occasional "success" in these areas, is one way he blinds people from God's truth. He knows human beings won't want to get involved with something that opposes the values of the world. This is why he is the god of this world. What are we to do if our unbelieving friends or business partners want us to go along with some of the activities mentioned above? Since that frequently happens, it is good the Lord has told us how to respond. We are not to be associated with such people. We should try to correct them if possible, but are to have nothing to do with them and their plans. They are not on the same team that we are. "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people." "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty" (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). (Also see Ephesians 5:11) In this world, you must make a choice between following Christ or continuing to follow Satan. When Jesus prayed to His Father, He didn't pray for the world, He prayed for His followers. "I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours" (John 17:9). Remember what He said about making a choice between Him and friends or family. Christians don't belong to this world and the god it serves. "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love." ... "I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it" (John 15:19, 17:14-16) We are only visitors passing through. We are waiting to arrive at our real destination with Christ, which is Heaven. "All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth." ... "For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come" (Hebrews 11:13; 13:14). The Roots of Our Faith The Roots of Our Faith THE ROOTS OF OUR FAITH "... I worship the God of my fathers believing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets" (Acts 24:14). BASIC DOCTRINES OF SALVATION - part 2 By Pastor Chuck Cohen King of Kings Assembly Jerusalem, Israel Messianic terms used in this teaching Yeshua = Jesus Messiah = Christ Tanach = Old Testament (Unless stated otherwise, all scripture verses are from the New King James Version) All of the basic doctrines of the New Testament have their roots deep in the Tanach. It is hard to understand the full meaning of these doctrines unless we dig into their Hebraic soil. This background permeated the hearts and minds of Yeshua and the New Testament writers. Only with this foundation could they "fulfill" the Tanach (i.e., explain the true meaning) from a spirit-anointed point of view. In the previous article of the "Roots" series we discussed the overall picture of salvation as it can be seen in the Feast of the Lord called Passover. We want to continue by examining what the Tanach says about some of the basic doctrines of salvation. This article will deal with the concepts of grace and faith. GRACE IN THE TANACH The doctrine of salvation by grace is at the very root of our proclamation of the good news. Paul says in Ephesians 2:8,9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." Unfortunately, many have been led to believe that "Old Testament" salvation was accomplished through works. This is a misconception of what the scripture clearly states. The Hebrew word most often translated "grace" or "favor" is chen. This word "clarifies the meaning of 'grace' in history and actions. It denotes the stronger coming to the help of the weaker who stands in need of help by reason of his circumstances or natural weakness. [The stronger] acts by a voluntary decision, though he is moved by the dependence or the request of the weaker party." (p.116, Vol. 2 The New International Dictionary of the New Testament, ed. Colin Brown) This is often expressed as "to find favour in someone's eyes", an idiom still in use in modern Hebrew. Brown goes on to make the observation that "chen denotes relatively seldom the activity of God. It is used mostly in the sense of His undeserved gift in election." Or as Paul puts it, "we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will." (Eph. 1:11) The following are just some of the Tanach verses in which "grace" or "favor" are found. a. Gen. 6:8 - "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." Although v.9 says, "Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations", yet the reason he was a just man was because he was chosen by God's grace. Ultimately, Noah was saved by the grace of God. b. Ex 33:12-34:9 - Within this brief exchange between God and Moses, the word chen, or a word from the same root, is used nine times! This prayer-conversation occurs right after the golden calf incident of Exodus 32. Moses knew that it was not by any merit on the part of the children of Israel that he could approach the Lord for them. So he came on the basis of grace. God answered him on the same basis (33:17) and even stated that it is His divine nature to be "gracious" (34:6). c. Ps. 51:1 "Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your loving kindness." The word "mercy" is from the root meaning "grace". This psalm is David's prayer of confession, asking the Lord for forgiveness because of his sins of murder and adultery. David realized that he was lost if God did not deal with him in accordance with His grace and mercy. So this greatest king of Israel, like the great prophet Moses before him, came to his Lord on the basis of who God is and not with any merit of his own. d. Prov. 3:34 "He ... gives grace to the humble." Peter quotes this verse in l Peter 5:5 as a proof text for how believers should live in fellowship with one another. e. Jer. 31:2 "[Israel] found grace in the wilderness ..." In a previous "Roots" article, we supported the claim that God is a God of love in the Tanach as well as in the New Testament. In this chapter, God connects His love for Israel (v.3) with His grace to help Israel survive in the wilderness . In fact, in this context, God's rest is also connected with His grace (v.2). f. Zech l2:10 "I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication ..." This text is a prophetic picture of the day of Israel's national salvation (see Rom. 11:26) and explains in very clear terms that it will be the result of God's grace being poured out upon them. It is of interest that the Hebrew for "supplications" comes from the same Hebrew root as "grace". In these six verses (there are others in the Tanach that speak about God's grace), we have seen God's grace in connection with election, salvation, God's nature, the forgiveness of sin and the national salvation of the house of Israel. Here we have the basis of the doctrine of grace as found in the New Testament. But our salvation is "by grace through faith." Let us look next at faith in the Tanach. FAITH IN THE TANACH Again, contrary to what many believers think, salvation in the Tanach was never solely by obedience to the Mosaic Law. God, who never changes (Mal. 3:6), has always offered salvation to those who believe and trust in His word . His word consistently points to salvation through faith in God's provision for atonement. This theme runs through the Old Testament as well as the New. Our God wants faith with works, not faith in works (Mt. 7:24-27; Jn. 14:15; Tit. 3:8; James 2:14ff). Many of us use "faith" in two different but valid ways . We can use it to designate a creed or set of religious beliefs, i.e., the Christian Faith, the Jewish Faith, etc. But in this section we are using "faith" in the other sense, the usual biblical sense of trusting in, relying on, remaining steadfast in, and believing the Lord (see the Amplified Bible, Gen. 15:6). In Hebrew, three important words come from the same root. "Faith" (or "faithfulness"), "truth", and "amen" are linked linguistically and theologically. Their root word means "to build up or support; to foster as a parent; fig., to render [or be] firm or faithful, to trust or believe, to be permanent or quiet... to be true or certain" (Strongs Concordance #539). Thus the Hebrew noun for "faith" denotes trust and certainty, as well as faithfulness in the sense of dependability. It is used of men (Nu. 12:7; l Sam. 2:35; Neh. 9:8), of God, the One to whom all true faith looks (Dt. 7:9), and of God's covenant (Ps. 89:28). The following are just some of the Tanach verses in which the concept of faith is found. a. Gen. 15:6 "He believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness ." In Romans 4:3, Paul uses this verse in support of his argument for salvation by faith. He also uses this in Galatians 3:6 to encourage the believers not to try to gain God's favor by works of the law (5:4), but by continuing on in faith (3:8). The rabbis also declare that "Our father Abraham, came into the possession of this world and the world hereafter [eternal life] only by the merit of his faith" (Mechilta 33a). Here is an interesting comment found in the ArtScroll Tanach Series. Bereshis (Genesis), Vol .1. Rashi (11th cent. rabbinic scholar) explains in connection with this verse, "that the concept of believing someone, in the sense that his promise is accepted, would be expressed as ["he believed him"]. The phrase in this verse, ["he believed in Him"], however, represents a much deeper conncept than mere belief. It suggests total submission in the sense that one places his total confidence and seeks all his guidance and attitudes in God". b. Ex 25:1-40:38 - The Tabernacle, as God's house, is a symbol of the pattern of our salvation, of how to submit to God His way. It ties together God's provision for the forgiveness of sins and our response to Him of obedient service in faith. Without the ordained priesthood and offerings, the tabernacle was just a pretty tent. Without God's order, timing and law as pictured in the tabernacle, all that man can offer Him is "profane fire" (Lev. 10:1-5), "filthy rags" (Isa. 64:6), and works and service of the flesh. c. Lev 1:1-7:38 - describes the sacrificial offerings. The sinner brought his sacrifice to the priest and confessed his sin over the head of the animal (Lev. 4:4). The priest slew the offering and applied the blood to the altar, making atonement for the sin. The sinner was then forgiven (Lev. 4:20). What is the pattern? To gain acceptance by God, all the sinner needed to do was trust the Word of the Lord which told him that the spilt blood of his sacrifice would cover (atone for) his sin. The sinner did no work other than to trust the Word! He did not even kill the sacrifice. The priest did that. The picture is of the forgiveness of sins through faith in God's Word about the atoning power of the shed blood. It is a foreshadow of our salvation accomplished on the cross through our sacrifice, Yeshua. All we do is believe in, that is, trust, God's Word. d. 2 Chr 20:20 "Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper." This charge, given by King Jehoshaphat to the nation of Judah when they were about to be attacked by a greatly superior army, demonstrates clearly the Hebrew concept behind the word "faith", translated here as "believe". We are "established", "built up", when we trust in God's Word (again see Mt. 7:24-27). The Hebrew in this verse again has the same wording as in Genesis 15:6, to believe in the Lord. e. Isa 7:9b "If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established." This is a negative of the previous verse. Again, the word translated here "believe", means to trust, to be certain. f. Hab 2:4b "But the just shall live by his faith." This verse is found in the New Testament as a proof text for our life of faith in Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:37,38. The Hebrew can be translated, "And the righteous, in his faith (trust) shall live." g. It is of interest to note that when the New Testament authors wanted to give solid examples of men and women of God who lived by faith, they pointed to the heroes of the Tanach. The most obvious chapter is Hebrew 11. Here we are presented with a "great cloud of witnesses "(Heb. 12:1) who stood trusting in God through death as well as victory. Scripture states very clearly that these men and women of God pleased Him (Heb. 11:6) not through their works, although we see their faith by their works, but through their trust in the One who called them. Herein is the key - not faith in our faith or in our ability to believe, but trust in the living God of the Scriptures, who is faithful (2 Tim. 2:13). "[Abraham] did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. And therefore 'it was accounted to him for righteousness'." (Rom. 4:20-22) Lastly, in Revelation 3:14 Yeshua calls Himself "the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness". In this verse all three of the major concepts rooted in the Hebrew word for "faith" are used by Messiah to describe Himself. He, and He alone, must be the focal point of our faith (He. 12:2). Amen! Growing in Grace Growing in Grace THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN Given by Reverend Russ Walden at Victory Hilltop Chapel Thornfield, Missouri 5-22-94 " An argument developed between some of John's disciples and a certain Jew over the matter of ceremonial washing. They came to John and said to him, "Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan--the one you testified about--well, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him." To this John replied, "A man can receive only what is given him from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said, 'I am not the Christ but am sent ahead of him.' The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less" (John 3:25-30). John the Baptist had given his life to propagate the message of repentance. The only life more pivotal in God's plan for man than John's would be that of Jesus himself. If there was ever an individual who could have claimed personal prerogatives in the Kingdom of God, it was John the Baptist. Jesus himself testified of John: "I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist;" (Matthew 11:11a). The Greek word shows that Jesus was saying there was no man of greater "rank, eminence, ability, virtue, authority, power, esteem, importance, of greater weight, excellence, or splendor." Yet he finishes the statement with an observation most challenging: "yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" (Matthew 11:11b). Thus, Jesus said, the attributes that made John great and gave him such a marvelous endorsement from the Son of God himself would be present in greater measure in even the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. What a grand vision Jesus had for the Kingdom that he was setting up. What a church he envisioned. He looked forward to a selfless, sacrificial band of followers. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1 Peter 2:9). Whose praises should we declare? The praises of God. Many people can "declare ..." Any one can blow his own horn. That is not our calling. We are called to declare the praises of HIM. Paul had this testimony: "What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe -- as the Lord has assigned to each his task" (1 Corinthians 3:5). "For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God" (1 Corinthians 15:9). "We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are honored, we are dishonored! To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless. We work hard with our own hands. When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; when we are slandered, we answer kindly. Up to this moment we have become the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world. I am not writing this to shame you, but to warn you, as my dear children. Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I urge you to imitate me" (1 Corinthians 4:10-16). Paul did not demand others follow him because of his ability, personal history or prominence. He did not appeal to the human weakness for hero worship. He simply pointed the Corinthians back to Christ. He moved them away from the personalities and charisma of false leaders who were only there to rob them and take advantage of them. "He must become greater; I must become less" (John 3:30). The Greek word for "Less" is "elattoo." It is defined as: - make lower 2, decrease; 1) to make less or inferior: in dignity; 2) to be made less or inferior: in dignity; 3) to decrease in authority or popularity We must each one of us cry out to God, "I'm not low enough ..." Each one of us must foster a deep, heartfelt desire that Jesus become HIGH PROFILE in our life on a daily, moment by moment basis. Your greatest joy should be in being one of God's unsung heroes. Years ago the following anonymous writing crossed my desk. It expresses some of the highest sentiments that ever warmed the Father's heart toward his children. Let them become yours as you meditate upon them. Ever Before Us - Others May - You Cannot ... Others may be allowed to succeed in making money, or may have a legacy left to them, but it is likely God will keep you poor, because He wants you to have something far better than gold, namely, a helpless dependence on Him, that He may have the privilege of supplying your needs day by day out of an unseen treasury. The Lord may let others be honored and put forward, and keep you hidden in obscurity, because He wants you to produce some choice, fragrant fruit for His Coming glory, which can only be produced in the shade. He may let others be great, but keep you small. He may let others do a work for Him and get the credit of it, but He will make you work and toil on without knowing how much you are doing; and then to make your work still more precious, He may let others get the credit for the work which you have done, and thus make your reward ten times greater when Jesus comes. The Holy Spirit will put a strict watch over you, with a jealous love, and will rebuke you for little words and feelings, or for wasting your time, which other Christians never seem distressed over. So make up your mind that God is an infinite Sovereign, and has a right to do as he pleases with His own. He may not explain to you a thousand things which puzzle your reason in His dealings with you, but if you absolutely sell yourself to be His love slave, He will wrap you up in jealous love, and bestow upon you many blessings which come to those who are in the Inner circle. If God has called you to be really like Jesus He will draw you into a life of crucifixion and humility, and put upon you such demand of obedience that you will not be able to follow other people or measure yourself by other Christians, and in many ways He will seem to let other good people do things which He will not let you do. Other Christians and ministers who seem very religious and useful may push themselves, pull wires and work schemes to carry out their plans, but you cannot do it; and if you attempt it, you will meet with such failure and rebuke from the Lord as to make you sorely penitent. Others may boast of themselves, of their work, of their success, of their writings, but the Holy Spirit will not allow you to do any such thing, and if you begin it, He will lead you Into some deep mortification that will make you despise yourself and all your good works. Settle it forever then, that you are to deal directly with the Holy Spirit and that He Is to have the privilege of holding your tongue, of chaining your hand, or blinding your eyes in ways that he does not seem to do with others. Now then, when you are so possessed with serving and loving God that you are in your secret heart, thrilled and delighted over this peculiar, personal, guardianship and management of the Holy Spirit over your life, you will have found the ramparts of Heaven, the bed chamber of Glory. The WORD for Today The WORD for Today This month, we will continue the series on Communication in Marriage. We intend to examine communication problems in marriage from a biblical perspective. We will show how couples can apply God's word to their marriage. The companion book to this study is H. Norman Wright's COMMUNICATION: KEY TO YOUR MARRIAGE. The book is published by Regal Books and should be available from your Christian book store. This is the fifth of ten articles inspired by a series given by Pastor Geoff Kragen through Foothill Bible Church in Lincoln, California. FROM CLICHES TO VULNERABILITY As noted in an earlier article, I will occasionally provide what I have defined as basic rules of communication. These are in addition to the topic discussed and will give some easy suggestions which can immediately help you with your communication. RULE 4: Avoid the words: Always and Never! Actually, I wanted to say, never say never, but that didn't follow rules of logic. Of course some of our arguments don't either. Frequently, as I counsel couples, I will hear the wife say, "You NEVER take me out anymore." The husband may say: "You ALWAYS spend too much money." Well, if we want to avoid communication at all costs, and make sure that the argument continues, just use "never or always." These words leave the other person without any legitimate way to respond, so they are "forced" to fight back. If you as a couple are committed to communication, then these two words MUST disappear from your vocabulary. AVOID THE WORDS: ALWAYS AND NEVER! What are some of the reasons we don't talk? Frequently, we don't communicate because we are afraid to. Yes, we want to talk to our spouse, but, our concerns out-weigh our desire to talk. H. Norman Wright identifies four reasons for lack of communication. (1) I'll paraphrase them here. 1. Some people simply lack both the verbal and social skills to communicate comfortably. This is a serious problem, but it is also one that can be worked on and isn't an issue of attitude, but of technique. 2. Communication involves risk. It is vulnerability. If we open up to others, even a spouse, we may be hurt. For many, avoiding pain can become the highest goal of life. However, self-protection interferes with our being conformed to the image of Christ. 3. Frequently we try to communicate with our spouse, but no matter how hard we try, we can't get through to him or her. Understandably, we want to give up. 4. Finally, some have such an inaccurate self-image they believe they have nothing to offer to anyone. And so, they make no effort to communicate. Now while some of these reasons are understandable, they are unacceptable. Avoiding pain, or the frustration of not getting a response, or simply believing we have nothing to say is understandable. I suspect many readers can identify with one or another. The problem is that if we are committed to being godly people, then we MUST reach out to our spouse, regardless of their response. As believers, we only have two commands for our life. "Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments"" (Matthew 22:37-40). We are commanded to relationship, first with God and then with others. Taking this and the teachings of Ephesians 5, which we previously discussed, into consideration, we realize each of us is commanded to move towards our spouse regardless of their response. Yes, this can be very difficult. But, if we desire to be obedient to God, then we have no choice but to reach out. Fortunately, we don't have to work up the motivation to do so. We must depend on the Holy Spirit to empower us to be obedient. We also have a model of reaching out in spite of frustration and rejection. Christ never gave up on Peter even after Peter denied Him at His trial. After Christ's resurrection, He gave Peter the responsibility to care for the fledging group of believers. And Jesus even tried to reach out to Judas. Even as Judas brought those who were going to arrest Jesus to the garden, Jesus gave him the opportunity to repent and turn to Him. Jesus moved towards people with love and a desire to touch them, even when their response wasn't all that positive. If you take nothing more from this series than this one point, it will have been worth presenting. Remember that when you married, you made your vows first to God and only second to your spouse. The key to staying in a marriage and working at it is the desire to please God. What happens when we try talking, but we don't seem to get any results? The problem may be that we can talk without communicating. In the early years of our marriage, my wife and I talked to each other all the time. But we came to recognize that we really weren't communicating all that much. This is because there are different styles of communication, and they have a significant effect on the success of our efforts. Again, turning to the "Communication" book, let me paraphrase. (2) 1. The least effective way to communicate is in cliches. Much of our advertising and television writing is grounded in cliches. And while there may be truth behind cliches, they are not acceptable methods of communicating. By talking in cliches we are safe, never revealing anything about ourselves to anyone else. They allow us to believe we are saying something, but all they do is create frustration in the person hearing them. I often hear a wife say: "I want my husband to communicate more." And the husband responds: "But I talk to you all the time." They are being honest. The husband doesn't realize that the wife wants to hear what he is thinking and feeling. He is talking, but only in cliches, and so isn't telling his wife anything. 2. Or, he may be engaging in a slightly improved style of communication, but one that is still far from ideal. I'm referring to the fact-sharing style of conversation. This allows us to talk without exposing ourselves. Yes, some actual communication is taking place. However, this style still maintains distance and results in a lack of interconnection within in the marriage. 3. The next level of communication, while it is actually effective to some extent, is still a very self-protective style: Stating ideas and providing judgments. There is a risk in telling a spouse what you think. Your ideas or assessments may be rejected, and this hurts. Even here, we are protecting our inner selves and, for most of us, not taking too much of a risk. 4. This next step is usually more risky for men than for women. This is sharing of feelings or emotions. When we are rejected here, we feel that we are being rejected in our very personhood. And there is some truth in this assessment. But, it is only as we begin to share our true selves that we are actually communicating. 5. The last level of communication is something that I suspect we all need to continue to strive for. Wright describes it as: "Complete Emotional and Personal Truthful Communication." (3) This calls for absolute openness. Now clearly this level of communication is generally only appropriate between us and God, or between us and our spouse. And as you can see, this is certainly the most risky style of communication. But if we are committed to a godly marriage, this must be our goal. It is only as we lovingly communicate at this level that the marriage can grow and mature. Every couple should desire to communicate at this level. This kind of communication can only go on where we are more concerned with obedience than self protection. This can only occur when we are not dependent on our spouse to meet all our needs for love. No matter how much we try, we will never love each other perfectly. And if we risk open honesty, then sooner or later we will be hurt by our spouse ... or we will hurt them. Neither may mean to hurt the other, but being fallen human beings, we will. The only solution to this problem is to recognize that the only one who will never fail us is God. He is the only one that can love us unconditionally. And if we depend on Him to meet our needs, then we can risk being open with our spouse. When they fail us, we will hurt, but we will not be devastated, because we can turn to God, and He will never fail us. And God will teach us how to love one another. "This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. ... There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us" (1 John 9-11, 18-19). Let us observe our own communication styles over the next month. If we need to, we should ask our spouse to help in the identification of our style. We must then ask the Lord to help us to move to the next level of communication. Then we can move towards our spouse, loving them more that ourselves. This will be easier if we as a couple both desire to be obedient. But, even if you are alone in your desire to please God, you are called to be the husband or wife He wants you to be, regardless of your spouse's response. Remember: real communication is the key to your marriage. If we can be of help, or if you have any questions about this series contact us here at Morning Star. And so until next month, may the Lord bless your marriage. Next time: "Anger Isn't A Sin" 1. Wright, H. Norman, COMMUNICATION: KEY TO YOUR MARRIAGE, Regal Books, Ventura, CA, 1974, p. 66. 2. Ibid, 67-68. 3. Ibid. Messianic Studies Messianic Studies MESSIAH ACCORDING TO ISAIAH - Part III By Steve Ger From THE LEVITT LETTER This is the third entry in our exciting study of the prophet Isaiah's message about Messiah. Our past two studies have concerned themselves with certain roles which Isaiah writes the coming Messiah will play. For example, he characterizes the Messiah as being ultimate prophet, highest priest and supreme king of Israel and the nations. Last month we had lust begun to touch upon another of Messiah's essential roles, that of God's servant. At last, I will no longer keep you in suspense about the significance of this particular attribute. Isaiah's depiction of Messiah as the perfect servant has everything to do with His final messianic accomplishments. Let's delve right into the text of Scripture and examine Isaiah's prophecy for ourselves! We find this description of Messiah in the portions of Isaiah known to Bible students as "servant songs." These are lengthy passages portraying the great "servant of the Lord" (Isaiah 42; 49;52-53, etc.). Messiah will be the perfect embodiment of Israel and will succeed in God's purpose where Israel fell short of the mark. As to what God's "purpose' for His Messiah would be, we note in certain of the servant songs a particular emphasis on suffering (52-53). In order to accomplish His mission, the servant of God will be made to suffer. The messianic mission is strewn throughout the book of Isaiah; references to the work of Messiah are dangled in front of the reader almost every time the coming Messiah is mentioned. For example, it is clear that He will perform many miracles and healings (35:3-6). When questioned by His cousin John as to whether He was the promised Messiah, Jesus cited this passage from Isaiah about restoring sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf and strength to the lame. This is just one gleaming facet of the gorgeous jewel of Messiah's life-work. Isaiah describes the mission of the Messiah in 61:1- 9 . This mission appears to be twofold but chronologically continuous, one aspect following upon another. The Spirit of the Lord would be on Him to comfort and proclaim good news to His people, Israel (61:1), to restore their greatness and allow them to be called priests of the Lord. At the outset of His ministry, Jesus also quoted this passage in His hometown synagogue as referring to Himself. Isaiah's passage continues the point that Israel will be great among the nations of the world and Messiah will make an everlasting covenant with them as their King. Apparently this comfort and restoration to greatness for Israel will come only after Messiah has proclaimed the day of the Lord's vengeance (61:2). It is clear that in addition to Israel's restoration in fulfillment of the Covenantal promises, the second part of the messianic mission would be the extension of salvation to the Gentiles (11:10). Although He was formed from the womb to bring Israel back to the Lord (49:1-8), the Messiah would also be a light to the whole world (42:6-7). Isaiah foretells that kings and princes will worship the one whose mouth is like a sharp sword (52:15). The Messiah is pictured by the prophet as the great Saviour and Intercessor who brings salvation and righteousness to the world. He is the glorious Redeemer, in some way equal with God Himself; who saw that there was no one to intercede for His people and decided to Himself intercede on their behalf (53;59:16). It is unquestionable that this act of inter-cession appears to be the signal for the ushering in of a great messianic age of peace, prosperity and righteousness. This new age is the culmination of the awesome accomplishments of the Messiah. Today, we believers look forward to the final arrival of God's messianic kingdom which Jesus made possible by His sacrificial death and mighty resurrection. Perhaps the most startling and unexpected aspect of Isaiah's messianic portrayal is that Messiah's accomplishments come about only through His rejection, suffering and death. It was just this aspect of Isaiah's prophecy that was misunderstood in Jesus' day by most of His contemporaries, and it is crucial that we grasp this messianic feature. The Messiah is called abhorred by His own people (49:7), and Isaiah describes Him as being despised and rejected, forsaken of men. He is a man of sorrows, well acquainted with grief, with no esteem being given Him (53:3). From this Scripture, written over six hundred years before the time of Jesus, readers can expect for Messiah to be in some way completely rejected by His own people. This is exactly what happened to our Lord, in direct fulfillment of prophecy. The servant of the Lord was rejected by the people of the Lord. We will conclude our study of the Messiah according to the prophet Isaiah next month by focusing on the sobering aspects of the Messiah's suffering and death. Columns Anee M'Amin Anee M'Amin Anee m'amin is Hebrew for "I believe." The following story from a brother in Israel, is an excellent example of one friend witnessing to another. THE COMFORT ADDRESS By ZVI From ISRAEL MY GLORY magazine Many times I am called by people who are having difficulties and I do what I can to help them. Recently a man who was in a state of deep depression called and asked me to visit him. Of course, I was happy to do so because a friend in need is a friend indeed. When I arrived at his home, he told me about his problems, and then he lamented, "No one ever listens to me." I told him, "There is someone who is always there to listen to your difficulties." He said, "Tell me who it is." I continued, "I have experienced many hard situations in my life, and I always go to the same address for comfort." "Can you give me that address?" he asked. "Yes," I replied, as I opened my Bible and read Psalm 56:11, "In God have I put my trust; I will not be afraid what man can do unto me"; Proverbs 3:5 and 6, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths"; and Psalm 34:18 and 19, "The LORD is near unto those who are of a broken heart, and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the LORD delivereth him out of them all." These are very helpful portions of Scripture to share with people as depressed as this man was, and he seemed surprised that I had found just the right words to say at the right time. He asked, "How did you find these Scriptures?" "Very simply," I replied. "I have put my trust in the living God, and He enables me to understand His written Word. You should know these passages yourself because you have lived a long life, and you told me that you go to the synagogue often. Surely you know that it is clearly written in Deuteronomy 4:29, 'if ... thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.'" With a person like this, it is very hard to bring the conversation around to the subject of faith in Christ, but as it is written in 2 Timothy 2:24, "the servant of the Lord must ... be ... patient." I therefore silently praised the Lord that He had led me to this man and that he seemed grateful that I had taken the time to come and speak with him and listen to his troubles. I realized that he knew nothing about the Lord Jesus except that he had been told Jesus was an "objectionable type," and so I continued to speak with him, hoping for an opportunity to witness about the Lord. Finally the man himself gave me the perfect opportunity without even realizing it. He asked if other people suffered like he had, and I immediately opened my Bible to Isaiah 53 and read the entire chapter to him. I then explained, "This chapter speaks about the Lord and describes His great suffering and crucifixion. For whom did He suffer and die, if not for people like us?" The man then became defensive and said, "That kind of thing is not written in the Jewish Bible. It is only written in the Christian books." I showed him my Bible so he could see that I had been reading from the Old Testament, not the New Testament. I then read Zechariah 12:10, "they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn." "Who was pierced," I asked, "if not the Lord Jesus Christ? Also, He was from the tribe of Judah, the house of David, and was born in Bethlehem. All of these things were foretold by our own Jewish prophets." He then asked to look at the Bible again so he could be sure that I was really reading from the Old Testament. "Perhaps I will go to the rabbi and ask him what he thinks about this," he commented. I responded, "It is certainly your privilege to do so, but you have been listening to the rabbis all your life, and they have never given you a clear explanation of how to have true faith in the living God. Those false teachers spend their entire lives studying the books of commentary, but they know nothing about the Bible, which was written by the Holy Spirit of God." The man asked if I had any other books, and I replied, "No. The Bible tells me everything I need to know about God, and it was the means He used to bring me to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus. By reading the Bible alone, you will learn all about Jesus and His great suffering on our behalf." I then turned to Psalm 22 and read how they pierced Jesus' hands and feet and divided His garments and cast lots for them. Then I said, "This happened when the Lord was crucified for the sins of mankind, including you and me. It is all true. But if you still do not believe that the Old Testament speaks about the Lord Jesus, then take this Bible, cast it into the garbage, and continue to dance around the golden calf of your commentary books. "When I arrived here today, you told me that you were in a difficult situation and that no one would listen to your troubles. My best advice to you is to turn to the Lord. Do what King David did when he was in trouble. If you read the Psalms, you will find that David prayed, asking God to lead him, guide him, strengthen him when he was weak, heal him, save him from his enemies, and teach him His ways. David was the greatest king in Israel's history, and yet he humbled himself, and the Lord heard his prayers, forgave his sins, and gave him the victory. Perhaps you think that you are nothing compared with King David, but remember that God said to Jacob, 'Fear not, thou worm, Jacob ... I will help thee, saith the LORD, and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel' [Isa. 41:14]. "My dear friend, take a good look in the mirror and see who you really are. You are a very bitter person, and it is because you are so obstinate. You are like the Israelites of old whom God called 'a stiff-necked people' [Ex. 32:9]. You are now free to do what you like. I, for my part, have done what the Lord has commanded me to do. Ezekiel 33:7 to 9 says, 'So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel ... When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it, if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul.' I have fulfilled my obligation to the Lord and to you. Now the choice is yours. Will you do what I have told you or not?" Finally I could tell that his deaf ears were beginning to open and his blind eyes were beginning to see, and he became very friendly toward me. The sour expression on his face changed to a look of joy as the truth about the Lord Jesus started to penetrate his mind and heart. This conversation lasted about four hours, but I was not sorry. I would talk for a whole month to win one more person to the family of Christ. I thank the Lord that He has made me a watchman for Him, and I am ready to do His will. I believe that this man is very close to accepting Jesus as his Savior and Messiah. Please pray for him and for me, that as I continue to visit him, he will become fruit in the Lord's harvest. Testimony Testimony MIRACLE IN THE MUD By Joseph Perrello Pastor and Evangelist Calvary Full Gospel Church Kenmore, New York "I'm going to die in here, and no one will ever know what happened to me!" Alone in the rugged mountains of Cassino, Italy, Vito Parisi had fallen into deep quick-mud caused by torrential rains and flash-floods! Up to his ankles in the sucking quagmire, and sinking deeper, he was desperately searching for a way out, but there was no way. He knew this was it. Alone on that Italian mountain, far from home, he was going to die and he would never be found. For a while, he would be listed as missing in action, then they would presume him dead. Afterward, his family would receive that dreaded telegram. It all started when Vito told his commanding officer he could speak Italian. His unit needed an Italian-speaking volunteer as liaison to an Italian artisan unit during the Second World War. It never occurred to the twenty year-old, Sicilian-American that various regions of Italy spoke widely divergent dialects, and that his version of Italian was an Americanized corruption of Sicilia, not true Italian. If he had, he wouldn't be in the mud. Adding insult to injury, the Italians laughed when he spoke to them. Though he could make himself understood, they did not consider Sicilian to be Italian, especially his Americanized version - New York inflections included. But, in his American naivete, Vito volunteered, and his commanding officer sent him with the partisans. German planes continually strafed the conventional supply roads. The only alternate routes were through steep mountain passes, encompassed by high precipices adjoining yawning valleys. Motorized vehicles were unable to maneuver them; it required sure-footed mules, handled by experienced skinners. So, the task of supplying critically needed food and ammunition to the American front-lines was accomplished with the assistance of the Italian partisans. Each night Vito traveled with them. Their mules were loaded at ammunition dumps. Then the supplies were transported to the individual companies at the front-lines, a trek of over ten miles. Unloaded at supply docks, they were issued to the troops in the fox-holes. For a while, all went well, but this last mission had been different! The narrow mountain paths, wide enough for only one mule, were the same, as was the imminent danger of being strafed by German planes which, by then, were homing in on the paths. The difference began at the front, while Vito was at the dock checking to be sure all was in order. The American perimeter regularly experienced heavy German artillery barrages, so the partisans scattered, leaving the soldier to make his own way back. After a vain search for his companions, astride his mule, Vito began his return trip. Winding deep into the mountains, to his dismay, he found that heavy rains had preceded him. Treacherous even in the dry seasons, Cassino's peaks became lethal during rains. This storm obliterated the path. Proceeding slowly, he led his mule. Though knowing of the stability of these beasts, the rains had made conditions especially perilous, and he was unwilling to trust himself to the animal. Completely shrouded by deep mud, his way was fraught with danger. He could feel the ooze sucking at his snowpack, and the heaviness made the G.I.'s every step a laborious death-risk. Still, Vito was grateful for the calf-high protection the waterproof boots provided. Then he encountered a terrifying obstacle: one he called, "the slit." The "slit" was a bowl-like cavity formed inside a crest projecting from the mountainside below the trail. Several hundred feet in circumference and at least fifty feet deep, Vito first noticed it while traveling to the front. At that time, it had been empty and dry. During this storm, however, the rain-waters cascading from the steep slopes above, collapsed part of the trail, leaving a deep breach at least five feet across. A portion of the slope had been washed into the cavity, along with a section of the trail. Now filled with mud endowed with the properties of quicksand, the cavity and the breach had become an integral unit. Any creature having the misfortune of falling into the quick-mud would more than likely never be seen again! At first, Vito thought of using the mule to jump the breach, but he rejected the idea. "All this stupid mule needs to do is make one wrong step and I'll end up in the slit! Then, no one would ever find me! My family would never know what happened to me," he thought to himself. Pondering the problem, the young G.I. finally decided the only way to the other side was to jump! There was no other means of passing over! To go around the breach by scaling the mountainside was impossible; the incline was too sheer. He knew of no other trails he could take. So Vito prepared to jump! Gauging the width of the breach, he estimated that at least a five-foot jump was required. Leaving the mule to fend for itself, with a mighty leap, he attempted to hurdle the obstacle. He missed. Because of the muddy conditions, he had not been able to attain enough momentum. On touching the opposite edge, his foot slipped on the mud, sending the soldier plunging into the mud-filled cavity. By God's grace he landed close to the only bush protruding into the slit and was able to catch a one-handed hold on a branch no thicker than a man's thumb, and nearly three feet in length. At first, only ankle deep in the mud, he attempted to remain afloat by holding onto the branch. In the clutches of absolute terror, the sinking American made continuing attempts to prevent himself from going deeper, though not daring to pull on his fragile life-line, thinking it too weak. His fear of being left with no contact to solid ground was overwhelming. Vito's horrified caution served no purpose. Inexorably, the smothering mud climbed his body until it reached his belly. He knew that before long the quick-mud would swallow him completely, making him another battle statistic . . . one more casualty of the war. He was beyond human help. Now, only God could save him! So, the dying G.I. prayed! He was not concerned with the form of his prayer; nor was his prayer a bashful whisper to God. There, sinking toward eternity, Vito screamed to God for rescue. "God, you've got to help me out of here! No one else can get me out. If I sink in this slit, I'll be lost in battle. Lord! Lord! Don't let me die in this thing. Lord, Help me; take care of me. Save me!" The earnestness of this prayer cannot be doubted. The Lord heard it. And, He instantly answered through a voice! One that Vito heard audibly! "Pull on that branch," it ordered. "But, Lord! The whole bush will come out! I won't have anything to hold on to!" Though Vito questioned the instructions, he did not doubt God was answering him through the voice. He knew the Lord had heard his prayer. Still, he could not bring himself to do as he was instructed. By now, the G.I. was up to his armpits in mud and sinking deeper. Horrorstruck, he screamed louder, "Lord, get me out of here!" Again, the voice commanded, "Pull on that branch." "But, I can see the roots coming out of the ground. If I pull on them, the bush will come out, and I'll be lost." "Pull on that branch." insisted the voice. Again, Vito pleaded the weakness of the roots, but the voice demanded, adamantly, that the soldier pull on the branch. Finally, Vito yielded, submitting to the voice. "O.K. Lord! I'm going to do what you said. You said it. So, here goes." With these words, he yanked on his lifeline. And, it held. Slowly, steadily, the sinking G.I. pulled against the grasp of the sucking quick-mud. It required all his strength to counteract its tenacious claim on him. But, gradually, he managed to extract himself from its smothering grip. Still, so secure was the claim of the quagmire, and so mighty was its suction, that as Vito pulled, the quick-mud claimed one of his snowpacks, sucking off the boot, even though it was tightly laced up to the calf with leather thongs. Interring it, for all time, deep in the mud, it seemed as though the mountain demanded a token be left in exchange for Vito's life. Since then, that long-lost snowpack has been a constant reminder to the veteran of how marvelous his delivery really was. Ironically, after climbing from the cavity to the correct side of the breach, Vito discovered that his mule made the leap without difficulty; together, both returned to the unit. Vito testifies that had he not been a child of God, his body would still be in that mud-filled cavity deep in the Cassino Mountains. "There didn't seem to be a bottom to that mud. When you're in up to your armpits, you're in deep. Buddy, you're on your way down. When I came out, my snowpack was left deep in the mud! Now, that's a tremendous amount of pressure, and that branch was thinner than my thumb!" "When I was ordered to pull on that branch, I could see the roots coming out. I should have obeyed the first time. But, sometimes obedience is hard to take," Vito stated, "His way is not our way, but it's the only way." Vito was rescued by prayer! He was one of approximately twenty-seven young men from the Italian Christian Church in Buffalo, New York, (now Calvary Full Gospel Church of Kenmore, New York) who, during World War II, were called into the armed services. The church set aside one night each week to pray especially for the boys. At these well-attended services, each was remembered before the Lord by name, intercession being made for their well-being and safe return. Most of the men endured many months of intense fighting. Vito, himself, served twenty-six months of combat duty with the Thirty-fourth Infantry Division which, during the war, scored more combat days than any other division in the United States Army, a distinction it still holds. At Cassino, in one particularly bloody engagement, his battalion suffered a casualty rate of over eighty percent! From among more than one thousand troops, he was one of only one hundred ninety-eight men not killed or wounded. Many other of the church's servicemen also experienced heavy combat, but all returned without serious injury, a witness that intercessory prayer is the mightiest weapon of all. And, after the return of the last veteran, together with all the boys who had left, the Italian Christian Church of Buffalo, New York, celebrated the fruit of its intercession with a huge banquet! Prison Ministry Prison Ministry REFORMED AND TRANSFORMED The Nigerian courtroom was familiar territory. For two years Samuel had come up repeatedly before the judge on charges of theft and forgery. And repeatedly he escaped conviction for lack of proof. But this time Samuel presented new evidence. He confessed. Openly admitting that he had forged and cashed checks for almost 30,000 naira was startling enough; but the real surprise came over his motivation. "I was in crime when I committed the offense, but now I am in the Lord Jesus Christ," he said. "Christ has found me guilty." Yet it was not guilt but gratitude that drew Samuel to the court that day. "I am not the same man who committed those crimes," he announced confidently. "I stand before you now, not as Samuel the criminal, but as Samuel the Christian." Samuel the criminal got his start early. "I became notorious in school," he explains¥sneaking drugs, forging documents, stealing, beating up fellow students¥until exasperated administrators finally threw him out of the Abia college. Undaunted and unremorseful, Samuel even expanded his criminal activities. Forgery. Breaking and entering. Car theft. Armed robbery. No man or no business was exempt from his hit list. Large companies, thriving banks, small business, private homes. Samuel wasn't above jumping a train and violently forcing riders to relinquish their valuables. Often, however, his tactics were more crafty. Injecting potent drugs into oranges, he'd offer the fruit to an unsuspecting victim. Then, while the person was unconscious, Samuel took off with the goods. Every situation became an opportunity for crime even when Samuel's brother invited him to a church retreat. "Only if I am allowed to smoke marijuana!" he goaded. Samuel went, tucking his master car key into his pocket. While the congregation prayed¥with closed eyes and bowed heads¥Samuel planned to slip out to the parking lot to steal a car. But God had His own master plan in mind that night. As Samuel waited for the chance to sneak out, he heard the preacher's message. "You must be born again," said the speaker. "You must experience a new birth." What would it profit a man, he declared, if he gained the whole world¥through cheating, robbery, and violence and in the end lost his very soul? The words seared Samuel's conscience; "The Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon me," he now describes. Falling to his knees, he sobbed uncontrollably¥broken by the weight of his guilt and the conviction of God. During the altar call, Samuel went forward, confessed his sins, and¥in a bold expression of surrender to Christ, dropped his gun at the speaker's feet. Later, convinced he must take responsibility for the wrongs he had committed, Samuel confessed to the judge¥earning him a three-year sentence at Kaduna prison. "But it was there I was changed from a high-minded, lustful person to a meditative, humbled servant of God," he says. Left with hours of time on his hands, he pored through the Bible--again and again. Strengthened by the Word and the support of Christian volunteers, Samuel soon sensed God's call to the ministry. When Samuel's sentence was cut short at only 16 months, his first stop was home¥"to reconcile with my parents for being a shame to them," he says. A year later¥true to his call¥he enrolled in Trinity College of Ministerial Arts in Abia state to prepare for the pastorate. Today Samuel's driving goal is to reach out to others caught in the cycle of crime. His ministry leads him to prisons¥even to criminal hideouts¥"wherever I will find my former friends," he says. "For I am in serious search for them to bring them to life in Christ." As he travels throughout Nigeria sharing his testimony and Scripture, Samuel prays for a heart that is utterly devoted to God. "I know the Lord will use me more than the devil used me, if I remain faithful to Him. Many towns in Nigeria where I robbed, snatched cars, and broke into houses have yet to hear me preach the Gospel. Pray that the Lord will open the doors." From JUBILEE INTERNATIONAL, a publication of Prison Fellowship Missions Missions Press Release: MOSCOW MESSIANIC JEWISH FESTIVAL DRAWS THOUSANDS TO OLYMPIC STADIUM Thousands of Russian Jews have come to believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah as a result of the historic Messianic Jewish Festival held in Moscow May 18-20, 1994. In numbers reminiscent of the Book of Acts, over 30,000 people attended the colorful music Festival held at Moscow's Olympic Stadium. Festival activities began on the Biblical holiday of Pentecost (Shavout). More than 10,000 of those in attendance responded to invitations to express their new faith in Yeshua, with at least 5,000 of the new believers being Jewish. A Messianic Jewish congregation was immediately launched with over 500 attending the first service. Each evening of the Festival featured a music concert followed by a presentation of the Gospel of Yeshua, and an invitation to receive Yeshua as Lord and Messiah. Festival organizer Jonathan Bernis of Hear O Israel Ministries explained, "We're not trying to push something. We just want to show people what our relationship with God is like. The Festival was a demonstration of the joy, peace and fulfillment that can be found in a personal relationship with Messiah." The groundbreaking Festival was sponsored by Hear O Israel Ministries, based in Rochester, New York. Hear O Israel Ministries is an organization committed to proclaiming the Gospel to the Jewish people and establishing Messianic Jewish congregations internationally. Messianic Judaism is the faith held by Jews who believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah, yet retain their Jewish heritage and practice. "Messianic Jews accept the Old and New Testaments together as the authoritative Word of God. " said Bering, founder and director of Hear O Israel Ministries. "We are not creating a new religion, but brining people into a personal relationship with the Living God." Messianic Judaism traced its roots to the first century when almost all the original followers of Messiah were Jewish. Messianic performers came from around the would to present a unique musical collage linking Jewishness and Jesus. They sang and worshipped in Hebrew, Russian and English. Those of Moscow's Jewish community in attendance watched first with fascination, then with enthusiasm as the full-scale sound and light production unfolded. American musicians included: Kol Simcha, 12 vocalists who sing traditional, modern and Messianic Jewish songs; Marty Goetz, composer-singer and worship leader; and violinist Maurice Sklar. Winner of many European gold albums, Victor Klemenko of Finland also performed at the Festival. The Festival was publicized through a saturation media campaign, including advertisements on national TV, radio, local and national newspapers, and posters. Street ministry teams distributed close to one half million flyers. The Festival was also filmed for broadcast later this year. It will be aired on prime-time Russian national television, which is carried on satellite and cable in Western Europe and Israel. With anti-Semitism escalating in the CIS, Bernis issued a call at the Festival for the Jewish people to return home to Israel. Bernis commented, "During the past year that I've lived in Russia, I have clearly seen the situation worsen forward the Jews. Several newspapers, radio, and television stations turned us down for advertising, not because of the Festival's evangelistic nature, but because the event was Jewish." According to Bernis' street outreach director, the opposition faced on the streets by those distributing flyers was incidental and spontaneous. However, several of the posters put up around the city were defaced with anti-Semitic slogans, and a few Festival outreach workers were verbally or physically attacked by anti-Semites. Additional opposition came from a few Hassidic members of the Orthodox Jewish community who protested outside the stadium each evening, attempting to hand out anti-missionary literature to the guests arriving to the concerts. Approximately one-half of the people at the Festival were not Jewish. among them a number of Moscow dignitaries, including the Moscow Chief of Police, his supervisors and other officials. These non-Jewish attendees responded positively to the joy and warmth they saw. One guest, making it clear he was not Jewish, said, "I am a Slavic. But I would put in a kippah (Jewish skullcap) and go into a synagogue to see again the new thing that I saw here." The high-profile nature of the Festival prompted one Russian journalist to arrange a meeting between Bernis and the leadership of Pamyat. Pamyat is a fascist Russian nationalist group which seeks to restore the czarist monarchy, and is perceived as virulently anti-Semitic. A delegation of Messianic rabbis met with Pamyat leaders and challenged them to repudiate all expressions of anti-Semitism. The Festival was the second of its kind presented in the CIS. The first Messianic Jewish Festival was held last May in St. Petersburg, and was followed up by the formation of a congregation for the many Jews and Gentiles who just embraced faith in Yeshua. Bernis currently serves as Senior Messianic Rabbi of that congregation, The Messianic Center of St. Petersburg. The new Moscow congregation will initially be pastored by two American Messianic Leaders, Michael Becker and Jeff Bernstein, as well as Kirril Polonskey, a Russian Messianic Jew. The team is committed to raising up local believers to assume leadership of the congregation. A Bible school will open this fall in St. Petersburg to serve as a Messianic training center for the center CIS. Two additional Messianic Jewish Festivals are scheduled to be held this year in Minsk and Kiev, and new Messianic congregations are also planned for those cities. "The goal of our evangelism," said Bernis, "is to establish indigenous enduring Messianic congregations comprised of both Jewish and gentile believers, while maintaining respect for the existing Russian evangelical community. All the literature we distribute is designed to build new believers into real disciples and active members of local congregations." Over 100,000 books and discipleship guides were given to guests of the Festival. Approximately 200 Russians, many of who, came to faith at last year's St. Petersburg Festival joined forces with 80 Americans, Europeans and Israelis who worked together on the event. Bernis summed up: "We were delighted to see that many of this year's dedicated team came to faith at last year's Festival. It is encouraging evidence that the Festivals are bearing lasting fruit." "Hear O Israel Ministries" invites you to join them in Russia for an opportunity of a lifetime . . . REVIVAL IN RUSSIA Minsk: August 12-21 Kiev: October 14-24 An unprecedented opportunity in history to reach thousands of Jewish people with the Good News of Yeshua, the Messiah. If you are evangelistically oriented or an intercessor, this is for you! For information on either the Minsk or Kiev festival contact: Hear O Israel Ministries 1326 N. Winton Rd. Rochester, NY 14609 Tel: 716/288-0670 Fax: 716/288-0428 Education Education THE CHILDREN'S RIGHTS MOVEMENT: SOMETHING TO PRAY ABOUT By Dr. Paul A. Kienel, Executive Director, Association of Christian Schools International If you are concerned as I am about the potential rise of a one-world government, then the resolutions passed by the United Nations Convention on The Rights of the Child will drive you to your knees. Liberal thinkers in the United States Congress are urging President Clinton to sign a United Nations Treaty on Children and join 136 other countries which have already signed on as supporting the proposal. Human Events magazine refers to the U.N. Treaty on Children as an opportunity for "government to supplant parents." The magazine goes on to say: Under the terms of the U.N. Convention on the Child, the United Nations grants power to participating governments to determine children's rights in isolation from parents, family and community. Parental rights and responsibilities in relation to their children are to be determined by the State and ultimately by the United Nations. The United Nations, as a deliberative body with multiple economic networks, international participants, and a variety of enforcement capabilities, would retain jurisdiction. These requirements go beyond the normal purview of government and raise alarming totalitarian possibilities in which the State defines and limits the personal values to those which are 'acceptable' to the State. Parental provisions for the child are to be supplemented by the State in order to meet the required State standard. 1 U.S. Congressman Thomas Bliley, Jr. warns against the U.N.Treaty on Children saying: It would create new national and international roles for governments to secure a child's right to such fundamental necessities as nutrition, health care, housing and education. The Convention represents a potential threat to our form of government. As written, it places government in a superior position to its citizens by granting these rights to children. Many of these "rights" are not presently found in our Constitution, but rather, are considered to be among our inalienable rights endowed by our Creator. Ratification of the U.N.Treaty on Children is not about children; it is about power. It is a potential threat to some of our most precious freedoms, civil liberties and our form of government. 2 There are twenty-eight articles in the Children's Rights Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. While the entire document is alarming, consider article 14 which guarantees to all children under 18 freedom of thought, conscience and religion. In other words, your children could assert their right to study witchcraft or attend a Sunday school for Muslims or Moonies. Under the U.N. plan, your children would, in effect, belong to the world and your parental rights would be subservient to a new world order. Consider article 15 which provides children the right to freedom of association. Under this "freedom" your children would have a legal right to ignore your parental ban on visiting Johnny down the street who plays rock and roll music at eardrum-bursting levels. Under article 15 who could possibly object to membership in gangs? Article 16 gives a child the right to privacy and could mean you, as parent, provide each of your children their private room. However, it would be inappropriate for you to be overly concerned about what goes on in a child's private room. It could also mean that daughters who become pregnant out of wedlock may have abortions without parental consent. As you can see, parents would simply be bystanders while the U.S. under the U.N. would be the "super parents" of the next generation preparing them for life under a one-world government. It's downright frightening! Article 17 is equally disturbing. Dr. Gary Bauer, President of Family Research Council, said, Article 17 gives children a right of "access to the media," which it envisions as the child's primary source of information for "social, spiritual and moral well-being, and physical and mental health." How about that? The media are to be our children's teacher, pastor, doctor and psychologist. What's left for parents to do? Nothing but turn on the set and step aside. 3 If you think there is too much parental apathy going on in our country now, think of the rise in apathy when the United Nations takes over. In your mind you may be asking, "How do rational people come up with ideas as those in the U.N.Treaty on Children? Why would leaders from 136 countries sign such a treaty that greatly reduces the role of parents and places the nurture and training of children in the hands of government? Why would three U.S. legislators introduce resolutions urging President Clinton to seek ratification by the U.S. Senate of the U.N.Treaty on Children? My answer will surprise you. The answer is, the theory of evolution! What? you say, How can that be? Believe it or not, the theory of evolution has been taught as scientific fact for several generations in almost every country of the world. The theory of evolution ultimately reduces the value of life. It teaches that human beings are an animal product of natural selection and not a special creation of God. When the worth of human life is reduced, then less and less care is given to protecting human life. Parents are less likely to care for their children and the practice of abortion and euthanasia rises. Simply put, evolution leads to human devaluation. Human devaluation leads to human neglect. When parents around the world lose awareness of the great worth of their children then a vacuum of neglect sets in and government fills the vacuum with faceless, heartless social programs which often do more harm than good. When it comes to children, a government program can never replace loving parents who love God, love each other and love their children and in that order. The worldwide neglect of children and the growing "Children's Rights Movement" is something to pray earnestly about. 1 Human Events, Washington, D.C. 2 Thomas Bliley, Jr. The Washington Post, Sept.24, 1990. 3 Gary Bauer, Inside D.C., March, 1991. CFI Reports CFI Reports CFI REPORTS (Christian Friends of Israel) CFI REPORTS is our monthly column dedicated to the ministries of CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL in Jerusalem. Our October, 1993 issue of MORNING STAR presented a summary of the various CFI ministries and explained the foundational principles and objectives of CFI. A CHRISTIAN VOICE FOR SOVIET JEWRY A Quarterly Report from Jerusalem "... The Lord liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country ..." (Jeremiah 23:8) APPOINTMENT IN JERUSALEM WE RECEIVED FROM A CANADIAN FRIEND THE FOLLOWING LETTER, REMARKABLE FOR THE LIGHT IT SHEDS ON CURRENT EVENTS IN ISRAEL, AND ON THE HEAVY PRICE THAT IMMIGRANTS FROM THE FORMER SOVIET UNION CONTINUE TO PAY IN THE STRUGGLE FOR THE LAND: Dear friends: This past October, it was my privilege to be in Jerusalem during Sukkot, the biblical Feast of Tabernacles, and to attend the Christian celebration which has been taking place there every year since 1980. Although it was my sixth trip to Israel, it was my first time to go to the Feast. I went with two friends and felt that it was a very definite assignment from the Lord, to meet with and encourage both friends and strangers there. And so it was - a most amazing, Spirit-led trip. I want to let you know about a very special family I met at the Feast. It was an Orthodox Jewish family from Kiryat Arba, a Jewish settlement near Hebron, in Judea (West Bank). My first contact was with two of the older brothers, David (18) and Shalom (19). I had noticed them in the audience, because of their traditional Orthodox clothing and earlocks. They expressed great excitement and joy at seeing thousands of Christians gathered for a Jewish feast (Sukkot), and to show support for Israel. They enthusiastically told me they would go home and tell "their people" that there were such wonderful Christians, who actually did not hate Jews, but loved them. They said their father had taught them to respect Christians, and that he believed we who had come were part of the "ten lost tribes!" I was amazed at their openness and tolerance, their spiritual depth (especially for teenagers), and their good English! They told me that their father, Mordechai Lapid (age 56), had been a "refusenik" in Soviet concentration camps many years ago. Since making aliyah and getting married, he had raised a family of 14 children. He had attended the Feast held by the International Christian Embassy last year, and this year, he was bringing most of his family! I was able to meet them all at the special "Israeli Evening" (a free outdoor concert) at Sultan's Pool. Shalom and his younger brother, Ya'akov (13), were sitting right in front. They enjoyed the program, which included magnificent banners, and a deeply moving presentation of the flags of over 80 countries, which had sent representatives to the Feast. Toward the end of the evening, Shalom took me to meet the rest of the family. The mother, Miriam, was very friendly and sweet. I was surprised that a woman my age could have 14 children and still look so youthful and attractive. Mordechai impressed me as a deeply spiritual man. It was obvious that he had a profound influence on his children, who loved and respected him. While we were talking, Barry and Batya (Israeli Messianic worship leaders), began singing Hebrew praise songs and soon everyone began dancing. Miriam and most of the children joined me, as well as some other Christians, in a big circle. It was an incredible experience, to be there in Jerusalem, at the foot of the Old City walls, Jew and Gentile dancing together. It seemed like a foretaste of heaven! We were all having such a good time, none of us wanted to leave. We stood around and talked until the area was nearly deserted. Miriam invited me to visit them in Kiryat Arba. I said I'd love to, but I didn't dare drive there. I asked her if she was worried about their safety, and she replied that they had removed the glass windows from their van and replaced it with plastic. If rocks were thrown at them, at least they wouldn't be injured by the glass. She said some people put in bullet-proof windows, but that they couldn't afford it. I felt very concerned for them and asked if I could pray for them. She agreed, and so my friends and I prayed for their safety and for God's blessing on them. Since returning home, I wrote to them, and received back a lovely letter, written by David Lapid (18). They also sent a family photo and an invitation to their son's bar mitzvah, at the Cave of Machpela in Hebron! This ancient synagogue (with adjoining mosque) is built over the tomb of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It was several weeks later that I saw a picture of Miriam Lapid on the front page of the International Edition of the JERUSALEM POST. I was shocked to read that her husband, Mordechai, and son, Shalom, had been shot and killed by Arabs, as they were driving in their van near their home. Three of their other children were wounded. This happened just a few days before Ya'akov was to have his bar mitzvah. Evidently, I was not the only one who sensed this was an unusually shocking and terrible tragedy. The article said that hundreds of vehicles and thousands of mourners took part in the funeral procession. It has been stated in several other articles, as well, how wonderful and beloved the Lapid family was. The fact that some extremists took revenge by killing three Palestinians must make the pain worse for the family. Violence is so contrary to their lifestyle, but the reprisal demonstrates what an impact their deaths have had. I telephoned Israel immediately and offered my condolences to the family. Miriam told me, "Every morning I wake and think that it must have been a terrible dream, but it wasn't." She said that of her three sons wounded in the attack, one is still in the hospital, with serious injury to his foot. I can not imagine how she is coping emotionally, with her own grief, as well as the trauma that her children are suffering. Not only was the joyous occasion of Ya'akov's bar mitzvah replaced with his father's funeral, but also three of the children were wounded and actually witnessed the death of their father and brother I don't understand all of the spiritual implications, but I believe it was a vicious, demonic attack. I sense this family was very significant, not only as "pioneer settlers" in Judea, but also, potentially, as a link between the Orthodox and Christian communities. I feel very awed and privileged to have met the Lapids, and I pray that somehow God will make something good out of it, both for the family and for Israel. As David said over the phone, "If only I could see that something had been accomplished by my father's death, I would feel better, but nothing has changed. We are still in danger, even now, and the government is still determined to give away the country." I am sending this letter to all my friends who care about Israel, so that you will be able to pray for the situation there, and for this family in particular. I am hoping to start a fund to help the Lapids. Since there are 13 children to support and their financial situation will be difficult, I would like to demonstrate to them in a practical way that Christians around the world care about them. Sincerely, Betty-Lou Loewen Donations for the Lapid family may be sent through CFI, Jerusalem. The doctor responsible for the massacre of Arabs in the Cave of Machpela in late February (after the above letter was written) was the same one called in to treat Mordechai and Shalom Lapid as they were dying. Acquaintances say their deaths were the ones that pushed him over the edge to murderous action of his own. As part of our commitment to stimulating employment for immigrants in Judea and Samaria (the very territories to which God has promised, in Ezekiel 36 and Jeremiah 32, to regather the people of Israel), we've now begun distributing kitchenware purchased from the factory of the religious kibbutz Kfar Etzion. Four of the factory's 30 workers are new immigrants from the former Soviet Union; another four are from Ethiopia. The kibbutz and other Jewish settlements in the Etzion Bloc were overrun and their defenders massacred on the eve of Israel's independence in 1948. The land was retaken in the Six-Day War of 1967 and the settlements soon rebuilt. Children of the original pioneers have returned and are now managing the kitchenware factory. At the Distribution Center, new immigrants have been very pleased with the quality of the teflon pots and pans from the kibbutz, and the prices we pay are fare below anything available on the retail market. Financial gifts to CFI's Project Open Gates will be designated toward continued purchases from this factory, as well as ongoing immigrant assistance including subsidized dental care, carriages for new babies, and textbooks for students. A group of 100 of these students recently arrived to study at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Seeing that they were in Israel without a home, without their families, and with very little knowledge of Hebrew, we quickly agreed with the university to provide each with the books necessary for starting Hebrew lessons. We've also welcomed many of these students to the Distribution Center for help with clothing and kitchen items, including Diana, Alla, and Svetlana (pictured), who left behind this poem: They gave us here the warmth of soul, And we are sure we shan't forget. We want to respond and should like so. But, so pity, we can't yet. Meanwhile, the need continues at the Center for shipments of good-quality used clothing. Parcels may be sent by surface mail, or in large containers when coordinated with our office. Christian Friends of Israel PO Box 1813 Jerusalem, 91015, ISRAEL Tel: 972-2-894172 / 894187 Fax: 972-2-894955 Music Music MUSIC FROM THE HEART, FOR THE LORD By Teresa Giordanengo Morning Star Editor It has always been my firm belief that music communicates to us in a universal language and is intended to be used as a way of expressing glory to God. I feel that music that comes from the heart is done with deep feeling and thought and reverence to the Lord. What a wonderful way to express ourselves! Surely the Lord knew this when he created music for us, and how thankful we are that He gave us this gift of music. In my church, Belmont Christian Church, we are very careful as to what type of music we use. In my early years, the music was more solemn and done in a rather slow tempo. We used some of the more rhythmic hymns but we were always careful not to give it too much of a beat. With the advent of the electronic church, the people became more open-minded about sacred music. The music began to change. We know that Jesus loves everyone and in many parts of the world, sacred music is played very differently. The culture differences play a big role in the way music is played, but still to the glory of God. It should be noted that the text or lyrics are very important because they can express joy and happiness as well as solemn and reflective thoughts. It should also be apparent that music is understood to be a means of pleasure to our society. It has been said that unless the lyrics are of a sacred nature, it is not worth singing. Many times words to secular music is changed so that the beautiful music can be used to the glory of God. I feel that the Lord gave us the different cultures to enjoy everything according to the Holy scriptures. He gave us everything to enjoy according to what we know is best for us in order to do the will of the Lord in our lives. I want to be led by the Spirit of the Lord in all things. Much of my life has been dedicated to service in the church as either a pianist, organist, choir member, choir director or even to sing with the congregation. For the last thirty years Connie Bruno is at the organ and I am at the piano for every Sunday service. Whatever music is to be played, we do it together. We ad lib and actually think alike in our playing. We feel this is a gift from the Lord for which we are most thankful. Besides playing for the congregational singing we also play the prelude, offertory and a special rendition each week. During the mid-week service a guitarist accompanies the singing rather than the organ and piano. Many of the people in the congregation clap their hands to the Lord when singing hymns that are joyful. There is a time for everything. A time to be quiet and a time to be jubilant I feel that there is room for everyone in the music department. All God's children have a place here whether it be as a singer, instrumentalist, director, or in the assembly. Surely, when the music comes from the heart giving Him all the glory, God is pleased. We express our thanks, our joy, and our adoration to the Lord in music. I tend to feel that God rejoices with us when beautiful music reaches His ears and if He were present in body with us today, He would be raising His hands and clapping right along with us. Joy is the key to our expressions of love and unity and thankfulness to God. "O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph (Psalm 47:1)." In my church the congregation applauds after the organist and I play a special hymn each week. This is very humbling to me and to Connie. It was hard for us to accept at first but then we realized that our Lord and Savior deserves all the glory we can give him in all ways! I believe that even the applause we hear at times in the church is appropriate if it is done with the knowledge that we are not applauding for the performance but for the talent the Lord has given us and for the inspiration we have received. We are so happy to be able to use our talents in the church to the glory of God. We give Him all the honor and glory due Him! At my church we are asked to give a "clap offering" to the Lord for his goodness and for all He has given us. Many times the congregation will stand and clap as well as shout praises to the Lord. In closing I want to share this correspondence I received showing us how the Lord can use each and every one of us, if we LET Him. This came from a dear sister in the Lord, Karen Kay, in Ohio: I have talked to quite a few people, who have done something wrong in their lives, and they feel God doesn't love them anymore. They are worried that because they sinned, they won't make it to heaven. We have all sinned and come short of the glory of the Lord. I was in bed, half asleep and these words started going through my head. I got up, typed them on the computer, and showed them to my husband the next day. I'm not a writer, so was a little embarrassed to show my husband the song. My husband (El), read it and had tears in his eyes, and he said the song was anointed. My husband put music to the song. We went to church and El picked out the notes on the piano. I have a tape of El singing the song in church. El can play the piano, guitar, and drums some. He also sings in church and sings solos. I run the sound board, since I have no musical abilities at all. Here's the song: GOD, I'M SORRY God are you mad at me? God do you hate me? God am I going to hell? God, I'm sorry! I've let you down again. I want to live Your way, but I keep on letting You down! Each time I fail You, I tell myself, I won't fail You again, But I keep on letting You down! I truly gave my heart to You, I asked You to take over my life, I told You I was sorry for my sins, God I really meant it when I said I love You! But I keep on letting You down! God, Your Word says, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Even when I let You down, does that mean that You still love me? God, Your Word says to "Repent" and You will forgive me. You sent Your Son to die for me, so I know that You do love me! Praise You Jesus; You went to the cross for me, And You died for ALL of my sins. Now You're in my heart, because I asked You to come in, That's how I know I'm saved. I will never hear God say, "I knew you not; depart from me". Even when I let God down, I know He still loves me. I'm saved, and I will see His face! And I want you there with me! Come meet Jesus with me, Let Him cleanse you of all of your sins, And we'll praise Him forever more! And we'll praise Him forever more! And we'll praise Him forever more! I am sure God is smiling favorably at the beauty of the music filling the air because it comes straight from the heart in reverence to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Chef's Corner Chef's Corner NOTHING COULD BE BETTER THAN EASY SUMMER COOKING AND REFRESHING DESSERTS ON A HOT SUMMER DAY! GRILLED PEPPERS - 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. thyme, 1 tsp. basil, 6-8 assorted bell and hot peppers, salt and pepper to taste. Mix all marinade ingredients together and set aside. Wash peppers, cut in two and remove seeds. Place peppers on plate and season well. Pour marinade over and marinate 15 minutes. Preheat barbecue at medium. Oil grill. Place peppers on grill and cover; cook 12 minutes. Turn peppers over 4 to 5 times during cooking and baste occasionally with marinade. Avoid charring peppers. Serve at once. BROILED PEPPER SALAD - 1 yellow pepper, halved, 1 red pepper, halved, 1 green pepper, halved, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, smashed and chopped, 1 dry shallot, chopped, 2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley, 1 tsp. chopped fresh tarragon, 3 tbsp. tarragon vinegar, juice of 1/2 lemon, and salt and pepper. Preheat oven at broil. Place peppers cut-side-down in baking dish. Sprinkle each with few drops of olive oil and season well. Place on middle rack in preheated oven and cook 10 to 15 minutes. Remove and set aside. Place garlic, shallot, parsley, tarragon, remaining oil, vinegar and lemon juice in small bowl. Season and mix well, using whisk. Pour dressing over peppers, season and marinate until cooled. SHRIMP KEBABS - 20 large shrimp, shelled, deveined and cleaned, 3 green onions, cut into 2-inch lengths, 1 cup blanched snow pea pods, 2 onions, cut into wedges, 2 large carrots, pared, sliced 1/2 inch thick and blanched, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp teriyaki sauce, 1 tbsp. lime juice, 2 tbsp. chopped fresh ginger, salt and pepper to taste. Alternate shrimp and vegetables on skewers. Mix remaining ingredients together in a bowl and brush over kebabs. Place skewers in oven about 6 inches from top element. Broil 3 to 4 minutes on each side. If desired, they can be cooked on grill in the same amount of time. Be sure to baste several times during cooking. BARBECUE FRANKS (HOT DOGS) - 1 pound franks and 1 basic barbecue sauce recipe. Lightly score franks and place in glass baking dish. Pour barbecue sauce over franks. Marinate for 1 to 2 hours. Remove franks from sauce and place on hot grill or broil in oven, basting with sauce until franks are done. BASIC BARBECUE SAUCE - 4 tbsp. water, 1/2 to 1 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce, 3 tbsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 2 tbsp. margarine, 3 tbsp. ketchup, 3 tbsp. brown sugar, 1 tsp. chili powder, 1 tsp. mustard and 1/2 tsp. pepper. Heat to boiling. ROAST BEEF BARBECUE - 6 lb. chuck roast, cubed, 3 stalks celery, diced, 2 onions, 1 green pepper, 1 small bottle ketchup, 1 1/2 cup water, 3 tbsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp. brown sugar, 1 tbsp. salt, and 1/2 tsp. black pepper. Combine everything except meat and bring to a boil; pour over meat and cover. Roast in 350 degree oven for 6 hours. Set aside until cool. Skim off grease. Spread with wooden spoon. Can marinate in refrigerator 1 or 2 days. Heat and serve. Delicious on Kaiser buns. FLUFFY CHICKEN CASSEROLE - 4 cups diced cooked chicken, 2 cups cooked rice, 2 cups soft bread crumbs, 1/4 cup pimento, cut fine (add liquid to broth), 1 (4 oz.) can sliced mushrooms, 2 tsp. salt, 2 1/2 cups chicken broth, 4 eggs, well beaten. Combine chicken, crumbs, rice, pimento and mushrooms. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Combine broth with eggs and mix into other ingredients. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour in buttered 9x13 inch pan. A sauce of 1 can mushroom soup and 1 cup chicken broth can be served with it at the table, if desired. HOT BEAN SALAD - 1/2 stick butter, 1/2 cup onions, chopped, 1 tbsp. vinegar, 1/2 tsp. light mustard, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup ketchup, 1 can kidney beans, 1 can butter beans, 1 can baked beans, 1 can mushrooms. Combine the butter, onions, vinegar, mustard, brown sugar and ketchup and simmer 20 minutes. Wash kidney beans and butter beans. Combine with the baked bean and mushrooms and place in a casserole dish. Pour sauce over beans and bake 30-45 minutes at 350 degrees, covered. SPINACH SQUARES - 2 boxes chopped spinach, 1/4 cup chopped onions, 1 lb. Monterey Jack cheese, 1 cup milk, 3 eggs, 1 cup flour, 1/2 tsp. baking powder, salt and pepper and 4 tsp. butter. Cook spinach and squeeze out water. Mix together first 4 ingredients. Then beat the eggs, flour, salt, pepper and baking powder. Combine with spinach mixture. Melt the butter in a 13x9x2 inch pan. Spread mixture in pan. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Let stand a few minutes, then cut into squares. FOIL COOKED ONION RINGS - 2 cups thinly sliced onion rings, 2 tbsp. melted butter, 1 tsp. honey, 1/4 tsp. Kitchen Bouquet, salt and pepper. Mix ingredients together. Wrap in aluminum foil. Grill for 30 minutes on grill or bake in oven for 30 minutes at 375 degrees. Serve over steak or hamburgers. POTATO CASSEROLE - 1/4 cup butter, 1/3 cup chopped onion, 1 1/3 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded on large hole of grater, 1 pint sour cream, 1 can cream of chicken soup. Cook 8-9 medium potatoes with jackets. Let cool. Peel and shred on large hole of grater. Mix together with potatoes all ingredients. Add salt to taste. Sprinkle with corn flakes (crushed) or French fried onions. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. REFRESHING KEY LIME CHEESECAKE - 1 graham cracker crust, 1 cup lime juice, 1/4 cup water, 2 (1 1/4 oz.) envelopes unflavored gelatin, 1 1/4 cup sugar, 4 eggs, slightly beaten, 1 tbsp. grated lime peel, 2 eggs, separated, 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened, 2 (8-oz.) packages cream cheese, softened, 1/8 tsp. salt, pinch of cream of tartar and 1/4 cup sugar. Make graham cracker crust for bottom of 9-inch springform pan; set aside. In saucepan, combine lime juice, water and gelatin. Let stand 5 minutes to soften. Add 1 1/4 cup sugar, eggs, 2 egg yolks, and lime peel. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture is just boiling; reserve. Beat butter and cream cheese until well mixed. Gradually beat in hot lime mixture. Refrigerate. Beat 2 egg whites, salt and cream of tartar. Beat at high speed, scraping bowl often, until soft peaks form. Gradually add 1/4 cup sugar; beat until stiff; fold into lime mixture. Pour into crust. Cover; refrigerate until firm. Loosen edge of cheesecake with knife; remove pan. Serves 12. LUSCIOUS RASPBERRY CHEESECAKE - 1 1/2 lb. cream cheese, 1 1/2 cups sugar, 2 whole eggs, 8 oz. orange juice, 4 oz. raspberry puree, 3 egg whites. Crust: 1 cup graham cracker crumbs and 3 oz. butter Toppings: 8 oz. orange juice and 4 oz. raspberry puree Blend cream cheese; add sugar and eggs. Reduce orange juice by half over high heat; add raspberry puree. Add this to the cream cheese. Fold in 3 egg whites beaten until stiff. Mix crumbs and butter to form crust. Pour mixture into crust and bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. Leave cake in oven for 10 minutes; then cool for 1 hour. Blend orange juice and raspberry puree, and top cake. Serve 10.