Mycenaen Mysteries is the new working title for my own research and work into Archaic Greek religious workings, as it is far wider in spectrum and truer in description. I now have plans in expanding this into an actual work to be one day presented to the pagan community at large as an option, as thru my research I have found no Neo-pagan group existant or previous that truly has dealt with the subject within their own structure, just as there are many sects of Wicca dealing with Celtic belief. It is a Pantheistic and also a Polytheism-based project, with the concept that much of what was handed down thru the centuries since Homer has been distorted and mistranslated or changed from Homer on. My research has found that Homer was not a person at all, but a group of scribes, storytellers and temple priests, who were ordered by the Athenian ruler Pisistratus in the 6th century BC to create the Iliad and the Odyssey (the first from old records the second totally from the cloth of their imaginations) in order to assist the establishement of an agreed version to govern reciters at public festivals, so that they would project a religious belief in line with the goverment control of the populance of the time via their own beliefs, establishing "State Religion" that would become eventually the tales that we have now. There may have been other works at the same time, but they failed to survive the errosions of time (except some simple just-so type stories that predate Homer). Thus The project involves the study of archaelogical reports and writings, historical stuidies of what was going on in the world at the same time of the period of Greece that the Mycenaen culture, and comparison readings of the various myths of classical Greece with the known factors of the actual culture of the time. Into this I will probably enmesh some of my own personal philosophy, beliefs and concepts as such cannot be avoidable by any practitioner of the craft, but I hope that it will produce a coherant and acceptable whole to base my practice upon (My main problem with Wiccan groups I have been with was that their rituals were based on Celtic or EGyptian culture, neither of which suits me in total). The Mycenaens were influenced by many sources in their own culture, including Persian and Egyptian, and so reflects a more intergrated version of Paganisim, one that may be as much a reflection of their times as Wicca is in ours. Any and all input on this subject are welcome, here, thru by BBS (508-663-6220) or thru Snail-mail : 40 Allen RD., Billeirca, MA 01821. Thanks ahead of time for all of such. May the Goddesses & Gods smile upon you.