From Sun Jul 21 14:54:34 1996 Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 17:11:16 -0400 (EDT) From: Reply-To: To: Subject: tariqas-digest V1 #73 tariqas-digest Friday, 19 July 1996 Volume 01 : Number 073 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Ivan Ickovits) Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 17:58:09 -0700 Subject: Re: Riddle from Chief MB > > >>> got any idea what the following series refers to: >>> >>> ottffss... >>> 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 >>> steve >> >Got any idea what the following series refers to: > >1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ... >fibonaci numbers where each new entry is the sum of the previous two >mas > > > Raqib - -- <<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>> ------------------------------ From: Michael Moore Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 18:16:59 -0700 Subject: Re: Poetry "class" Hello, Since I am the one who suggested putting 'poetry' in the title so that I can delete it, I feel that some people got the wrong idea about my attitude (not that anybody should care). The truth is, I love poetry, I linger on each word. It might take me an hour to read one poem. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do justice to the beautiful poems that I have seen here. Anyway, please keep up the poetry; even though I don't have the time to enjoy it, It does bring a warm feeling to my heart knowing that it is being written. We need all the beauty that we can bring into this world. blessings - -Michael- ------------------------------ From: (Jacquie Weller) Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 18:27:20 +0100 Subject: Re: Poetry "class" >Maarof said on Thursday: I feel >sad when I see a friend (we are all friends here) has to indicate >the "poem" title in the subject area. It reminds me of a group of >people had to wear yellow arm-band during WW2. Martin said in reply: - --Some of those people now proudly wear a star of David hanging around their neck as jewelry. Is that not a transformation of the "negative" aspect of labels? Jacquie said in reply to Maarof and Martin: It's ok Maarof, because my Grandmother is Jewish, so I don't mind the yellow ribbon, I will turn it into a yellow bird. All my life as a young person and even by adults I was considered odd or different because of Poetry. Perhaps I live in the wrong country. Kaffea Lalla. ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 09:42:44 +0800 Subject: Re: Poetry "class" >>I wrote 2nd-class? I'm sorry ... I don't mean to offend anyone. > >--Yes, you wrote it. No, you didn't offend anyone (as far as I know). hmm... was thinking of controlling one's nafs in this case. One never know in this case. Are you offended? >--Recall my earlier post about "experience of new medium". We all >have a tendency to write quick responses, forgetting them later. >Also, the quick answer sometimes is unrefined, and the quick reading >sometimes is over-sensitive. It's a new medium. Nothing to be sorry about. > > I feel >>sad when I see a friend (we are all friends here) has to indicate >>the "poem" title in the subject area. It reminds me of a group of >>people had to wear yellow arm-band during WW2. > >--Some of those people now proudly wear a star of David hanging >around their neck as jewelry. Is that not a transformation of the >"negative" aspect of labels? Those wearing yellow arm bands meant to be "eliminated". This is what I "feel" about this issue of labelling one's post. Unconsciously, we are imposing conditions on others to speak by labelling things as "noise", "babble" etc. The proposal IMO is a disguised attempt to "eliminate" certain group of people from this list. >From the experience living in a congested city, I agree rules and regulatons are necessary, but life can better if we are able to tolerate and "love" others. >martin > salam maarof ------------------------------ From: (Jabriel Hanafi) Date: Thu, 18 Jul 1996 23:18:30 -0500 Subject: Walid al Wali Being smashed against, and imbedded into rocks, so only an imprint of what is human is left is just another type of tombstone. I am reminded with fossil accuracy real vulnerability etched in stone, shattering the thoughts of my white water river rafting mind, with its scattered fragments futile and hankering for control, to dominate, be dominated, to join in strength to fight newly made make believe enemies. I was not born to pit my will against the determination of cosmic rapids, against the currents of the universe -- Though the thoughts which are forever thinking me would have me believe otherwise. What Governs what as I skid across the choppy waters of this path? I don't know. Walid is just another veil which I surrender to, knowing that I am, after all the peacock flurries included in the repertoire of this dance I am authentically powerless living a life always and forever which remains unmanageable. Jabriel - ----------------------------------------- Jabriel Hanafi Pivotal Point Dynamics ------------------------------ From: Steve Phillips Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 01:45:08 +0000 Subject: the prodigal son the prodigal son war and bloodshed hunger and disease they are like the prodigal son returning to the house of his father, the father embraces him with great joy and orders the fatted calf to be slain for a banquet in honor of his son's return. the brother feels cheated, why should my father embrace this wayward one and order a banquet in his honor when he has never honored me throughout all my years of faithful service? the prodigal is also confused, how can he be so forgetful of the wrongs I committed is the thought in his heart. because the father shows love, the two brothers are enmeshed in bitterness they have lost sight of what really matters they have lost their feelings of kinship and love. only the father sees things as they are. war bears a gift of justice. disease bears a gift of mercy. hunger bears a gift of charity. Allah, be merciful to us, who understand so little, lead us through the wilderness in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of cloud by night to the land of promise. help the criminal to embrace the priest and brother to embrace brother, whether wayward or obedient, that your way may be the light we seek. teach the wayward son to understand he has never departed from the father's house and teach the obedient loveless resident how even he has become a prodigal. steve. ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 02:09:48 -0400 Subject: help on hadith and al-Tirmidhi hello friends, help on the history of hadith and al-Tirmidhi please! I have reading some books on .hadith. I find 3 descriptions concerning al-Tirmidhi, with 3 distinct dates of death - --- 892 C.E., 910 C.E., and circa 932 C.E. Are there 1? 2? 3? al-Tirmidhis? 1. From Maulana Muhammad Ali, A Manual of Hadith: Tirmidhii as author of a collection (.sa.hii.h) is given with date of death 279/892. This Tirmidhii is also known as Mu.hammad ibn `Isa Tirmidhi. 2. From G.H. A. Juynboll, Muslim tradition: al-Tirmidhi whose date of death is cited as 910 C.E. His own master is given as Mu.hammad b. Ya.h-yaa b. ^QAbd Allaah (died somewhere in the period 866-872 C.E.) Al-Tirmidhii is there given as the author of Al-jaami` 3.From A. Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam: Mu.hammad ibn `Alii ibn al-Ha-san al-.Hakiim at-Tirmidhii (whose time of flourishing is consistently cites as 898 C.E.), date of death is given as circa 932 C.E. all clarifications appreciated. in peace, Jinavamsa ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 02:31:35 -0400 Subject: Re: Poetry "class" In a message dated 96-07-18 17:58:58 EDT, you write: >It reminds me of a group of >people had to wear yellow arm-band during WW2. Hey maarof, how 'bout we ALL use the subject line designation of "poetry" on all our posts? :) ((just kidding!! :) love to ALL! sorry, i seem to have fallen out of love... but it's pulling me back now.. :) In this editor ... there's an icon labeled "save changes"... <> love, love, love, carol ------------------------------ From: "M.I.S. DEPT" Date: Fri, 19 JUL 96 00:49:38 Subject: Re: Riddle from Chief MB 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 .. this is Fibonacci sequence. Noordin ------------------------------ From: frank gaude Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 06:07:31 -0700 Subject: RUMI 1375 I'VE COME AGAIN like a new year to crash the gate of this old prison i've come again to break the teeth and claws of this man-eating monster we call life i've come again to puncture the glory of the cosmos who mercilessly destroys humans i am the falcon hunting down the birds of black omen before their flights i gave my word at the outset to give my life with no qualms i pray to the Lord to break my back before i break my word how do you dare to let someone like me intoxicated with love enter your house you must know better if i enter i'll break all this and destroy all that if the sheriff arrives i'll throw the wine in his face if your gatekeeper pulls my hand i'll break his arm if the heavens don't go round to my heart's desire i'll crush its wheels and pull out its roots you have set up a colorful table calling it life and asked me to your feast but punish me if i enjoy myself what tyranny is this ghazal number 1375, translated March 17, 1991, by Nader Khalili tanzen ------------------------------ From: frank gaude Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 06:10:28 -0700 Subject: Ancient Ray of Creation (7 of 7) The Laws of Three and Seven (7) - --------------------------- We are down to short strokes now, passing the Mi/Fa and Si/Do constrictions, into the next octave. Do you believe it? No, don't, as we are just getting started. We have yet to learn to be still, to meditate. As our aim, our desire, sharpens, we see that to get on the path requires much effort to control the machine that we are, this robot. We are made up of nothing but habit patterns and when we try to do something we quickly see we don't have the power, the force within us to do, to change, to go in the direction we wish. So we back up, and learn to be still through meditation, through relaxation. Desire carries us along such a path; whence comes desire? You already know the answer: The Universe wills to know self through you. We have the knowledge, the truth, but we are still at a loss, have little force. We are a slave to our passions, to our negative emotions, to nature, to earth. How do we rise up along the vertical scale (Jacob's Ladder, side-octave), up the sun octave? (Vertical scale is in the sixth dimension; the fifth is perpendicular to the line-of-time, the fourth. The fourth and fifth are horizontal, first line then to plane, crossing those lovely infinities. A moment for a planet could be years for a human. A week in our life is nearly a life time for some ants. Time is relative depending on level, scale.) "Everything happens!" A human's chief delusion is that he can do. (The next is that he is conscious.) But actually nobody does anything and nobody can do anything. Everything simply happens, just as snow melts under heat of the sun, and rain falls as a result of change in temperature of the atmosphere. Humans are machines but few believe you if you tell them such. It is quite offensive but it is the truth: few wish to really know truth, being sweet to the taste but souring so quickly under potential digestion. It is not in the nature of things to be able to do other than follow laws laid down. The laws of nature are obeyed even if we think we bypass them. Nothing save the Absolute is free, has free will. Understand the Ray of Creation and know your position, your purpose. Any will we have is controlled by laws laid down, laws that govern our nature. We are not fully free! Gnosis (influences coming from within, from above, from sun), marifah, deals with possibilities available within the framework of laws we are under, from 96 to 24 laws. At the level of sun there are only 12 such laws. Thrice sapiens can touch, can glimpse Level of Three Laws, All Worlds, but never the One Law, Absolute. "No person can see the face of God and live." Why are we so restless? So anxious? All elements of created, transformed universe seeks by evolution to return to their source (the essence within, the 3s) and all things crave this satisfaction or fulfillment. Everything is deprived, incomplete, as separate creation, and everything seeks completion--an atomic particle, a person, a planet, a sun, a galaxy (angels). In regard to the Absolute, Unity, we humans are sectioned into 48 laws, on average, for those on earth. Humans are conscious of more than mere physical, many of us know the sun represents more than our physical eyes perceive it to be. It is home-base intelligence! It is what we are made of. We are aspects of the sun, just as sun and stars are aspects of the Absolute. Truly from that standpoint, we have the Absolute, God, The One, within us (as does all things). Our gnosis octave, starting from the left Do: truth-tolerance-wisdom+++justice-faith-unity-love+++ Do Ra Me Fa Sol La Si The "+++" between wisdom and justice (Me-Fa) and between love and truth (Si-Do) indicates the position of the missing half-tone, the placement required for Law-of-Seven shock, for continued movement to occur as straight line, or as spiral in eternity. Justice is the fulcrum. Each of the words used to indicate a point along the octave requires much work to understand, digest into being. This is gnosis: Conscious Work! Spirit - architect; mind - builder; matter - building. At each level along, up and down, left and right of, the Ray of Creation we have this triad of spirit, mind and matter (energy), octaves within octaves, demonstrating Law of Three into eternity. Our consciousness is designer, builder and participator in creation, transformation. Goal: become conscious of WHAT we are! Allaho Akbar - Peace is Power! CREDITS AND SOURCE MATERIALS Much of my understanding of Ray of Creation comes from Maurice Nicoll and his work during World War II. See "Psychological Commentaries, On the Teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky", Robinson & Watkins: London, 1964 (five volume set). Other elements in Laws of Three and Seven come from intuition (architect, builder, building); bits and pieces, such as the truth-tolerance-wisdom progression, from secret teachers, Kahunas with unknown names. Author Colin Wilson has been the impetus for me seeking a direct relationship with life, along with Francis of Assisi, for whom my mother named me, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Presently I am a devotee of Hazrat Inayat Khan and his works. Alhamdu'lillah tanzen lake tahoe california usa ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 12:36:58 -0400 Subject: woodsong just label me woodsong and delete everything i say... because it's all meaningless anyway... therefore i love you. :) love to all! (thanks tanzen :) ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 12:36:49 -0400 Subject: tao te ching Do you want to improve the world? I don't think it can be done. The world is sacred. It can't be improved. If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it. If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it. There is a time for being ahead, a time for being behind; a time for being in motion, a time for being at rest; a time for being vigorous, a time for being exhausted; a time for being safe, a time for being in danger. A Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them. She lets them go their own way, and resides in the center of the circle. Tao Te Ching - Stephen Mitchell translation ------------------------------ From: frank gaude Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 10:00:58 -0700 Subject: Re: the prodigal son Hello, everybody! Steve Phillips wrote: > > the prodigal son [...] > only the father sees things as they are. [...] > Allah, be merciful to us, > who understand so little, > lead us through the wilderness > in a pillar of cloud by day > and a pillar of cloud by night > to the land of promise. Amin Thank You. Coming from secret this is passed on to You: ALLAH SPEAKS Mighty Humanity, I would speak with you: My own child you are, and you know it not. You are My joy, My peace, My love. You are Me. We are one; I am a God in you and with you--I am not a God apart. I made you in My Own Image. When you think, I think; what you say, I say; where you go, I go; without you, I can do nothing. But you know Me not, and I am grieved. What is created can as well be destroyed. Do not force Me to undo the Work which I so lovingly molded. My desire is to speak through you, and, when that cannot be done, I must crush the clay and begin to make another through whom I can speak. Your life I made, and your life is Mine to do with as I desire. Unless My Will is done, you perish. I would not have this, but such must be your fate if you do not carry out My Plan. My only intent is to evolve Myself; that means evolving you. You do not know that your mental faculty now being addressed, which you call Consciousness, is merely a mechanism that does not contain a motivating power in Itself. It is just one of My many Tools with which I do My Work. You have lost sight of this fact and imagine that the Conscious you is the whole machine and that that machine is self-sufficient. I SPEAK with you only to give you loving aid; therefore, listen to Me and know who you are. I was once just a Will. In your language, I would be called a Cosmic Will, an instinctive Intelligence existing throughout what you call space. And in this space there was nothing--just Myself. I was not in what you know as dimensions. I was a Spirit effusing all the reaches of the Infinite and the Eternal. And there was nothing else. You wonder when I began? You would think of Me as in terms of your time-measurement? I never began! I always was! I AM the beginning and I AM the end! Before I created matter, there could be no time reckoning. You know time as matter moving through space, and where there was no matter, there could not be what you know as time. I was not a consciousness, nor an individual, nor a personality; I was a sea of Spirit; I was not even an impersonal force. There was nothing for force to act upon, thus no force existed. I was an impersonal Mind--that was all. I SPOKE and became Intelligent radiant energy I was then force as well as intelligence. This energy was to Me what your fingers are to you. My Will directed and My Energy acted. Again I SPOKE, and My Energy became Matter--lifeless matter. Energy formed billions upon billions of physical bodies in space which whirled about at My Command. Among these celestial bodies was a tiny speck of matter--your world. My Will directed this world matter to shape itself and to live. And this was done. But I was not satisfied with this first life-form which was unconscious of itself. I made it into many different forms until at last it became Conscious of itself. It then became a personality. I now had become individualized. But still I was not satisfied. Here I was and here I did not know Myself. In not knowing Myself, I was limited where I must not be limited; I did not know My Powers, and in not knowing My Powers, I could not use them. Without their use, I was as limited as any piece of clay. All that had gone before was not an end to My Activity--merely a step in the direction of fulfilling My plan and of improving upon My Essence out in the void. I then made this life into a form which recognized Me and worshipped Me. This life-form was Me but as yet it was child, worshipping Me as many gods existing outside of itself. I then caused Myself to evolve to such a degree that the individualized outer-self (consciousness) reached a state of expansion wherein it recognized My Existence and called Me 'Soul'. I, the original, impersonal Cosmic Instinct (Sub), had now become the individualized Inner-Self (superconsciousness), capable of impressing My will upon the outer-self. I had at last found My Voice. Thus did I finish My Work, I had made Humanity, the perfect Tool; made You to obey My Command and to fulfill My Divine Plan. I blessed and sanctified My Labor. I rested and was satisfied. - ----------------- tanzen ------------------------------ From: Craig Johannsen Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 10:31:19 -0700 Subject: Re: A question about the harm or good of music No one (at least that I noticed) replied to the question of music and its value or potential harm to one's spiritual development. I forget who asked the original question, but it sent me off to my digital Koran to find references to the word "music" or the word "song". Surprisingly, I found none! Does anyone know of anything I may have missed? I have heard warnings that listening to music outside the appropriate context can limit one's level of attainment. Can anyone elucidate why this is so? Music is so pervasive in our Western culture here that it is very hard to avoid. Some businesses play music all day as a way to calm, soothe, or relax their employess. Many telephone systems play "elevator music" at you when you are put on hold or are in a queue waiting for someone to answer. ------------------------------ From: Thomas McElwain Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 21:44:00 +0300 (EET DST) Subject: music Assalaamu Alaykum Rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Hello Craig! It was me, your old friend Ali Haydar, alias God, who is guilty of introducing this can of worms, music. Of course, by My word, all things. I am singing the universe into existence, its only existence is my song. When I stop singing, you and everything else will cease to exist. Music is a powerful thing. Yours in sweetness, Ali Haydar ------------------------------ From: Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 16:46:56 -0400 Subject: Re: test In a message dated 96-07-18 09:55:58 EDT, you write: >as-salaamu 'alaykum > >test > >wa salaam > >A. N. Durkee Test was recieved WA-Laikum Salaam Sh. Kenyatta ------------------------------ From: Date: Sat, 20 Jul 1996 05:03:15 +0800 Subject: Re: A question about the harm or good of music On Fri, 19 Jul 1996, Craig Johannsen wrote: >No one (at least that I noticed) replied to >the question of music and its value or potential harm >to one's spiritual development. > >I forget who asked the original question, but it sent >me off to my digital Koran to find references to >the word "music" or the word "song". Surprisingly, >I found none! Does anyone know of anything I may have >missed? Try searching something on why the Quran is revealed in Arabic. My ears heard Arabic as a sort of "musical" language. I never fully understand why the the Quran is "sung" not actually read or recite. My theory (yes, speculation) why the Quran is "silent" on the subject of music because music is something that is associated with language (culture). Each culture/tribe has its own "music" or "beat", and a friend said, this "music" is actually the "voice" of the spiritual heart. Personally, i'm attached to the sound of the flute. So again Craig, try searching fo the words "listen", "deaf" or similar expression in the Quran, and also "the deaf heart". salam maarof ------------------------------ From: (Richard Bennett) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 09:52:46 -0500 (CDT) Subject: * Statement (fwd) Assalamualaikum... My brother... Abdul Ghani.. Hi.. wish you're doing good... Anyway.. just drop by to forward you this mail... sorry... can't stay here any longer.. I have class in 3 minutes time.. Well.. take care.. Wassalam... the one man... with honor... yusriman... *---------------------------*---------------------------* | In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful | *---------------------------*---------------------------* "The Muslim community of Malaysia offers its heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of all those who died in the crash of TWA Flight 800. As President Clinton stated: 'We do not know what caused this tragedy... I want to caution the American people against jumping to any conclusions.' If the crash is ultimately determined to be an act of sabotage, the Muslim community and its leadership would unreservedly condemn any individual or group found to be responsible. Unfortunately, the President's principled stand is not being mirrored by some members of the media or by individual 'security experts' who are offering unsubstantiated claims of responsibility, unsourced commentary and raw speculation hinting at links to Islam and Muslims. These individuals, who remain a minority, do a disservice to the profession of journalism and to the billions of Muslims worldwide who will feel the negative impact of such reckless reporting. The day is long past when the entire Muslim community can be held accountable for the actions of those operating outside the boundaries of their faith. No other religious or ethnic group is held to such a standard. When a gunman attacks a mosque in the name of Judaism, a Catholic IRA guerrilla sets off a bomb in an urban area, or Serbian Orthodox militiamen rape and kill innocent Muslim civilians, these acts are not used, and should not be used, to stereotype an entire faith. We call upon media professionals and experts to exercise restraint in their reporting and commentary, in order to prevent the type of anti-Muslim scapegoating we witnessed following the tragic attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Journalists and commentators should not use religious terminology such as 'Islamic,' 'Jewish' or 'Christian' when describing acts of violence." - PLEASE ANNOUNCE, COPY, POST, AND DISTRIBUTE - ------------------------------ End of tariqas-digest V1 #73 ****************************