Subj: Post taxday letter :) Date: 94-04-16 13:00:11 EDT From: Patoby April 16 1994 - 5 Iyar 5754 Hello again folks! Yes, I'm still here - some of you were wondering why you didn't get a letter for 2 weeks. I've had to cut down on AOL related work a bit for various reasons - I will be publishing this letter every 2-3 weeks or whenever I have enough info to pass along to warrant a mailing. IT'S *YOUR* LETTER FOLKS >>> Take advantage of this Christian email service! Send news items of interest to the online Christian community or requests for information or practical assistance to me so I may pass them along to the over 1000 people receiving this letter. REMEMBER >>> Prayer Requests and Praise Reports should be sent direct to MinuetteT - she will be posting them collectively online. To find, read and copy the weekly prayer needs and praise reports use Keyword RELIGION, enter MESSAGE CENTER, enter CHRISTIAN LIVING folder, enter AOL WEEKLY PRAISE & PRAYER. Please *do not* post your messages in that folder - send all messages to MinuetteT - she will post them all together. This will keep the folder viable. HELPIN OUT >>> "Cook2Eat" is looking for a place for her 15 year old son to go to learn the benefits of hard work and self discipline. He is not a good classroom student and has recently had a couple of brushes with the law. She wants to get him somewhere where he can learn in another forum such as a Youth Ranch. Reply direct to "Cook2Eat" on AOL. HELPIN ME OUT >>> I need a volunteer to send a disk each month to someone in Florida and another to someone in Canada with the monthly DOS edition of MORNING STAR. If you can commit to one of these, please send me a note. "SHOW ME STATE" HELP >>> Anyone from Missouri that downloads MORNING STAR magazine? We would really like to make it available on a BBS in that state! COMING SOON >>> The nightly Christian Fellowship chat rooms, currently on Mondays and Fridays will soon be expanding to a couple more nights each week. (Hooway!) The rooms are open all day, but we will be having official topic-based meeting times at 10:00 PM (e.s.t.) in the near future. Stay tuned for more details. BROKEN RECORD DEPT >>> Folks, I REALLY need a little help from more of you. I don't want money - just a *tiny bit* of time. Three weeks ago I asked for help with two articles for upcoming issues of MORNING STAR. I had two original ideas that required only a few minutes of time from anyone to make it work. Sadly, out of over 1000 people getting this letter, only TWO (2) people replied to me. I can't understand this as I believe *everyone* could help with these ideas - hence, I will try again: Article #1 is for the July Witnessing issue. We have ALL seen Christian bumper stickers on cars. I want to publish an article showing some of the most interesting ones. This should take about 2-3 minutes to do. Can you send me some bumber sticker sayings that you have seen and what STATE you saw them in? Your comments on what they say are also welcome. Article #2 is for the August Bible Study issue. I posed the question; "If when you got to heaven Jesus said you could meet and talk to any three people from the Bible (other than Jesus) - which three people would you like to meet and talk to?" Also, could you send me a few sentences about one of these people (your #1 choice) on WHY you would like to talk to that person and what you might ask or say. This too shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes of anyone's time to do. It will make for a great survey-type of Bible study! S.O.S. >>> I still need a lot more material for upcoming issues. I know many of you (over 200 each month) download MORNING STAR and I know you want to see it keep going - but I cannot do it alone. I need articles, stories and testimonies from you and people you know, (i.e. friends, relatives, chrurch members, your Pastor!) Here are upcoming Feature themes I need material for: July: WITNESSING August: BIBLE STUDY September: PRAISE, PRAYER & WORSHIP October: ABERRANT DOCTRINE November: WALKING THE CHRISTIAN WALK (Young adults, singles, couples, seniors) We also need Testimonies and articles for our MISSIONS, MUSIC and EDUCATION columns. REMINDER >>> The April issue of MORNING STAR is now available online. To find MORNING STAR use Keyword: RELIGION, enter LIBRARIES, enter MORE folder, enter PUBLICATION library. There are now 31 issues there, each in DOS, WINDOWS and MACINTOSH formats. Enjoy! WINDOW DRESSING >>> For those who download the WINDOWS edition of the magazine, the rumor mill says publisher Steve Paulovich is up to something that involves audio - stay tuned! Until next time - remember to honor the Lord who gave you that computer with some of your time and effort! Toby :)